The Young Lion

Chapter 118 - Post-organization

The fanatical atmosphere of the Sun Devil Stadium burned the intellect of the audience. They were so enthusiastic that they enjoyed today’s Super Bowl.

Aldridge looked down at the stadium with a glass of wine, surrounded by a group of players. Some of them understood the rules of football, and some didn’t. It doesn’t matter. Rugby is not a difficult sport to understand.

Especially in the offensive and defensive segment of the game rhythm, the two teams will be divided into the offensive group and the defensive group, who is attacking and who is defending, at a glance.

As long as you watch the game for five minutes, you will know that the one who dominates the offense will plan the attack after the kickoff is the core of the team, the quarterback.

Eckman of the Dallas Cowboys, O’Donnell of the Pittsburgh Steelers, and two super quarterbacks dominated their respective teams’ offense.

After Ackerman completed an accurate long pass to help the team advance the offensive yardage, Aldridge turned his head and smiled at Pirlo: “The quarterback is very demanding on the court. Passing is one of the basic qualities. Long Passing short passes must be extremely accurate. At the same time, you need to read the situation between the electro-optical flint and pass the ball to a safe zone. Sometimes you will take a risk, but the risk will be great. If you succeed, you may help your teammates directly. TD, failure, interception by opponents, will be a devastating blow.”

Pirlo took it very seriously. With his football wisdom, he understood that Aldridge’s words were also applied to the football field.

The quarterback is not a running back on the front line, but it is definitely the soul of the team. It belongs to the kind of handsome man who plans to win a thousand miles.

But football is still in the midfield era. Pirlo asked: “Is the quarterback a No. 10 player on the football field?”

Aldrich shook his head and said: “The player No. 10 is the core of the team. It can pass, shoot and shoot. This is very demanding on the player. Andrea, I want to discuss it with you and your teammates. The trend of football tactics is very important for your future development, because when you are at the peak of your career, you will be in the process of changing the trend of football tactics. Of course, I dare not arbitrarily judge the next ten years. There will be changes in football tactics in ten years, but some changes will certainly occur.”

The players looked a bit serious and discussed the tactics with the head coach. This was not a job requirement, but it definitely helped them grow and helped them understand the role Aldridge arranged for them to play on the field.

Aldrich thought thoughtfully: “We can first review the evolution of the tactics in football, 127, 235, WM, 424, 442, 343, 433, 451, etc., there is a trend is obvious, formation structure The more reasonable, while the number of strikers is decreasing and the number of midfielders is increasing, why? In addition to the influence of the rules, the most important is the tactical innovation, WM of Arsenal in the 1930s, Italian chain defense in the 60s, 70 In the era of the Netherlands, all attacks and all defenses, etc., today, it is almost difficult to have a tactical revolution, because the world is entering an era of synchronization, which means that the most popular tactics will be studied by everyone, and it is difficult for someone to innovate. And like some countries that are derailed from the world, they will be astounding in tactics. For example, North Korea will display a weird formation of 3331, but they can think in reverse. It is also because they refused to synchronize with the world to have such alternative innovations. , Despite the failure.”

The players listened attentively to Aldridge’s speech, as if they were obsessed. As football players, they naturally like to listen to some novel ideas that are like fantasies but absolutely not lip service.

“442 is considered to be the formation pioneered by England and is still in use today, but in that year, in fact, Maslov in Dynamo Kiev had already changed to 442. At that time, he was strongly questioned. His 442 and England won the World Cup. The 442 is similar but does not inherit each other, and Maslov explained to himself: football is like a plane, and the increase in speed means the increase in air resistance, so you must make the nose more Streamlined. If you don’t think about it, this sentence doesn’t mean anything, but what he wants to express, I think it’s like this: when players are getting faster and faster, they need to find space to become It’s more difficult, so the offensive players must hide deeper, so that they can’t be easily protected by the opponent.”

Aldridge’s words made these real kickers nod.

Even if it is the top striker, there will always be a spotless game, so there are two points in the offense, one is to find defensive flaws, and the other is the concealment of the offense.

Pirlo seemed to think of something, saying: “The striker retreated.”

Aldridge snapped his fingers and nodded: “The striker retreats, or the diversification of the forward’s role ability. When a forward has the ability to organize, his retreat strategy or organization will disrupt the opponent’s. The mark-to-man project makes our own offense flexible and a little bit like the ninth and a half players we call now, but such players have too high technical requirements. Perhaps the top figure in this position will only appear in football in five years. Now, the best player in this position is Baggio. He can retreat to the organization, often send assists, and can score goals. But not every player who wants to play this position can do his job. The level is also a limitation of ability. There are many front midfielders who can assist and many forwards who can score, but it is too difficult to combine the two and reach a balance point that will sublimate the team.”

With that said, Aldridge gave a meaningful look at Devede.

For players in that position to be able to pass and shoot, Nedved meets these characteristics, and Aldridge hopes he can become such a player.

Pirlo was a bit sad, he knew his own characteristics, and dribbling breakthrough was not his strong point at all.

