The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 21: A Peeping Kitty

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

All I'll say about this chapter is... muwaha. Muwahahaha.


As focused as he is on the person outside his door, Thaddeus actually realizes that he’s listening to their heartbeat as it begins to pick up in pace for a moment. His hearing has apparently grown so advanced that as long as he’s paying attention, he can even catch things like that.

The heartbeat rises in pace even further… as a familiar face suddenly pushes its way through the door itself. Eyes flutter open as Kitty Pryde quite literally pokes her head in, the girl peeking through his door like it was open and unlocked. It’s not either of those things of course, but Kitty’s mutation doesn’t really care, now does it?

Her eyes flicker around the room for maybe half a moment before focusing on what she’d poked in for… the bed. Of course, while Thaddeus pulled the blanket up over Gwen to give her some modesty and warmth, he had NOT done the same for himself. Which means that, due to how vision works, one of the first things Kitty’s eyes alight upon on the bed… are his long legs and thick, veiny, but currently soft cock.

Laid out along one of his thighs, Thaddeus’ massive dick draws the young mutant woman’s eye like a moth to the flame. Her breath hitches as she stares at it, growing redder and redder in the process. Thaddeus just watches her in amusement, wondering how long it’s going to take her to realize… ah, not long at all.

Almost as an afterthought, Kitty’s eyes flicker up to meet his face, most likely to check that he’s still sleeping. Clearly, she expects him to be because she doesn’t waste even a moment directing her gaze back down onto his dick after checking. Which is what makes her double take all the more comical as she snaps her eyes back to his completely awake, lightly smirking face a moment later.

Squeaking, Kitty immediately pulls back through the door. Thaddeus raises an eyebrow, still able to hear her rapid heartbeat on the other side as she stands there for a moment. The tingling in the back of his head also hasn’t gone away… if anything, it’s gotten stronger while Kitty was staring at his cock.

He would have expected her to run away after being caught out like that, but to his surprised amusement, after a few seconds pass, Kitty comes back on through. This time, the young woman steps all the way through his door, no respect for its locked state. She can’t even be bothered to knock! How rude! That said, she has this mulish expression on her face… and her eyes are fixated not on Thaddeus or his cock now, but on the lovely blonde passed out in the bed next to him.

Hissing out the words in a whisper-yell of sorts, Kitty jabs a finger at Gwen.

“Who the fuck is that, Thaddeus?!”

Blinking, Thaddeus stares at her in bewilderment. She’s acting like a scorned girlfriend, as though he were cheating on her or something. But besides watching him and Laura fuck all night long, Kitty had never done anything with him. Not sexually and certainly not romantically. Wait… Laura. Ah, now he’s starting to get it.

Grinning a little, Thaddeus shrugs.

“That’s Gwen Stacey. From down the hall.”

At his nonchalant answer, Kitty only grows more incensed. Her arms crossed over her chest now, she taps a foot as she glares at him. She thinks she’s defending her friend; Thaddeus has realized by this point. Which is why the next words out of her mouth don’t surprise him in the slightest.

“Does Laura know about this?”

Raising his second eyebrow to join the first, Thaddeus grins unrepentantly.

“About Gwen specifically? Not yet. But does she know we’re not exclusive and that I plan to fuck other girls? Oh yeah. She knows.”

That brings Kitty up short. She silently mouths the words ‘not exclusive’ to herself before growing all the more incredulous and actually saying them out loud.

“Not exclusive?! How can you be ‘not exclusive’?! You’ve been fucking like rabbits all week long, damn it!”

Her voice is still a whisper-shout, but it’s getting louder so Thaddeus takes perverse pleasure in bringing his finger to his lips and shushing the flustered mutant. Kitty huffs loudly, but also looks a little embarrassed, even glancing guiltily towards Gwen. Of course, the blonde is still out like a log. Gwen might be superhuman and with enhanced senses to boot, but she’s not going to wake up any time soon. Or at least, he doesn’t think so. Maybe in another hour or so, who can say? But right now? She’s out like a light.

“Of course we have, Kitty. Laura is one of the only people in this dorm who can truly keep up with me.”

Kitty blushes harder at that and gets this faraway look in her eye. Thaddeus just knows she’s remembering her peeping from that first night. His grin widens as she finally tears herself out of the memory and shakes her head violently to try to dispel it from her head. He can tell she succeeds, because she suddenly blanches and seemingly realizes something else.

“You… you knew. You know, I mean. You weren’t surprised by the use of my powers in the slightest! You know who Laura and I are! Did Laura tell you?!”

