The Young Lion

Chapter 1190 - The war has begun!

Carter never thought that working at Millwall would suddenly have a heavy sense of mission!

When Aldridge put one hand on his shoulder, with a serious expression, solemnly said: “Carter, we work together to achieve this feat of football that will be recorded in history!”

Putting it on ordinary people and people who don’t understand football may be ridiculous.

Football is sports or entertainment in most places.

But Carter understands that if the European Super League is born, not only will the European giants get rid of UEFA control, just like the Premier League breaks away from the FA’s control of the independent portal, at the same time, there will also be countless clubs that become the bones of the giants’ feet!

It is also like the deformed league system in England.

The Premier League is rich in the world, and the Premier League is in poverty!

Carter was determined, with a grin, and said, “Aldrich! We will achieve it! We will!”

Aldridge nodded and put his hand down. At this time, Yi Wen came to the backyard door and said to him: “Andrew is here.”

Aldridge walked into the living room with Carter. Andrew stepped forward and gave Aldrich a hug. Before Aldrich asked him about his intentions, Andrew said to him: “Let me use it in your study. Brother will make a video call. come.”

Aldrich took the two people upstairs to his study. There was a video phone in his study, which was rarely used.

After a while, I got in touch with Barnett on the other side of the ocean.

In the video, Barnett was wearing a shirt and trousers, and was talking to Aldridge in his study.

“Aldrich, I watched the game at night. I don’t want to discuss anything about the game. I just want to know, what do you think now? What will you do next?”

Aldrich scratched his head and didn’t seem to understand what Barnet called to ask what it meant.

With Barnett’s wealth increasing day by day, football should be a game in the eyes of his tycoon. What grievances and oppressions are estimated to be similar to those of children. How can they be worried?

Seeing Aldridge silence, Barnett said right in the video: “Aldrich, maybe in your heart I am indeed a person who does not have too much passion for football, but I am your brother, like twenty Years ago, when you were bullied, I will take you to beat the person who bullied you. I will always be your brother. In the past, no one could bully us, now, too. Yes, I don’t Caring about football, why should I care? I only care about whether you are happy, knowing that you are engaged in football, you will be happy and satisfied, which is enough for me, but if you are not happy, then I should be yours Family members are by your side.”

Aldridge suddenly looked up, looking at Barnett who was faintly in the video. The shadow in front of him seemed to overlap with the glass decoration worker who was twenty years ago. Barnett who could become a ruff anytime on the street, he Big brother.

Andrew hugged Aldridge’s shoulders.

At this moment, Aldridge felt happy.

For his happiness, it is when he needs him most. There are family members, friends, and brothers around him. Instead of perfunctory comfort, he stands firm on his side and takes action on the same front line with him. , To resist, to get back, and to pay the price to those who bullied him!

Aldrich informed Barnett of his ideas, and Barnett also informed Aldridge of the resources he could provide, so they met in the study to discuss the specific measures implemented.

This night, sleepless.

At dawn, Audrey fell asleep at home, and Carter and Andrew also left. They needed sleep to restore their spirits, and then they had a big fight!

Turn the European football world upside down!

This morning, the front page titles of Fleet Street and the mainstream media of European football are almost all the titles of “Falling Lion Dynasty”!

The controversial punishment in the game is naturally the focus, including Millwall fans rushing to the court, Aldridge’s anger against the fourth official’s physical movement, and the scene of the riot outside the Lion King Stadium after the game.

In the foreign position, Fleet Street is of course defending Millwall, collectively accusing the head referee of improper penalty, and the goal of Ronaldo and Kaka being blown away, Messi injured his opponent Cordoba but escaped the penalty, Ronaldo Major controversial events in the game such as being violated, injured and falling but being sent off with a red card in the penalty area were highlighted.

Just after noon on that day, UEFA responded.

A UEFA spokesman said at a news conference: “After repeated research and confirmation, there was indeed an error in the referee’s law enforcement in the Champions League match between Millwall and Inter Milan, but this is football, and the referee is also a person. Something went wrong…

In response to the excessive behavior of Millwall during the game, including Millwall coach Audrey Hall’s threat to the fourth official, physical abuse, and the act of Millwall’s official cancellation of the post-match press conference. UEFA’s preliminary decision to ban Adrich Hall for a six-month European match ban! If Millwall disagrees with this penalty, the appeal period is 15 days.

During the game, Millwall fans rushed into the court to threaten the personal safety of the referee, and after the game, the fans broke out on the court. After the investigation, UEFA confirmed that Millwall has a management failure, and Millwall needs to pay 100,000. Penalties in Euros, as well as the fact that no fans will be allowed to enter the group stage of the European competition in the next season! Similarly, if Millwall has objections to this penalty, the appeal period is 15 days.


