The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 33: Apologies

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

The best laid plans of mice and spiders.


After a long moment of making him wait, possibly because she’s also trying to make him sweat, Gwen crosses her arms over her chest and smirks.

“Seems pretty obvious what you need to do to make it up to me and Kitty. You said it yourself… together. Finish what you started, lover boy.”

He wasn’t exactly opposed to getting another shot at a threesome with Kitty and Gwen. Honestly, it didn’t sound like much of a hardship at all. Of course, he also wasn’t oblivious to what he brought to the bedroom. In any normal situation, a guy bailing on a threesome with two pretty girls would almost certainly result in that guy striking out with both of those girls for the rest of eternity.

This wasn’t a normal situation though, and Thaddeus wasn’t an ordinary guy by a long shot. He can see the desire in Gwen’s eyes and knows how badly she wants him. It speaks well to her selflessness that she’s even able to think past her own lust and try to include Kitty in whatever’s about to happen next. Although…

“I’m certainly not opposed to it Gwen, but it does mean we have to get a third party’s approval first. Do you think Kitty would be willing?”

Gwen rolls her eyes at that, as though he’s just asked the stupidest question in the world. Grabbing him by the hand, the blonde drags him down the hallway and Thaddeus lets her. Though let it be said, he doesn’t have to do too much ‘letting her’. For as strong as he’s been getting, Gwen is actually still physically stronger than him, packing a whole lot of heat in that tight, beautiful body of hers. Of course, the more he fucks her, the stronger he’ll get as well…

They reach Kitty and Laura’s door in no time, with Gwen looking him dead in the eyes as she knocks on said door. Thaddeus almost wonders if Laura will answer, ruining Gwen’s little statement… but no. Just from surface thoughts, he can tell there are two women in the dorm room beyond and he can feel the sense of weightlessness from the mind of the one that’s approaching the door. By comparison, Laura’s mind is MUCH heavier than Kitty’s… not that Thaddeus will ever say that out loud.

The door opens and Kitty looks out, blinking at the two of them. Gwen just grins.

“Let’s finish what we started, shall we?”

She doesn’t wait for a response, simply pushing into the room while dragging Thaddeus with her. Kitty would normally have had to move to the side, but it seems her instincts betray her because instead she just stands there intangible, letting them both pass right through her. Luckily for her, they already know about her mutation.

For a second Thaddeus is waiting for Gwen to stop dead in her tracks, mortified that she’s barged in for a threesome while Laura was in the dorm room. But he should have known better, because Gwen’s powers don’t just give her super strength, they give her super senses. The blonde had only been so confident in dragging him over here because she’d known Kitty was already back in the dorm. And if she knew Kitty was here, then of course she knew Laura was too all along.

Rather than get embarrassed, Gwen gives Laura a smile and a nod before raising an eyebrow in the other young woman’s direction.

“You mind if we get freaky on Kitty’s bed? You can watch, if you want but the three of us were so rudely interrupted last time so we kind of need to finish up.”

Ah, right. Gwen would also already know that Laura and Thaddeus had been fucking as well. Heh, superpowers.

Talking so bluntly to Laura works wonders for the other woman, who simply nods and stares, clearly intending to take Gwen up on that offer of watching. All that’s left is Kitty, who’s blushing furiously as she stands in the still-open doorway, looking back at them all. Gwen just grins crookedly at the brunette woman.

“Unless you don’t want to join in again, Kitty. I totally get it and I’m more than happy to take Thad here back to his room so I can ride him raw all on my own-!”


The door slams shut and the lock clicks a moment later as a blushing Kitty stomps over to the both of them, grabs them by their hands, and begins tugging them over to her bed. Gwen and Thaddeus actually exchange an amused look as the somewhat diminutive brunette takes charge… for all of a moment before the three of them reach her bed and she finds herself getting kissed and fondled from both directions.

Kitty isn’t THAT short… but compared to Thaddeus, every woman is short, even the tallest, most statuesque beauties. That said, Kitty is definitely shorter than Gwen by a few inches, so hell, maybe Kitty IS that short.

