The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 31: Did It Work?

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Thaddeus does the deed with a virgin Anna Marie~


The two youth on the bed are just starting to get hot and heavy when Thaddeus makes his decision and steps forward. Neither of them really sees him, but at the same time neither of them is really REAL either. This is a memory and even Rogue… or rather, Anna Marie as she was at this point, is merely a memory of her real self, not the real deal.

Placing a hand on the shoulder of Rogue’s boyfriend, Thaddeus reaches out psychically and focuses his mind.

“Sorry bud, but I’m going to have to step in here.”

A moment later and he sort of… flows into the other guy’s place. He doesn’t possess Rogue’s boyfriend though, when he looks down at himself he’s still him. And yet, when he looks up into Anna Marie’s eyes, she doesn’t look disturbed or frightened by the replacement. Instead, the cute, rather adorable southern belle is biting her lower lip, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation in her chocolate-brown eyes.

“I… a-are you sure about this?”

Thaddeus smiles softly. He’s not sure what her boyfriend said to her. Maybe that was part of what triggered Rogue’s mutation. That she was pressured into all of this. So he starts there, shaking his head and leaning in to give her a quick peck on the nose.

“Only if you are, Anna Marie. Just say the word and we can stop right here.”

Maybe that’s silly of him to say. But he has a pretty good idea of Rogue’s personality by now and she couldn’t have changed too much. Besides, if he turned out to be wrong, he could always reset and try again. He doesn’t turn out to be wrong though. In the face of his willingness to back off, adorable Anna Marie suddenly finds her courage, growing more determined and resolved as she quickly shakes her head and reaches up to cup his face and pull him in to a deep, tongue-filled kiss.

When they finally pull apart for air a moment later, Thaddeus raises an eyebrow at her forwardness, making the memory of the young woman blush in response.

“N-No… I want to do this…”

He nods and sets about escalating things from there. They’re both still wearing most of their clothing, as it turns out. They’d been getting hot and heavy, but only petting above the clothes had taken place before he’d stepped in. Well, if they were going to go all the way, Thaddeus couldn’t very well have such cute blue jeans in his way.

But he’s also quite lovely about it, if he does say so himself. All of his experience with women since his mutation came in is paying dividends now as Thaddeus performs a master class in being the perfect comforting but also teasing gentleman to a wholly virgin Rogue. Beneath him, Anna Marie mewls and moans as he touches and kisses her in all the right places, flicking and licking here and there in a way that has her jolting but also quivering in arousal.

Her clothes come off and so does his. Her nipples get some attention, her breasts squeezed and played with in a way that has her arching her back into his experienced hands. And finally… there’s her sex. Thaddeus starts with a hand down there, feeling her up and getting the young brunette more and more aroused as he does so. Anna Marie’s moans reach a fever pitch, only for her to clap a hand over her mouth as she whimpers.

“S-Sorry… need to s-stay quiet… I know you d-don’t want your parents to c-catch us…”

Huh. Thaddeus hadn’t even realized it until now, but that was right. This wasn’t Rogue’s bedroom; this was her boyfriend’s bedroom. No wonder she’d wound up at the hospital with both of their families so swiftly. No wonder they’d been so quick to believe the part Rogue had inadvertently played in her boyfriend’s coma. If she’d been with him when he’d passed out, if she’d screamed for help…

Thaddeus offers the fretful brunette another reassuring smile, even as he shakes his head.

“Don’t worry. They won’t catch us. They’re not even home right now.”

A definite change from what really happened. He can see Anna Marie processing this, can see her coming to terms with it and ultimately accepting his words as gospel. He can also see it relaxes her further, letting her let out a shuddering breath before smiling up at him.

“R-Right… sorry, I guess I forgot.”

Thaddeus just nods, smiling right back as he returns to business. Soon enough, Anna Marie is moaning up a storm again… and after deciding that she’s more than wet enough in this false memory, Thaddeus brings his cock to bear on her slit, very gently pressing the head of his member against her sex. The adorable brunette stiffens up in response, biting her lower lip.

Even though he’d thought to himself earlier that she really hadn’t changed that much in terms of personality… at the same time, he has to acknowledge that in some ways she definitely has. The Anna Marie underneath him is a far cry from the Rogue he’d come to know in the real world. No white shock through her hair, no goth looks. She’s a sweet, innocent, Christian Girl. A southern belle with the whole rest of her life ahead of her. There’s a metaphysical weight that she doesn’t feel just yet.

