The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

v3 Chapter 117 - I\\\'m sick

  Santos is not an indecisive person, otherwise he will not be in the Portuguese coaching position for so long, leading Portugal to achieve such good results.


   Shaking his hand, he pointed at Ruo Mario, and soon Mario came on to replace Moutinho. Bruno also came up to replace Geddes.


  Although Santos didn’t want to change so quickly, since Dong Fangzhuo had changed, he had to cope with it, otherwise he would suffer too much physically. Of course, his tactics will not change, because Dong Fangzhuo has not changed. He still has only one idea, resist the Chinese team’s attack, and then seize the opportunity to fight back.


   But he did not dare to move to the third substitution quota, he must leave a substitution quota to ensure that the team will not fight because of injuries, he has not been crazy to the extent of Dong Fangzhuo.


  Fight again, the two sides of the Chinese team are still suppressing, the Portuguese defender. Crazy speed makes both sides fly away and people turn their horses. The 30-year-old Feng Renliang is still not old yet, and he can play with the ball on the wing, making Guerrero miserable. He quickly got Guerrero a yellow card.




   “He was the hero of the last World Cup,”


“If it weren’t for injury, he would have been the starting team of the Chinese team. Looking at the way he took the ball reminded me of Robben. Although he was not as strong as Robben, he did every move reasonably. This time Guerrero It’s in trouble. If Feng continues to charge him with speed, he may still have to get a card. Santos doesn’t seem to have the idea of ​​changing him down, but the Chinese team’s tactics are very targeted and they have always wanted to break their defense.”


  Santos, of course, found the problem, but he still didn’t want to use the third substitution quota. It’s still early.


Unexpectedly, after another five minutes, Yang Liyu also got another yellow card from the wing. Cedric and Guerrero both got the cards. This is equivalent to half of the two arms of Portugal. It is quite dangerous. .


Cristiano Ronaldo kept beckoning in the midfield and signaled his teammates to attack forward boldly. The team retreated too far back. Portugal hardly played any beautiful offense. Cristiano Ronaldo played defense in the midfield and backcourt more often. I forgot to attack.


   “Before the game we all said that China is the oldest team in the World Cup, but where is the oldest now? All the players on the field are strong and powerful. Maybe Portugal will be dragged down.”


After another Portuguese attack failed, Dong Fangzhuo personally rushed the ball to the frontcourt, Fonte and Pepe maintained the depth one by one, and finally Mario intercepted Dong Fangzhuo from the side, but Mario failed to pass the ball Okay, the pass was too obvious. Wu Xi broke the ball in the middle of the shovel. After climbing up, he immediately handed it to Zhang Xizhe. Zhang Xizhe did not dare to stick the ball and directly picked it up to Feng Renliang and Feng Renliang in front. Suspension and passing, directly over Guerrero, who was a little scary, and then sent a half-height ball to his left foot!


With a cry, the ball entered the big penalty area of ​​Portugal. Although Fonte stretched his leg to block it, he was still half a shot slower. Fortunately, there was Pepe. Pepe grabbed the ball before Dong Fangzhuo. It is the corner kick of the Chinese team.


Pei Pei quickly bent down to take a breath. This is a lot of age, and he still has to fight like this, which really tired him. After he finished breathing, he quickly went to find someone to mark, and Dong Fangzhuo had already stood at the corner flag to prepare for a corner kick. .


   “Pepe’s physical fitness is estimated to be a problem. At this age playing the main force, and playing such a difficult final, it is difficult for him.”


   “But he is still the most reliable defender in Portugal. No one can replace him.”


   corner kick, Sure enough, Pepe pushed the ball out, he perfectly interpreted the role of world-class center defender, b seat got the ball, immediately slew to Felix! Felix’s legs were also full of strength and speed. At full speed, the ball rushed up. Wu Xi had a side shovel, but there was no shovel. Yang Liyu came and tried to pull the tail of his shirt.


   Soon Felix drove the ball across the midfield, and only Wang Gang and Zhang Lin could stop him. The two had never closed on both sides. Once he couldn’t figure him out, it was estimated that the Chinese team’s defense would break.


   But 33-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo rushed up in the middle of the road, next to Feng Renliang. The two men did not give each other speed and crossed the midfield, but Feng Renliang always slowed him down half a pace, Cristiano Ronaldo was ahead.


   Felix’s eyes afterglow also observed C Ronaldo’s running position. But as soon as he gritted his teeth, he stabbed straight out. Although Wang Gang knew he was going to do this, he still slowed down half a shot when starting. Felix easily caught the ball on the left bottom line. When Wang Gang just rushed over, he calmly used his left foot to make Wang Gang directly Out of the bottom line.


  When Zhang Lin came over, Felix pushed the ball near the penalty spot, and Ronaldo rushed up with a big step, never let Feng Renliang take the half-point position.


   “It’s over, it’s over!”




   Watched Ronaldo’s right foot kick towards the ball. At this moment, everyone felt like it was going to be finished.


   On the occasion of a critical attack, Feng Renliang guarded against the shovel from the right!


   How dare he!


   Too risky!


  Not paying attention is a foul.


   Bang! The sound is very crisp, the right foot is just in front of the ball! He successfully prevented Ronaldo’s shot.


  C Luo immediately fell forward on the turf and then hugged his right ankle in pain.


   “A foul?”


   “Are there any fouls on this ball?”


   “Can’t you get a penalty?”


  Tackling from the side and rear is quite dangerous and can be divided into several situations.


   shoveled the ball without hitting anyone


   After hitting the ball and hitting the person by the way, the referee thought that the action was not sloppy, not reckless, and did not force the ball too hard.


  When hitting the ball before the tackle, first hit the person, the goal is to the ball instead of a common foul, direct free kick


  When hitting the ball before the tackle, first hit the person, the goal is to the person instead of the ball yellow card + direct free kick


  Dangerous tackles, flying with both feet, tackles in the back and other actions that endanger the safety of the opponent, no tackles are hit, yellow card;


  Putting down people, red card tackles are the more technically difficult moves in football The specifications of the actions must not endanger the safety of the opponent. That is, the direction of movement, the strength, the height of the tackle foot, etc. are limited. The specific punishment depends on the situation at that time.


  At this time, the head referee also lost his judgment. He suspended the game and prepared to go to see var, but at this time, the Portuguese players had surrounded him and asked him for a penalty. They pointed to Cristiano Ronaldo lying on the turf while complaining.


  The referee still pushed them away and walked off the court.


   This kind of controversy must see var, this is the World Cup final!


   TV retransmission footage is also continuously replayed.


   “Don’t you foul?”


   “It should haven’t touched Cristiano Ronaldo’s feet.”


   “There is absolutely no problem, this is definitely not a penalty.”


   “It’s just inertial fall.”


   “Or, Ronaldo dives, he is old.”


   “The head referee should be able to see clearly in var.”


  Everyone is waiting anxiously.


   This time the referee watched for a long time in front of var’s camera, almost a minute.


   Finally, when he came out, crossed his hands and gestured, and pointed to the bottom line.


   “Goal kick!”


   “This is a perfectly correct sentence!”

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