The Years When I Disguised As a Man at the Noble Academy

Chapter 53

Chapter 48:

They chatted without a word, walking down the dim steps step by step.

I don’t know when, they stood downstairs and walked out of this unfinished building.

Xia Wan couldn’t help but look up and once again praised the beauty of the moon tonight.

When she was upstairs before, she also looked at the moon like this, but at that time, his eyes were full of moss, and dead branches and leaves, but he was just raising his head to let himself go.

Now that he has said all this, he can finally look at the moon.

Xia Wan said that her driver was coming soon, and Song Zhili sent her to the side of the road.

And soon Xia’s car stopped here.

Xia Wan asked Song Zhili again: “Want to go home with me?”

Her eyes were bright and full of anticipation.

But Song Zhili rejected her again.

But he said: “Tomorrow I will go back to school and I want to stay here one more night.”

“I knew you would refuse, just wait for me.”

After Xia Wan finished speaking, she walked to her parked car, but instead of getting in the car, she took two duvets and a large bag of bread and milk from the driver.

Xia Wan came back with these things, put the duvet into Song Zhili’s hands unceremoniously, and said, “What are you doing? Let’s go back.”

It’s the same sentence as before, she didn’t persuade Song Zhili to go, and he didn’t want her to go either.

Anyway, for Xia Wan to stay here for one night, it is also a very novel experience.

Xia Wan walked in front of Song Zhili, reached out and took out a piece of bread from the bag, and urged Song Zhili to follow quickly.

Song Zhili stood on the spot, looked back at the driver of the Xia family, frowned and wanted to say something.

The driver hurriedly said, “You can rest assured, Young Master Song, our young master has reminded me that your whereabouts will be kept secret. If you need anything, please tell us at any time, and we will be on standby 24 hours a day.”

After speaking, the driver immediately opened the door and stepped on the accelerator to disappear.

Song Zhili also saw that Xia Wan was determined to stay, so she didn’t say anything, just followed behind her.

One of the duvets that Xia Wan will bring is placed on the bed as a cushion, and the other is placed at the end of the bed.

Then she took out the bread and milk from the bag and distributed it to Song Zhili, and turned the phone back on.

As soon as the phone was turned on, it was a missed call from 99+, which startled Xia Wan.

Some of them were from Jiang Yushi, and all the others were from Yuchiyan.

Suffice to say that every minute, he makes a call to try.

Sure enough, Yuchiyan’s next call came within a minute of turning on the phone.

Xia Wan clicked to connect.

Yu Chiyan’s voice sounded anxiously: “Why did you turn off the phone after reporting safety? Where are you now? Is Song Zhili okay?”

Xia Wan said directly: “Wait, I’ll give him the phone.”

Song Zhili took the phone, briefly chatted with Yuchiyan, and then the person holding the phone changed.

Jiang Yushi explained: “We didn’t see the news from Xia Mu in time, and we are still on our way back, so we may not find you so soon.”

Song Zhili said, “No need to come, I’m fine, see you at school tomorrow.”

And Yu Chiyan’s shouting sounded from the other side—

“Xia Mu! Did Song Zhili cry? Can you take a picture for me to see? I haven’t seen him cry yet… Ah! Why did you beat me when Jiang Yu was there?”

Jiang Yushi told Song Zhili a few more words to let him remember to contact them at any time when he encounters anything, and then let Xia Wan take good care of Song Zhili, and hung up the phone.

And Song Zhili seemed to remember something and looked at Xia Wan: “By the way, I haven’t had time to wish you the first place in the exam.”


These two words made Xia Wan a little uncomfortable at the moment, so she even deliberately ignored it when facing Song Zhili tonight.

Seemingly seeing what Xia Wan was thinking, Song Zhili comforted her: “You don’t have to feel guilty, these are not caused by you, but a new challenge for me, because I finally waited for someone who can surpass me, It makes me feel motivated. I know your level, so next time I can see if you’re doing well.”

