The Year of Rebirth

Chapter 56

Chapter 58 Confession-from lenient (four)

The arrival of the New Year is always accompanied by holidays. Several people in the group have recently taken a vacation at home and love doing nothing at home, so they started discussing online gatherings when they were idle.

Su Liunian climbed up to qwq after finishing the data, and was grabbed by them and asked if he was free recently.

[Qing Qing Wu’s life-little tears] Everyone wants to gather online, will Su Su come? \\(≧▽≦)/ I remember Susu also came to city x!

[Capturing the wild god–Little Zinc_(:3」∠)_Su Su is also in x city? Great \\(≧▽≦)/ I want to visit Tai Chi Academy recently but I can’t find anyone to accompany me!

[I’m making a fuss every day-Su Su] Net gathering? About when?

[Qing Qing Wu’s life-little tears] Su Su promised us to set the time! When Chun said that he will return to X city soon! I owe him a meal_(:3」∠)_

[Red Apricot Comes Out of the Wall–Yes] I’m so bored recently…The crew has taken a break for the New Year._(:3」∠)_I haven’t collected all the red envelopes for the Chinese New Year, and there are a bunch of bears and kids at home. (〒_〒)

[Every day in trouble-Su Su] There is nothing wrong with the net gathering, but I guess I have to bring people, okay?

[Qing Qing Wu’s life-little tears] ()? Susu wants to bring someone? Well, I welcome anyone who is handsome

[Every day in trouble-Su Su] It’s not that I will bring… it’s that he will follow… Well, you will know when that happens_(:3」∠)_ Give everyone a little surprise.

[Capture the wild god—Little Zinc Ao Ao Ao! Can Susu take me to visit Tai Chi Academy when he arrives? I want to get there next year!

[Every day in the wasteland-Su Su] This is no problem, I have been very free recently.

[Apricot comes out of the wall—willingly] Didn’t Susu work during the holiday? How can it be so idle?

[Every day in trouble-Su Su] You will know then ^_^

[Qing Qing Wu’s life–Little Tears] I don’t know why it was suddenly cold (>﹏<)

Having finalized the time and place of the party, Su Liunian was in a lot of joy. His contact with the world first began with this group of people, and the close to a year was enough for him to see clearly the personalities of several people in the group, and there shouldn’t be any problem with seeing them and thinking about it.

Anyway, Su Xuanqing has always had an attitude towards this kind of thing, as long as you bring him, everything will be fine.

Su Liunian hooked his lips, and suddenly looked forward to the expression they would have when they saw him…

The butler knocked on the door and came in with a stack of books in his hand. “Little master, this is a sample book sent by Mr. Luo.”

Su Liunian piled the stack of books on the bed, and then he remembered what Luo Chuanyun had said to him a while ago, and vaguely mentioned a few books. But that doesn’t matter. Su Liunian took the hand of the housekeeper and smiled: “Uncle housekeeper, is your brother going home for dinner at noon?”

The young master acted like a baby to himself, and the housekeeper was in a good mood, and responded with a smile: “The young master just came back from a phone call and said that there is something to do at noon. Let the young master eat alone.”

Su Liunian squashed his mouth and was a little unhappy, but soon his mood became clear again, and he took the housekeeper to report a lot of dishes and waited to eat a feast for one person.

After sending away the housekeeper, Su Liunian took apart a few sample books and put them on the shelf. Looking at a row of his own works, he suddenly remembered that he had taken a long time off this holiday… He seemed to have promised readers that soon Write a new article.

…Well, what did you promise them to write at the time?

Su Liunian, who climbed back on the bed, opened the codeword software, quickly typed a few words, and then began to write the outline.

Although the agent in the previous life was a rotten girl, the books he read were all-encompassing, so Su Liunian paid attention to the books she recommended, but those who heard the name are Tanmei, Su Liunian. Thank you Bumin. This led to the embarrassing situation that he wanted to write a danmei essay, but didn’t know how to start.

Although he has no prejudice against this matter itself, he even found a brother of the same sex, but it is still somewhat difficult for him to ask him to write some affectionate things.

After carefully recalling it for a long time, he remembered the only fresh story in his mind. When he saw the book, the author was no longer there, and he still sighed for the author several times. It’s just a pity for a generation of talents.

After reading the eight words “I’m waiting for you to thirty-five years old” back and forth several times, Su Liunian put down the feeling of condolences and typed out a paragraph of this article.

“That was a self-contradictory age…”

Although “I’m Waiting for You to Thirty-Five” is an independent book, it is true. Su Liunian didn’t want to copy this book, he chose to tell the story of Nankang in his own way.

Maybe it’s a biography, maybe it’s a eulogy, but this “I’m Waiting for You Until Thirty-Five” is not in the first person, but always from the perspective of passersby.