Regardless, between the three of them, clothes all come off in short order. Bodies are exposed, nudity is had by all, and Laura remains on her bed across the rather small dorm room, watching them with hooded eyes as her hands begin to wander.

Finally, they reach the point where penetration is inevitable and Thaddeus is happily surprised when Gwen deposits Kitty right onto his dick.


“You’re the one who got interrupted the first time, Kitty. So you get to go first now~”


Shimmying for a second, Kitty adjusts to his size before slowly beginning to ride him, bouncing up and down on his cock. She looks down into Thaddeus’ eyes and clearly has something on her mind. Her surface thoughts tell him that she’s wondering just how much fucking him and Emma Frost had done over the weekend, and whether that meant he was a bonafide psychic now.

Thaddeus grins and gives Kitty a wink, having no desire to lie or deceive the young woman. Judging by the way her eyes widen and her blush grows, she gets the message. Especially when all sorts of lurid, sordid sex fantasies start popping up to the forefront of her mind. He’s not even actively trying to read her mind right now, but it’s clear she’s running into a Pink Elephant situation, where she’s telling herself not to think about something, only for it to all come up.

Before Thaddeus can tease her on that though, his view of Kitty is suddenly obstructed.

“As for me… I’m not just going to sit idly by this time, lover boy~”

Thaddeus’ vision is suddenly full of Gwen’s muff as the blonde young woman subsequently sits on his face. Chuckling under her, he reaches up and latches onto her thighs, anchoring her in place and diving his tongue into the depths of her pussy without an ounce of hesitation or a moment of complaint. He pushes deep and can feel Gwen jolt on top of him as he does so… but frankly, he’s not sure what she expected.

“S-Shit… you’re even good at this…”

Of course he was. He’s had lots of experience in EVERY form of sexual pleasure between a man and a woman. Well, everything except receiving. He has no desire to be pegged, not ever, not even if the woman is truly the most beautiful creature in the entire world.

But sticking his tongue in feminine orifices? Well, that was just par for the course really. He might gain the most from his sexual encounters with the numerous beautiful women who wound up wrapped around his dick, but Thaddeus was not a selfish lover. Chad might have been, but Chad Cummings was in the past. He was beyond that man by this point.

Driving his tongue up into Gwen’s pussy, thrusting his cock up into Kitty’s cunt, he soon has both women squeaking and yelping between their moaning and groaning. They find that riding him, whether it’s his dick OR his face, is no simple matter as he drives them both wild in short order, making them cum for him.

All the while, his enhanced hearing can pick up Laura over on her bed, going to town on herself and enjoying the show. There’s no jealousy either from what he could tell… not that he can read her mind. His original psychic defense had come from the dark-haired mutant after all, and even now he knew to stay away from Laura’s mind. It was all prickly and thorny, like a fucking porcupine that was always on high alert.

Didn’t matter though, because Laura tended to wear her heart on her sleeve. Some might disagree with that, but Thaddeus had become quite good at reading the young woman since they’d gotten together.

As Kitty’s cunt clenches along his cock and Gwen’s pussy walls flex around his writhing mouth muscle, Thaddeus groans, getting closer and closer himself. His member throbs and his balls churn, until finally… he can’t hold back anymore. He tips over the edge and Kitty squeals as she feels him painting her insides white. At the same time, Gwen moans and bucks her hips, squirting all over his face.

And then… well, Thaddeus probably should have been expecting it. At the very least, he should have been preparing for it. The surge comes like it always does… and he drops right through the bed, suddenly intangible just like Kitty’s mutation. Fortunately, he’s able to catch himself right between the bed and the floor, landing on the solid surface before he can go straight through the dorm floor into the dorm room below this one.

His vision goes from dark because Gwen is sitting on his face and he’s eating her out, to dark because he’s staring at the underside of the bed. Up above, both Kitty and Gwen let out surprised noises… before Kitty begins to panic the fastest.

“O-Oh no! He must have fallen through the floor! Who’s in the dorm room below us?!”

“H-How should I know?! It’s YOUR dorm room… and YOUR powers besides!”

“M-Maybe they aren’t in right now! We need to go check!”

“Wait! Clothes first!”