Technically, yes. But Thaddeus wasn’t about to blame Laura like that. Especially when the truth was…

“She didn’t have to. You told me, Kitty.”

The brunette mutant squawks at that, shaking her head vehemently.

“N-No I didn’t!”

“Oh but you did. That very first time we met, when you closed the door in my face. You were pretty loud while you were berating Laura afterwards. Mentioned how she was ‘blowing your cover’ and how ‘The Professor gave you a mission’. I mean, Professor Charles Xavier spoke to me directly about his school over six months ago, Kitty. I don’t have to be a genius to put two and two together… though at this point, I might be one anyways.”

He shrugs and adopts a self-deprecating grin at that last part. He doesn’t know how smart he is now. But learning has never been easier for him, that much is true. And… he’s liable to only keep getting smarter, isn’t he? But genius is not wisdom. He could be the smartest man alive and still make mistakes. That said, he didn’t think pointing out Kitty’s own mistakes was one of them. After all, better that the girl blame herself over Laura.

And indeed, Kitty has blanched again at hearing his explanation. He can see her thinking back to that day, pondering whether she was really that loud or not. Truthfully, she wasn’t so loud that he didn’t have to eavesdrop purposefully. But he’s not about to tell her that, heh.

Finally, Kitty’s shoulders slump and she groans as she rubs a hand over her face.

“Fuuuuck… the Professor is going to kill me.”

For a moment, he considers leaving it at that. Telling Kitty to get out of his room, leaving her to stew in her failure. But the chance that she might actually contact Professor X about how badly she’d screwed up is too high by his estimation. No… better to try and subvert her, just like he’d sort of subverted Laura. With a grunt, Thaddeus catches her attention.

“I don’t see why. You and Laura are doing your job just fine. After all, it’s not like you’re here to hurt me, right?”

“What?! No!”

“That’s right. You’re here to keep an eye on me. To make sure no one’s taking advantage of me. And so far… you’ve done just fine.”

Kitty looks like she wants to believe him, as though she yearns for it. But also, her eyes flicker over to Gwen’s passed out form and she bites her lower lip. Snorting, Thaddeus rolls his eyes and laughs.

“I assure you, if anyone in this bed took advantage of anyone else, it was me. And if you need evidence… well, only one of us is still conscious right now.”

That gets a blush from Kitty and her eyes dart down to his cock again before she hastily looks away, expression enflamed. Funnily enough, that tingle in the back of his head HAD been going away as he and Kitty had conversed. However, the moment that she glanced to his dick again, it came back. What did it mean? Was it some sort of sixth sense? A… sex-th sense if you will?

Okay, even in Thaddeus’ head, that joke was really, really bad. Thank fucking God no one would ever have to hear it.


“Conscious… and still very much capable of going another round if only I had an equally conscious and willing partner.”

Staring at his cock now, Kitty Pryde wavers for only a moment… and then takes a step forward.

“I… suppose that if I’m going to be watching you… I could s-stand to do so from a little closer…”

Thaddeus snorts at that but doesn’t say a word. No reason to when she’s doing such a great job of convincing herself. Of course, he’s a little surprised when Kitty takes another step… and her clothing falls into a heap right behind her, leaving the cute bubbly brunette completely and totally naked. His eyebrows lift a little higher at that display of her power. He hadn’t known she could do that.

Now wearing nothing but her birthday suit, Kitty all but scrambles forward. Whether it’s out of embarrassment and not wanting to second guess herself, or because she’s afraid he’ll rescind the offer… it doesn’t really matter, does it? Her hand latches around his cock a moment after she climbs up onto the bed, and she strokes it evenly as she bites her lower lip and stares down at his engorging member.

Thaddeus watches her with a broad smile… right up until she glances at him, sees that smile, and flushes in embarrassment. That alone wouldn’t make him drop his smile, but her next words, said in a tentative yet teasing tone, definitely do.

“I suppose I know why they call you Thundercock now, don’t I?”

Immediately, Thaddeus groans and palms his face with his hand. It’s not the pleasured kind of groan either, but a groan of sheer embarrassment and disappointment.

“… No one calls me that. Please don’t spread it around.”

Kitty proves what a monster she is by giggling at his despairing tone, even as she takes his now erect member and climbs aboard. Fitting him inside of herself, the bubbly brunette sinks down his cock with a truly wanton moan, shuddering as he fills her up in what must be an intensely satisfying fashion judging by her expression. At the same time, she offers him an insincere apology.

