The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 506: Only on my own

The federal headquarters has also been watching the planet and the situation of the zombies, and his brows have never stretched.

In addition to the zombies that appeared on the edge of the planet, several cases of zombies have also appeared in other places, but because they were discovered in time, they were all disposed of, so there were no major losses and casualties.

But the planet on the edge is not so lucky. Judging from the materials and videos returned,

The entire planet was severely damaged. Although most people were rescued, with this attack of zombies, I am afraid that fewer people will come to settle on this planet in the future.

After being rescued, the people on the edge of the planet who were attacked by the zombies were quickly arranged temporarily on other nearby living planets, and then waited for the unified arrangement of the government.

Those who have been scratched or stabbed by zombies are not so lucky. They are not included in the transferred people, and even some senior generals in the military have advocated that these people be resolved on the spot immediately, because sooner or later they will become Zombies, then it’s better to solve them early, and it will be troublesome when you get them.

But no one wants to fight against their fellow citizens, especially those who have nothing to do with the power of chickens.

Their fate is already very miserable. Wouldn’t it be more tragic to end their lives like this, even the soldiers used to seeing blood could not bear it.

Fortunately, things are not without room for change. The young man who had previously accepted Yu Jinli Qing Qingdan was isolated and observed by White Tiger. For 24 hours, although the blood of the other person’s wound was still black, but There was no sign of corpse change, and he remained sane.

Bai Hu informed Yu Jinli of this result, and Yu Jinli went down to look at the young man again. This time, he directly transmitted the spiritual power into the other person’s body. He was surprised to find that the corpse poison was all trapped near the wound. And there is no sign of proliferation.

Although the corpse poison has not been removed, the young man is still in danger, but as long as the corpse poison does not spread, he will not undergo corpse transformation.

Yu Jinli knew that this was due to Qing’erdan, so she asked Bai Hu to send the rest of Qing’erdan, let those who were injured take it, and continue to isolate them.

Although these people have temporarily escaped the doom of the corpse, as long as the antidote is not researched for a day, they are still in danger, but there is only a greater hope of survival.

Those injured were always in the fear of becoming zombies, and suddenly heard of this news, did it suddenly seem to catch the life-saving duckweed, desperately rushing towards the white tiger, wanting him Chingdan in the hand.

“Everyone quiet, this can only temporarily control the corpse poison in your body, but it is not completely solved, you still have the risk of corpse transformation, so even if you take it, you must be honest here to isolate it, if If you are willing to accept this condition, you can come to me to receive Qing Erdan. “Bai Hu told you all the precautions, and the choice is yours.

In the face of the hope of living, what is this freedom? As long as they are alive, they want to wait until the real antidote appears, and then they will be like normal people again.

Therefore, most people have chosen to obey orders and continue to isolate, but a small number of people feel that it is better to die in such a circle.

In the end, how do you choose? White Tiger ca n’t intervene. Watching some people choose not to take Qing’erdan, they gradually become zombies, and then ask White Tiger to kill them. Only hope that the antidote can be researched soon, so that human beings can have real hope.

The people who subordinated Chiang Erdan were still isolated in an area, they were not allowed to leave here, and there would be patrolling and guarding nearby.

Fortunately, the number of these people is not large, otherwise Qing Erdan is not enough, and the patrolling soldiers are afraid to allocate more.

Those who were not injured were rescued and transferred to nearby planets in the first place. There were very few people who originally lived on the edge of the planet. This whole planet has been left in isolation except for the injured people and The army, no longer seeing the existence of others, became even more desolate.

Without living humans, the number of zombies no longer increases, and one is eliminated, so it is relatively easy to clean up. Soon the zombie tide subsided with the help of a plant card made by Yu Jinli.

Under the leadership of Jiang Mosheng, the Divine Beast Corps completed the rescue mission beautifully. After all the zombies were wiped out and cremated, they led the team leader back to the north.

As for how the rescued people should be resettled in the later period, it is a matter for the government.

This time on the edge of the planet, Yu Jinli has fully verified the role of the plant card. After returning to the capital star, she went to the Card Makers Association for the first time and handed in a new plant card. Card Makers Association.

All the staff of the Card Makers Association, including the president, are very familiar with Yu Jinli. After all, such a young A-level card maker, only a few hundred years later, only this one appeared.

What’s more, Yu Jinli’s achievements in business card making are not only a class A cardmaker, but also so many original energy cards that he has studied over the years.

As long as Yu Jinli appears in the Card Makers Association, she will either come to the exam to upgrade or develop a new original energy card.

Therefore, when the staff of the Card Makers Association saw Yu Jinli’s appearance, she was so excited that even the chairman was shocked.

