The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 16: Laura Kinney (X-23) Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Also if you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started and I'm really excited for it~

Naughty, naughty Kitty...

… And yet, despite that previous thought about there being no way she could just let this continue, Kitty Pryde finds herself staying right where she is. She doesn’t call out to the two, nor does she leave.
Rather, as unorthodox as it is… Laura DOES seem to be making significant headway with their target. Indeed, the way Thaddeus Cumming’s hips are jackhammering in and out of Laura’s cunt is… honestly a little mesmerizing in its own way. She just wishes that the other girl had run this idea by her first before going off and implementing it.
Then again, who was Kitty kidding, really? She would definitely have shot Laura down if she’d actually done as she was supposed to and asked Kitty for permission. Ugh, they were going to have to have such a long talk after this about… about Laura’s behavior. But for now, Kitty figured she would be doing more harm than good if she interrupted the two of them. Not only would she likely blow their cover even more than Laura already probably did, but… well, it would definitely make her a lame loser in the target’s eyes, wouldn’t it?
At the same time however, Kitty couldn’t just leave them to it and head back to her and Laura’s dorm room. If she did that, she would effectively be leaving Laura to fend for herself with a largely unknown, possibly dangerous mutant! And sure, Laura could take care of herself. SURE, Professor X had made it clear he didn’t think Thaddeus Cummings was a bad person. But you never really knew someone! And people could change!
So… so Kitty has to watch. She has to stay where she is, with her face sticking out of the wall of Thaddeus’ room and the rest of her body in the empty dorm room behind her. She’s just doing it to… to make sure Laura is alright. To make sure Thaddeus doesn’t hurt her.
Of course, from what Kitty can see, Laura is more than alright. The animalistic grunts, groans, and moans coming from the raven-haired woman as Thaddeus rails her on the bed in a consummate mating press make it clear she’s enjoying herself immensely. So does the way her toes are curling as her legs kick back and forth in the air on either side of Thaddeus’ waist.
Their mashing crotches are very, VERY sticky from the number of times they’d apparently gone at it while she was napping. Which has Kitty biting her lower lip in thought because… because she’s starting to notice just how HARD and FAST Thaddeus is fucking Laura. The other girl isn’t in any danger from what Kitty can tell, she’s made of tougher stuff than that even if she doesn’t have a full adamantium skeleton like Logan does.
But still, Thaddeus is definitely inhuman in his strength, speed, and stamina. Kitty finds herself reflecting on what the Professor had told her before this mission. From what they knew, Thaddeus’ mutation allowed him to grow stronger in small bursts from having sex. According to Professor X, the boosts weren’t supposed to be that big… they just all added up at the end of the day.
And yet, Kitty finds herself wondering just how much stronger Thaddeus was getting from fucking Laura. It was like some sort of feedback loop, just watching them go at it. Was the bedframe going to survive the experience? It didn’t look like it…
Finally, unable to help herself, Kitty’s hands on the other side of the wall slide down her front. She slips her fingers past her panties and right into her cunt, biting her lip hard to try to contain her moans as she begins to push her digits in and out of her pussy. Fortunately, Laura is almost howling at this point as she creams herself again and again on Thaddeus’ cock. And from the look of things, he’s probably getting close too, his movements becoming more sporadic, his grunting becoming louder and louder.
Of course, only her face is on this side of the wall. Her ears are on the other side of the wall, mostly due to just how THIN these dorm room walls really are. Though because of that thinness, Kitty is still hearing most of the noises Laura and Thaddeus are making loud and clear, albeit a teensy bit muffled.
However, her ears being in the empty dorm room is also what saves her, in the end. Because as she’s getting herself worked up, as she’s trying and failing to match Thaddeus’ breakneck speed with her own fingers… the sound of a key being inserted into a lock and the lock being slowly turned is so much LOUDER than everything else she’s listening to right now.
Kitty’s eyes shoot wide open from their lidded state as the phasing mutant realizes that she’s hearing the lock turning for the door in the room SHE’S currently in. Pulling herself back, she whips her head around just as the door starts to push open. Fortunately, the woman who’s entering the room has her arms full and her head turned away as she uses her shoulder to push in.