“Sorry. Couldn’t resist.”

Thaddeus snorts in derisive amusement. Of course she couldn’t. Which was precisely why he avoided his full name getting out as much as possible. Honestly, that his God-fearing Christian parents had named him what they named him… he wasn’t completely convinced they hadn’t been insanely high when they did it, even if they both swore up and down they’d never touched drugs. Thaddeus didn’t believe them.

Because seriously. It was one thing to be stuck with a last name like Cummings. That was their family’s name, and as juvenile as the word was, it had been their family name for centuries. And Chad… Chad was a fine enough name, Thaddeus had to admit. He’d certainly been the epitome of a ‘Chad’ before his powers had come in. All of the positives and all of the negatives associated with that name had applied to him.

But then his parents had gone ahead and saddled him with two middle names. One was good enough that he had chosen to go by it instead of his first name. The other… the other was worse than both Chad and Cummings combined! Seriously?! Who the fuck gave their newborn kid a middle name like Thundercock?!

Thaddeus didn’t care that it was apparently a homage to a World War II General that his father had always idolized. If they’d really wanted to honor that man, they would have just made his middle names Thaddeus Thunderbolt. No, instead he got stuck with Thundercock.

Drugs had to be involved. Thaddeus refused to believe otherwise. Not just with his parents either, but the hospital staff that day must have been smoking something as well. And also the government officials who signed off on such a crass middle name being entered into public record. It was just… ridiculous. From top to bottom.

… But he shouldn’t be thinking about that all right now. Not that it was truly stopping him from fucking Kitty Pryde, of course. Splitting his focus this much? It was child’s play by this point. Even as all of that had been running through his head, he’d already grabbed Kitty by the hips and begin thrusting up into her from below, moderating his strength and speed so he didn’t hurt the mutant girl.

Though, that didn’t mean he was being gentle, necessarily. Rather, Kitty had earned a little bit of roughness between her peeping and her teasing. So Thaddeus gives it to her, bouncing her on his cock at a pace that has the bubbly brunette yelping and squeaking as her sopping pussy walls clench down around his cock.

“Oh god! Oh fuck! You… nnngh!”

Grinning up at her, Thaddeus’ eyes twinkle with mischief. That tingle in the back of his mind has gone away now that she’s actually impaled on his dick. Sex accomplished, he supposed. Though… not quite yet.

“I what? Should I go faster? As you wish~”

“Oh fucking h-hell!”

Kitty doesn’t ask him not to, even as Thaddeus speeds up some more, so he goes ahead and maintains that new pace even as she tosses her head backwards, her eyes rolling up and her mouth wide open. Her loud moans fill the room, even as he fills her cunt over and over and over again. So focused on his task, Thaddeus almost doesn’t notice when the tingle DOES start up again… and he doesn’t really understand what it means until a hand that doesn’t belong to him OR Kitty suddenly brushes against his chest.

“Mm… started again without me, stud? How rude~”

Blinking, he looks over to see Gwen grinning at him tiredly but also in abject arousal, her gaze undeniably horny as she bites her lower lip, looking down at where he and Kitty are joined. She’s clearly imagining herself in Kitty’s place… or maybe just enjoying the view. She could be bisexual, Thaddeus doesn’t know. After all, she’s certainly not complaining too strongly about what she woke up to.

And if he’s right about the ‘tingle’ power she gave him being some sort of sex-th sense, then it stands to reason that Gwen is currently very aroused by what she’s seeing indeed.

Squeaking when she realizes Gwen is awake, Kitty goes bright red for a second… before leaning forward, her lips parted in a pant.

“J-Just… just getting him warmed up for you~”

A blatant lie of course, but not one Gwen was about to call the other coed out on. Thaddeus, meanwhile, just grins. This day can really only get better, he’s pretty sure.

… Which of course is when his phone rings from over on the side table. And it doesn’t just ring, it rings with a unique ringtone that he’d assigned to one particular person. As his, Gwen, and Kitty’s eyes all turn towards the phone, Thaddeus lets out another groan that has nothing to do with how good Kitty feels wrapped around his cock right now.

Emma Frost was calling. And now he had to decide between doing the smart thing and picking up the phone at the expense of an impending threesome… or leaving Emma to go to voicemail while he engaged in further sexy times at the possible expense of his working relationship with the woman paying all his bills.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Apologize to Gwen and Kitty, but he really has to take this call - 81%

[ ] Tell them it's no one important and put his phone on silent - 19%


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