The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 1: Prologue

A/N: This is one of my ten Patreon-Funded stories. Currently up to date with all my other public websites, with four chapters of advance content always available on my Patreon at all times. Updates once every two weeks. Enjoy!


“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Thaddeus groans, tilting his head back as he enjoys the ‘tender’ affections of the young Asian woman in a crouch before him. Stacy Li was one of the more popular girls in the school, but that didn’t stop her from coming to him for his… help. Not that anyone who caught wind of what they were doing back behind the school building would be all that surprised even if they did find out.
After all, Thaddeus was your stereotypical jock. Standing at a couple inches north of six feet, broad shouldered with a chiseled jaw, he even had the blond hair and blue eyes to make him really shine. He was literally the Quarterback of the Football Team in fact. Stacy herself was no slouch when it came to high school’s social hierarchy. The girl was definitely one of the popular ones, just like him. That was half the reason she’d had the confidence to approach him about this in the first place.
As she slobbers up and down his knob, Thaddeus leans back against the wall behind him, watching her work. His cock is clearly the longest and biggest she’s ever dealt with, if she’s ever even blown a guy before at all. Her experience or lack thereof makes it likely she’s not fellated anyone before him. Her enthusiasm is nice and all, but it’s a poor substitute for skill in this regard. He probably would have cum by now if she were better at what she was doing.
Pulling back for a moment, Stacy pants, her perky breasts heaving in her cute little top as she gives his saliva-coated cock a few strokes and him a big, winning smile before returning to her task. She gurgles her way down his shaft like a woman possessed, eager to receive her reward. But she’s going to have to do better than this if she wants him to cum before-
Thaddeus twitches, as the final bell for the school day suddenly rings. They’re officially late to First Period, but rather than pull back in a panic, Stacy just goes all the harder. She’s desperate and more than willing to be tardy for this. Truth be told… so is he.
It’s only a couple minutes more anyways before Thaddeus finally tips over the edge. He grunts, cumming in her mouth. He doesn’t ask here if she wants it anywhere else, that would ruin the point. He also doesn’t warn her though, a little perturbed by how long she took. Stacy is prepared nonetheless, sucking down his load like there’s no tomorrow, gurgling away at it as she guzzles his jizz down like her life depends on it.
It doesn’t, but her grades do. As she drinks his cum and the oral sex comes to a close, Thaddeus’ breath hitches. He feels it in his chest, the familiar rush of fresh vitality and the boost he gets from whenever he completes a sexual act.
Stacy rocks back off of his cock, a tendril of cum connecting her lips to his dick as she gasps, feeling the same. Well, not quite the same. Hers is a little different, from what Thaddeus understands.
Quickly wiping the back of her mouth with her hand, Stacy hops to her feet and gives him a wide grin.
“Thanks Chad! You’re a life saver!”
Thaddeus shakes his head.
“Please, call me Thad.”
But it’s too late, Stacy has already run off and his quiet murmur falls on deaf ears. Letting out a sigh, the blond blue-eyed giant of a young man sets about tucking his cock back into his boxers and fixing up his clothing. If she knew the truth, Stacy Li probably wouldn’t have been so gung-ho about servicing him. No one but him seemed to understand quite what was happening, but by now Thaddeus had a pretty good idea.
Basically, whoever he gets with gets a boost to their mental and physical after having sex with him in some way. He gets one too. However, HIS boosts are permanent, theirs are temporary. He probably wouldn’t have even noticed if it weren’t for the slowly stacking effect. He WAS an incredibly handsome high school jock after all, so yes, he got a lot of pussy.
Shaking his head, Thaddeus grabs his backpack and begins heading for First Period. He’s tardy, but as the School Quarterback, it’s not likely to matter.
His life has certainly been different, ever since he figured out he had powers. He’d become the ‘good luck charm’ of the popular girls after one of them got an A on her math test the day after giving him head. In fact, Stacy had just got done blowing him because she was hoping to pull an A on her history midterm today.
