The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 27 – Dream With Sora & Visions of Other Reality

After spending the day of Saturday like a loving couple, Kaede finally couldn't take it anymore and called her sisters. She was very sad when she got to the end of sex and saw that Kai was at the peak, while she couldn't take so much semen anymore.

All of her tiredness was offset by going out to dinner, of which she talked about her family history, even talking about her mother and late father. Kai promised to pay his mother-in-law a visit, which brought great happiness to Kaede. And of course, he didn't have many desires for widows, mothers or any woman already engaged, especially if it was his family. Just as many had a huge fetish for it, he had little or no interest in it.

He also bought her a necklace, which had a blue heart pendant, the color of her eyes. It was the [Personal Protection Necklace], again the same effect as always. And since he had already used the DP to improve her [Status], he decided to give her a [Earring of Containment]. It was a simple one-eared earring, which she would always wear.

If there was one thing he definitely bought her a lot, it was teddy bears. It seemed like before she kept a child hidden under so much wildness, and now she was a cute and sincere woman with her true self. Maybe it was the lack of a father figure that made her want to be strong and independent, showing that she didn't need anyone. But now that Kai has arrived and slowly made her change, her femininity and fondness for cute things has become as natural as breathing.

After organizing the house Kaede stayed in, buying a few more things to improve her life while she lived alone, the two returned to Kai's apartment.

Madoka, Aki and Kyou already heard the news and asked their parents to let them "study together" on Sunday. Even the parents of the three already knew each other now and the plot of the "study friends" had already been formed.


In a circle of beach chairs in front of an inflatable pool in the backyard of Kai's apartment, four girls were gathered. Each one had a different and sensual bikini, giving a heavenly vision to whoever looked at it. They were all having fruit juice while sunbathing.

"Can you see? Isn't it too clear?" Aki was looking at Kaede, who was taking care of some new plants that she had bought to leave in Kai's apartment.

"We already know there's something off about Kai, but shouldn't she have noticed too? Whereas we figured it out..." Kyou was also looking strangely at the botanist girl. She took a sip of her juice before looking back at her strangely.

"I think the only way is to ask. She's possibly afraid to ask us that question and end up looking weird..." Madoka concluded what should be right.

After the girls' [Intelligence] reached 4.0, they concluded with certainty that many things had changed about them, and there was something mystical about Kai that they still hadn't asked about. Madoka and Aki also already knew about the manipulation that happened with the two. There was some irritation at first, but in the end they got the guy who loved them and they love him, so there's no more problems.

"You ask or I ask?" Kyou finally couldn't take her own will anymore and wanted to talk to Kaede about it. She almost felt like she was in a secret organization and was welcoming a new member!

"Madoka, you go. I give you the chances..." Aki put her sunglasses back on and enjoyed the sunbath. Everyone more or less already expected two possibilities: Either Kaede knew and hid it, or she still hasn't been "improved". That's what they decided to call what happened with them.

"Alright." Madoka rolled her eyes as she shifted in her chair. She looked straight at Kaede, who suddenly looked at her, "Kaede, you-"

"She too!" Kyou interrupted when she saw Kaede smiling at them, clearly a sign that, despite the distance, she had heard their entire conversation. And from the smile, it was obvious that Kaede also knew what they were talking about, "Naughty, you really were going to hide it from us!"

"Well, I had to have some proof. I couldn't just be sure of something like that. Although it really was weird how you girls got prettier and prettier. I suspected before, and now I'm sure!" Kaede finished tending to the plants and moved to her own beach chair.

"So, how was yesterday?" Aki asked out of curiosity. After all, they had arrived not too long ago and Kai left just now to buy them something to eat.

"Indescribable. Literally! I can't even put it into words!" Kaede didn't even attempt to describe what she felt as there were no words invented for it yet.

"We understand you..." x3

All putting on sunglasses and taking the opportunity to sunbathe, the girls were looking forward to the bikini tan. After all, there had to be something like that since the four of them had made plans for later!


"Ladies, I have to admit that you are outdoing yourselves a lot! Two words for you girls: Congra Tulations!" Kai clapped his hands when he saw the magnificent and splendorous scene in his bed.

Four women with voluptuous and very hot bodies, all with bikini lines, their skin white in all the right places. Just by the image of the naked girls, Kai was already aroused beyond belief.

"After reaching the 40 billion dollar mark, nothing more than sex with four beauties!" Talking about his newly increased net worth like it was nothing, Kai stripped off his clothes as he threw himself into them.