Before she can make out who the woman is, and even more fortunately, before the woman can even clock her presence… Kitty activates her powers in a panic and drops right through the floor into the room below. Which as fortune would have it, is another dorm room, and this one is currently unoccupied. Landing in a three-point crouch, heart hammering in her chest, Kitty’s eyes are wide and her face is bright red as she realizes what a close call she just had.
… Fortunately, no one had caught her. And no one would catch her, because she was going back to her dorm and she was staying put until Laura returned! Laura would just have to fend for herself for a little while… given everything Kitty knew about the other girl, she could handle it. Probably.
Thank fuck no one saw her.
Back in his room, Thaddeus slows down fucking Laura for a second and pulls back from kissing her to make eye contact with the feral mutant woman. She blinks rapidly for a moment before giving him a curious tilt of her head. In response, Thaddeus just raises an eyebrow.
“Does your roommate often use her powers to spy on people having sex?”
Unsurprised that he caught Kitty’s moaning, and also having clocked the other girl’s face poking through the wall, Laura just sighs and shakes her head.
“She means well. She just doesn’t always make the best decisions. Now… get back to fucking me.”
Grinning wickedly, Thaddeus just nods.
“As the lady commands.”
Laura growls at that, both of them knowing at this point that she’s no lady. But then to be fair, he’s also not a gentleman.
Doing as she’s commanded, Thaddeus returns to fucking Laura hard into the bed, the bedframe in turn rocking and shaking with his powerful and punishing thrusts. He plows her silly as she cries out and tosses her head back while also clutching at him, her nails raking into his back and renting skin asunder, drawing blood.
Grunting from the mild pain but also the electric feeling, Thaddeus reflects that Laura’s roughness had definitely made getting the next five pizzas a bit more of a hassle. The second pizza had been delivered by the same cutie as before, but when she’d seen the blood marring Thaddeus’ body, her sultry grin had immediately dropped off her face. Feeling embarrassed, Thaddeus had ordered from a different pizza place after that. As a result, the next four pizzas had all been delivered by some pimply-assed nerds, one after the other.
The funny thing was, while yes, Thaddeus had wound up covered in… small spatterings of his own blood here and there, it wasn’t like any of the injuries Laura gave him stuck. In fact, as they both reach a crescendo and Thaddeus cums inside of her yet again, causing her to buck her hips and climax alongside him, he can already feel this latest set of scratches healing… and even faster than the previous too.
Like every time before that he’s reached climax, they both seize up as the power surges through them. Thaddeus has honestly lost track of the number of times they’ve had sex by this point if he’s being honest. Maybe around six to correlate to the number of pizzas… but also maybe more? Either way, it’s been quite a few because he can feel just how much he’s gotten from Laura so far.
His inherent physicality has gone past peak human and into true superhuman by now, with his strength, speed, and stamina all having gotten serious upgrades from fucking the gorgeous feral woman over and over again.
But more than that, he got Laura’s primary power… that of a healing factor. His body regenerates now, way faster than a normal human body would heal. He can literally close up torn flesh in under a minute at this point. He’s not sure beyond that, and he’s not exactly eager to find out, but it’s still really fucking cool.
There’s also something else… something Thaddeus doesn’t quite understand. It feels like it’s in his head… and it feels like it’s a sort of calcification. He doesn’t have a better way to describe it and ultimately, he doesn’t really care to. All in all, fucking Laura has been the best thing he’s done since leaving town. He can’t get enough of her… and in turn, he can tell that she can’t get enough of him.
Smiling down at her, Laura smiles back up at him. Obviously, they both know everything there is to know at this point. She’s here for him. And she knows that he knows that. And he knows that she knows but doesn’t care that he knows. And in the end… it doesn’t matter.
Pulling out of Laura just long enough to flip her over and yank the beautiful raven-haired mutant up onto her hands and knees, Thaddeus grabs her by her hips and sinks right back into her, this time from behind. Laura groans and doesn’t fight him in the slightest, even though he can tell she’s positively made for violence. Hell, even sex with her has been violent in its own way.
