The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 494: Siege of Jiang Mosheng

After all, in case they wronged each other and made the other party very unhappy, and then complained to them, it would be worthless for them.

However, the escape action of the boss and others has only increased their suspicions. If they were not guilty, how could they run faster as soon as they heard that they were the supervisory authority?

After all, everyone who enters the planet Milu or the spacecraft must go through the inspection of the supervision bureau. Most people will hear that the supervision bureau will obediently stop and accept the review, and will go back and move freely without any problems.

The spaceships in front of them are running away, which is quite problematic.

As a result, the spaceships of the Mi Lu planetary action team began to chase after the boss’s spaceship. These people who were chasing were unable to manage Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli.

At this time, Yu Jinli also successfully retrieved her belongings, set foot on the spaceship again with Jiang Mosheng, and really flew away from Mi Luxing.

When leaving Mi Luxing’s inner space, Jiang Mosheng glanced unintentionally into outer space, and this glance was in the direction of the group who had been holding on to outer space and preparing to ambush them. direction.

The honeymoon journey of the two is still going on. After the two left the planet Mi Lu, Jiang Mosheng temporarily changed the original route and moved to another planet with more original and beautiful scenery. The two were happy again. Played there for about half a month.

Counting the time, I have been outside for more than a month, and it is time to go home, otherwise the generals of the military department and people like Bai Hu are estimated to be crazy.

So they decided to set off for Capital Star.

At this moment, on the route that Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli must travel to the capital star, there are several familiar spacecraft ambushing. It was exactly half a month ago that was chased by the action team of the Mi Luxing Supervision Bureau. Boss and his little brothers.

Their escape was really embarrassing and shameful, and it took them a few days to get rid of the action teams like dogskin medicine.

At this time, they want to go to Yu Jinli and Jiang Mosheng again. They can’t see them anymore, and they dare not go near Mi Luxing again. Otherwise, what’s the difference between them?

In the end, the boss gritted his teeth and decided to ambush on the route they must pass back to Capital Star. No matter where they went for their honeymoon, no matter how long they went, they would eventually return to Capital Star through this road. At most, they just waited for a while. That’s it.

And they were really here for another half a month, almost all of them could not help but frantic self-harm, and Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli’s spacecraft finally appeared in their field of vision.

“Boss, Boss …” Xiaodi No. 1 was the first person to discover Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli spacecraft marching into their field of vision, and immediately started reporting to the boss.

However, the boss now remembers his horror days when he was played by Jiang Mosheng and chased by the action team of the Mi Luxing Supervision Bureau. He shouted viciously without even raising his head: “Shut up for me ! ”

“No, Boss, Boss, Jiang …” Xiaodi was anxious, because Jiang Mosheng’s spacecraft was getting closer and closer to them. If they don’t prepare anymore, they will most likely miss this unique opportunity.


However, the boss now has a psychological shadow on the voice of the younger brother No. 1 and can’t help getting irritable when he hears his temper.

“I told you to shut up and say one more thing, I’ll cut off your tongue!” The boss threatened impatiently, and scared the younger brother No. 1 did not dare to speak, but his expression was even more anxious.

The other brother noticed the strangeness of No. 1 and quietly came over and asked, “You don’t know that the boss is going to hate you now. You don’t stay away from the boss, why do you come together? Afraid he doesn’t Kill you. ”

Others are very puzzled. If it was not because of the misinformation of No. 1 brother, how could they be so embarrassed by the supervision team’s operation team that this boy has not yet learned a lesson, but dare to come to the boss , Really a warrior.

Brother No. 1 did not dare to speak because of the boss’s order. He was really afraid that the boss would kill him, but he also knew that if he could not pass the news of Jiang Mosheng’s arrival to the boss, the boss would certainly not spare him afterwards. Got his.

As a result, the younger brother No. 1 and his teammates relayed the news that the Jiang Mosheng spacecraft was about to come, and constantly pointed at the monitoring instrument that he had tumbled out in front of him, pointing at the distance above them. The little white dot said silently.

Although other people are unlikely to use the instrument he made, the small white dots on the top indicate what they still know. At a glance, the small white dots appear within their detection range, and they are getting closer and closer to each other. mutation.

“Boss, boss, it’s bad …” Brother No. 2 hurriedly said to the boss, but before he finished speaking, he was beaten back by a headache.

“Your boss, I am so good!” The boss roared grumpy.

Brother No. 2 was stunned by a brain collapse, and it took a long time to recover. I also thought about the Jiang Mosheng spaceship. In order to avoid being stabbed again, I didn’t dare to get up this time, but the speed of speech was very high. Quickly, even without a pause, said: “Boss Jiang Mosheng’s spaceship has appeared and is getting closer and closer to us.”

The boss heard that the originally raised hand suddenly stiffened in the air, and then quickly came to the instrument of Xiaodi No.1, and she saw that this little white spot was getting closer and closer to them, even almost I was going to intersect with them, and suddenly there was a fire in my stomach. The raised hand fell directly on the head of the younger brother No. 1.

