The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 126

Biquge, the fastest update is suddenly the latest chapter!

The second prince of Xiyi came out of the Empress Dowager, and was loved by the emperor. In addition, he defeated the Han army at the beginning of the battlefield, even two cities, and killed Yu Pinyan, known as the undefeated God of War . As long as he goes back alive, the throne must be his.

Therefore, the eldest prince, the third prince, the fourth prince, and others were anxious and started to force the palace one after another, and then fought together again. It was too late for Yu Pinyan to capture the second prince. Several princes had already forged their blood and their enemies were no longer able to turn around. The tribes of Xiyi were also torn apart.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Yu Pinyan sent troops to the west in a timely manner, directly flattened the Xiyi imperial court, and removed the heads of the empress and the three or four princes. The crown prince led the remnant to defeat the desolate desert on the border, and he would have to recuperate for decades to restore his former glory.

Yu Pinyan packed up the battlefield and treated the soldiers again. Then he wrote a letter to Chengkang Emperor. Emperor Cheng Kang received the secret report from the dark part of Longlinwei, and Longxin was pleased to order him to return to Beijing immediately, but he did not announce this good news to the outside world. He only sent people to inform the crown prince in the ban.

Today’s Dahan Chaotang has also been chaotic. The officials of the Prince’s family are subject to impeachment by all parties every day, and the days are very difficult. The five princes and the six princes, who had always been mediocre, suddenly became active. A large number of officials surrounded them to make a speech for another Chu Jun. While striving to please his father and attacking each other, a lot of scandals broke out.

Emperor Cheng Kang looked coldly and shook his head at the performance of the two princes. People who can sleep in the dark and slowly infiltrate Dragon Scale Guard and knock down Prince and Yu Pinyan in one fell swoop should not be of such impetuous nature. Behind this scene, the black hands must not be two people, but the four princes. They have remained silent from beginning to end. They neither entangled the officials nor deliberately please themselves. Instead, they tried their best to plead for the prince and Yu Pinyan. Officials who attracted support for the prince fell to him. Because only the four crown princes who were pro-princes ascended the throne, they had a way of life.

His performance can be called perfect, but the more perfect the more suspicious. If you can’t move, you can attract nearly half of the officials from North Korea and China without causing any fear of the five and six princes. The method is really harmonious and old-fashioned. Emperor Cheng Kang’s alert to this son has been raised to the extreme. If the prince had an early insight into the opportunity, if not Yu Pinyan’s fate and defeat, he would fall into this well-designed trap. First, he will abandon the prince. When he returns to God, he will abandon the five princes and the six princes. The throne surrendered to this good son who was filial piety.

Emperor Cheng Kang’s savage means and sharp eyes are comparable to the younger four princes. No evidence is needed. Based on intuition and conjecture, he has determined the true fierce and sent the dark princes to closely monitor the four princes. He didn’t care about the disputes in the court, he just wanted to distinguish between those courtiers who were loyal and traitors, and wait for Yu Pinyan to return to the dynasty, which should be reused and cleaned up. The responsibilities have been completed.


Yu Pinyan immediately summoned the generals to discuss the matter of returning to Beijing after receiving the secret statement. Xu Mao didn’t succumb to death. Even if Yu Pinyan personally tortured himself, he clenched his teeth and couldn’t spit out half a word. He bit his tongue several times and committed suicide. Fortunately, someone found his jawbone removed in time, which saved his life.

Yu Pinyan was unable to do so, so he had to be taken back to the capital in a prison cage, so that Emperor Cheng Kang would be conquered.

With all the generals to determine the time for the camp to return to Beijing, he walked towards the small courtyard in the sunset. The scent of food wafted in the yard. Peach and willow placed the dishes on the Kang table. Yu Xiang walked out of the kitchen with an apron around his waist and a little black and gray sticking to the tip of his nose.

Seeing her brother’s eyes lit up, she smiled and greeted her, “It’s a coincidence that you came back, and I just want Taohong to ask you to eat with you. At noon, Master Kuhai and Master Huihui came to say goodbye to you, saying that you are going to practice in the ancient moon country .. You are not here. I have people prepare a lot of dry food and monk clothes, and sent a column of soldiers to send them to the border. “

Yu Pinyan hugged her slim waist skillfully, rubbed the tip of her nose with her fingertips, and laughed, “That’s why I’m rude. After returning to Beijing, you will help me go to Zhenguo Temple to add sesame oil and add more.”

“Well, our province.” Yu Xiang nodded and took his elder brother to sit at the kang table. He wrapped thinly sliced ​​roast duck slices, cucumber, shredded green onion, peanut butter and other objects into the flatbread and rolled them into strips.

Yu Pinyan looked at the pie fed to his lips and hesitated slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Yu Xiangyi blinked inexplicably.

Yu Pinyan took a bite and said softly, “Xiang, we seem to have eaten flatbread for more than two months? Should we change something else?”

“I changed it,” Yu Xiang knocked on the dishes with chopsticks and said, “The day before yesterday I ate beef rolls, yesterday I ate chicken rolls, and today I ate duck rolls. The things I roll every day are different. How else can it be changed? “

“I mean, can it be replaced by rice cooking,” Yu Pinyan said.