“I don’t know if Master Yu came here this time and developed a new original energy card?” The president narrowed his eyes with a smile and said slightly excitedly.

Yu Jinli nodded, handed the newly-vegetated plant cards to the chairman, and said, “This is the plant card I just researched recently. These plant cards I want to open to learn and draw and use card manufacturers across the Federation. right……”

Yu Jinli’s words have not been finished yet, the chairman and the staff around him are surprised and unbelievable. You must know that the original energy card is the proudest achievement of a card maker, let alone open learning drawing Well, even if they did the plotting and selling by themselves, what did they hear?

Yu Jinli is even prepared to open learning drawing right and use right?

“Do you really want to open up these rights?” The president confirmed again.

Without the consent of the creators, even the Card Makers Association cannot learn to draw and use without permission. If Yu Jinli is serious, then they must learn first.

“Yes, but I have a condition.” Yu Jinli continued.

“What conditions?” The chairman’s emotions were still very excited. Even if Yu Jinli said that there were conditions, he still had a feeling of making money.

“All card makers of these energy cards can learn to draw and use them. As long as they are not used to do bad things, there are no other limitations, but if the military department needs them, they must have unconditional help to make these energy cards. At that time, the military will give certain rewards and compensation. “Yu Jinli solemnly said.

These energy cards are an important weapon against zombies, but he can’t explain to the president about the zombies at the moment. He can only ask for this temporarily. I hope that you don’t dig into the bottom line.

In fact, how can the president be held in the end, after all, being able to have the right to learn and make and use is already a great thing for other card makers. Do n’t mention that the military will give certain rewards and compensations. Even if it is made for free, they are willing.

Although the President did not know what Yu Jinli’s condition was about to do, compared to this condition, he gave much better benefits. After all, these original energy cards can be learned and used by card makers at will. Absolutely a great thing for other card makers, there is no possibility of rejection.

Therefore, when the Card Makers Association announced the news, and Yu Jinli’s conditions were also announced, the card makers who came to study swarmed, and almost all the doors of the Card Makers Association were broken.

After solving the source of the plant card, Yu Jinli went to the First Military Academy nonstop and found the students in class F.

The students in Class F and Yu Jinli are considered to be a team. He has opened the right to make plant cards to all card makers. Naturally, they will not fall behind.

Yu Jinli taught class F students to draw these botanical cards at the fastest speed. It has helped them to practice more recently. It is useful to make as many as they can.

Class F students didn’t ask too much about the reason, but they intensified their practice and production, because they knew that Yu Jinli would definitely ask him for this reason.

After all the arrangements for the plant cards were made, Yu Jinli sent several messengers to Master and Brother again, hoping that they could help to refine some Qing’erdan, and by the way, asked about the events of the end of the earth.

Yu Jinli has not experienced that period of history, so I do n’t know if zombies also appeared when the earth entered the last days. Are the zombies the same as they are now, and how did humans respond at that time? In the end, did we develop an antidote or the like.

There are too many questions Yu Jinli wants to ask, but he never thought about sending Master and Brother out of the mountain to help humanity again.

Master and brother have different positions from him. Master had helped human beings once thousands of years ago, and now he finally found peace again. He certainly did not want humans to disturb them again.

Even after thousands of years, the existence of fairies is still alien to human beings. If they are accidentally exposed, it will take a long time to regain the peace they are now.

What’s more, now that humans have become much stronger, the matter of zombies is not insoluble.

It’s just that the antidote is more difficult, so Yu Jinli wants to ask Master and Brother for help.

Long Suyi ’s messenger came back soon, and he told Yu Jinli in detail the history of the earth when it entered the last days.

At that time, human beings were still very weak. They could not face the invasion of zombies based on human power alone, so the fairies were born, and they helped humanity to fight against zombies.

But at that time, the number of fairies was too small, even though each one was very powerful, but facing

The number is tens of thousands of times. Zombies that can’t be killed without hitting their heads still cannot help, so in the end, the fairies are more to help humans escape the earth and find new places to live.

As for the antidote, it was not researched until humans found a new place of residence, and the number of zombies on the earth remained unchanged because no new humans could be transformed. After the fairies sent away the living humans, they Go back little by little to clear the zombies, return the peace to the earth again, and seal the earth to keep her from being attacked.

This is the end of the world after the end of the world, and no real antidote has been developed, so this time in the interstellar era can only rely on human beings.

After reading this information, Yu Jinli was not completely disappointed, because these were also expected by him. Fortunately, there are still many materials for making Qing’erdan on Master ’s side, and Master also agreed to help with the refining. Chiang Erdan.

As long as it can restrain the spread of those venoms and give researchers valuable time, I believe that one day, humans will develop a real antidote, and they will destroy all zombies and welcome a new life!

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