The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 9: Empire State University

It was a little crazy how so much could happen in one day, enough that you were sure your life was about to change forever… and then nothing of any real importance could happen for months afterwards. It still felt a little surreal, but that was precisely what had happened.
In one single day back in the latter half of his Senior Year, Thaddeus had met three different factions who all wanted a piece of him. He’d quite literally fucked the representative of one of those factions as well, gaining the ability to very slowly, over the course of minutes, adjust his appearance however he wanted. There were still times to this day that he thought about Mystique. Despite how their interaction ended, he wished her well. He hoped she was doing alright.
But he couldn’t keep looking back. He had to look forward. Even if the last several months HAD felt a lot like a situation where he was forced to ‘hurry up and wait’. After signing on with Emma Frost and her Hellfire Club, it had been just as she said it would be. Both the X-Men and the Brotherhood had immediately backed off, not showing their faces again around his town even a little. Thaddeus had been slightly surprised by their complete withdrawals, but he supposed he couldn’t really complain.
Meanwhile, school had been school and football had been football. Partially out of a misplaced sense of guilt, Thaddeus had led the football team to one last Championship, making his friends and teammates, his Coach, and the Principal all extremely happy with him. And then he’d graduated with grades that had undoubtedly turned heads… and if it wasn’t Thaddeus’ grades that turned their heads, then it was probably where he’d ended up going for his higher education.
There were Universities known for their sports programs and there were Universities that focused on the higher learning above all else. Empire State University in New York was one of the latter. While it still HAD sports scholarships, seeing as Thaddeus managed to secure one, those sports scholarships also came with stringent requirements regarding test scores and overall GPA. Both of which Thaddeus had managed to pass with flying colors.

