The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 11: Natalie the RA Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Natasha humors Thaddeus until it stops being humoring fufufu

The pause lasts just long enough for Thaddeus to wonder if he’s misjudged the RA completely. It’s possible, even though he feels like he’s gotten very good at feeling women out before, heh, feeling them up. Still, he’s half-expecting rejection when the dam finally breaks and a small, rueful smile spreads across Natalie’s face. She pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose again and huffs in amusement.
“You really are incorrigible, aren’t you? Sure… we can… talk. You’re the only new arrival for today, so I have some free time.”
Perking up at that, knowing he would get to her eventually… though a little surprised he managed it quite so fast; Thaddeus pulls back so that the doorway to his new dorm room is clear for Natalie to walk through. The bespectacled red head does exactly that, stepping past him and moving to the center of the room. Thaddeus, meanwhile, closes and locks the door behind her before moving to join her.
It’s a calculated sort of risk, both the door locking and what he does right after. As she turns to face him, he gathers her up in his arms before she can even blink and kisses her right on the lips. They both knew, after all, that Thaddeus wasn’t inviting her into his room for something as pedestrian as talking. However, Natalie might still have expected to be wooed a bit more first.
That was the thing though. Thaddeus had always been a go-getter. And at this moment, he was very much ready to have his first college experience. Luckily, Natalie doesn’t tense up for long in his hold. Nor does she push him away. Her hands do go up between them at first, pressing against his chest, but a moment after and she’s melting into his very warm embrace, letting out a small sigh into his mouth as he kisses her heatedly, taking the lead in this encounter.
The very beautiful, very vivacious red head is absolutely delicious to devour. And her body… no College RA has any business being this perfect, Thaddeus thinks idly to himself. She must work out, because he can feel the muscle hidden beneath the softness of her curves. She is at once peak femininity and also a lean, toned killing machine. Maybe she has a sport of her own on the side?
It would explain why her resistance had ultimately come crumbling down from only a little pressure on his side of things. Athletes were… naturally physical beings. Thaddeus knew this better than most. One only had to look at his old school’s Cheer Team, and yes those cheerleaders were just as much athletes as he was. And each and every one of them loved a tumble in the hay after a big game or a long session of cheer practice got their adrenaline pumping. Nothing made them hornier, really.
Regardless, back with Natalie… the RA doesn’t fight him as he runs his hands down her back to her ass, groping and squeezing her plump yet toned derriere. The sheer amount of work she must put into her body to get this sort of physique… Thaddeus can appreciate it. He can appreciate it a LOT. As he gropes her butt, his tongue pushes into her mouth, past her imminently kissable lips that part as she lets out another breathy little sigh.
Then… he begins walking her backwards. For a moment, he has to choose. Bed or desk? Desk or bed? In the end, all things considered… he goes for the bed. The desk might imply a level of disrespect of cavalier attitude towards her that Thaddeus has no intention of conveying. Maybe if he’d taken her on a date beforehand with plenty of good vibes and foreplay, then the desk would be an acceptable ‘naughty’ option.
But with no date, it was better not to risk it in Thaddeus’ experience. That was one of many areas in which porn tended to bend the truth. Most women, when given a choice, preferred a bed over any other place. Though when it came to what Thaddeus had to offer, they tended to not mind so much if there wasn’t a bed available.
The moment that the back of Natalie’s legs hits the edge of the bed, Thaddeus stops them, pulling back from their lip lock and running his hands up from her ass to the hem of her shirt with a grin.
“Well? You’re getting more of my stunning personality now, Natalie. What do you think so far?”
Flushed red and clearly more than a little turned on, the bespectacled RA’s eyes flash from behind her glasses as she raises her arms and lets him strip her out of her top. The moment that her face is visible again, with her standing there in just a bra, she smirks.
“I’d say it’s a good start… but you’ve got a long way to go if you’re really hoping to impress me, Mister Cummings.”
The way her eyes dance as she says it… she’s definitely doing it on purpose. Though whether she’s testing him or just teasing him… eh, it doesn’t matter. Thaddeus responds with a good-natured groan and a soft chuckle, before leaning in to kiss her again. This time, he goes for a series of pecks on her lips, an all out sort of assault as he reaches behind her and deftly undoes her bra, relieving her of the garment.
