The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 11

Biquge, the fastest update is suddenly the latest chapter!

Yu Pinyan stepped into the small courtyard where the prince lived, and he saw Wen Tao and other veterans kneeling at the door of the room, all described haggardly, with a weeping expression. There was a scorching sun in the sky, but there was a sad, cold atmosphere in the courtyard.

The crown prince was born in the Yuan Dynasty. He was the eldest son of the eldest and had both integrity and virtue. If there were no accidents, it would be the next king. However, the Chu Jun was infected with the epidemic for the first time when he went on a business trip. If he died of illness, with the emperor’s favor for him, everyone must be buried for him.

The scorching summer breeze blew past, but several old officials shivered slightly, as if cold into the bone. Hearing the sound of footsteps, they turned around and looked back.

Yonglehou! How can I forget that Yongle Hou searched for the younger sister for his sister! God bless you!

“Hou Ye, the magician …” Yu Wentao trembled up, and before seeing the words, the teenager who met Rong Su had led an old man straight into the house. The closed door cut off everyone’s hopeful eyes.

Because the prince was blind to the wind, the windows in the house were locked and covered with a layer of curtains, which made the light very dim. As soon as he approached the bed, he smelled a strong sour odor, and the unhealthy person smelled it, and he had to smoke out his discomfort.

But Yu Pinyan seemed to be unaware, and strode over to take a closer look.

In just half a month, the crown prince was only thin with only one bone left, and his closed eyes were covered with thick yellow eye stains, and the breath he exhaled had a smell of human body about to rot. If it were not for Yu Pinyan to touch the weak pulse on his neck, he thought he had gone.

“Park Shenyi, please treat the prince.” Yu Pinyan bowed down and pressed, and the old man who made the child look deeply at him.

Lai Shun guessed that the old man was the magician invited by Hou Ye. When he saw this scene, he knelt down and pleaded. He is clever and knows that such gods and men cannot bear coercion. If he is forced to use pressure to diagnose and treat the prince, he may come to you with a dead net.

The old man and the old **** were pulling their beards and laughing, “Yu Pinyan, you have to think about it, I only promise to treat one person. Save the prince, I don’t care about your sister!”

Lai Shun looked at Hou Ye with two tears in his eyes.

Yu Pin’s words didn’t show up on the face, but his hands in his sleeves clenched into fists. Prince is better than Xiang’er? The prince’s life is in danger, he should naturally choose to save the prince, but Xiang’er’s legs can’t be delayed …

With his eyes closed, Yu Pinyan bowed his hand, “I also asked Doctor Park Shen to treat the prince.”

The old man laughed sarcastically, “I still treat you with multiple emotions and righteousness, and surrendered to your family. In this way, I will treat the prince.”

Yu Pinyan twitched his lips, and his tone was cold, “Park Shenyi does not need to provoke. In theory, the prince is the king, I am the prince, and the prince is loyal to the prince. Not inferior to his family, his life is dying, so I should choose to save him at this time. The younger sister is not worried about her life at this time. Without Park Shenyi, I will be able to seek Wang Shenyi and Zhao Shenyi in the future. “

The old man was upset with his beard in a few words, and he sneered, “You just pout! Your sister’s legs, except me, only Master Kuhui can cure this world. Master Kuhui went to the sea ten years ago. When you are in Siam, you do n’t know your life or death. You wo n’t find anyone by then, do n’t cry and cry to beg me! ”

Speaking of which, the old man smiled proudly, picked up the medicine box and went to the couch to examine the pulse of the prince, shouting loudly, “Open the window! Open the window! Don’t want to hold back the prince, open the window quickly!”

Park ’s famous name, even Lai Shun, who had lived in the deep palace for a long time, was heard so much that he quickly opened all four windows to let the sunlight in. The smell slowly dissipated, and everyone felt refreshed.

Park Shenyi took out a set of gold needles, twisted them gently into the main points of the prince, and took out a few drops of muddy blood from his fingertips, ear tips, and earlobe. Just before the dying prince coughed, he woke up immediately.

His eyes were a little blurry, but it did not prevent him from recognizing Yu Pinyan’s beautifully carved face. The prince smiled slightly and assuredly said, “Yi Feng (Yu Pinyan’s word), you saved another life.”

Dissatisfied with Park Shen Yi, wiped off the blood stains of the crown prince’s fingertips with silk cloth, reminding, “His Royal Highness, Yongle Hou doesn’t understand medical skills.”

The prince smiled and said warmly, “Thank you for the doctor’s help.” He seemed to think of something, his face was gone, and he yelled, “The lonely epidemic wanted to come in Luoyang and then infected. You hurry to purchase herbs and call the doctors to Luoyang. Spread with immunity! Go! “

The day after Yu Pinyan left, he began to develop a high fever. At that time, he only thought that he was infected with wind and cold, and drank a few pills. When he realized that he had the epidemic, it was too late. He fell into a deep coma and fell into his mind at the next moment. The last thought is to quickly call a doctor to rescue the victims.

It is a pity that Yu Wentao and others did not read the mind, and the prince was seriously ill. They did not even think about anything else, which delayed the time for nearly half a month. I don’t know if the epidemic has spread in the disaster area.