"Do you think they're ready for this?" The principal asked Kai, who had presented the documents and results of the girls' most recent matches. There were documents from Madoka, Aki, and Kyou, along with some of Kaede's botanical research.

"They are more than ready. The four will get their image soaring with this, and it's just the beginning of marketing for the Elite Committee. I haven't decided who else I'm going to put in yet, but it should be someone from the mind sports area. As we are close to the Olympics, I intend to prepare their marketing to draw more attention. And when the next Olympics are held in Tokyo, they will be ready to win some medals." Kai commented on his girlfriends and how amazing they were being. It was normal for him, who knew of their capabilities previously and now improved, but surprise for everyone else.

Whether academically, athletically or socially, the girls exceeded any expectations they had for themselves. Stellar grades at the top of the school, top athletes winning the various friendly games and championships in different cities, and behavior that would remind you of Japanese princesses. Kaede didn't come out short either, having already published two Botany Papers since her [Status] soared. And it was only two weeks ago!

"If you're that sure, then let's do as you say. But the amount of money that goes into the school will be very high, more than we could spend. There's nothing to do with that much." The principal raised a point that made sense, trying to think of what to do.

"I already asked my uncle to file a lawsuit at the Chamber. It will be easily approved, but it is to be able to authorize the "private" construction of new institutions through highly prestigious schools, colleges and universities. Since our school is a High School, we can build more elementary and lower under the Horizon banner here in Tokyo." Some of Kai's relatives had been in the Chamber making decisions that benefited the family's interests for a long time. Half worked for the Nakashima family in secret, while the other half was bought.

"Boy, you can be scary sometimes, you know? I've worked in the Nakashima family for 40 years, you know? I'll tell your mother the things you do!" The old principal finally revealed his identity, but he didn't expect what Kai did.

He simply got up after taking the documents from the table and walked away as he said.

"I already knew, Kenji told me. And my mother also knows about the things I do. Have another chat, old man!"


After receiving the good news from Kai about their faces starting to appear all over Japan, the girls didn't know whether to cry or laugh a lot. The amount of emotions was too much to manage.

They kissed Kai all over the place for making this possible for them and working so hard for their good. After a while, their eyes glowed with fire as they started dragging him to some random corner of the school...


In a blank space, with nothing but endless white on all sides, four girls suddenly appeared. They were on their feet and opened their eyes.

"Eh... What?" Aki asked when she remembered that a few milliseconds ago she was dreaming with Kai while they were riding on a ferris wheel, and now she appeared here. Looking around, she saw that her sisters were there.

"Aki? Kyou? Why am I dreaming about you too?" Kaede suddenly scratched her head as she yawned. She was holding a giant teddy bear that smelled very similar to Kai's.

"Forgotten me? You're hurting..." Madoka smiled at Kaede, snapping her fingers as she walked over there. They still had a competitive rift ever since Kaede had called her a bitch.

"Girls, why don't you look ahead..." Kyou recalled the troublemakers, her vision going straight to a woman in white Taoist robes, drinking tea next to a lake that appeared out of nowhere in the white landscape.

The two girls stopped fighting, while Aki also straightened her clothes after being caught in the middle of the firefight.

They all looked at the woman in the lake, wondering if they had met some kind of Goddess. After all, the woman was more beautiful than all of them put together, and for everyone to dream about the same thing like that, it can only be connected with the deity.

"Sit down." The Goddess spoke to them as she smiled slightly.

A force of attraction that left no room for denial made the girls be pushed to the tea table, sitting down in seiza style. Tea was served to the girls, regardless of whether it was a dream or not.

"Since unfortunately I cannot prolong your stay here, or else your souls would be broken, I will be very brief." The Goddess placed the cup of tea on the table before continuing, "My name is Sora, and I am Kai's wife. As you can imagine, I am indeed a Goddess. Don't ask me, or Kai for now, how this happened, but just know that I'm the reason you all mysteriously "Improved", as you call it."

Sora then stood up, transforming the surrounding landscape into an immense palace, with countless empty pedestals and a giant golden throne in the middle. The girls also got up and started to follow her.

"I hope you understand that, what I will show you here and now, cannot be told to anyone, including Kai's next women. They will have the same experience as you, and you four only came together because you all gave your hearts on the same day." Sora looked at the empty hall, an indescribable emotion in her gaze. She then turned to the girls, seeing that they had little time left, "I want to ask you to take good care of Kai and always follow his lead. Through him you know that there is also me, who love him as much as I love you, who are the women who gave their hearts to him."