Just like that, Natalie the RA is wearing nothing above the waist. He pulls back again just to admire her… and honestly gets lost for a moment. Seriously, he knows he’s left his old world behind and that moving from a small town to the big city would more than broaden his horizons… but the RA really does have the PERFECT body.
She’s built like sin, made for seduction, and has curves in all the right places and all the right quantities. For that brief moment in which he gets lost in staring at her, Thaddeus can’t help but admire what he sees.
Then, her hands reach for his belt and he comes back to himself. It would seem that he’s aroused the RA enough for her to take matters into her own hands. Something he’s more than willing to allow her to do. As she goes for his pants, he goes for hers. At some point along the way, he loses his shirt as well and they both end up entirely naked and on the bed.
Thaddeus is on top of course, as Natalie spreads her legs for him, smiling a bit and stealing glances down at his cock. He knows he’s well-endowed… very well-endowed in fact. But she’s clearly trying not to make a big deal about it. So Thaddeus won’t either. Instead, he places the head of his member against her slit, finding her to already be aroused. Hah, he knew she was the sort of girl with a crunchy exterior and a creamy center!
Taking his time, he slowly pushes into her, moving carefully at first. Natalie is no virgin, of course… but she is tight. God, she’s tight. Just the right amount too, he doesn’t actually feel himself being stopped at any point, but there’s a constant low-grade resistance and the pressure of her walls around his throbbing cock grows the deeper he gets inside of her.
Indeed, even Natalie is feeling it. The bespectacled RA’s flushed features grow more and more flustered, and she moans beneath him as she grabs onto his shoulders, clinging to them like a lifeline. Thaddeus makes sure to give her a reassuring grin, knowing full well that his size can be a little intimidating the first time he’s with a girl. He stops once he’s bottomed out inside of her and holds his position for a brief moment as he gives her a nod.
“You alright? I won’t move until you say so.”
She nods back at first but doesn’t immediately speak… so Thaddeus stays right where he is. Finally, at long last, she lets out a shuddering gasp and looks him in the eye.
“I’m ready. Don’t hold back on my account. I can… I can take it.”
If Thaddeus had a quarter for every woman who told him that and then had to ask him to slow down, he’d have just enough quarters that he’d learned not to take such a request seriously. Each and every woman was different at the end of the day. Some could handle him closer to his peak, but most couldn’t. However, given what he already knew just from feeling Natalie up and making out with her… he feels like she might be able to handle him better than most.
Still, he starts things off relatively slowly, thrusting in and out of her with a steady but not violent or rough pace. And at the same time, as he begins pistoning his throbbing erection into her clenching, spasming cunt, Thaddeus leans forward and grabs one of her perfectly shaped breasts, drawing a nipple into his mouth to spread out her focus, to give her multiple pleasurable experiences to focus on at once.
From the wanton moan that comes from her lips, Thaddeus knows he’s succeeding. Her pussy walls squeeze along every inch of his member, even as he fucks her on the rocking bed and bouncing mattress. Heh, his first conquest since arriving at ESU. He was intent on making it a memorable one.
Lie back and think of England. That was the old phrase, wasn’t it? Obviously, the situation isn’t remotely comparable… but there is some similarity to it. Natasha would be a failure of a seduction and infiltration specialist if she just lay there like a dead fish whenever a mark fucked her. No, there are a hundred little ways she’s responding right now to make Chad ‘Thaddeus’ Cummings think he’s giving her the time of her ‘youthful’ life.
Though, she has to admit… he’s a contradiction and an enigma of a young man, that’s for sure. One moment he’s coming on very strong, locking the door behind her and kissing her with a speed that took even her back at least a little bit. The next he’s being surprisingly considerate once he’s actually inside of her, asking ‘Natalie’ to let him know when she wants him to start moving.
He WAS big, Natasha could admit that much. And in fact… he felt rather good, too. His technique was nothing to scoff at, and in the grand sum of Natasha’s varied sexual experiences, she would rate him an easy eight out of ten, even with what little she’d seen of him so far.