For a moment, Thaddeus worries that he might have actually made this memory too good. Will Rogue’s mutation even still trigger without being pressured into having sex while her boyfriend’s family is in the house. Will just losing her virginity be enough of a shock to the system?

Only one way to find out, he supposed. And in the end, Thaddeus’ worries turn out to be unfounded. He thrusts forward, causing Anna Marie to let out a quiet cry as she loses her virginity in that moment. And then… he feels it. Her mutation flicking on. The drain on his life force.

Though interestingly enough, it actually doesn’t feel quite like the way her mutation feels in real life. But then, that makes sense doesn’t it? Rogue has never felt her powers from the opposite end of them before, only her end. So because this is her memory, all Thaddeus is feeling is an approximation of what Rogue imagined her boyfriend felt as he was drained of life and vitality and collapsed on top of her.

Thaddeus can see the real memory in his mind’s eye as he sinks deep into Anna Marie’s depths. He can see how her boyfriend immediately began convulsing on top of her. All that skin contact… but to be fair to Rogue, it’s not like she had any way of knowing what the problem was. She wouldn’t realize the problem was her until far too late when she finally managed to push him off and out of her and he collapsed on the bed away from her, finally no longer seizing and spasming up but oh so terrifyingly still.

What a horrifying experience for the poor girl. He can see how her mutation got stuck in the ‘on’ position as a result. Of course, as the only actual person present here, Thaddeus could no-sell Rogue’s imagined mutation. He could pretend like it wasn’t happening, fuck her and finish, and call it a day.

But that wouldn’t help her. That wouldn’t remove the block… and more importantly, it wouldn’t give Rogue an off and on switch for her powers. No, Thaddeus needed to strike a middle ground here. Fortunately, darling Anna Marie gives him the perfect opening.

“O-Oh… its… ah, its so good… that f-feels amazing…”

No doubt it did. No doubt the energy drain combined with all of their foreplay was making her feel euphoric. Unfortunately, Thaddeus has to burst her bubble.

“Anna… Marie…”

His voice coming out in a rasp makes the cute southern belle’s eyes snap open and lock onto him, only for them to go wide when she sees that Thaddeus is pale and starting to shake.

“What… what’s wrong? What’s happening?!”

She pushes away from him and instead of falling on top of her like her boyfriend had actually done, Thaddeus pulls away as well, letting them come apart and the contact end. Anna Marie stares at him in shock and concern, even as he makes a big show of gasping for breath.

“Are you okay?”

When she reaches for him, he lets her touch him… and then immediately jerks away from her with a shout, causing her to squeak and pull back as well.

“Anna Marie… I think… I think you were doing something. I think you were… draining me.”

The brunette’s big chocolate eyes widen all over again at that. She tries to deny it of course.

“W-What? No, t-that can’t be…”

But Thaddeus stays calm and composed, but also firm as he looks her in the eye.

“Anna… I think you’re a mutant.”

This, of course, provokes an even worse reaction from the brunette. But then, he probably should have known it would. Even in his own home town, he’d been rather worried about being found out as a mutant. Mutants were… well, persecuted actually didn’t feel like a strong enough word for it. Thaddeus was extremely lucky that he’d gotten a mutation that didn’t fuck with him in a noticeable way, that he could use to better himself endlessly… and that didn’t cause an explosive event like Rogue’s did.

“I c-can’t be… the pastor at Church says that m-mutants are the spawn of H-Hell! I’m not… I swear I’m not!”

… Right. Anna Marie looks on the verge of hyperventilating right now. So Thaddeus does the only thing he can think of to pull her out of her spiral of denial and terror. He leans in and he hugs her. The naked young woman stiffens up even as he feels her draining him again. Initially, she relaxes into his arms… but when he begins to shake and breath unevenly, she notices and hurries to push him away again.

“S-Stop! I’m hurting you… w-why would you hug me if you knew I’d just hurt you more?!”

Smiling at her softly, Thaddeus shakes his head.

“Because you needed me. And because you’re not a monster or a demon, Anna. Mutants are just normal people like any of us. YOU are still you… even if you’re also a mutant.”

