The Young Lion

Chapter 1185 - Blatant crime

While the referee blew away Millwall’s goal, the Lion King Stadium sounded an overwhelming boo!

“Uh, this ball, the referee can continue the game according to the principle of favorable offense. Although Millwall has some players violated, they have not lost the ball, especially when the offense has reached the last minute, he can wait and see, even if In the end, it was reasonable to not chase the penalty, but now, Millwall’s goal was blown away, and he received a free kick in the frontcourt. Their player seemed to be injured. Messi fell to the ground with a painful expression. “

Villa went to pay attention to Messi’s injury, and Ronaldo went to protest to the head referee, reaching out to indicate that it should be Millwall’s goal, instead of going back and giving them a **** set ball!

The referee Herning ignored Ronaldo, but just stood at the foul spot with an expressionless expression. Ronaldo chattered and strongly protested that Herning did not play against Cordoba.

Millwall took a step back and let you blow the foul, but shouldn’t the opponent’s foul move take a card?

Hering was still in the same position as the oil and salt. Ronaldo was probably annoyed and said something disrespectful. Instead, Hening showed a yellow card as a warning to him!

Ronaldo walked away helplessly, with a sneer sneer on his face.

Aldrich stood on the sidelines and paid more attention to Messi’s situation, because Messi looked very painful, the young man did not raise his head, the team doctor directly called a stretcher to enter after entering the field, Aldridge suddenly looked very ugly, it seemed, There may be serious injuries.

Messi finally stood up, the stretcher was useless, but he limped and concealed his face with one hand, blocking the outside world’s sight, not wanting outsiders to see his tearful situation at this time.

This is a serious blow to him!

More important is the psychological level.

This season, he emerged from the army and stabilized his main position. It was when he became famous. At this time, he suddenly suffered from injuries. He felt an irresistible fear in his heart. I don’t know if this will affect his future.

After all, he is different from others, really different.

Since coming to Millwall at the age of 11, besides being mocked by some outsiders for his height, it also includes regular treatment, step by step, step by step, and struggling to reach today. How can outsiders understand what he has paid?

When Messi left the company accompanied by the team doctor, the team doctor shook his head slightly towards Aldridge, the meaning was clear: Messi could not stick to the game.

Aldridge stepped forward to hug Messi and gave him some encouragement and comfort. Messi’s tears were even more unstoppable, fearing that he would affect the team’s atmosphere, so he simply walked into the player channel and left the court.

Because Messi was injured and left the field at the beginning of the game, Millwall’s bench also needs to be fully warmed up before he can debut.

Millwall was forced to play more and less, which will inevitably affect their rhythm, so that the mad lion that just entered the state after the opening was disrupted. Not to mention the rhythm, even the sharpness seemed to have fallen.

“Shortly after the opening, Millwall was forced to make a substitution and Henry replaced Messi, who was injured and left!”

After Henry played, Millwall’s offensive re-erupted after a period of calm, and Inter Milan still dominated.

In the past many years, Millwall’s performance has made Mancini dare not have too many ideas about the game, stabilize the defense, and defend in the end. As for the offense, there are very few offense opportunities, and don’t be cranky. That will only expose the defense.

The referee’s scale is not loose, but it is really loose. As a result, Millwall’s attack is restricted by the opponent’s physical confrontation when he enters the dense defense area. Even if some actions that appear to be fouls will not be penalized The foul makes it difficult for Millwall’s offense to penetrate the front line.

Aldridge has some entanglement on the sidelines. In this case, Millwall needs Ronaldinho. He can send a concealed and penetrating pass in the front waist area. However, Ronaldinho’s condition this season is not complimenting. World Cup After returning to the team, Ronaldinho’s physical condition was very bad. In the second half of the season, it was considered to reduce the obvious belly. In the competitive state, it is no problem to play the general team. Invisible for a long time.

If Ronaldinho last season, Ronaldinho’s debut at this time will have a great effect, but now, compared to Kaka, whose impact cannot be ignored, Ronaldinho is dwarfed.

Halfway through the first half, Aldridge started to make adjustments on the sidelines to allow the team to shoot as long as possible to see if it could force Inter Milan to defend the premise.

From 25 to 40 minutes, Millwall hit a long shot from the outside in 7 feet. It seemed that the chances were okay, but he was less lucky, and there were two long shots that deviated from the goal around 30 cm.

However, this also made Inter Milan clamor and had to move forward to compress the long-range space outside Millwall’s penalty area.

In the 43rd minute, Kaka took a long shot in the frontcourt and flicked Cambiasso’s defense with a fake. Then he sent a good pass and Grosso failed to mark Henry on the wing and let Henry reverse. After the offside was successful, Henry cut the ball directly across the other side when he touched the penalty area.

