The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 117

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Master Xue had experienced great storms, and soon he calmed down and asked.

“Zichang (Shen Yuanqi’s word), how did you bring Miss Yu San back?”

Shen Yuanqi stepped back and said, “Your father, Xiang’er is my sister and should naturally come back with me.”

Ping pong banged loudly, but someone dropped the rice bowl and knocked down the chopsticks.

“Your sister, what does this mean?”

“Xian’er is my sister-in-law who has been separated for many years. It’s a long story.” Shen Yuanqi pushed her sister into the hall. After sitting down, she briefly recounted the old things and shocked the Xue family. Before the explanation, Shen Yuanqi said again, “I brought Xiang’er back this time, but I was planning to let her recognize her ancestor and return to her ancestor.

Master Xue just recognized Shen Yuanqi as his son, and did not want him to change his surname. At this time, it was naturally difficult to intervene in his housework.

While the two were talking, Yu Xiang was also in the hall without looking at the crowd. Although Mrs. Xue is very good at covering up, the depth of her eyes sometimes flashes aversion and hidden worries, fearing that she is alert to Shen Yuanqi. It’s no wonder that Master Xue is not upset. Now the Xue family is completely supported by Shen Yuanqi alone. It is hard to guarantee that he will not be greedy for Xue’s huge family business after a long time.

Master Xue is natural and open-minded, with a smile in his eyes, but he really treats Shen Yuanqi as a stranger brother. The other few sons who were taught by Mrs. Xue Wei Nuo Nuo in their small courtyards on weekdays did not show up at this time.

The two daughter-in-laws of Mrs. Xue ’s birth are twelve years old, and one is the same age as Yu Xiang. Both of them have their heads down and ca n’t see their expressions clearly, but the hands clasped together can peep into their presence of a stranger Uneasy.

This Xue family is afraid that they can’t stay for a long time. Yu Xiang thought to himself.

Shen Yuanqi and Master Xue agreed to recognize the ancestors’ ancestry, and then Mrs. Xue began to let the brothers and sisters sit down to eat. No one spoke in the hall, only the sound of chopsticks hitting the dishes. Yu Xiangwei chewed the wax, and missed her brother’s presence more and more. She also ate around the table. She could poke her brother’s thighs with her fingertips to make him change his face; she could slightly kiss her secretly and ask him to kiss; The hottest peppers can taste sweet on the tip of the tongue.

The elder brother left, but it seemed to take away all the happiness in her life. Yu Xiang couldn’t help but red his eyes as he ate.

Shen Yuanqi sighed secretly and put down the chopsticks and said, “We have used it. When Xiang’er first arrived, I took her to go around the house. Your father-in-law, you slow down.”

“Let Jiayi and Jiayin take Shen girl to go, and their daughter’s house is easy to talk about. You stay and recognize that ancestors’ ancestry is a big deal. I have to discuss it with you. Lingnan is far away after all. Open, we need to find a safe person to do it. “Master Xue laughed.

Shen Yuanqi looked at her sister and saw that she didn’t care about waving her hand and had to stay.

The Xue family in Lingnan can be regarded as a distinguished family with a head and a face, although the foundation is still there nowadays. As the eldest daughter of the Xue family, Xue Jiayi was a little extravagant. On the other hand, the second daughter Xue Jiayin was so uncomfortable that when Yu Xiang took up the whip, his face was pale and he made excuses to escape.

Xue Jiayi did not stay, led Yu Xiang to hang out in the back garden, and met the slightly flat road and took the initiative to push the wheelchair.

“Miss Yu Xiang is such a famous person, but she didn’t expect it to fall to such a point one day. The world is really impermanent.” She suddenly leaned over, whispered in Yu Xiang’s ear, and finally Yu Xiang looked back and smiled. .

“I have offended you?” Yu Xiang asked frowning.

“Never.” Xue Jiayi shook his head. She just couldn’t get used to Yu Xiang, she couldn’t talk about it. She had seen Yu Xiang once in the distance. At the Spring Festival banquet held by the crown prince, she was obviously a broken man with a broken leg, but she laughed more than anyone, and no one mentioned her name. The volume was a little louder. She glanced in a cold eye, everyone stopped breathing, and the needle fell quietly at the scene.

A few days after she returned, she was still feeling palpitations at that time. After the palpitations, she felt contemptuous again. There was nothing to fear in the underworld, but she was bullying. Without power, she is a waste.

At that time, the conjecture had now become a reality. Although he had no grievances with Yu Xiang, Xue Jiayi felt happy. When this matter spreads throughout the capital, there must be more people happy about it.

How did Yu Xiang not understand the mentality of these people falling into the rock and sneer, “So, today, I have to offend Miss Xue.”

Xue Jiayi shivered, and listened to her continue, “I can admit that the ancestor’s return to the ancestors was a great thing. When she came to Miss Xue’s mouth, she used the word ‘fallen’. It can be seen how my brother is in Miss Xue’s heart The humble existence, how miserable it is to return to him. Although my eldest brother is now a court official of Zheng Sipin, in the mind of Miss Xue, I am afraid that he will be regarded as a slave of the Xue family … “

“No, I didn’t mean it.” Xue Jiayi quickly defended.

“Then why you satirize me to this point? What is this point? Can Xue Xue help me?” Yu Xiang blinked, his expression very ignorant.