Xia Wan looked angry and said, “What do you think? Do you think I will quietly let you win next time? Impossible, I am very eager to win. Don’t you know, today Su Qi sees My eyes looked like I saw a ghost. I knew he was envious of me, but it satisfied my vanity! And in our school’s F4 evaluation, I am now the most popular. They all say that because of me If I surpass you, from now on I will surpass God’s man!”

The exaggerated word “God” can only be used to describe Song Zhili in Shengying’s forum, and it can also be seen that his status in the hearts of the students.

However, when it comes to the school’s F4 evaluation, Xia Wan’s smile suddenly stiffened.


After patronizing Song Zhili, she actually forgot about her own affairs.

Because she surpassed Song Zhili, her popularity has soared, but what if she has always been ranked first? She doesn’t want to be an F4!

Sheng Ying’s F4 selection is well-known throughout the high schools in the imperial capital. It is equivalent to the “idol” in the eyes of high school students. Not only Sheng Ying’s students, any high school student can register to participate in voting every day. Therefore, Sheng Ying’s F4 can be said to be selected by the high school students in the entire imperial capital.

Outrageous, outrageous.

So Xia Wan looked at Song Zhili with pleading eyes, and she said, “Save me.”

Song Zhili: “…?”

After Xia Wandi didn’t know how many times she expressed that she didn’t want to join F4 and become a star of the school, Song Zhili finally nodded.

He said: “In fact, this matter is also very simple, there are only two ways, either to increase the popularity of others, or to decrease your popularity.”

Xia Wan: “…”

Is this some new **** literature?

But then Xia Wan also felt at ease, Song Zhili was actually in the mood to joke with her, which proved that there was really nothing wrong now.

Wait, it’s not exactly **** either.

Let the popularity of others grow, and her popularity will naturally decline.

So Xia Wan said: “Then I will count the votes for you all? All surpass me.”

Song Zhili rejected her idea: “The last day of voting will be checked, and if there is a phenomenon of swiping votes, it will be disqualified from the selection.”

Xia Wan: “!!”

Will swiping tickets be disqualified from the competition? understood!

So Xia Wan said: “I see! Then I’ll give myself some brushes!”

So Xia Wan immediately sent Father Xia a link to the selection of Shengying F4.

[Good evening]: Dad, help me count the tickets, use the machine to brush, brush more.

Father Xia received it in seconds.

Xia Wan proudly put down her phone, feeling her intelligence in her heart.

And the other side.

Father Xia clicked on this link and felt very proud when he saw that the first one was his baby daughter (son).

However, within a few seconds, the baby girl was overtaken by Yu Chiyan.

Father Xia: “???”

Pupil Earthquake.

He immediately took a close look at the votes and found that his daughter and Yu Chiyan had the same number of votes, and the rankings of the two would change at any time.

That is to say, the daughter’s first place is not stable, so she will come to herself to brush the ticket.

Since it is what the daughter wants, of course he, as a father, must support him.

He won’t use any machine to swipe tickets, that’s called cheating!

But the labor is different, that is fair canvassing!

But Father Xia wasn’t going to tell his daughter about this. Anyway, he would definitely get what her daughter wanted.

So Father Xia forwarded the link to the work group, which was filled with company executives.

Father Xia only said one sentence.

[If you have children at home, you can vote, not compulsory]

Everyone: “!!”

I didn’t expect President Xia to be so awesome at ordinary times, but the appearance of canvassing for his son still looks like an ordinary father!

Although Father Xia didn’t say it clearly, he knew who to vote for, and he turned to the group below.

Everyone asked their children, even relatives’ children, to vote for Xia Wan.

Xia Wan, however, had the idea that the votes would be found out anyway, and she no longer paid any attention to this vote.

She and Song Zhili continued to talk a lot.

Talk about your previous life, talk about preparing for final exams, talk about what you want to do in the winter vacation, and talk about where you want to go to college in the future.

Xia Wan felt that she was talking all the time, and she didn’t know why she was talking so much. Maybe it was because she didn’t like the sound of the cold wind blowing on the window paper, so she always wanted to suppress these sounds with some words.

It could also be that she wanted to talk a little more to distract Song Zhili, so that he wouldn’t think about those unhappy things.

