The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 88

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Yu Xiang pointed out Yu Miaoqi’s selfishness in a few words. Some spectators with a clear-sighted look changed their eyes when they saw Yu Miaoqi. Yu Miaoqi stood in a state of embarrassment, glanced at the prince in a hurry, and saw that his eyes swept darkly, and his heart was shaking.

Yu Xiang had no reason to take care of her, so that the mad woman would be pushed to the front, and the horse whip was pressed against the other person’s jaw, and he asked in a cold voice, “Who are you? What is the hatred between my Yu family and you?”

The woman pouted and tried to sip her, but she was pumped hard several times, and her cheeks were suddenly drawn with bloody, whip marks. There are noble ladies around who knew her and did not dare to say anything, for fear of being remembered by Yu Xiang.

“Who the **** are you? Just say it, and I won’t tell you to pull your tongue out!” Yu Xiang’s expression was terrible, and several old ladies screamed at the woman’s arm, causing her to scream.

“I said I said, I am Xu Mao’s wife Zhou’s!” After all, the woman was a splendid daughter who grew up spoiled, and she couldn’t bear to suffer. The impulse was over, and Yu Xiang’s fierceness caught her soul. I will be honest in a moment.

Surrounding the audience, especially those women who had never seen the world, all showed a horrified expression. They were a bit afraid of Yu Xiang, and at this time they all became fear. The ladies sighed secretly: Sure enough, they were Yu Dutong ’s sisters, and their heart-wrists could not be separated from the word ‘ruthless’. The Zhou ’s falling into her hands might be over.

When Zhou’s troubles began, a few people walked slowly downstairs, and Zi Xiangge’s shopkeeper, Bi Gongbi, was sweating and waiting around. The man at the beginning was a majestic man in a dark-colored dark coat. There were vague expressions in his fortified eyebrows, followed by two handsome and beautiful young men, each holding a jade fan in a graceful manner; Spring sword, blood in your eyes.

The prince saw the person quickly bowing to salute, telling the story.

On the other side, Yu Xiang showed a sudden enlightened expression and sneered, “It turns out to be you! You are also kind to say that my brother killed innocents and injurious Zhongliang? What is your husband Xu Mao?”

Her eyes were slightly convergent, as if she was recalling, and after a few days, she counted them down, “In the nine years of Cheng Kang, Xu Mao set foot in the countryside, seeing-coloring-intent-rape-polluting a farmer’s woman, and hiding her in order to cover up the matter. All seven of the family were defeated. Cheng Kang was promoted to Xuanwei Envoy Secretary Tong in eleven years, embezzling hundreds of thousands of soldiers’ rates, causing the six soldiers of the Yangtze River to spend winter without money, and freezing more than 10,000 people. Cheng Kang was promoted to Jian Rui Battalion in 17 years He released the prisoners of Tian prison secretly and led them to the jungle to hunt like animals. Cheng Kang was promoted to the nine-door advisor in 21 years, accepting bribes of more than one million, assassinating dozens of people in order to exclude dissidents … It ’s hard to write a bad book, and the pile of blood is horrifying. You can use the word Zhongliang to describe the beast like him? “

Yu Xiang waved his hand to Liu Lv, “buy a basket of eggs.” In the inexplicable expression of the crowd, he continued, “The emperor’s killing him is his deserved sin, and his brother’s hand is he who has been killed by the people. If you feel that you have suffered You can go wrong and go to Deng Wendeng to complain, why is it so hard for me to be a waste person? My brother did kill people like hell, but he never killed any innocent person, nor did he ever frame any loyal one. He is home On the battlefield in the country, he threw his head and sprinkled his blood, and dedicated himself to the emperor, and then died. I, Yu Xiang, talked here. If anyone thinks that my brother has an injustice and wrong case, he will throw an egg on my head and work hard. Smash. I am sitting here waiting for you! “

She weighed a lot, and she didn’t feel a little short of breath or even a little timid. When everyone was swept by her cold eyes, their heads were silent and their eyes were panic-stricken.

The old lady was difficult to squeeze out of the crowd and said coldly, “Xian’er is right, if anyone feels wronged, I will suffer from my family. Come here, come and watch!”

Grandma Ma quickly moved a chair to let the old lady sit down. Liu Green quickly bought a basket of eggs and placed them in front of everyone.

The needle drop was quietly heard outside the shop. Not only Zhou, but also the passers-by who watched the bustle turned pale. Yu Xiang dialect has already mentioned this point, who dares to smash it? Yu Pinyan said that it was the murder of the decree. The emperor said that this person was guilty. Who dare to say nothing? Even if he hates Yu Pinyan’s bone marrow, who dares to stand up and smash an egg today? If you smash it, you will have a grudge against the emperor and a dissatisfaction with Chaotang. After going back, there will be more people to clean up you.

Although Yu Xiang broke his leg, he did not lose his mind at all, and his mouth was better than a thousand horses. If it happened to an ordinary woman, I was afraid that I would have been smashed into tears and crying, and eleven out of ten would take people to the inner room like Yu Miaoqi to solve privately. In this way, the dirty water splashed on Yujiamen’s lintel cannot be washed away in this life.

Although Yu Xiang’s handling methods are rude, they are extremely effective. Some proud words even admire Yu Pinyan to the extreme, which is admirable for a while.