Yu Pinyan gave his hand a little, and immediately went out to work. Seeing that the crown prince loves the people like a child, Park Shenyi performs his righteousness. Although he doesn’t say anything, his needle is more stable.

Yu Wentao and others still knelt outside the courtyard and received the prince’s password. They immediately burst into tears and cried. The prince has become sick like this, and the people in the disaster area still worry about it. His benevolence is not pretending, but it is really rooted in the bone marrow. The Han Dynasty has such a virtuous prince, but it is lucky!

An old veteran knocked three loud heads, and he went with a hundred times spirit. After returning to Beijing, he wrote the prince’s words and deeds in the concert, and presented them to the emperor. The wording was not exaggerated, but it was enough to satisfy the emperor. And Yu Pinyan’s performance also made him shine, and secretly decided to train this young man with a weak crown to become the humorous minister of the crown prince.

This is for the time being.

Park Shenyi used a set of soul-fixing acupuncture methods to pull the prince back from the death line and prescribe another potion of medicine to the prince. Seeing his face flushed quickly, his eyes cleared a lot before he was relieved, waved his hand, and went back to bed.

The prince lay there for ten days. At this time, he couldn’t lie anymore, and he asked what happened after he fell into a coma. Lai Shun answered them one by one, and hesitated for a long time and finally confessed, “His Royal Highness, you can wake up, thanks to Lord Hou …” This repeated the dialogue between Park Shenyi and Yongle Hou.

The prince was very moved, and sighed to the tent. “The life of solitude was exchanged with the legs of Sister Yi Feng, and solitude is really ashamed.”

Lai Shun quickly reassured, “Your Highness does not need to think about it, only to look for a famous doctor for Miss Yu in the future.” The words fell and whispered secretly in her heart: This Miss Yu’s legs changed the lives of Hou Ye and the Prince. It’s really expensive. This time was delayed, and later it was said that there should be no great fortune, and these two favors alone would be enough for her life.

But he said that Yu Pinyan caused people to buy a lot of medicinal materials, and called a lot of doctors, and he was ready to rush to the disaster area early the next morning. As soon as the chariot came out of the station, he saw a bodyguard entangled with a little girl.

The little girl looked very beautiful and lovely, her lips curled up, and two deep dimples appeared on her cheeks. It seemed to be full of honey. It was so sweet that she could not feel a little disgusting. It is precisely because of this extremely pleasing appearance, the bodyguard did not block her, but persuaded her to leave with a good tone.

“But my herbal medicine is really useful. Drink it and it will be fine the next day. Please try it!” The little girl held a paper bag high.

Seeing that she could not persuade her, the guard had to take the herbs. Many people in the Taoist hospital were infected with the epidemic, and it was the same for them. As for the crown prince, they did not dare to present anything unknown in the future.

The little girl seemed to perceive his thoughts and smiled, “The process of boiling this medicine is very complicated. If it is not done properly, the efficacy will be completely lost. You can take me in. I will help you to cook it.”

Before the bodyguard spoke, he heard a cold, bitter voice behind him, “Are you doing this duty? Let the suspicious people approach the post and receive unknown drugs. If this is a pack of poison, you die ten thousand It ’s not enough to convict! “

The bodyguard’s legs softened, and even if he knelt down and gave a big step, the little Hou kowtowed. Although he was only 16, he was a hard-hearted master who was not recognized by his six relatives. He committed only four words in his hand: “Life is better than death”. And he said that the sentence is reasonable, and the words Zhu Zhu, make people refute. It was also the little girl who was so sweet and delicate that he let him down. If she really is an assassin who sent it, what a big deal!

More and more afraid, the guard threw away the sword halberd and kowtowed dead.

The little girl was also terrified, and the sweet smile on her face was replaced by fear and uneasiness, her wet eyes widened, and she looked pitifully at the cold boy.

The young man turned a blind eye to her, straddling the horse standing in front of the door, and said lightly, “Catch it up and interrogate, and if there is any doubt, go back to the adult and let him deal with it. The prince is still sick, so don’t disturb.” Fall, people have gone far.

The guards kept their promises and straightened up. There was still a bit of warmth on their faces. They grabbed the little girl who was about to run and threw it into the station dungeon.

The little girl shouted and struggled violently, her cuffs rolled up to reveal an orchid-shaped birthmark on her wrist.

After only two hours, the little girl’s parents begged to come. Because of his innocent life, he happened to be old with an accompanying official. The family gave up seven out of ten of the family’s funds before redeeming the little girl and hurried back to Lingnan’s hometown overnight.

After this, the original wealthy house gradually declined.

Three days later, the prince recovered, not only did he not return to Beijing, but also returned to Luoyang, where the epidemic was severe, and vowed to advance and retreat with the people. In early August, the epidemic was completely eliminated, and Luoyang resumed its former prosperity. When the prince walked, tens of thousands of people sent each other in tears. The name of prince Renyi spread throughout the world, and the royal family became more and more loved by the people.

The emperor was extremely satisfied with the crown prince’s performance, and also praised the accompanying officials, especially the young Houye Yu Pinyan, who was only 16 years old, also got a comment of “the material of the world”, and the Yongle Hou Mansion also increased.

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