Even now, fucking her doggystyle, Laura matches him blow for blow. Her hips slam back into his thrusting cock with bruising force that Thaddeus has to push back against. She quite literally makes him fuck her harder, because if he doesn’t, she’ll push him all the way off the bed with her backwards thrusts. But he doesn’t mind. No, he doesn’t mind one bit. He’s going to fucking put her in her place. He’s going to fucking plow her silly. He’s going to ruin her, even if it takes him all night long.
Snarling, settling in for the long haul, Thaddeus leans forward and on pure instinct, bites into Laura’s shoulder. She freezes under him… and then climaxes explosively along his cock in a way that just makes him hump away all the harder. Fuck this bitch was crazy… but then, maybe he was too at least a little bit.
You’d think, after fucking all through the night, that they would both be exhausted come the next morning. But actually, Thaddeus has never felt more well-rested, weirdly enough. That said, it’s a little hard to want to get up when he has a smoking hot babe resting against his chest. Laura too doesn’t seem to be all that sleepy either, though she is still snuggling him quite happily. Both of them are clearly feeling on top of the world.
The dorm room on the other hand… has most certainly seen better days. They’ve utterly trashed the place, and at a certain point in the night, Thaddeus’ bedframe had gone out on them and they’d gone crashing down to the floor. Only, by that point they were in too deep. It all felt too damn good. Even amidst the splintered wood, they’d kept on fucking like a pair of horny-ass rabbits.
Well, at least Thaddeus now knew the dangers of prolonged sex with a superpowered woman like Laura. They could seriously have wound up going at it forever and ever if they both didn’t finally pull back and take stock as the morning sun came through his window and covered their faces at long last.
Now that post-coitus had properly hit, Thaddeus also thought he’d heard some banging from the room that Kitty had been spying on them from at some point in the night as well. Like whoever his next door neighbor was had been trying to get them to keep it down. Obviously, she’d failed.
In the harsh light of day, Thaddeus takes stock of the situation… and has some regrets. Not many, but certainly some. Groaning, he runs a hand down his face as he lets out a sigh.
“… Going to need a new bedframe.”
He says it out loud, but he’s speaking more to himself than to Laura. However, that doesn’t stop the raven-haired mutant from raising her head and looking around them as well.
“Mm… yes. Should get it reinforced too.”
Blinking at the suggestion, Thaddeus gives the feral young woman a deadpan look.
“Yeah? You think? And what… going to help me with that are you?”
He means it sarcastically of course. Well, mostly. She HAD helped him break the first bedframe after all, and in more ways than one at that. She was the prime cause of the power spike he’d gone through after tonight. Shit, Thaddeus was going to have to make sure he didn’t have any accidents with whatever newfound super strength he might be rocking.
But still, he doesn’t actually think she’s going to take him seriously. And yet… Laura actually considers it for a moment before nodding.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
Blinking rapidly, Thaddeus tilts his head to the side.
“Err… that’s okay. I mean, it’s my bedframe, so I’ll take care of it…”
“No. Our bedframe.”
And then she plants a hand on his chest and leverages herself up as she looks him right in the eye. In that moment, Thaddeus feels more like a prey animal than he ever has in his entire life.
He opens his mouth… and then closes it again. With that one word, Laura has managed to convey a whole world of meaning. As she splays her fingers out across his chest, she claims him as her own. Meanwhile, Thaddeus’ eyes drift down to her blemish free shoulder, where he HAD bitten her multiple times during the night. None of them took of course, her healing factor restoring her body the moment his teeth left her skin. Still…
Thaddeus had caused this. He’d… somehow stolen an X-Man. Or X-Woman? He didn’t know how they handled the gender thing truth be told.
And he also didn’t quite know what he was going to say to Laura next. In the end, he just opens his mouth and wings it.
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Tell Laura he can't be hers because they barely know each other - 3%
[  ] Tell Laura he can't be hers because he's not a one-woman type of guy - 5%

[X] Tell Laura he CAN be hers, but she's going to have to accept that he's not a one-woman type of guy - 92%


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