“Oh right!”

At first, he’s just waiting for them to stop the rapid fire exchange so he can get in a word edgewise and let them know he managed to catch himself before he could fully fall through the floor. However, the more panicked they get, the funnier it gets to him. More than that though is the fact that when he looks to his side… he can just barely make out one of Laura’s eyes from where she’s laying on her bed across the room.

She’s looking right at him, but she doesn’t let the other two know that she knows where she is. Instead, just like Gwen told her, she watches but doesn’t participate, waiting wordlessly for Kitty and Gwen to get dressed as quickly as possible and rush out of the room.

Thaddeus stays quiet too as a result, and only once the door slams shut behind them does he finally sit up. Using Kitty’s Intangibility Mutation is actually really interesting… not least of which because he’d somehow picked up the entire power in one fuck. Was that because he’d already half-fucked Kitty before or something? Or rather… was this what assimilating Rogue’s mutation had granted him? An increase in the speed of his own mutation’s ability to absorb powers?

He stands to his feet, still partially inside of Kitty’s bed while somehow managing to treat the floor of the room as a solid surface. He’s not sure how THAT works, but he walks out of the bed with ease before becoming fully solid again. Laura, meanwhile, rises from her lounging position on her own bed and stalks over to him, eyes still hooded.

Thaddeus just grins and slowly, she begins to smile right back.


About ten minutes later, Kitty and Gwen come back, having finally figured out that Thaddeus was not in fact downstairs. Possibly because Gwen’s super hearing allowed her to pick up on the enthusiastic doggystyle that he and Laura were now engaging in back in the dorm room they’d left behind.

Hands gripping at Laura’s hips, Thaddeus doesn’t stop his thrusting even as they close the door behind them and both stand there with their arms crossed over their chests. Looking at them with a slight grin, Thaddeus raises an eyebrow.

“Oh, you’re back. Not to worry, I’ll be finished with Laura in just a minute.”

Growling, Gwen stomps over to the bed and hops up after all but tearing her clothes off again. Getting into position, she grabs Laura by the hair before hesitating.

“You good with eating me out while I wait then?”

Laura doesn’t bother answering with words, she just dives down and begins to lick at Gwen’s cunt. The blonde shudders, and her anger rapidly ebbs away even as she looks at Thaddeus through lidded eyes. Kitty, meanwhile, comes up to the side of the bed, looking a little discomfited.

“I guess you managed to master my mutation pretty fast there, Thaddeus…”

He tilts his head to the side, but in the end it’s not like he can tell Kitty about Rogue. He’s not going to betray Rogue’s secret like that. Instead, he changes the subject.

“Do you know what you got just yet?”

Kitty looks down at herself for a moment before shrugging.

“Not too sure. I guess I’ll figure it out eventually.”

Giving her a smile, Thaddeus nods.

“I’ll be happy to help you with that.”

Kitty looks surprised for a moment by that, and then smiles right back, pleased by his offer. Thaddeus means it, of course. He’s all too ready and willing to help as much as he’s been helped. Sure, his first loyalty might be to Emma and himself, but he’s not going to just abandon the others. Especially not after Laura’s declaration.

Speaking of which, the dark-haired mutant lets out a gurgling moan under him and Thaddeus shudders as her pussy walls clench down around his cock for a long moment before bringing him to release. He groans as he fills Laura up, at which point Gwen doesn’t wait. She all but pulls the other young woman off of his cock and pushes Laura aside before pouncing at him.

He’s inside of her a moment later as Gwen growls and leans down, kissing him deeply on the lips that had been eating her out just a little while ago. Still, even as the impressively strong blonde begins to ride him, Thaddeus gives as good as he’s getting, his hands on her ass and his hips thrusting up to meet hers as she bounces upon his cock.

So far, in spite of things like government spies and shapeshifting terrorists infiltrating his dorm, college life was treating Thaddeus just fine. And really, he couldn’t wait to see what came next.


The Vote:
[X] Natasha decides to approach Thaddeus in her RA Persona - 70%

[ ] Natasha decides to approach Thaddeus in her Black Widow Persona - 30%


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