ESU was established as a Research University, meaning it was a lot less focused on its sports program than some of his other prospects had been. Some of his other prospects… that his friends and teammates from high school had managed to get full rides to.
He would never say it out loud, though he imagined some of the smarter guys suspected… but the real reason Thaddeus had picked ESU over his other options was because it represented the cleanest break. Not a single person from his school was going there except for him. He was leaving his old life behind… and yes, that was entirely by design. After all, it was true what they said. Sometimes you just… outgrew certain people.
Still, on top of giving it his all and making sure to win the last Championship before he graduated from high school, Thaddeus had also felt guilty enough to let his friends and former teammates drag him around to all sorts of parties and Summer Bashes over the intervening Summer Months. During which he’d gotten it on with all sorts of girls, some that he recognized and some that were total strangers to him.
Indeed, while his life had mostly calmed down after that one crazy day in early Spring, that was one area in which Thaddeus had continued on full steam ahead. With the encouragement of Ms. Frost, of course. He and Emma Frost were in semi-infrequent communication throughout the rest of the school year, and when Thaddeus had asked if he needed to lie low and lay off the sex until he graduated, Emma had told him that there was no need for that. In fact, she’d said that for the sake of their new working relationship, she wanted him to explore his abilities as best he could… even with the limited stock he had on offer.
Those were her words, not his. Thaddeus wasn’t so far gone that he was considering the girls he slept with ‘stock’ just yet. Even if he admittedly couldn’t remember all of their names. Regardless, with Emma’s prodding Thaddeus had fucked what felt like at least a hundred different girls in the past several months. Some of them multiple times, some of them one offs. Each and every one of them had fed his abilities, to the point where he felt like he was past the point of human and well into superhuman.
Before, he’d figured there were at least Professional Athletes out there, as well as Olympians, who could give him a run for his money, if not outright beat him. But now? Thaddeus didn’t think that was the case anymore. And his mind had been ramping up right alongside his body, which had allowed ESU to be an option in the first place.
Now here he was, riding in the back of a private car provided by his mysterious benefactors in the Hellfire Club, waiting for a call from Ms. Frost while he was steadily being driven towards his new college dorm. When the call suddenly comes through, a beeping on the screen embedded in front of him, Thaddeus makes sure he’s as presentable as he can be and then reaches out and taps the ‘Answer’ button.
Immediately, Emma Frost’s face appears on the screen in front of him, the connection established without delay. The Hellfire Club’s technology really was something, Thaddeus couldn’t help thinking, even as he was aware that the small camera at the top of the screen was transmitting his own face right back to her. She gives him an affectionate smile and a nod.
“Thaddeus. So good to see you again. I’m sorry it couldn’t be in person, but you know how it is.”
Considering this was the first time they had even spoken face-to-face since she’d gotten him to sign on with her organization, Thaddeus did not in fact know how it was. But he could guess. He could theorize. And he definitely suspected a woman like Ms. Frost was exceptionally busy even at the best of times. Much too busy to waste too much of her precious time on him anyways. With that in mind, Thaddeus just smiles right back and nods as well for good measure.
“I understand perfectly, Ms. Frost. I appreciate this call, knowing how busy you must be.”
“Of course. Anything for my favorite football star.”
Thaddeus blushes a little bit at that and rolls his eyes good-naturedly. His future had been the focus of several of their over-the-phone conversations they’d gotten to have these past few months. He was growing more and more convinced that he didn’t want his entire future to be tied up in football or any sports really… and Emma, while understanding of that desire, had turned to teasing him a little bit over it.
Still, he knew she was just teasing. Before he can respond, she carries on, waving a hand in front of her face.
“How has it been so far, leaving home for the first time? You’re going from the small town to the big city… the adjustment period will likely be difficult, but I assure you, it will be well worth it.”
Thaddeus grimaces ever so slightly at that. Yes… it was a big change, wasn’t it? And he hadn’t had nearly enough time to know if he was going to regret leaving his hometown behind or start to feel homesick. Truth be told, he suspected that it would ultimately be fine in the end. There were a variety of reasons that he probably wouldn’t regret leaving home.
Sure, he was the Star Quarterback and the most popular, well-liked guy in the whole town… but that was the end of it. The end of the road. He was only ever going to leave his home behind for bigger and better things… or fall off a cliff at the finish line and end up staying in the place of his birth for the rest of his life like his father had.
Not even his parents had wanted THAT for him. But Thaddeus was sure that both his mom and dad were counting on him going into Professional Football rather than anything else he currently had in mind. They thought the only way out for him was through the NFL… and before Thaddeus had awakened his mutant abilities and started getting stronger and smarter, they were probably right. But now he had options. Options borne of his connection with Emma Frost and her Hellfire Club, as well as his ever-growing intelligence and other attributes.
