The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 11 – How the Elite Committee Works

Unexpected. Honestly unexpected for Kai. In fact, if he thought even a little, he would know that the two of them might want to come over and apologize right now.

But this visit was not in his planning.

'No stress. Me taking Kaede's virginity wasn't in the plans either, but I was impulsive anyway. My thoughtlessness also led to this moment.' Kai took his time to process Kaede's face filled with shock and she pushed her face into his chest. 'And Sora just let that happen so I wouldn't get careless. I trust her warnings too much for me not to remember to live my way. Thanks for the advice, honey!'

{Sorry to do this without telling you, even if you don't like being forced. But I also know my husband and I know this is going to be better than worse.}

'I'd beat your ass bloody if you were here...' A vein popped in Kai's forehead, as much as he understood why she did it for him.

{As if you could make me bleed, silly! But I accept the punishment...} Sora was also a pervert, but at least proud of her strength.

"I'm sorry about that." Kai lifted Kaede's face, "Go shower now, I'll see what they want."

"Are you going like this? Can't we just ignore them?" Kaede saw that Kai was practically naked, her responsibility. She also didn't want the moment to end like that, as she wanted more intimacy.

"No. Go now." Kai lifted her off the table and headed for the door as Kaede went to the bathroom with a pout.

After he opened the door, the scene surprised him a little. Madoka and Aki were standing in the doorway, each carrying a box of chocolate that looked very expensive. Madoka was also in her Tennis clothes, while Aki was in her Volleyball clothes.

"Hi- You're naked!" Madoka was already wearing an apologetic smile, but her vision immediately went to Kai's lower parts, fixating on the thing hanging between his legs. Aki also opened her little mouth and her eyes followed the pendulum movement.

"Yes I am. What do you want?" Kai looked at their phenomenal bodies in their sportswear. He almost wanted to pull them in and 'forgive' them, but he just got his lesson in patience leads to absolute victory.

"-aren't you going to wear clothes?" Madoka swallowed hard and knew she wasn't going to concentrate properly.

"Any chance of you two doing whatever you want is going to be lost the moment I close that door. I have company, so please hurry." Kai remained polite and spoke as he looked directly at them.

"Company? Is there a girl there?" Aki got the message well and her heart felt a little tight with it.

"It's none of your business." Kai replied without looking at her, "Talk soon, I don't have time to waste."

"W-well..." Madoka looked at Aki and took her hand, turning her attention to Kai, "We'd like to apologize for what we did and if we hurt you for it. We didn't ask how you felt, and we were selfish when you were selfless."

Aki recovered from her shock and continued, "That's why we came here to ask if y-you would like to date us both. We're going to be the best we can be and make you happy. Please accept our feelings."

They bowed to him, but enough for him to see their faces flushed and nervous at what he would say.

'Holy shit, don't make this difficult for me. It's almost torture to do that... But what to do, right? I'll relax for you then.' Kai really felt like pulling them in now, but had to hold on tightly.

"Is that all?" He didn't move and asked with a raised eyebrow.

"J-just that?..." Aki looked at him in shock and a tear couldn't help but run down her cheek.

Madoka also felt a shock go through her body, and she held herself back from having a broken heart.

Kai then raised both hands and pulled both girls by their collars. They stumbled and almost fell, but Kai was strong and caught them both.

Now their faces were almost pressed together and their huge breasts were touching each other. Kai's warm body and numbing scent also entered their nostrils and they wished they had more lung space so they could breathe more.

Kai brought his face infinitely close to their lips, "I kissed you, sucked your breasts, thrust my fingers deep into your pussy. I played with you until you came many times on top of me. And you come with a box of chocolates and a sexy outfit to make me forgive you?" He was looking at the scenery in the distance while the two were looking at him.

"And what do you suggest we do? We can do everything to have your forgiveness! We just want to be with you!" Aki was almost eating her lips from biting so much. Her heart couldn't take this game anymore and she just wanted Kai to accept her already.

"Kiss." Kai released their collars and blurted out the suggestion, "If you kiss now, I'll give you a chance to forgive you."

"Kiss her? Here and now?" Madoka looked at Kai in shock and then looked at Aki, who was also looking at her strangely.

"Yes. I'll give you 3 seconds." Kai pressed a little harder.

Reason nearly fled the girls as they quickly approached each other. They had one last moment to assess each other, and then their lips connected.

Madoka brought her left hand to Aki's cheek, with her right hand to Kai's chest. Aki also did the same thing, but with switched hands. They kissed poorly at first, but it was a break in their logic that led them both to indulge more in the addictive sensation. It was as if they were committing a taboo without knowing it.

"Tongue." Kai recalled as he watched the two.

They didn't say anything, just followed what he said and started using their tongues too. They didn't forget to show their enthusiasm for Kai, even licking each other's lips from time to time.