Seeing how happy he is from the perspective of passersby, how sad it is to see him from the perspective of passersby…

In the memory of Su Liunian, who has said that an event can only be viewed in a more comprehensive manner when it is taken into the context of the times in which the event occurred. Therefore, in order to unfold this slightly sentimental story, Su Liunian wanted to construct a unique era background for it, and the same society he had lived in.

He had thought about recreating the country in his memory through his own pen. He thought that the long-prepared historical story was the beginning, but he didn’t want the beginning to appear in the reader’s eyes first.

The background of the times allows you to see events more clearly, and events can only happen when they are returned to such a specific point in time. In a society like China, the story of Nankang Baiqi will not happen, and the same tragedies like him will not be staged.

Thinking of this, Su Liunian, who has accelerated the speed of codewords, felt a little more sad.

This is a tragedy that does not need to point out the ending. From his beginning, it has been tragic, and it is doomed to receive no blessings and no happiness.

Su Liunian was fast, and when the butler came to let him have lunch, he had already coded two chapters. Thinking that he is very free recently, Su Liunian directly logged into the World Literature Network, clicked on the publication of the new article, quickly filled out the introduction, and uploaded both chapters.

Although he doesn’t like the feeling of lack of security that has not been saved, it should be no problem to come once or twice occasionally, not to mention that this article is not long.

After eating lunch and taking a nap, when Su Liunian woke up in the afternoon and appeared on the World Literature Net again, the collection of articles had already exceeded a thousand, and the comments were not even counted. Most of them were excited girls, and every emoji was written. It seems to reveal their joy.

Well, they should all be very happy before they find out that this is an abusive essay.

Su Liunian read the message carefully and answered carefully the questions of those readers who have questions about the setting of the world line, and then quit the backstage and posted qwq.

He didn’t discuss with the editor when he published a new article. After doing bad things, he always had to admit his mistakes positively before making some excessive demands.

He has completely distinguished between editors on the Internet and Luo Chuanyun in reality. Although he is the same person, bullying him on the Internet will make him more comfortable. In reality, he will be given a few bad faces, and the little agent will say a few words or something, which is particularly uncomfortable.

Oh, isn’t it that his little sheep manager is easy to cheat? He doesn’t suggest that the guy chasing people add a few blocks to the road.

[It’s hard to tolerate a delay in a manuscript and a debt] Do you still know that you are coming up… I have called you several communications, why not answer it?

[The fleeting years are not good] Huh-did you call me? I didn’t see it.

[It’s hard to tolerate defaults and debts]…Can’t you find a reliable reason?

[The fleeting year is not good] Do you count when you are sleeping?

[It’s hard to tolerate defaulting and debt]…

[It’s hard to tolerate a delay in a manuscript and debts] I said the fleeting years are so big… Do you have the consciousness of being an author (〒_〒) Let those of us who are editors please let go!

[The fleeting years are not good] ^_^ You are the only editor, who else needs to let it go?

[It’s hard to tolerate defaulting papers and debts] You will receive magical powers! (tot)//

[The fleeting years are not good] Well, this time it’s me. But is there any problem with my post?

[It’s hard to tolerate defaults and debts] (-i_-`) Alas… No, what you do is right… But anyway, I’m still your editor… Can’t you discuss with me before doing things?

[The fleeting year is unfavorable] I didn’t think of it for a while ╮(╯▽╰)╭

[It’s hard to tolerate a delay in a manuscript and a debt] Okay, you won otz. Now that you have decisively cut first and then posted the article, what else is there to find a small one?

[The fleeting years are unfavorable] Well, about this article.

[It’s hard to tolerate defaults and debts] I just watched it. The construction of the world is a bit peculiar. Although I have watched a lot of the construction of parallel worlds, your idea…well, very courageous…

[Shortly unfavorable] This is the continuation of the world of the history book I am preparing, and I have been perfecting this structure. Also, the story is a tragedy… I want to write a song with the same name for it, can you contact the singer?

[It’s hard to tolerate defaults and debts] Speaking of singers, don’t you have a top-notch one in your family? Are you still looking for someone?

[The fleeting unfavorable] It’s true, um, then there’s nothing wrong with you. Kneel down, Xiao Yunzi.

[It’s hard to tolerate late drafts and debts] (\\#-_-)\\┯━┯(╯°°)╯(┴—┴You are getting more and more terrible lately, too hateful Up!!!

Su Liunian calmly ignored Mao Mao’s own editor, and then clicked on the message, only to find that Xiao Lei left a message for him, and said that the time of the party had changed. The night that was originally scheduled was in time for the wrong ending. Everyone They all expressed that they wanted to chase the drama at home and would not go out, so the party was changed to the next day.

Su Liunian returned a series of points, and then thought about the decadent expressions that group of people might have that day…Well, he looked forward to it even more!

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