Xue Jiayi’s cheeks turned red, and the whispers were hard to speak.

Yu Xiang laughed coldly, “I will not feel humble because I returned to my brother, and I will not be ashamed of my brother’s experience as a slave. Miss Xue, it is best to be polite when speaking to me in the future. Although it is not Miss Yu Jiasan, he is still the emperor of the Si Nong Township. If you really want to talk about grade, your father and mother will also salute me when they see me. “

Xue Jiayi’s blushing cheeks turned pale, and he was moving forward and back, listening to Shen Yuanqi’s warm voice coming from a short distance, “Xiang, it’s time to go back.”

Xue Jiayi didn’t know how long he had stood, and how much he listened, and suddenly felt more ashamed and angry, and hurried away after lifting the skirt. Tao Hong and Liu Lü’s concentrated flower viewing did not ever come to the master, because both of them knew that in front of the master, Man Jing’s boudoirs were all paper tigers.

Shen Yuanqi pushed her sister back to the room. After sitting down, she poured a cup of hot tea for her, and there was no anger in her face.

Yu Xiang took a sip and said frankly, “Brother, although Mr. Xue treats you well, Mrs. Xue guards you in her eyes. After a long time, it is hard to guarantee that she is not talking to Mr. Xue and Mr. Xue. If you don’t, Greed for the Xue family business, we’d better move out as soon as possible, lest the benefactor become an enemy. “

Shen Yuanqi raised his eyebrows and asked, “What if I am greedy for Xue’s family business?”

“Then I can only say that your brain has entered the water, and then persuade you to think twice. Why do you want to lose a good reputation for such a thing? Don’t pick sesame seeds and lose the watermelon.” Yu Xiang was as patient as persuading the misbehaved child.

It is true that the Emperor reused himself because he had no foundation, and secondly because he knew how to repay his feelings, and if he occupied Xue’s family business, his future career might be broken. Shen Yuanqi originally asked casually, but she couldn’t help but see her sister being so serious.

He realized again the huge difference between Yu Miaoqi and his sister. Yu Miaoqi has to be strong since childhood, and the tentacles must be his own, otherwise he will never give up. If the other person asked Yu Miaoqi, the other party might be eager to shine, and then actively advise him.

This temperament was also spoiled by the late father and mother. In the past, she always whispered in her ears that she is a nobleman. Sooner or later, she will get the best in the world, but it is distorting her nature and finally shaping her into the present. This picture of greed and selflessness.

It was the Shen family who killed Yu Miaoqi. After reaching this conclusion, Shen Yuanqi’s mood was subtle, and he couldn’t tell whether he had more hatred or more guilt.

The brothers and sisters discussed for a long time, and felt that living in the Xue family was not a long-term plan. They greeted Master Xue the next day, and then sent someone to clean up the vacant mansion.

Master Xue kept everything, but suffered from Shen Yuanqi’s determination, and he had family members around him, so he had to let it go, but Yu Xiang’s acknowledgment of his ancestors’ ancestry was still done with all his might.

Yu Xiang is not the blood of the Yu family, but the story of Shen Zhuangyuan’s sister-in-law, but it has been known to everyone for a few days. There were many offenders in Yu Xiang’s past, but not many people came to the door to find a gap. The reason is only four points: First, her brother-in-law and brother-in-law are also celebrities around the emperor, so they can’t easily offend; The title also made the queen give a gift to appease; three, Princess Nine came to visit every day, not waiting until dusk and refused to leave, showing that she was very affectionate with her; fourth, the princess sent several car gifts one after another to show her importance .

Although Yu Xiang left the Hou Mansion, the situation was really unremarkable, except that he missed Yu Pinyan when the night was quiet.

Yu Siyu visited her several times and said that the old lady couldn’t get sick. Yu Xiang immediately prepared a gift and went to visit, but was stopped outside the gate and refused to let in. He had to leave in a state of embarrassment. She has been able to walk like a normal person, but she is still in a wheelchair when going in and out.

After three months of this, Yu Xiang just lay down and fell into a weird dream: she stood by a turbulent and turbulent river, and not far away came the sound of the impact of the swordsmen and the violent fizz It sounded, the head looked up at the gray sky, and wet steam got into the nostrils, and a heavy rain suddenly came.

She walked forward under the heavy raindrops, and in a few steps she saw a few horses galloping, followed by many chasers wielding scimitars. She wiped the raindrops from her face and stood on tiptoe to look at the face of the head man, but saw that there was an arrow in the back of the man, fell from the horse immediately, and fell into the long river of muddy water.

The soldiers who followed him shouted shoutingly, “Master”, and jumped down, struggling towards the floating figure. The cavalry on the shore put away their scimitars and filled their bowstrings. The arrows were tighter than the raindrops in the sky, leaving nowhere to escape.

Yu Xiangqiang forbeared in horror, flung to the river to look at the familiar figure, and saw him sink slowly, and then he woke up from boundless fear and helplessness.

Stretching his hand, his forehead was already covered with cold sweat, and the vest and chest were torn apart. Yu Xiang gasped and shouted peach and willow green one after another.

“Miss, what’s the matter with you?” Liu Lu asked, staring at her blank face.

“Clean up things, I’m going to Xijiang.” Yu Xiang turned down and got out of bed.

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