The thing was, Thaddeus wasn’t a good luck charm. He was pretty sure he was one of those mutants. He just didn’t look like one. He looked like the quintessential All-American Man. Only, he wasn’t sure how much longer that façade would hold. See, part of his permanent boosts from having sex was an increase in intelligence. Six months ago, he hadn’t even known what ‘quintessential’ meant. Now, he was using it casually in his thoughts.
Reaching the classroom, Thaddeus steps inside, giving a nod to his friends on the Football Team who smile and nod to him in turn. He begins to make his way to his desk, only to be stopped by a cleared throat belonging to an unfamiliar and altogether feminine voice.
… His First Period Teacher was usually a dude, but when Thaddeus looks to the front of the room, there’s a beautiful, raven-haired woman standing there in a white blouse and a pencil skirt. She has a single sculpted eyebrow raised and is tapping her foot as she crosses her arms over her chest.
“And what is your excuse for being so late Mister…”
Thaddeus winces. Shit, they had a substitute today, apparently? A glance at the board behind her shows that her name is apparently Ms. Kenner. Well, he’s gotten off on the wrong foot with Ms. Kenner, there’s no doubt about that.
“… Thad, ma’am. And I’m sorry. I got caught up talking outside.”
The raven-haired woman’s eyes seem to flash at that weak-ass excuse. It wasn’t like he could tell her what he’d actually been doing though, right? Still, something about the beautiful substitute teacher sets Thaddeus’ nerves on edge. He’s not sure why, but it’s like he’s staring into the eyes of a predator or something. Finally though, Ms. Kenner just scoffs.
“Take your seat… Thad.”
Ducking his head, he does exactly that, taking a seat in the middle of his friends. One of them, a guy named Skylar, gives him a shit-eating grin and a fist bump that Thaddeus feels obligated to return, but can tell is making him no friends with their substitute teacher who definitely sees it. Ever since he started getting these boosts to himself, he’s been able to notice things like that a lot better if he’s being honest.
Unfortunately, he has to choose exactly who he wants to appeal to in this moment. If he ignores the fist bump with Skylar, then he risks damaging their friendship. And while technically as the school Quarterback, Thaddeus can safely shed a few friends and still come out smelling as roses, he’s aware that he’s already changed enough recently to be marked as ‘Other’ by some of his fellow students. Best not to rock the boat too much.
Ms. Kenner, after all, was only going to be around for a short time, presumably. So catering to his bros over her was just the obvious right choice. Or so Thaddeus figured. It’s not until they get back to taking the role call that his entrance had interrupted that he finds out just how much he’s pissed the substitute teacher off.
Already halfway through the list of names, Ms. Kenner goes through the rest and then returns back to the top… to the one that hadn’t gotten her an answer before his arrival.
“Chad Cummings? Still not here?”
Thaddeus’ face goes bright red and he raises his hand. Yes, his actual name was Chad Cummings. Thaddeus was one of his middle names. Needless to say, after gaining a couple dozen IQ points from fucking and getting sucked off by popular girls these past six months, he’d come to despise the name Chad Cummings. He really preferred Thaddeus, these days. Unfortunately, Chad was still his legal first name.
“Here ma’am.”
Ms. Kenner’s eyes zero in on him like a hawk and she narrows them like one too.
“And here I thought your name was Thad, young man.”
Flushing, Thaddeus opens his mouth to explain, only for the substitute to cut him off.
“Detention, Mr. Cummings. I’ll be seeing you after school.”
That riles up the class something fierce, even as Thaddeus sits there, stunned. All of his teammates sitting around him look personally offended on his behalf. After all, they had football practice after school, and the normal faculty knew better than to assign detention to the school’s Star Quarterback. They all wanted to go all the way this year.
Ms. Kenner, obviously, didn’t care about any of that. On the one hand, Thaddeus knew she was right to punish him. He’d been late to class and TECHNICALLY lied to her about his name. On the other hand, he wasn’t used to people in a position of authority actually holding him accountable. It was a little strange… but not entirely terrible.
Beside him however, Skylar is not nearly as impressed by Ms. Kenner’s no-nonsense attitude.