Ultimately, he felt like while he might miss his parents sometimes, he wasn’t going to miss them ALL the time. They loved him, sure… but what they really loved was a version of him that he couldn’t accept being anymore. It would be much easier to justify his change in personality after a year or two away at school, he figured. Then he could see about doing something different… and being who he wanted to be, rather than who those around him wanted to be.
With that in mind, he answers Emma’s question with an honest smile.
“Not too bad so far. All I’ve really done is travel so far, so I can’t say for certain just yet… but I have a good feeling about all of this. I think this is going to be good for me.”
Emma chuckles knowingly at that, and Thaddeus gets the impression that she’s imagining him with all sorts of coeds. And hey! Yes, he’d probably get his dick wet while at University… but that wasn’t ALL he was planning to do, thank you very much! He wanted to make something of himself! He wanted to figure out where he was going next. He couldn’t very well do that if he was spending every moment of every day buried in a girl’s cunt. No matter how good sex felt, especially given his abilities.
Before he can say anything to that effect, however, Emma cuts him off.
“I’m sure it will be, Thaddeus. Still, my time is limited so it’s probably best that I cut to the chase. I didn’t just arrange this call because I wanted to check in with you.”
Thaddeus blinks at that but supposes he shouldn’t be all that surprised. Settling back into his seat, he inclines his head to show he’s listening. Emma pauses for a moment before sighing.
“There will be a… party in the coming months. A get-together of the Hellfire Club. You will be expected to attend as my plus one. I’ve done what I could to keep the vultures at bay, but I can no longer justify keeping you to myself after all this time unfortunately.”
Oh? He hadn’t even realized that was happening. In hindsight, he should have. He didn’t know nearly as much about his mysterious benefactors as he wished he did, but he could have made some educated guesses. Given what Emma was like, and a name like the Hellfire Club… they were obviously movers and shakers. And rich people certainly did love their toys, didn’t they?
Thaddeus feels a surge of appreciation well up in his chest at the realization that Emma had been protecting him all this time, even more than he knew. Though he also feels a surge of apprehension right alongside it, wondering exactly whom she felt the need to protect him from within her own organization.
At the same time though, it’s not like he has any reason to refuse. And every reason to accept.
“I understand, Ms. Frost. I’ll be ready for whatever you need of me.”
Emma smiles softly at that.
“I know you will, Thaddeus. I’ll be in touch soon enough to get your wardrobe for the party sorted out. We’ll figure out everything else at that time as well. For now… well, you’re almost to your destination.”
Thaddeus blinks at that, a little surprised but also not really all that surprised at all that she knows right where he is. In fact, it only makes sense given this is a Hellfire Private Car.
“You know… ESU is my alma mater, Thaddeus. I went there a long, long time ago… why, it feels like a lifetime.”
Unable to help himself, Thaddeus just shakes his head.
“It couldn’t have been that long ago, Ms. Frost. You’re still quite young.”
The blonde just laughs at his easy flirting, well-used to it by now. Her eyes dance with mirth and amusement that goes beyond his joke, however.
“I may have pulled a few strings for you.”
He frowns at that, not entirely sure how to feel about being given special treatment. On the one hand, the whole point of joining up with the Hellfire Club had been to receive special treatment. On the other, there probably should be limits. However, detecting the conflict on his face, Emma just waves away his objections before he can even make them.
“As your benefactor, it was the least I could do.”
Then, with a positively wicked smile on her lips, the beautiful blonde giggles, actually giggles, and leans in close.
“Have fun, Thaddeus.”
With that, the call comes to an end just in time for the car to come to a stop. Now incredibly curious about what the hell Emma had done, Thaddeus gets out of the car and retrieves his duffle from the trunk. The driver doesn’t even roll down their window in order to say goodbye to him, but then they hadn’t done so to say hi when they’d initially shown up either.
As the car pulls away, Thaddeus is already looking at his new dorm building curiously. It’s located less than a minute away from ESU’s main campus, making the travel quite a bit easier, but Thaddeus does notice, intriguingly enough, that there are a fair number of women around… and not a single man.
He probably wouldn’t have noticed that before, but his mind quickly begins connecting the dots and he starts to have a sinking suspicion, even as he steps into the building proper only to be immediately accosted by someone.
“You must be Chad.”
Thaddeus blinks and looks over to see a startlingly beautiful red head holding a clipboard in her hands and glaring at him from under the brim of some glasses that look right at home on her pretty face.
“Uh… Thaddeus, actually. And you are?”
Sniffing haughtily, the red head looks down at her clipboard and then at him, eyeing him up and down for a moment before letting out a sigh.
“I’m your RA, Natalie. I don’t like this… but it’s not as though we have much choice in the matter, do we? No funny business, Mister. Now come on, I’ll show you to your room.”
Thaddeus blinks but shrugs and begins to follow her, all the while considering just how to respond…


The Patreon Vote:

[  ] Bluntly ask her what's going on - 41%
[X] Flirt with her, it's habit by now - 49%

[  ] Stay quiet and figure things out on his own - 11%

(From this chapter on, I will be posting the results of the Patreon Vote for the chapter to increase transparency and alleviate the issue of constant cliffhangers.)

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