Yu Xiang was silent and glanced at him reluctantly for a few moments before **** on his clothes. “I want to change it too, but I can only make pancakes and don’t make other dishes. I can’t cook meat dishes, green vegetables. It’s always scorched, and the rice is sometimes cooked into gruel and sometimes cooked into a pot, and I can’t even take it. I’m not still learning, I think how delicate a porcelain person I used to be, I’ve grinded cocoons for your fingers What’s more dissatisfied? “

She said that she was wronged and spread her white and tender hands on the table. Yu Pinyan took a peek at it, and it turned out that some parts of her skin were rubbed, and she felt very badly in an instant. She hugged her to the knee and kissed and kissed her.

“Brother’s careful liver, don’t do these things in the future, let the pink and willows wait for them. You, the porcelain man, should just let his brother hug him in his arms every day.” He said while kissing her ten fingers. The movement is indescribably gentle.

“But I like to wash your hands and make soup. Isn’t it my duty to be a wife?” Yu Xiang did not feel wronged and arched in his brother’s arms.

“As you like. I’ll eat whatever you do, and you’ll eat it all your life.” Yu Pinyan smiled happily. He never knew that he could say such a nasty love, but for her sister, making her happy seemed like a duty, an instinct.

Yu Xiang gave him a glance, his nose hummed, his heart was clearly happy, and he was holding it on his face. Yu Pinyan loved her small look, and her big hand penetrated into her clothes and touched the soft flesh around her waist, until she rubbed her into a spring in her arms.

The two kicked off the Kang table, hugged and entangled together, and Yu Xiang was already paralyzed, and he could only breathe under the jaw of the arm. Yu Pinyan twisted the veil to help her take care of it, but was kicked by the stubborn little feet in the semi-soft place, and she immediately felt it again.

“Little monster, would you like me to pack you up?” He whispered, clenching his teeth.

“Tomorrow is about to go on the road. It’s inconvenient to travel. I have to eat a little bit.” Yu Xiang licked Yin Hong’s lips, and the charming, silky elder brother went off. She has always been casual and lived as happy as she pleased, not looking at feudal ethics. Having just realized the fun of fish-water-zhi-huan, she didn’t feel satisfied enough to enjoy it naturally.

Yu Pinyan’s favorite is her passion, frankness and straightforwardness, pressing down with a low smile.


The two were still on their way back to Beijing, and Chaotang had a new turmoil. Because Xiangguo is the backbone of supporting the prince, if the rest of the princes want to be in power, they will naturally have to remove this block stone. With the advice of several princes, the impeachment of the imperial country flew to Cheng Kangdi’s desk like a snow flake.

One of them caught the attention of Emperor Cheng Kang, but was to reverse the case for Yu Junwei who was exiled to Shu. Yu Junwei was the third uncle of Yu Pinyan, the elder lady’s son, who had been impeached by the government officials, but was impeached by the government. He sold officials and princes and accepted bribes.

Witnesses back then even turned up confessions, saying that everything was a conviction fabricated by Yu Pinyan in order to seize the country and the prince. Because his family’s lives were pinned in Yu Pinyan’s hands, he had to confuse Zhongliang with his conscience. Now Yu Pinyan died, and his family’s threats were lifted. This was when he stood up to atone for his evil deeds.

The spread of the incident led to a great uproar, impeachment of Xiangguo and Yongle Hou were very popular, and even Linle Hou ’s biological mother, Lin, also stood up to testify for the Yu Junwei family. There are noses and eyes like that.

The old lady vomited blood when she heard the news, and Yu Siyu even wished that the fire had burned Lin Zhai’s house, and she was caught by Ma Ma.

In the Prince’s Mansion, Emperor Cheng Kang and the Prince were playing against each other. Emperor Cheng Kang dropped his son and sighed, “Yi Fengguo is really a weak parent, so he was trapped by his biological mother. What did Lin think?”

“I don’t know, I’m crazy, don’t know.” The prince rubbed his temple very distressedly.

Emperor Cheng Kang bowed his head to drink tea, and said, “The fourth son is coming more and more diligently.”

The prince sneered, “Yeah, there is a lot of encouragement and comfort in the words, so that the son is so moved. The son has persuaded him to fight for that position many times, and he is not indifferent.”

Emperor Cheng Kang also smiled, eating a piece of chess, his tone flickering, “He is waiting for you to be honest. What is the matter if you touch your lips up and down? You should give him something substantial. You Those contacts in your hands are not used now, but they will be abolished in the future. If the elders, the elders and the elders are on the throne, you will definitely die. “

“So the son-in-law can only rely on the fourth brother. The son-in-law can only live if the fourth brother sits up. Are you talking about the father and emperor?” The Prince said lightly.

Emperor Cheng Kang nodded his head, and saw his murderous eyes.


The performance of Yu Junwei’s reversal of the case was quickly approved by Emperor Cheng Kang. Not only did he imprison the Prime Minister that day, he also sent people to Shu to pick up Yu Junwei’s family and return to Beijing. The matter soon became known to everyone, and it was said that the Yu Family’s three bedrooms were finally exhausted. If things went well, Yu Junwei would not only be able to reinstate himself, but he might also inherit the title of Yongle Hou.

The old lady fell ill on her bed and got worse.

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