“Ma’am! Chad is our QB! We need him at practice, can’t you just like… assign extra homework or something?”
The exaggerated wink that Skylar gives him has Thaddeus blinking. The other man had noticed Thaddeus was… well, changing in recent months. He might not understand one lick of it, but Skylar knew enough to know that Thaddeus didn’t have any trouble with homework anymore. Extra homework would be handled just as easily as the normal load, truth be told.
Even still, the wink doesn’t go unnoticed by Ms. Kenner. Thaddeus isn’t sure why Skylar thought it would. The look on her face is quickly becoming rather wrothful, but before she can reply, a voice suddenly comes over the intercom.
“Chad Cummings, please report to the Principal’s Office. Chad Cummings, please report to the Principal’s Office.”
Thaddeus blinks, his already slightly pink face only growing redder as that… stupid name is broadcast across the entire school. Not that it was a mystery to anyone, he’d quite literally gone to school with some of these kids all his life. But even still, he had come to despise being known as the Quintessential ‘Chad’ these past six months. He just wanted to differentiate himself from the stereotypical jock he’d been all his life.
Still, he’s been called to the Principal’s Office. Standing up, he shoots an apologetic look to Ms. Kenner, who just frowns at him for a moment before jerking her head towards the door. Giving her a respectful nod, he moves to leave the classroom, only for her voice to catch him on the way out.
“I’ll still expect to see you after school for that detention, Mr. Cummings.”
… Right. Thaddeus pauses for a moment to make it clear he heard, and then leaves the room, Skylar’s protests fading into the distance as he makes his way down the hall towards the Principal’s Office. It takes him a few minutes to traverse the school, and when he finally arrives, the secretary outside gives him a bright smile and waves him in.
“They’re waiting for you, Chad.”
Grimacing, Thaddeus makes a token effort.
“Um, thank you ma’am, but I go by Thad now.”
Eyes twinkling as she clearly holds back laughter, the woman shakes her head.
“You teens and your phases.”
It wasn’t a phase, but he couldn’t exactly stick around to argue the point. The Principal… and apparently the Principal’s guest, awaited Thaddeus inside.
Stepping through the door, the first thing the blond notices is the Principal, sitting behind the desk. Principal Badmin is a slightly overweight fellow whose best days are behind him, but still nevertheless has quite the jolly demeanor. As far as School Administrators go, he’s not a bad one… he just has an ever so slight obsession with sports over actual learning. During Thaddeus’ first years at the school, he had greatly appreciated that fact. After all, until six months ago, Thaddeus’ first priority was football and his second priority was girls. Scholastic pursuits and higher education had been at the very bottom of a long list of other things.
These days? He still liked playing football, but he knew his sports career had a shelf life. The more sex he had, the more inhumanly fast and strong he got. With the boost to his intelligence that he’d received as well, he recognized that eventually he would be too fast and too strong for allegations of steroids to not come out. And when the tests for the steroids came back negative, rather than be in the clear, he would be outed as a mutant more than likely.
Was it any wonder then, that he’d started thinking about what a future might look like without college football? He was never going to go professional, and he likely wouldn’t be able to play for a college either without being found out. No… his future lay in mental pursuits, plain and simple.
Of course, Thaddeus hadn’t told Principal Badmin any of that just yet. He probably never would. And so, the administrator is all smiles as Thaddeus walks into his office.
“Ah, there he is! This is the young man himself, Professor! As I told you, he’s one of our best and brightest! The school simply wouldn’t be the same without him.”
Thaddeus finally turns his attention to the other man in the room. It takes him a second to realize that the man isn’t just sitting down in front of Principal Badmin’s desk, he’s actually wheelchair bound. He’s also completely bald, though he wears it well. As their eyes meet, Thaddeus blinks at the knowing look in the Professor’s gaze. Then he blinks again, as instead of speaking to him normally, he hears what can only be the other man’s voice in his head.
Greetings, young Thaddeus. I am Professor Charles Xavier, and I believe we have a lot to talk about.
The fuck?

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