There was just one problem with young Thaddeus and his bid to conquer her body and make her his woman. Natasha Romanoff was a graduate of the Red Room. And that came with certain… side effects. While yes, the Red Room had given her gifts such as her training and their version of the Super Soldier Serum, making her stronger, tougher and quicker as well as allowing her to heal faster, they’d also taken things away from her. Such as her ability to have children. Or, indeed, her ability to feel much of anything very strongly at all.
Fully removing her sense of touch and feel would have been more detrimental than not. There were already people in the world who literally were born without the ability to feel pain. It wasn’t the supernatural boon that some might have thought it to be. Pain was good. Feeling was good. But too much feeling, the Red Room had decreed, was bad.
So yes, even though Thaddeus was very good at what he did for his age… Natasha was still faking the vast majority of her reactions for him. As he grunts around the nipple he’s sucking and thrusts into her cunt with a considerable amount of enhanced strength, Natasha’s moans are mostly manufactured. Her pussy walls flex and tighten around his cock, gushing down his shaft because she WILLS them to, not because of some unintended biological reaction.
She is a weapon. A tool. Maybe not for Red Room anymore but being repurposed as an Agent of SHIELD doesn’t mean she isn’t still the overly engineered super spy and femme fatale she’s always been.
Poor Thaddeus has no idea what he’s gotten himself into. But that’s fine. A little more moaning, a few more cries of passion and ecstasy… he’d cum soon enough, she’s sure. Though he seemed to be holding himself back. Ah… he really was a considerate lover once he was inside of you, wasn’t he? He was holding back his own release until SHE came first.
Amusing, given the vast majority of men Natasha had to sleep with wouldn’t even spare a single thought to the female orgasm. But not Thaddeus. Not the boy literally named Chad Cummings. She feels a small iota of muted affection for him then, even as she gives him what he wants, climaxing for him. Her loud cry fills the dorm room, overtaking the creaking of the bed beneath them.
In response, Thaddeus speeds up, and just as her orgasm is reaching it’s crescendo, he cums as well at long last. His seed spills deep inside of her, filling her womb to the brim. Natasha lets out a feigned shuddering breath as he reaches completion within her. With this, she was sure she had her mark right where she-
Natasha’s eyes shoot open as a sensation unlike anything she’s ever experienced before rushes through her. A loud gasp, completely involuntary and not feigned in the slightest, leaves her lips. At the same time, Thaddeus jolts on top of her, still buried in her shivering quim. He yanks himself back a moment later, pulling out of her completely, but Natasha is too busy with her own thing to react as he scrambles away.
This is… he was… she felt good. Better than good, she felt great. It was like having a sheer blanket over you at all times and not realizing it until the moment the blanket was removed. Suddenly, she could see much more clearly. Suddenly, she could feel things she hadn’t felt in a long, long time. Not since the deadening back at the Red Room.
But more than that, she felt unbelievably strong. As though the Serum she’d been given had been energized and increased in potency. Her entire body vibrates with unbridled power.
“You… who are you?”
It’s only when Thaddeus suddenly speaks that Natasha is brought back to the present, back to the situation she’s currently in. Blinking, she looks to the young man she’s just been bedded by and sees him looking nervous… defensive… and knowing.
Ah. This was his mutation at work, wasn’t it? No wonder the boy was such a player. No wonder he was a man-whore. Natasha isn’t stupid. Putting together the facts is the work of a moment for her, especially with even her perception and intelligence further enhanced by whatever his power is. Chad ‘Thaddeus’ Cummings gets and gives power via sex, doesn’t he?
And she’d just fucked him. Which meant not only had she gotten something from him… something amazing… but he’d gotten something from her in turn, more than likely. He wouldn’t be so gung-ho about fucking any woman he could get his hands on if he weren’t getting something back each and every time. In fact, what she’d gotten was probably just a side effect.
But that meant… he knew she wasn’t some ordinary human being now. He knew she wasn’t simply Natalie the RA. Her cover was effectively blown.
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Try and maintain her cover, he seems gullible enough for it - 17%
[  ] Try and convince him SHE'S part of the Hellfire Club, so it's fine - 10%
[X] Let him know a little bit of the truth (namely that the government is looking into Hellfire) to see if he can be trusted - 74%


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