She looks like she wants to believe him. That’s a good sign. Slowly, he can see she’s coming around. He has to remind himself that this isn’t Rogue. This isn’t the mutant who’s spent years fleeing discrimination and who has only recently found a home with Mystique and her partner. This is Anna Marie, the young woman who’d only just been a virgin mere moments ago.

But she WANTS to believe him, and so in the end she accepts his words and even manages a tentative smile in response to his reassuring grin. That smile dies a quick death though a moment later as Anna Marie, having now accepted her situation, scrambles back from him, staring down at her naked body in horror.

“My… my mutation h-hurts anyone I touch! S-Stay away from me or I’ll h-hurt you! I can’t… I have to cover up!”

Thaddeus hums, thinking of Rogue in the real world and her need to wear gloves and other concealing clothing. He tilts his head to the side as he stares at a shaking Anna Marie. Before she can clamor off the bed to get her clothing, he speaks.

“You could do that. Or you could just turn it off.”

The brunette southern belle pauses and looks at him, seemingly flummoxed.

“… Huh?”

Thaddeus shrugs, maintaining an air of casualness as he continues to smile at her.

“Mutant abilities… superpowers if you will… they can come with downsides, but they’re usually controllable, right? It’s like… a mutant who can shapeshift isn’t always shifting their body uncontrollably of every day. A mutant who can control fire or water or ice isn’t constantly exploding or drowning or freezing every moment of every day. So why should your mutation be any different? Just… try and turn it off.”

Anna Marie lets out a shuddering breath, the rational logic behind his words making her slowly nod. She looks down at her hands for a moment before squeezing her eyes tightly shut. Under her breath, he can hear her chanting to herself.

“Turn off… turn off… turn off…”

Until finally, she opens her eyes and looks at him questioningly.

“Um… did it work?”

Thaddeus doesn’t laugh or ask her how he’s supposed to know that. He’s not here to make her feel stupid. Instead, he just shrugs.

“Only one way to find out.”

And then he touches her. Anna Marie freezes in horror for a moment, but Thaddeus’ grin just widens as nothing happens. At least here, in her memory… she’s turned off her power. She’s shut off the draining and right now he can’t feel anything. Of course, that’s a far cry from her doing it in the real world, but that doesn’t stop the warmth from spreading through his chest as Anna Marie squeals and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

“It worked! It actually worked!”

She sounds so happy. Thaddeus beams and for a moment considers indulging by finishing the sexual encounter… but there’s no real point in him doing so. Not when he can just sort of set it to autopilot. In the end… this is a false memory. And it can’t replace her real memory of her encounter with her boyfriend, no matter how much Thaddeus wishes it could. He might be new to all this psychic stuff, but he’s smart enough to know that changing THAT memory would fuck up the rest of Rogue’s mind and memories, like a cascading error.

Instead, having tacked this false memory of Rogue managing to control her powers onto the real memories like a sort of limpet, Thaddeus begins to pull his mind back out of hers. Slowly but surely, he extricates himself from Rogue’s thoughts, pulling back into his own mind and pulling back up his defenses. And then he opens his eyes in the real world once more.

There, Rogue is opening her eyes at the exact same time. They flutter open in fact, and she stares at him in confusion for a moment before gasping.

“You… I… I remember you now. But I also remember… him. What…”

Thaddeus shrugs.

“Sorry, but this seemed like the best shot of getting you what you needed. Focus on that memory. Focus on what you did in it. And… see if it works out here?”

Rogue gasps, realizing that it just might. She scrunches her eyes closed shut, focusing just as hard as her younger self did in the memory. And then, in an eerie bit of familiarity, she opens them again and bites her lower lip, staring at him rather plaintively.

“… did it work?”

Thaddeus gives her the same exact smile he gave her in the false memory and holds out a hand.

“Only one way to find out.”

Rogue hesitates, not because she’s afraid of hurting him, because they already know that he can withstand her for a while now, but because she’s afraid of having her hopes dashed once more. But finally… she reaches out and grabs his hand.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] It works, Rogue now has a switch to turn off her power thanks to the artificial memory - 80%
[ ] It only partially worked, Rogue can now turn off her power for him and him alone - 19%

[ ] It didn't work, Rogue still can't turn off her power - 1%


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