The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 14 – Counseling & Drinking the First Potions

{Wake wake, my handsome hubby! My chocolate cookie, my sweet alfajor, my passion fruit mousse! Get up so you don't be late!} Being woken up like this everyday by Sora's voice, Kai had to admit that he got pretty spoiled. It was simply angelic.

'Everything you do to me is nothing but miserable torture, darling...' Kai was about to burst with longing, hearing her voice but not being able to touch her. It was just excruciating.

{Hehe, wouldn't that be an incentive for you to do everything right? Not to mention you 'touched' me a lot in your dreams, naughty!} Sora laughed a little, knowing they were both suffering for the same reason.

'This one doesn't count, I want more...' Requiring all of his willpower to get up, Kai finally got out of bed.

Taking only a few minutes to get ready, he made a beeline for the kitchen and grabbed some potions. Yesterday he said he would train, but he was too lazy and decided to go to sleep. But since the Committee's training ground was opening today, it would be put to good use.

He took a sports bag, which already had his training clothes, and put three potions to drink today. Two Strengthening Potions and one Dexterity Potion. He figured he could handle the load of that.

{You will get it. Although reaching the marks of 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and so on would make your body hit a 'wall', it is easier to control if the increase is so little.}

"So I'll be careful. Every day I drink three bottles, raising my three other stats by 0.1, every day until it run out. It's more effective and I can have much better control of my strength." Kai closed the bag and had already put everything in the car.

After picking up Kaede and Kaori, the former, having to ask him a lot to give her a ride, he went straight to school. He parked in his private lot and then walked with the two of them.

Time passed very quickly and soon classes were over. There was a general knowledge test, just to test the students' sharpness, but it was very easy. Soon everyone was free to go home or go to their club. But out of all the students, the most excited were definitely the students admitted to the School Elite Committee!

At that moment Kai was already in a room, looking like a simple office, but very well detailed, and in front of him were two girls. He had already spent nearly an hour talking to several students, usually in trios and pairs to save time, about their future prospects and handing over their training schedule, written by personal trainers. This was so that the students would realize the care and train hard not to leave the Committee at all.

"Haruka, Yuina, first of all I would like to congratulate you on making to the committee." Kai greeted the two girls, who smiled slightly at him, "And even if I congratulate you, it's not very fair. After all, it was you two who trained so hard and always stood above the rest!"

"Thank you very much, Kai-san. We try hard, but we never imagined that something like this would happen to us!" Who spoke was a girl with dark chocolate skin and bright purple hair cut just above her chin. Her lean, athletic figure in the school uniform almost gave away her great swimming talent.

Haruka was looking at Kai, trying not to talk about how much she admired him. He was very popular at school, and some girls were fangirls heavy on him. Haruka was one of those. Her childhood friend even bothered a lot about it, but she always ignored him.

"I wonder how hard you worked to be here too, Kai-senpai. We are all worthy." The other one who spoke was a tall, athletic girl. Her hair was currently loose and her black hair reached close to her ass. She also wore a tiara on her head, and many who knew her found this behavior odd. After all, she never wore her hair down and even that smile she spoke with never appears when she talks to others.

But something that not everyone knows is that she is Mariko's sister, and consequently the sister of the boy Kai saved from the bullies. Which was why she wasn't indifferent or cold towards him, as she had yet to thank him for that.

"Then it's our glory!" Kai smiled at them and continued what he was supposed to do, "First I'd like to talk about Yuina, Ace player of the volleyball club. Unfortunately none of the other girls besides miss Takanaya (Aki) qualified for this, because I think they became very dependent on the two of you and ended up relaxing." Kai poured tea for both of them and suggested they sit down when he leaned on the office desk himself and started reading the report.

"As the team's Ace, your Opposite Hitter position is very well assisted by Setter Takanaya and that's why you two are so good. Now you will have independent training three times a week and joint training twice. Not to mention that you will also start doing exercises to exercise your body as a whole, not just practice every day. Here's your training schedule. It was made by the coach of the national team." Kai handed the report and training sheet to Yuina, who stood up in surprise upon hearing it.

"The NATIONAL team coach??" Her mouth dropped open in shock, and her eyes didn't believe what they were seeing. She went through the training she would have to do and started to feel sorry for herself.

"Yes, himself. We tried to contact the Brazil coach but he was unavailable. But depending on your performance, you can attend a training camp there." Kai took the opportunity to throw another bomb at her, which worked when he saw her mouth open even more.

"Thank you very much, Kai-senpai!" Yuina had to control herself not to show her happiest smile and jump up and down like a little girl. Since she had to maintain her posture and still needed to talk to Kai, it wasn't proper to do so.

"Continuing. Haruka Sato, our best swimmer from the co-ed swimming club. You have a great academic record, and are preparing for the championship that will take place in a few months. But, according to some reports, your spirits have recently waned and the commitment to training is weaker. Was there a problem?" Kai read her report and then waited for her response.

"Not really a problem. This isn't home or relationship issues, as my parents are laid back and, well, I've never been in a relationship. But my best friend, my childhood friend, has been studying with me forever and he makes a lot of effort to participate in the same things I do. Because of that, he joined the swimming club and..."

"And he can't keep up, soon dragging you down too." Kai concluded easily. He already knew the story of Haruka, who had to sacrifice her own dignity for an imbecile who didn't know his place.

Sometimes he wondered if he would feel sorry for this childhood friend, but the guy couldn't even look at himself and tell if he was good or not at what he did. This entailed handing her friend, and passion, over to other men. Therefore, it was Haruka who lost the most in all of this, being treated like an object and would never achieve anything in her life again, wasting her enormous talent.

"Exactly..." Haruka lowered her head slightly, feeling a little bad.