And Song Zhili is also very willing to listen to Xia Wan’s words, he will feel that he is not alone.

Just like the same place once, the uncle woodworker also talked to him a lot here.

Then Xia Wan asked a question that she had always been curious about.

She asked: “Why are you and Xie Yan best friends? You look completely different.”

Xia Wan could say that if it wasn’t for the fact that she already knew them, she would not even think they were friends just by looking at Xie Yan and Song Zhili.

And still, best friend.

Faced with this question, Song Zhili is not surprised, because it is not the first time someone has asked him this since he was a child.

Without thinking, he said: “Thank you, he is also a very good person. It’s just that everyone expresses love and kindness in different ways.”

Xia Wan asked again: “Then what is the opportunity for you to be friends?”

Song Zhili thought about it carefully, and then said: “I went back to the Song family after my mother died. I can’t remember what the banquet was for. The other children who came to attend laughed at me, saying that I was the extra person in the family. , saying that my mother is dead, and I have no existence value, and my father loves my sister and new wife.”

Speaking of this, Song Zhili’s expression did not bring any pain, but continued with a smile: “Then Xie Yan took a dozen stones and smashed them all to cry and sue the parents, and he was beaten too. pause.”

Xia Wan was a little surprised, obviously did not expect such a past, and asked, “Then Xie Yan, is this a hero saving beauty? Or did he want to be friends with you, so he came forward to help you?”

“Actually, Xie Yan is not helping me. We have met more than once before. The attitude he showed has always hated me, and he explained it later, because he despised weak people the most. It just happened that day, one of the The kid stepped on his shoe and didn’t apologize, so when the kids chased me, he followed me.”

Song Zhili paused for a moment, then continued: “Afterwards, the children all went to complain, saying that Xie Yan smashed each of them with a stone. At that time, they ran too fast and dared not look back. Xie Yan smashed them twice in total. I threw all the other stones, and Xie Yan was the one who took the blame for me.”

Xia Wan: “???”

Xia Wan was also stunned and looked at Song Zhili: “You actually did such a thing?”

Song Zhili explained: “Because they also scolded my mother, they couldn’t hold back.”

At the same time, Xia Wan also understood why Xie Yan became friends with Song Zhili.

It looked so pitiful that he didn’t dare to resist the little sheep who had no status at home. At this time, the stone was even more fierce than him. This obviously aroused Xie Yan’s interest. In Xie Yan’s heart, Song Zhili might be an interesting person. .

Xia Wan couldn’t help but laugh.

They continued to chat a lot, and I don’t know how long it took until Xia Wan was so sleepy that she closed her eyes.

She leaned forward and bent her waist completely, her head almost hitting her leg, but she still had no intention of waking up.

This pose looks really hurts the spine.

Song Zhili couldn’t stand it any longer, and helped Xia Wan to lie down on the bed, then opened the duvet and covered it all over her.

He took Xia Wan’s phone away from his hand and wanted to put it on the bedside, but saw the screen suddenly light up.

It’s a video call, caller ID person notes—


Song Zhili: “…”

So Song Zhili said, “Someone called you.”

Xia Wan was already in a daze, and before opening her eyes, she asked, “Who…”

Song Zhili: “…shit.”

Saying these two words is also very difficult for Song Zhili.

However, Xia Wan obviously didn’t know who this **** was. She turned over and covered her ears, thinking that the phone was ringing loudly, and complained, “Whose dog is pulling around… Really incompetent.”

Obviously, Xia Wan didn’t understand that this **** is not that shit, she just wanted to sleep.

It’s rude to just answer someone else’s phone, but Xia Wan is so trapped, and this ‘shit” keeps calling without giving up.

It was a video call, and it felt like something was urgent.

So Song Zhili hesitated for a while, then sat beside the bed and answered the phone.

Although he didn’t know who this person was, after the call was connected, if it was an important matter, he could wake Xia Wan in time.

However, when the call was connected, Song Zhili’s expression stiffened.

on the other side of the phone.

Xia Mu and the few skirts on the sofa looked at each other.

His roommate was about to go back to China recently. He had prepared a gift for his girlfriend in advance, a few beautiful dresses, and he had to pick one and give it to his girlfriend first.