Although they needed some time to fully absorb it, the girls were kind of understanding the situation. The chance of this being a crazy dream has already ceased to exist after everyone confirmed some facts, like having all the fingers or even forcing themselves to wake up, but nothing worked.

"Now, what I wanted to do with you is something terrible, but unfortunately it is necessary. And I would very much like you all to accept it, despite the pain you will feel. You all agree?" Sora asked as she approached them, respecting each one's freedom of choice.

"I agree!" Madoka spoke to Sora, even without knowing what it was. She also looked at the girls and saw their determined gazes, "We all agree!"

"Thank you. What I'm doing is a necessary evil, I hope you'll forgive me. And you won't remember anything you don't want to." Sora thanked them, placing her hands on Madoka's forehead. Before she did anything, she smiled as she read the girls' thoughts, "And no, Kai doesn't know any of this. He calls it the 'Harem Gang'."

The girls laughed as they were suddenly kicked out of the place. Sora sighed, knowing she would have to do this with all of Kai's women, which was a huge pain for her as well.

"I hope they don't turn out to be wanted criminals..."


Madoka woke up suddenly, the images in her head making her stomach churn. She got out of bed in a hurry, but barely opened the bathroom door when she started to vomit intensely. As the memories of what felt like another reality showing her future faded, more vomit came out.

It looked as if she had watched a movie on a screen, showing herself being violated and the consequences of others' indulgences. She didn't feel anything, but the pitiful scene at the end was enough for her to more or less understand things.

After about 30 minutes, she leaned against the bathroom wall, panting heavily and her head throbbing. The memories were finally reduced to single fragments, which were enough for her to know what happened to "the other her".

With cold eyes, Madoka clenched her fists, having to think of Kai to calm her heart, feeling his love somehow protecting her from freaking out. She leaned on the sink to get up, looking in the mirror and seeing her more than perfect image, comparing herself to the pitiful view of the corpse in the final scenes.


Pieces of the mirror flew everywhere, the wall behind it cracking. Madoka's fist was unharmed, as if she'd hit cotton instead of concrete.

"Tennis Instructor, eh... I'm going to smash your head, motherfucker!"


Almost the same scene happened with Kyou, who had a similar fate to Madoka of ending up in a ditch all rotten and dirty, her stomach starting to expel the dinner. But she didn't have a bathroom in her room, and she threw up on the floor.

When she held her hair back to keep it from getting soiled in the vomit, her fingers touched the hairtie Kai had given her, coming to her senses and remembering that the love she had was true, and THIS was her reality. The reality where she was loved by her man.

Her personality was a bit more violent than Madoka, so her anger and disgust turned to fury as she stood up with a cold stare. A frown and anger couldn't hide her beautiful features.

"Ryou... It is on this day that the hell of your life will begin..."


"Would that be my future? So... Deplorable..." Aki had just gone through the whole alternate life like in a movie, seeing how sad and alone she was at the end.

Her "husband" was the childhood friend she thought was cute, but who when he grew up and became an adult, couldn't stand the bullying of his co-workers and ended up going into depression. Beer and hookers was all he wanted, leaving Aki heartbroken. She ended up getting involved with many men, having an unhappy life until the end of her days.

The scenes finally faded slowly, and the already infinite gratitude and love for Kai increased even more. She touched the bracelets to remind herself how her life had always been paradise with him by her side.

"You're the only man I want, and the only man I'll ever be devoted to... My handsome, strong Kai..."


"Sniff* Sniff*, I don't like this..." Kaede was crying on the bed, the memories of her alternate life also slowly fading away. The tears were for the scenes she didn't want to see, a reality where she wasn't with Kai.

Ever since she lost her father, the need for a father figure in her life has made her accept the first man who shows an ounce of interest in her, manipulating her with little compliments to get everything out of her. She found out years later that the scoundrel also had sex with her mother, and even became his lover. She was just a normal woman who devoted her heart to him, and feeling betrayed by her own mother was worse than a common betray. She split from him instantly, living forever in another part of Japan, dying single and with no family other than a lot of cats.

"I want my Kai here! Sniff*" Kaede hugged tightly the teddy bear she named after her lover, drowning her longing in it. These "memories" slowly dwindled to nothing as there was nothing she needed to remember.

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