"Well, it's your decision to do what you want. But know that it's not worth spoiling your potential on behalf of others. If you believe he can do it, then let him try while you do yours. If he doesn't make it, what is there to do then? You are not his mother, nor is he a child who cannot accept failure. We're in high school, not competing for the Olympics." Kai honestly gave his point of view. It is very irrational for you to do everything to get a talentless person to engage in that activity. Someone, one hour or another, will show him that all the effort and sacrifice of others was worthless and he remains useless. Not to mention it's pretty arrogant of someone to believe they can't fail or go wrong at what they want to do.

"Got it." Haruka seemed to understand Kai's opinion and felt better about herself. For always having her childhood friend chasing her everywhere, she felt obliged to always make room for him to be there. And that wasn't necessary. She wasn't in love with him and didn't even consider him her boyfriend. Therefore, HER effort was not necessary for him to arrive somewhere.

"Great. Here's your training schedule as well. There are two more girls swimming with you, and I would like you to stay to introduce one of them." Kai finally sat down in the chair after handing over the reports of the two, "Yuina, you can go home now, training starts tomorrow. I would also like you to talk to your sister so that she can apply to the committee as well. I know she has talent in Business and English, it would be great to have her here."

Yuina got up and walked over to Kai's desk and bowed slightly, "I know it might sound a little boring, but I'd like to thank you again for helping my brother. We fought for him after all and it was hard for us. You are a good man, Kai-senpai. Thank you very much!" She was a little flushed after saying all this.

"Don't worry about that. Your sister also thanked me and Mitsuru is a good boy." Kai smiled at Yuina and made her blush even more.

Right after this interlude, Kai asked another girl to enter the room while Haruka waited and Yuina took her leave. And who walked in was Akane, her expression more animated than usual.

"Apparently you already know why you're here, so I won't say too much. Haruka, you may already know Miss Nanao, a former swim club member just like you. Akane, you must also meet Miss Sato, talented member of the club." Kai reintroduced the two and smiled when he saw their gazes clash.

The two girls looked at each other with a mixture of anger and shock. Akane's resentment was apparent, while Haruka's frown made the situation quite obvious to anyone watching.

"So it was this cash cow you wanted to introduce me to?" Haruka got up from her chair and glared at Akane in a very menacing way. But really it was just a facade to keep her strong.

"If I'd known I was going to come in with that board, I'd rather you hadn't accepted me." Akane was also holding back so as not to slap the girl.

Kai spent some time looking at them and only when he felt that a fight might break out did he speak again.

"Well then, you two are now part of the School Elite Committee and you are no different from each other. Akane, I know it's going to be difficult for you, since unfortunately your place was taken by Haruka and that's why you were dismissed. And Haruka, it's no use saying you don't like Akane. You two, sit down!" Kai spoke with authority and the two begrudgingly sat down close.

"In the first place I called you here to solve this. But since neither of you wants to hear each other out, I will speak on your behalf. Akane, Haruka has always been your biggest fan and you have been her inspiration from the moment she got into swimming." Kai watched Akane glance at Haruka, who was looking at the floor and blushing a little at being noticed, "Haruka, I hope you find forgiveness in your heart for the name-calling Akane gave you when she found out she was leaving. You must have already put yourself in her shoes and seen how bad it is and you would have done the same."

The story was pretty simple. Akane was the club's top female swimmer, but she "grew" too much and the spotlight and championships would no longer be concentrated on her, as her performance dropped a lot. Then they found Haruka, who took her place and left Akane in the shadows completely before being dismissed from the club.

"Were you really my fan?" Akane tried to take it all in and asked while looking at Haruka.

"Yes, and I still am. But the day you got the news, your words really hurt me. And I know if it wasn't for the girls, you would have hit me." Haruka looked at Akane as well as her fidgeting in the seat told of her anxiety.

Talk goes, talk comes, the two finally got along and were dismissed with their training schedule. Akane's was relatively different, as she would have to train her muscles a lot so that she could excel with speed and strength.

After another hour of talking with the other students, Kai finally had time to himself. He grabbed his bag and headed straight for a planned training room. It was a big place with several obstacles and some body weights.

Now in the bathroom, Kai was naked and looking at himself in the mirror. He did some poses and tensed his muscles so he could register how he looked before taking the potions.

He then took out a Strengthening Potion and gulped it down. This one tasted like strawberry mint. He found that the mint was uniform in all the potions.

Feeling a surge of energy in his gut that circulated throughout his body. Just like the Intelligence Potion, from head to toe he could feel changes in the muscles. It was something more internal and not so apparent. Only when he felt the effect wear off did he take the second one. The same thing happened and he actually felt a 'Wall', as if he was already saturated. Dexterity Potion was the same thing, but this time he felt a combined increase in brain processing speed and a very strong strengthening of his joints.

'Why do I feel like I've gained more muscle and my body feels full?' He looked in the mirror and saw that his musculature became more detailed and new muscles appeared.

{This can be explained in the same way as why men and women have 1.0 in [Strength], although it doesn't seem like it. The GENERAL calculation of the body gives the statistic of 1.0. It's like someone who has strong legs and weak arms or the other way around. The thing is, you received military training that filled out all the muscles pretty much, but not perfectly, so it wasn't a big problem for you to take. If someone who only has strong arms were to take these potions, the physical changes in the legs would be very large and would be extremely obvious.}

"So it really justifies the price of the potions. Filling in the gaps is really satisfying."

Kai strapped some weights to his legs, arms and a 70kg containment vest to his chest. Looking at the maze of obstacles, he was ready to test the increase in Dexterity.

"Let's go!"



Author Note: Any grammatical errors or wrong spelling, please let me know. Sometimes it passes... :)


Bad Joke#14:

Wanna hear (read...) two short jokes and a long joke?

Joke, joke, jooooooooooooke.

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