How could Xia Mu have a girlfriend, but the other party sent the skirt over because of her kindness and insisted that he keep one.

So Xia Mu thought of his sister.

Forget it, send a video to my sister and let her pick one she likes, Xia Mu thought so.

However, when the video is switched on.

Xia Mu swears that her brain has never been so blank in her life.

He has never regretted it so much in his life, why can’t he just leave one and make such a phone call to Xia Wan.

Who can tell him why Song Zhili answered his call? How could his sister’s mobile phone be in Song Zhili’s hands?

Oh, he saw it.

My sister is lying on the bed behind Song Zhili at the moment, sleeping quite peacefully. She doesn’t know what’s going on now, and she doesn’t know what his lovely brother is facing at the moment.

There were only two words left in Xia Mu’s mind—


Who can save him?

The reason why my sister’s vest fell off in front of Xie Yan actually had something to do with him.

Xie Yan spent every day with him abroad, and then returned to Xia Mu in China, and Yuchiyan mentioned this to Xie Yan again, and he was found out directly.

But if my sister’s waistcoat was dropped a second time in front of Song Zhili because of him, not to mention that my sister didn’t forgive him, my father would scold him to death first.

At that moment, Xia Mu had already thought of plastic surgery and ran away to a place where no one knew him.

And this scene also had a strong impact on Song Zhili.

Two Shamu.

One is watching him on camera, the other is sleeping beside him.

He looked at Xia Mu in his phone, then at Xia Mu beside him, and then asked the former, “Who are you?”

“Oops, brother Zhili!” Xia Mu blinked desperately, looked at Song Zhili with a shy expression, and said with his throat squeezed, “Long time no see, why are you with my brother?”

Song Zhili froze for a moment and asked, “Are you Xia Wan?”

“Yes.” Xia Mu could only grit his teeth and nodded.

Song Zhili still looked incomprehensible. His gaze stayed on Xia Mu for a few seconds, and he asked, “Why are you… like this?”

Xia Mu’s mind turned fairly quickly, and he found a reason that seemed outrageous but plausible: “It’s a recent event in our school. In order to support transgender people, the students all volunteered to organize together to dress up like this.”

Song Zhili didn’t know if he believed it or not, he just nodded and said, “You and your brother really look alike now, do you need me to wake Xia Mu?”

Xia Mu immediately shook his head: “No, no.”

If his sister opened her eyes to see herself now, she might be crazy.

Song Zhili asked again: “Then what’s the matter with you? I’ll tell you what.”

Xia Mu bit his head and said, “Actually, I just have a trivial matter. I don’t need Xia Mu, I can solve it with you.”

Song Zhili immediately asked enthusiastically, “What is it?”

Instead, Xia Mu put the phone on the table, took a deep breath, and let go of his last face and dignity.

After all, he can only keep one face and life.

In the end, Xia Mu raised her orchid fingers, picked up the two skirts around her, and gestured on her body in turn, and asked shyly, “Brother Zhili, which skirt do you think I would look better in? Hurry up and help others choose it~”

Song Zhili: “…”

The author says:

Xia Wan: “?”

“The Wind Turns”

It’s finally my brother’s turn to persecute my sister

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-08-0100:17:22~2022-08-0119:03:24~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 38955448, 612750641;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: – Fear of heights, ★Xingmeng≌Luo 20 bottles; Devil 19 bottles; hug my beautiful wife, Cyndi, Jiang Wanxingzhou, Changge, Qingping, Xiaofan Ai eat 10 bottles ; 9 bottles of Qing’an; 5 bottles of Lirenbei, Monster L, Yinxiafengzhi; 3 bottles of added; Yu brand meatballs, Uncle Ren, and Erha have no me Er, I want to lie down every day, and wait for a hand full of summer 2 bottles of stars; 41808300, the **** Sakurazuka Sakurazuka Star History, Flower, 41757666, Quiet and Quiet, End Picking Flowers, Chenghui, Lai Yi Geng, Happy Rich! , 1 bottle of Nanchen;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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