Zhou was afraid of timidity, knelt down on the ground willingly, and bowed his head, and the familiar people also stepped forward to comfort the old lady. Yu Xiang’s sharp eyes swept, and all the ladies covered their faces to hide, staggering.

Yu Xiang sneered, and Yu Miaoqi, who slightly distorted the facial features, slowly opened his mouth. “Everyone came to the door and you came forward softly to help you and threatened to apologize. Which one of you is sorry? Brother indiscriminately killed innocent and cruel Zhongliang? Since your surname is Yu, it is best to remember this-no matter when and where, maintaining the dignity of the Yu government is your most important duty. The reputation of the Yu family can be bad, but the backbone cannot be bent! “

Because many people watched, although Yu Xiang suffocated his stomach, he was still on the spot and did not break through Yu Miaoqi’s attempt to use her goodness to set off her despicable intentions.

However, she wouldn’t say, wouldn’t the people with eyesight know? In particular, Emperor Cheng Kang and the prince, who grew up immersed in conspiracies and deceptions, had a natural affection for Yu Xiang, a straightforward person, and hated Yu Miaoqi for his cunning thoughts.

In addition, Cheng Kangdi didn’t have the idea of ​​the bird hiding his bow. After a hundred years, Yu Pinyan would continue to guard the frontier for the prince. Seeing that all the generals who have followed their battles everywhere are all old, and the military strength of the Han Dynasty is declining, how can Cheng Kangdi have the heart to wear this sword of Yu Pinyan? The **** killings in recent years have only been to sharpen him. It is said that Yu Pinyan only covered the ambitions of Sirius, and he didn’t even know the pulse of Kang Emperor, but he secretly remembered it.

Seeing that his confidant love would be so preserved, he was naturally moved, and a soft smile suddenly appeared on his majestic face.

Yu Pin’s words didn’t show up on the face, but his thumb was put on the handle of the knife and rubbed hard, barely suppressing the surging emotion in his heart. That is his sister, his sweetheart, no matter how others criticize, always treat him as wholeheartedly. He didn’t know how to repay this truth, but he felt that it was not enough to spoil her, and how to love her was not enough.

Shen Yuanqi standing behind Emperor Cheng Kang bowed his head and smiled bitterly. The sour feeling in his heart could not be described by words. The sister who had once dared to spread rumors spreading rumours to ruin his career, but the sister-in-law who was related by blood did not even know his existence. The two of them have a strange heart, a wolf heart and a lung, a pure natural love and a sense of justice. Is it true that the Shen family’s family education is not good, so that Yu Miaoqi is developed like today?

Such thinking made him even more uncomfortable.

Emperor Cheng Kang applauded and applauded when Yu Xiang’s words fell, and the thick laughter caused everyone to look up. At the same time, a lot of dragon scale guards suddenly appeared outside the shop, keeping the air tight guarded by Zi Xiangge.

“Emperor …” The old lady jumped up in shock, and saluted with her cane.

“It’s inconvenient here, the old lady doesn’t need to be more polite.” Cheng Kangdi waved his arms and waved his hands.

Most people who can afford Zixiang Pavilion are among the most privileged families in Beijing. Although they are mostly women ’s families, there are not many people who can know Emperor Kangdi. They had to follow the salute. Some are at a loss. All the boudoirs are ignorant, the Six Gods have no master.

On the contrary, it was Yu Xiang, who used his sleeves to wipe off the egg liquid on his chin, and then flicked the egg shell on the skirt. The generous arch of the hand was used as a punch. ? “

Emperor Cheng Kang stepped forward with a big smile on his face, bouncing off the broken eggshell left over her head, and said warmly. one side.”

“Huang Gongzi has just bought me a side, thank you Huang Huang.” Yu Xiang smiled and arched his hands, his attitude was intimate and natural.

Emperor Cheng Kang laughed again, pointing at taffeta, lace cloth and other things and asking her if she wanted it or not. Yu Xiang hurriedly said, ‘the elders do n’t dare to say it’, but he smiled unkindly, and the Prince also laughed lowly.

Seeing this scene, all the ladies were impressed by Yu Xiang. Mo said that her grace was not alarming, and that the love of her, such as the crown prince and others, was enough to make her gain a foothold in Beijing. Although she broke her leg, her spine was straighter than anyone else. Really speaking of her talents, who can match her in Beijing?

Yu Miaoqi retreated to Lin’s side and looked at the prince without traces. Seeing that he no longer had any appreciation for himself, he only showed a slightly disgusting look before he jumped and floated slowly. Take Lin’s arm and hide behind the old lady.

Emperor Cheng Kang and the old lady made a few words of greeting, and then looked at Zhou, who was covered in the mouth by Long Linwei and sighed, “Ling Chi Xu Mao’s purpose is mys, you are so hostile to the people handling the case, Do n’t you hate me? If you are given the opportunity, why do n’t you dare to assassinate? It seems that the decision to forgive you Xu ’s remnants is wrong.

Zhou Clan struggled frantically after hearing this, his eyes full of pleading.

Emperor Cheng Kang sneered and ordered Dragon Scale Guard to hold her down.

All the ladies held their breath and dared not raise their heads. They secretly thanked Yu Xiang for taking a few words to take them. If Yu Xiang took the people to private, they had to say some blissful words, while the emperor and the prince were in the store. There are many Dragon Scale Guards lurking everywhere, and if they accidentally utter a few irrational words, they are all done.

Amitabha, Shanzai, Shanzai! All the ladies missed the Buddha.

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