“Remember our two games against Manchester United this season?”

Aldrich asked with a sip.

The players nodded, and the players who played the game just remembered it.

Aldridge laughed: “When the game hits a certain level, the pair of offenses on both offense and defense is very fierce. We have marked their forwards, they have killed our forwards, and even all the offensives in the frontcourt. The players have no offensive space, and who is the player who changed the game situation? The player who dribbled through the ball and suddenly entered the penalty area, the player with the full-back who suddenly assisted to disrupt the opponent’s defensive rhythm, the striker withdrawing the cold arrow and so on Instead of using the same number of people in a textbook-like position to complete the offensive slowly. We have always performed well and scored many goals, but do you understand what kind of environment our goals come from?”

Barak blurted out: “Rapid advance after defense.”

The other teammates nodded in agreement that the tactical concepts they had instilled in the training were perfectly executed on the court, which also made them an excellent transcript for the young army.

Aldridge nodded and said: “Yes, the football tactical trend is based on defense. It is very difficult for us to attack when the opponent sets the defensive formation. Similarly, we put the defense and wait for the opponent to attack. It will also give the opponent. It creates a lot of resistance. Therefore, our offense is often based on the opponent’s failure to attack. It is when the opponent does not have a defensive formation at the end of the attack. The ball is advancing fast, the players scattered their positions to find the free time, and the important reason for playing the speed advantage is that we want to destroy the opponent before the defense is completed.”

The players listened intently, and many of them could only fully understand part of the essence of their current football style under Audridge’s detailed explanation.

Football is a competitive sport where you attack me, I attack you, and back and forth. Unlike the rugby side, after the offense ends, the offensive group comes off, the defensive group comes up to defend such a rhythm, the mobility of football games is difficult to use one by one The stage is defined in seconds, and as the rhythm speeds up, the characteristics of the players become more comprehensive. Quick counterattack is the basis for the top teams to settle down. It is difficult for teams that will not fight back or have no advantage in counterattack speed.

“If you have watched Guardiola playing football, you may have the same feeling as me: Barcelona seems to have fewer people. Yes, he is actually very inconspicuous, honestly staying in the backcourt to do dirty work, after taking the ball And he passed it to his teammates honestly. Only in some of the elaborated videos can he see the ability to pass threats and draw a salary in the counterattack. However, in the 90 minutes of the game, in the 42 rounds of La Liga, his high light count Not many, there is a sentence I hope you will not be outgoing, so as not to be attracted by the media misunderstanding, I think Guardiola is Cruyff’s failure to tune up the disciples.”

In this era, although Guardiola has the title of a dream of achievement, he is not too outstanding for the achievements and influence of contemporary midfielders.

The players stared at Aldridge doubtfully, waiting for his explanation.

“I don’t know whether Cruyff’s idea of ​​creating a four-point player is similar to a quarterback on the football field, but at least Guardiola’s role has not fully replicated the role of a football quarterback. He is the main defense. The player is also the main player in the offensive backcourt organization. Both tasks are on his shoulders. He can achieve this achievement today. I think it is already amazing, but as the rhythm of the football game accelerates and the confrontation becomes increasingly fierce No player can be top-level at both ends of the offense and defense. Simply put, the player will become more and more comprehensive, but the energy in the game must be divided into primary and secondary, and the main energy is defensive, then, it will definitely be sacrificed Offense, and vice versa, and football is a team sport. I think that the two tasks of defense and organization of offense can be separated to allow the two players to maximize their strengths in the midfield.”

Aldrich has always believed that it was precisely because Guardiola’s player era was not particularly successful, at least he was definitely not considered a world-class player, which allowed him to perfect Cruyff’s tactical thinking after serving as a coach. Sublimation, he solved the contradiction that appeared in him. Therefore, his dream three dynasties, Boutix defensively, Harvey controlled the organization, Iniesta emphasized the offensive response, and created a terrible Barcelona with balanced control of offense and defense.

This tactic is also used by many strong teams to a large extent. The defensive and organizational tasks are separated, and the strengths are complemented. The advantages are maximized, and the better teammates can make up for their shortcomings. The highest level of team football is In this way, it is not necessarily necessary to move the clouds and water, but in the process of making up for each other, the teammates play an energy of 1+1 greater than 2.

Pirlo’s eyes lit up and asked, “Boss, why did the organization mission take place in the midfield and backcourt?”

Aldridge laughed: “Don’t you say that before? The players are getting faster and faster, and the offensive points must be hidden deeper. The closer the top teams are, the closer they are to the opponent’s penalty zone, the less there is room for organization and more. The striker is in front and will only be marked by the opponent. The attacking player’s rear insertion will become the mainstream of the attack, which will move the organization area backwards, the starting point of a wave of deadly offensive, even from the goalkeeper, the guard. , And the transition of the midfield and the choice of forward attack points will become the key points to determine the victory.”

Pirlo didn’t have an epiphany until this moment. He began to understand how Aldrich and Najib’s requirements for his training would play a role in actual combat.

But whether this will succeed, he does not know, but it is worth trying.

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