The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 99

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Yu Miaoqi slaps fiercely towards Yu Siyu fan, shouting loudly, “Go away, this is my private business with Yu Xiang, there is no room for you to intervene!”

“Small man, you dare to beat me to see that I don’t tear your mouth!” Yu Siyu was a peasant woman in the country for half a year, and she took care of all the people outside Zhuanglizhuang, and the fighting power at this time was better than the past. Yu Miaoqi’s hair hit the bed post.

Taohong Liulv hurried forward to pull the two away, Yu Xiang half leaned against the head of the bed, holding two soup ladies to see with relish. Yu Siyu only messed up her clothes, but Yu Miaoqi was unkempt, and her clothes were messy. She seemed to be ravaged hundreds of times. She glanced at Yu Xiang ’s leisurely and calm expression, her pupils shrank violently, and shouted with the loudest voice, “Yu Xiang, what are you proud of? I tell you, you are not the Yu family at all, but a wild seed that was miscarried by the milkmaid. It ’s not like my two looks a little bit, do n’t you think it ’s weird? We are not twins at all, there is no blood relationship … “

She concealed her death in Shen’s family. Shen Yuanqi’s first high school saga told the story of the past. Because of her deliberate preaching, not only did the people in the room hear clearly, but even the passing servants heard the same word.

Taohong and Liulu were completely dumbfounded. Yu Siyu saw that Yu Xiang lowered her head and couldn’t see her expression clearly. She sat down and hugged her shoulders quickly, trying to comfort her, but she didn’t know where to start.

Yu Miaoqi refused to stop, pointing to the most luxurious jewelry on the dressing table, coldly, “These should be mine,” pointing to the valuable antiques on the Bogu shelf, “These should be mine,” pushed away The window pointed to a courtyard as beautiful as a fairyland, “These should also be mine, everything you should belong to me! The person who should go is you, not me!”

Yu Xiang raised his head slowly, and there were no tears in his face, but Yun Danfeng’s contempt, “What if you shed blood from the Yu family? Old ancestors and brothers don’t value this. They It ’s your own sin to chase you away. What do you do with me? What are you crazy about looking for me? Come on! Push her out! “

The girl in the courtyard didn’t move, and even the pink and willows stood in a daze.

Yu Miaoqi laughed loudly, all she wanted was this effect. Yu Xiang can bear the name of Miss Hou Fumai in order to be a hero and a blessing. Without this name, what is she doing? After all, she is just a wild seed of unknown origin!

Yu Xiangliu’s eyebrows fell, and he was really angry.

Yu Siyu shouted, “I was stunned and didn’t hurry Yu Miaoqi out! Whose realm is you here? Don’t forget!”

Taohong Liulv recovered, and went to pull Yu Miaoqi, but the servants outside the courtyard still did not dare to act rashly. It was at this moment that Ma Ma heard the news and hurried over.

Yu Miaoqi’s palms fanned out the pink and willow green, and when she saw Ma Ma arrived, she laughed instead, went to the washstand by the window, and slowly washed her face with the water in the copper basin. She said one by one, “You go back Tell the old lady not to be too biased. It ’s nothing to throw me away. Beware of breaking my jars and breaking down to throw Yu Xiang ’s life out. Your Hou House discards the blood of her maid, but treats a wild seed as a baby lump. Pamper. What is the reason? There is no such cold-blooded family in the world! “

How much the old lady and Houye love Miss Xiang’er, Ma Mama naturally knows that if Yu Miaoqi really makes a big deal, Miss Xiang’er offends so many girls on weekdays, will they not be killed by them in the future? This capital can’t stand it anymore!

In her indecision, Yu Miaoqi stood up straight, took off the cloth towel hanging on the shelf and wiped her face, and sat down in front of the dresser to wear Yu Xiang’s emerald lotus crown on her head, looking at the mercury mirror, looking left and right, with an arrogant gesture , “Go back and tell my grandmother that ruining me is ruining Yu Xiang. If you want to close my mouth, give me this yard.”

She turned back and smiled at the ugly faces of Yu Xiang and Yu Siyu.

Yu Xiang knew that by spreading his life experience, Yu Miaoqi would have an absolute advantage, but he did not expect this day to come so early. Struggling between leaving and staying, she finally asked in a deep voice, “What about my family? Where are they?” She had to ask this question anyway.

Yu Miaoqi’s eyes flickered, but she was about to open her mouth and saw that Grandma Feng led many strong girls in, and bowed back, not humble and overbearing, “Miss Qixian Xiang’er, the slave-servant came to move for Miss Hou’s orders. This yard is already dirty. It ’s terrible. “

“Where do you move?” Yu Xiang was so surprised that even the Tangzi in her arms fell to the ground.

“Moving to Jingfu small courtyard, the slave-maid has cleaned the yard, just move things to live.” Grandma Feng said as he took off the crown on Yu Miaoqi’s head, packed it in a box and handed it to the girl behind him He ordered all antique furniture to be removed, the curtains and bed curtains were removed, and the exotic flowers and plants outside the courtyard could be dug away, and the giant trees that could not be dug had to be left.