“So important news, why are you telling me now, don’t you want to live?” Said the boss irritably.

Little Brother No. 1 was aggrieved and desperate. He had wanted to tell the boss several times before. It was the boss who kept interrupting him and kept him from speaking. As a result, he came to blame him again. Not easy.

Unfortunately, even if he has a lot of vomiting in his heart, he doesn’t dare to vomit to the boss unless he is really dead.

Fortunately, that boss did not continue to care about his younger brother, because after a while, delaying for a while, Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli may have flew directly in front of them.

“Everything cheers me up. If it succeeds this time, we will be able to eat and drink spicy food and enjoy the life of a superior person.” The boss said with encouragement, and these Yi

Well, it’s time to talk about everyone’s heart.

You do n’t have to work, you do n’t have to worry about it, and you have money to spend. Who does n’t want to live this kind of life?

And they do n’t have to live a life like this, licking blood on the blade, they can settle down, marry a daughter-in-law and have a child, and live a life of hot steamed buns with their wives and children.

As a result, everyone’s morale was really encouraged by the boss, one by one as if they had become rich, living the life they want.

Then, Jiang Mosheng watched calmly when several spaceships suddenly popped around his spaceship and surrounded them.

“What’s the matter?” Yu Jinli also saw the spaceship surrounding them through the window, and asked puzzledly.

“It’s okay, just some little bugs.” Jiang Mokun said you continue to cook. ”

Yu Jinli was cooking in the kitchen, but when she heard a voice from outside, she found that the spaceship originally from her home was surrounded.

Hearing Jiang Mosheng ’s words, Yu Jinli did n’t really worry anymore, but went back to the kitchen to continue cooking, because he knew that Armor would definitely solve the problem, and if these people were robbed Bandit, then Ammo will definitely be hungry after hitting them. He’d better prepare some food.

Jiang Mosheng stared coldly at the several ships appearing on the large screen in the cab, and those eyes were like dead people.

If the boss dares to look at Jiang Mosheng at this moment, he would rather choose to live on the blade for the rest of his life, and he would not be opposed to Jiang Mosheng.

It is a pity that the spaceship is next to him. The boss can’t see Jiang Mosheng’s expression and eyes at this moment.

For these people, Jiang Mosheng actually noticed when he was Mi Luxing, and his own perception is very sharp. Since practice, the perception has become more acute.

Although these people supervised him from outside the atmosphere, he felt like he was being watched from the beginning, just to not destroy the interest of the little ones, and not to destroy his honeymoon. Journey, he ignored those people.

Later, he returned to Mi Luxing again and again and again intentionally, because once encountering those people, a battle will inevitably occur, he will not lose, but it will destroy some dirty things On his honeymoon journey, this is what he cannot forgive.

Now that his honeymoon trip with the little guy is over, it is time to deal with those who dare to destroy his honeymoon.

The boss of the other party didn’t know what Jiang Mosheng thought about, but now he was full of glory and prosperity in the future, and a happy life in the future, but he never thought about whether he had the destiny to enjoy those beautiful lives.

Maybe in his opinion, even if the opponent is even more powerful, there is only one person, and at most it adds a cumbersome, and now it is in the universe, the front and back of the village and the store are not available, the power can not be used, and the capital Xing’s help is not at all scared.

“Turn on the signal shielding device and not give him a chance to ask for help.” The boss said confidently.

“Yes!” The brother opened it immediately, and everyone’s signal was blocked instantly, so even if the other party found that they were not matched, they would not be able to ask for help.

At this moment, Jiang Mosheng can be regarded as their best friend. If Jiang Mosheng is really removed, then

In the future, the reputation of their squad will become even louder.

But soon these kidnappers found that their previous thoughts were too naive.

You ca n’t use abilities, you ca n’t ask for help, because they do n’t need foreign aid to deal with them. One person, one mech is more than enough. Of course, these are the last words.

After the boss had completed the preliminary preparations, he began to issue orders for attack, and all the spacecraft launched an attack on the spacecraft surrounded by it.

Jiang Mosheng sat in the spacecraft and watched their movements quietly, just like watching a clown jumping a clown.

Although he chose only a small spaceship as a means of transportation for the honeymoon trip, and only went out with Yu Jinli to travel without taking anyone, everyone who knew Jiang Mosheng knew that all this was just It’s just appearance.

For everything that involves Yu Jinli, even the smallest tool has the greatest lethality, and the protection mechanism is no less than the defense system of the Jiang family house!

Therefore, even if the kidnappers attacked together, for Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli in the spaceship, those attacks were nothing more than a burst of gorgeous fireworks in the universe. It doesn’t hurt.

Soon the boss also discovered this situation, and found that no matter what weapon they used to attack, the opponent’s spacecraft was like an indestructible hard shell, and the shell could not be opened. How to solve Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli? ?

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