The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

Chapter 164 - Time bomb

“Ha ha ha ha… Chinese Dong replaced Henry, this is the most funny joke I have ever heard.”

On the last day of the winter transfer period, Dong Fangzhuo became the target of all England fan jokes. Individually speaking, Dong Fangzhuo’s current ability is no problem, but if he is compared with Henry, then there is no comparison.

Dong Fangzhuo: This season has just risen in Manchester United, and ascends step by step as a newcomer, the little prince of Manchester United in the eyes of Chinese fans.

Henry: Almost has already won the football’s Grand Slam super scorer, in addition to a Golden Globe and a Champions League, the eyes of fans around the world, the king of Highbury, the king of the gun king.

Moreover, the value of the two people is even more incomparable. Judging from Dong Fangzhuo’s current performance, the value of 8 million pounds is low. It may be doubled, but Henry’s value? As the hottest striker in this period, he is worth 40-50 million pounds, which is still a conservative estimate.

Dong Fangzhuo naturally saw these news, and thankfully he did not talk nonsense in front of the media, which reminded him of a sentence Li Yi said to the media before-my guard is like Henry, and his nickname became Li Yi Yi. This nickname can’t be washed away in a lifetime.

However, what kind of prince will Xiangxiang? In the battle of Highbury, it is unknown who will kill the deer. In case of a win at Highbury, what will be your reaction?

He is full of anticipation for the away game of Highbury.

Of course, the mood of Chinese fans is also very complicated. The English people look down on Dong Fangzhuo, which makes them very unhappy.

“Although the gun king is good, the king Dong is not bad. Don’t be beaten.”

“I believe Xiao Dong will definitely block their mouths with goals and Arsenal will definitely lose to Manchester United.”


The FA Cup has not completely dissipated, people have already focused their attention on Highbury Stadium. On Tuesday night, British local time, Arsenal will face Manchester United in the 25th round of the Premier League. For the Gunners led by Wenger, there are too many reasons to win Manchester United-the end of 49 undefeated myths, ” The enmity and grudges that occurred after the “Pizza Gate” incident, the elimination of the League Cup, and the direct participation in the Champions League next season…

In the face of Arsenal, who has long claimed to be revenge at home, Ferguson, the Manchester United coach who has been accustomed to the big scene, still seems very calm-at least on the surface, it is no wonder that the recently vigorous Mourinho has also publicly expressed his wish to worship The lord is a teacher.

Highbury on the evening of February 1, waiting for the Manchester United general to have endless verbal abuse, but Ferguson firmly believes that his disciples have enough experience to deal with the big scene:

“There will be a hostile mood there, but our players have experienced a much worse atmosphere in their careers. The Giggs, Keane, Scholes and Neville brothers have all played for the club for many years. They have experienced a lot in these years, they know how to face everything.”

He then cited the example of the Battle of Anfield: “We were in Anfield almost two weeks ago. We need to know that the battle between Manchester United and Liverpool is not much worse than this one. The atmosphere at that time was enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand upright. Get up, but we still have to stick to the fight, and the game of Leeds United and Manchester United is the same, just like in a melting pot. Although the game with Arsenal does not have the same tradition, Hebley will be incredible.”

Ferguson also showed the demeanor of the two clubs for more than a year. “We went there to play. There is a good discipline system in our club, and this is not accidental.” All members must comply with the regulations, and I am proud of it.”

Talking about the possible outcomes of this battle of focus, Ferguson said: “If it is a tie, neither side will be satisfied, and Chelsea will be the biggest winner. If we tie and Chelsea beat Blackburn, then They only need to win 10 games, and then it’s too difficult to catch up with them.”

However, Ferguson’s remarks turned the topic to Dong Fangzhuo.

“Yesterday, all England was joking about Dong, thinking he couldn’t compete with Henry, but I want to tell everyone that he was under 20. And he doesn’t need to compete with Henry, where is the 20-year-old Henry? The first professional contract was signed, and he only scored 9 goals that season, but look at Dong, how many goals did he score for Manchester United this season?”

“Wait, one day, he will hit your face.” People are laughing at Dong, aren’t they laughing at his vision? Ferguson is of course unhappy, and Dong Fangzhuo’s performance this season is obvious to all, very good, why should he be used by the media to ridicule and be ridiculed by English fans?

“Probably, the board of directors told the world in this game that it is tragedy to despise him.”


This is the third war gunner of the Red Devils this season.

If Manchester United can win Arsenal on the road, it will also end Arsenal’s unbeaten 32 rounds at home.

Both Manchester United and Arsenal can only maintain their hopes of winning the championship, and Arsenal also hope to take the opportunity to revenge. The defeat in Old Trafford in October last year forced them to end the unbeaten record of 49 league games.

In this game Keane partnered with Fletcher and Scholes on the 21st birthday today. Sylvester returned to the starting line instead of Brown, and Fanny and Saha were still placed on the bench.

Touré is still sidelined due to the suspension, and Sigan and Campbell partner in the centre-back.

Arsenal lineup (4-4-2): Armonia; Lauren, Campbell, Sigan, Ashley Cole; Yongberg, Flamini, Vieira, Pire; Borg Camp, Henry

Manchester United lineup (4-3-3): Carroll; Gary Neville, Ferdinand ~ ~ Sylvester, Heinze; Fletcher, Keene, Scholes; Ronaldo, Rooney, Dong Fangzhuo.

The weakness is in Sigan.

As soon as he played, Dong Fangzhuo targeted Arsenal’s backup central defender Sigan.

Xi Gan, the legendary time bomb, Dong Fangzhuo knew very well. This is due to the fact that every time Manchester United played, he always sat in front of the TV watching Manchester United.

Xigan’s psychological quality is not strong, he is always habitually putting himself on the oolong, and often makes low-level mistakes. Dong Fangzhuo didn’t want Xi Gan to be the oolong in the game, but compared to picking Campbell, it would be better to toss Xi Gan.

Although Xi Gan once won the best player in Ligue 1, Dong Fangzhuo determined that he was looking for a chance in this game…


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