Jing Fu Xiaoyuan ’s study room from Yu Pinyan is only separated by a wall, and covers an area as large as two western chambers. Grandma Feng cleaned it up in a moment, and it was clear that Yu Pinyan had already given an explanation.

The servants moved very quickly, evacuating the room in less than a quarter of an hour, leaving Yu Miaoqi stunned and Yu Siyu snickering.

“Miss II, as you wish, this yard will be yours in the future. Hou Ye has a word, if you want to stay in Hou Fu as the sister-in-law, you should keep your mouth tight.” Feng Mama slightly bowed, Pushing Yu Xiang out of the door, Yu Siyu quickly followed.

what is this? Just sent yourself off like this! ? Yu Miaoqi stood up and took two steps forward in a trance. It is said that throwing a mouse is a bogey, and I never imagined that her blood, the bloodline of Yu Fu’s brother-in-law, became the rat that everyone shouted at. Yu Xiang was instead a valuable treasure. This family has trampled her so far!

Thinking like this, her eyes gradually became madly murderous.

Yu Xiang felt that, raising his hand to indicate to Grandma Feng to stop, and turned back to the washstand and said, “I almost forgot, Yu Miaoqi, just to wash your face with that water, wipe your face with that cloth towel, I take care of the” what ” Left. “She looked at her belly, full of malice in her brisk tone,” Your … understand? “

Everyone, “…”

Yu Miaoqi’s eyes were bigger than Bronze Bell, as if she saw something demon. Yu Xiang chuckled slightly and motioned for Feng Ma to continue walking, and after a few steps he heard the sound of whimpering behind him.

After Yu Xiang settled in Jing Fu’s small courtyard, Yu Siyu was still in a state of laughter. “Oh, mother, Yu Xiang, you are really damaged. I guess Yu Miaoqi will have to eat for several days.” “Our Hou House was miserable by her, and her reputation is gone. I’m afraid no one will dare to come to the party in the future.”

Yu Xiang is drawing the aunt’s towel and bra, and said casually, “Don’t you know? Before that, our Yongle Houfu was the most unruly person in Beijing, and it didn’t matter if our reputation was even worse. It was just the compensation Compensation is needed, and those who do not have hatred will not have hatred. Keeping a close distance with each family is just right. “

Yu Siyu nodded and hesitated, “You already know your life now, what are you going to do in the future? Yu Miaoqi said so loudly, it must have spread throughout the house by this time. Before that was Yu Miaoqi’s housekeeper, the rules had been messed up for a long time. Those slaves who stepped down …

Yu Xiang interrupted her with a sneer. “Even if I am not Miss Yufu’s sister-in-law, I am not a stepping stone, anyone can step on it …”

“Who’s stepping on you?” A cold voice came from outside the door. The two turned around and looked at it, but it was Yu Pinyan who was a servant.

Yu Miaoqi quickly got up to salute and asked, “Brother, what did the emperor say?”

Yu Pin didn’t answer, went straight to Yu Xiang, bent over to rub her belly, and asked in a deep voice, “Who wants to step on you? Hmm? Tell my brother, brother immediately chopped him.” Drill inside, to swear.

Yu Xiang tried to control not to blush himself, grabbed his wrist and said anxiously, “No one wants to bully me, we are just hypotheses. Brother, what did the emperor say?”

Yu Pinyan sat next to her, saw a fire cage lit up in the room, and placed a table on it to cover the quilt, and immediately pulled the sheet over, carefully covered her legs, and slowly replied, “The emperor ordered me After half a month of introspection, four grandma tunes were given-to teach Yu Miaoqi. “

The emperor has given her a grandma, but Yu Miaoqi is not able to go. Yu Siyu was disappointed.

Yu Xiang was not surprised at all. Yu Miaoqi just preached her life, and Grandma Feng came, and cleaned the Jingfu small courtyard just waiting for her to move in. She had to suspect that Yu Miaoqi’s every move was in the elder brother’s calculations. He wanted to tear open the window paper of his brother and sister, but refused to be this wicked man in front of her, so he simply used Yu Miaoqi.

To be honest, Yu Xiang is a little angry, but more of a fear of the unknown future. Perhaps because of her inability to walk, her temperament is like a tree, and where the roots are rooted, you can identify which pit. If one day someone wants to drag her out of the pit and transplant it elsewhere, she may bloom Tutu is more likely to wither slowly due to unacceptable conditions.

Does she love Yu Yanyan? Nature is love! It doesn’t matter to her whether the love is affection or love. She just couldn’t accept the sudden change. Can the love of brothers and sisters last for a lifetime, can the love of couples? Especially in this age of polygamy. She was afraid that one day her love for Yu Pinyan would all turn into hatred. What will she do to survive?

Moreover, there is an ancestor across them. The ancestors generally loved her as their granddaughter. In her eyes, no matter whether they were related by blood or not, they were in chaos-ethnicity, and they were intolerable. How much she loves her now, will hate her more when she knows the truth, fearing that she will disappear forever.

Therefore, even if her temperament is arrogant and wanton, she has to be cowardly.

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