When a few minutes of hot kissing had passed, they broke apart and looked at Kai with eyes blurred with pleasure. Their hearts almost jumped out of their chests with happiness when they saw his first smile in a long time. They were suffering so much that the idea of 'yesterday' was 'a long time'.

"Tomorrow night, at my house. You have to find out for yourselves where I live..." Kai was really excited about the scene, but he couldn't show much. He finished talking to them and closed the door, leaving them outside.

Madoka and Aki stared at the door for a long time, but then they turned to each other.

"YAAYY!" x2

It was a tacit understanding they had. They hugged each other and tight in it, feeling their hearts pounding with happiness. They constantly stared at each other and after another 'yay' they hugged again.

"Did you see the size of it? MY GOD!" Aki was the first to break the hug to say another word.

Madoka put her hand over her mouth to express her shock, but the ear-to-ear smile didn't escape her friend, "I'm still in disbelief!"

"You are amazing, Madoka! No, Ma-oneechan!" Aki couldn't help but kiss Madoka on the corner of her mouth.

"We're amazing, Aki-nee!" Madoka was also bursting with happiness.

They took their uniforms that they left by the water tank and put them on over their sports clothes. They weren't crazy about changing clothes anywhere, because there could always be someone watching. If that person was Kai, fine...


After watching Kaede shower and wash, much to her pleasure, Kai and her went downstairs together for the rest of their classes. There was only one class left before the day's classes ended, as it had already been arranged that the remainder of the time before club activities would be for students to submit their admissions to the Elite School Committee. Anyone could submit an admission, but the probability of entry would be very small. Kai would use different means to funnel the true talents among the crowd, be this talent in any area.

The real motive was clearly to get all of his current targets together and have more contact opportunities, so that everything would go smoother.

The secondary objective of this Committee was to function as a true talent agency within the school, and this agency would be responsible for training and disseminating the skills of these students. Sports, culinary skills, writers, artists and many other talents would be part of this committee. The activitie clubs would still exist, but they would have to 'borrow' from the committee if they wanted that talented person. And the Committee's training ground would open the next day, and it was almost the size of the school's territory, with facilities many times better. It was an almost absolute difference between the club's low-investment facilities, as if they were in two different worlds.

For the sake of explanation, let's take Madoka as an example. She's a great tennis player, and one that could easily win a championship. The problem is that since she is part of a club, the training, the glory of the victory and many other opportunities belong to the club as a whole, stealing her credit and even going to other people if mismanaged. This could all lead to the loss of a future Olympic talent, both here at Horizon Institute and elsewhere in Japan. This was one of the arguments used for the Elite Committee to be accepted.

Let's say then that Madoka leaves the Tennis club, but enters the School Elite Committee as an elite tennis player. She would have to train even harder to remain as such, and her skills would be uniquely trained. The moment the tennis club needed her for some championship, the marketing and glory of the entire event would be mostly taken by Madoka. The club only played a part in letting her compete on their behalf and receive the school's tax break. And if they refused to invite her to compete due to envy or any other reason, the Committee would have full availability of an independent presentation. But that would be bad for the Institute as Madoka would represent herself as a person and junior player, not as a student.

All this would inevitably cause a boom in her career, both professionally and personally. The pressure would be greater, yes, but the Committee was also responsible for managing the individual's entire professional profile and ensuring the success of their studies. She could also be called upon for interviews, training camps, marketing different brands of equipment. Her resume would go up in the stars before she even decided to go to college!

That was why everyone was extremely eager to send their resumes to Kai, and see if they were up to par with the entry criteria. Practically the entire school sent in their admissions, and those who didn't were either out of it or working in it!


"Guess I'll have to call Chiaki..." Already waiting for what he was seeing, Kai kept scrolling and admissions kept pouring in on Elite Committee's independent website. Thankfully, he had already set up a separate server for this, so the site didn't freeze or crash. But the sheer amount of admissions was cloying. And he was sure people would send more, because they would eventually say they had a skill they forgot to put in and that kind of thing.

After communicating with her and asking some analysts from his company to filter on these admissions, Kai started to select some that he already knew by heart. It was obviously all of his targets, the ones he's already talked to and the ones he's going to have the opportunity to talk to now. He left one person out as he would surprise her later. Also, selected some boys and girls who showed great talents, whether in studies or in other areas.

"Now that that's taken care of..." Kai relaxed in the leather chair, but his eyes narrowed to a list of a few names, most of them men. "I really wanted to slit your throats really slow and easy, but I think I'll leave it to the girls to decide..."

His cell phone on the table then rang with a notification, and he flashed a creepy smile.

"Looks like three from that list can be taken care of now..."

He then started heading towards the women's athletics club.



Author Note: Any grammatical errors or wrong spelling, please let me know. Sometimes it passes... :)


Bad Joke#11:

Have you heard the rumor about butter?

Never mind, I shouldn't be spreading it.

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