Ronaldo on the other side pushed the ball behind the goal to get started!

“Milwall scored! Millwall… wait, wait, the referee raised the flag to indicate that the ball was offside! From the height of the referee raised the flag, it indicates that Ronaldo was offside before the shot!”

Ronaldo had just scored a goal to celebrate, and suddenly turned his head to see the edge-cutting flag-raising action. He shook his hand furiously, and his face was irritated. Henry also ran to the edge-cutting officer and asked for a reasonable explanation. No offside has a similar sixth-sense judgment. If Ronaldo is offside, Henry will never pass it, because they usually pay attention to this in training.

Through slow mirror playback, at the moment when Henry passed the ball, Ronaldo never offside, at most parallel to Henry’s position, the two were together offside, Kaka’s ball passed to Henry, and Henry did not stop the ball, directly Pass the ball to the goal behind Ronaldo’s side.

Aldridge was also furious. He went to the fourth official and scolded: “You are a blatant crime! Depriving Millwall’s goal! The first goal was blown, my player was injured and left the opponent Not even a yellow card! Now, **** in front of the world, you dare to blow away Millwall’s uncontroversial goal? Who gives you the courage? Who?!”

Along with Aldridge’s anger, the Lion King Stadium stands crowded, fans of the lion uttered a booing sound, and the stands close to the referee even criticized and criticized the frontier.

Head referee Herning ran over to warn Aldridge, and Aldridge responded to him with a sentence: “Don’t forget your identity, you are the head referee, you have made yourself the focus, the most Don’t let yourself be the sinner that thousands of people refer to!”

Herning’s face was ugly, but he didn’t expect that Audridge would blame him in person and warn him in turn!

In the face of this world-renowned young coach, He Ning was a little counseled and walked back into the field ignoring the pretense.

The first half ended with 0:0, and the total score was still 0:0.

Aldridge returned to the locker room to suppress his anger and try to keep the players calm and restrained on the court as much as possible!

As for what he said: As long as we can score a goal, Inter Milan will have no chance.

In this case, the players must believe in the usual time.

But today, perhaps most players have an idea in mind: goals? We scored two in the first half, but both were directly obliterated.

How can you “goal”?

Inter Milan held on for 45 minutes in the first half. The posture in the second half remained unchanged. The defense was solid and the offense went down.

But after a respite from the intermission, Inter Milan performed very well in the first half of the second half, or maybe it was the 135-minute non-drop in three and a half of the two rounds, which made them more confident.

From 55 minutes, Millwall again used a long shot to threaten the opponent’s goal. Kaka shot a long shot from the outside of the penalty area and popped on the beam, which made Aldridge feel great regret.

In the 69th minute, after Millwall hit two long shots in a row, Alonso suddenly inserted the ball and handed the ball to Ronaldo. The offensive method changed.

Cristiano Ronaldo took the ball from the wing and made a breakthrough to the inside. After he passed Mai Kong, he came to the edge of the penalty area, but Maikong put the shovel from the diagonal back and directly shoveled C Luo to the ground!

Ronaldo fell in the penalty area!

He heard the whistle!

Seeing the referee Herning running in his direction, he thought it would be a penalty, but Hering ran to him and showed him a second yellow card, and then took out a **** red card!

Cristiano Ronaldo fell his head to the ground with his hands, and then jumped up again. He rushed to Hering and asked angrily: “What the **** are you doing? Obviously he kicked me down! He was fouled! How? Would it be my fall?”

Indeed, when Ronaldo fell, he had a speculative subjective behavior, because he knew that the position he was violated was on the penalty area line. In order to avoid the referee choosing between a free kick and a penalty, he fell. When going down, deliberately tilt the body’s center of gravity forward, and let yourself fall into the restricted area.

But he was indeed kicked!

Just when Ronaldo protested, Kaka and Villa pointed to Ronaldo’s right leg side with excitement on the left and right of Herning, beckoning the referee to watch!

Even Ronaldo didn’t realize that the side of his right calf, without the protection of the shin guard, the white socks had been stained with blood, and the socks broke a long hole, which was tackled by Mai Kong. The spikes were scratched and the blood was flowing like blood, making Ronaldo’s right calf wrapped in blood.

“If there was no foul, where did his wound come from? Look clearly, you see clearly!”

The fact that Villa’s expression is getting crazy and is in front of him is ignored by the referee. Even if Ronaldo is suspected of earning a favorable penalty when he falls into the penalty area, the foul is a nail, even if he takes a step back, Ronaldo will actually fall. , That’s it!

Damn it, actually gave Ronaldo a second yellow card!

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