UEFA moves quickly, although it does not absolutely protect the referee team, it recognizes the referee team’s law enforcement mistakes, raises verbal warnings, and also deprives the referee team of future intercontinental clubs’ law enforcement qualifications this season, but UEFA obviously It is to guide the outside world to the bad side of Millwall!

Millwall fans rushed to the field, the head coach started the fourth official, and the fans made troubles outside the court after the game, attacked the Inter Milan bus, and even came out this morning: a death threat to the law enforcement referee team on the spot!

Obviously, UEFA is trying to guide the attention of the outside world and magnify Millwall’s “stain” in this game, thereby giving the outside world an impression that Millwall deserves the crime and gaining public opinion support.

On this day, just after noon in Europe, the morning of the United States, Barnett, who has always been the behind-the-scenes master, suddenly called a high-level meeting to pressure those companies on the grounds of controlling the heavyweight proportion of most network companies. In the afternoon, almost All pressured companies sent representatives to participate in the meeting.

Participants include Google, ASK, Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia and other giant Internet companies that rank in the top of the global world’s visits. They also include Google’s YouTube, Blogger and other social sites that also have huge customer resources and visits. In Europe, there are also influential Internet companies such as Ciao, Splut, Wlw, etc. who also sent representatives to attend.

Barnett, who has always made a lot of money, has not shown all his energy. In the online world, he has continuously invested, continuously integrated resources, and constantly accumulated. He has an international network empire and is hosting this conference. At the time, Barnett thought instead that when he needed to make a major investment decision, he would always ask Aldridge’s views. Although Aldrich’s attitude was understated each time, he was “yes” and “ No” was given to Barnett’s answer. Maybe YES and NO sounded simple. But Barnett couldn’t figure it out for many years. Perhaps Audridge was lucky, let him have the wealth and wealth he has today. Resources.

The Hall family is about to go to war, to fight against UEFA for Aldrich!

Barnett closed his eyes and smiled after the meeting: Then fight!

In his eyes, UEFA is a fart!

Soon, several portals or social networks with great influence all over the world, including the national websites that radiate the locality, published the special report of the Champions League game. Although there is no one bit that it is the UEFA that is doing Millwall, you can pass The pictures and videos in the report seem to be neutral but have a directional article with sandy projections, subtly influence the viewer, and point the finger at UEFA!

At the same time, it is also amplifying the problems of UEFA itself, corruption, black transactions, lack of supervision and so on.

Those who are not interested in football will watch it hilariously or ignore it, but as the world’s first sports football, there are many followers around the world. It has set off a frenzy in the online world, attacking UEFA, will UEFA is defined as a tumor.

At 5:30 pm on the day that UEFA announced the punishment against Millwall, Millwall held an official press conference.

Fleet Street reporters swarmed, as did reporters from all over the world in England.

The press hall was overcrowded, really shoulder to shoulder. Journalists without seats wanted to raise the camera in their hands to take a picture, and they all had to raise their eyes and press the shutters one after another.

The reason why the press conference was so late was because Aldridge was sleeping and resting during the day.

He didn’t want to appear in the public’s field of vision with an exhausted image, which would undoubtedly weaken his momentum a little, or deliberately seek sympathy.

Millwall does not need mercy!

Only the weak need sympathy!

The atmosphere in the press room was rather weird, and everyone held their breath as if suppressing something.

Everyone knows well that Millwall will not easily accept the UEFA punishment, just like UEFA fined Audridge’s improper fines last year. Audridge’s response in person will not be paid. In the end, it is not impossible. It?

What about today?

How will Aldridge respond?

First of all, Millwall’s Champions League defending trip was eliminated and became the victim of the referee’s law enforcement mistakes in the game. They must be full of anger. At this time, they will be punished. How can Millwall accept it?

Of course, if you change to another team, even if you are a big player, maybe you really accept it. You have a dumb loss. There is no way. The football world is sometimes so unreasonable. Who will let UEFA be a three-regardless zone? Big, the biggest FA!

This is true for the FA, UEFA and FIFA!

But many reporters who are familiar with Aldridge have an intuition in their hearts: a young coach will not easily admit defeat!

It is not a “law enforcement error” that can easily allow Millwall to accept the result of the end of the dynasty.

When Aldrich appeared in front of everyone, he was on stage. The long-dead reporters were suddenly excited and raised their hands to ask questions!

Aldridge walked to the center of the stage and turned to face the audience, with a ruthless expression.

UEFA, the war you want to start!

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