The Young Lion

Chapter 137 - Tactical flow and technical flow

Najib’s superior skills do not specifically refer to the extraordinary movements that players must use to dribble the dribbling, but a general term that can be understood as the sense of the ball, the skill of the ball, and the ability of the player to control the ball.

It’s easy to understand that players with excellent skills can use the technology to get rid of the spot, control the ball within a small range to expand the selection range, it is not necessary to have to pass the defensive player in front, but players with such technology, kick The ball can be more “cunning”, with strong deception and unpredictability, making the one-on-one confrontation more dominant.

However, the club generally does not specifically teach the players how to pass, the players in the training class can pass, but the kind is free to play, you can pass you, you can pass, if you can’t pass, it is judged that the talent is not enough, and the ball The team will not systematically teach players superior skills, because this is a waste of time in most teams. First, a team will not allow too many players to pass freely, and secondly, the coaches will not Spend time betting on whether players have this talent.

In the traditional concept, the player’s superior skills are often not systematically trained, and talents are considered to account for a large proportion, including physical characteristics, such as bent legs Galincha, short stature Maradona, it is undeniable that The dexterity of the taller players is not as good as the short players, which is determined by innate conditions.

However, the importance of superior technology proposed by Najib is not for passing, but for the player’s characteristics.

For example, Peter Pan, Ovimas likes to pass the bottom. After he passes, he can cross with the opponent’s entire back line directly, disrupting the opponent’s defensive rhythm.

Aldrich began to review his youth training policy. When he first took over the team, he focused on training players for the team, to consolidate the team into a whole, so he must emphasize the integrity of the team, which is inevitable If he emphasizes the technique under his feet and let the players play unscrupulously, the team will be over and it will only be a mess.

Millwall last season can be said that there is no youth team at all. The youth team is just a stage for training. The first team tactics are practiced to enable players to play team football through teamwork.

This season, Millwall only officially has a youth team. The establishment of the youth training base has only been more than half a year. Najib has discovered the shortcomings of this youth training system.

There are two kinds of excellent coaches. The first is to let all 11 geniuses show their strength, and the second is to let 11 ordinary players show 1+1 greater than 2.

Aldrich did not think that the player he bought from the beginning was a mature genius, otherwise, it would not be his turn to pay the bill. So, what he had to do was the second point, let the player 1+1 play more than 2 strength, then the foundation of the team is of course the team, which is also the long-term policy of building the team.

However, under too much focus on the team, Aldridge somewhat ignored the personal growth of the players.

What is the reason?

Aldrich self-reflected, probably because he valued the effect of teamwork more, so subconsciously, he did not have the kind of expectations for players to perform personal heroic performances.

Therefore, when the players pass the passing ball on the court and the right place is in place, he is satisfied.

Is this enough?

not enough.

Far from enough.

Aldridge was awakened at the head, no team can achieve a permanent tactical lead, no, because tactics is a cat and mouse game, when your tactics lead, countless people will start to study countermeasures, and eventually return Balance and then wait for the next tactical change.

The excellent tactical concept can improve the team, but it is the players who rely on the tactics to the extreme.

Aldridge was a bit annoyed. He also talked to Ferguson about tactics without secrets. The key is the fit of players and tactics. He ignored this.

Is the tactic mysterious?

Not mysterious, countless teams will want to emulate the tactics of the strongest team, but many of the coaches of latecomers have fallen badly. The experimental effect is that Dongshi is the best. The most important factor is that the composition of the players is uneven, and the perfect effect is simply not achieved.

Didn’t the future team want to emulate AC Milan? But do they have Nesta, Maldini, Costa Kuta? Is Seedorf in the midfield, Pirlo? Does the striker have Shevchenko, Inzaghi?

The same is true for Barcelona. Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Puyol, etc. are all unique and cannot be perfectly copied by following tactics.

A successful team should be the product of a perfect combination of tactics and team, both are indispensable.

Aldridge was a little too focused on tactics and ignored the team.

He was blaming himself, and his expression could be seen. Najib reassured: “Audric, you don’t have to be like this. Millwall has performed so well this season. In the good times, it is really difficult to find problems. You can’t be blamed. I am not perfect enough, are I?”

Aldrich packed his emotions and said after a moment of silence: “I think this mistake was committed six years ago.”

“six years ago?”

Najib had no idea.

Aldrich asked: “Have you heard of Guffren?”

Najib shook his head.

Aldridge reminisced and said: “I studied in the Netherlands six years ago. The Dutch Football Association’s youth training policy was based on Michels and Cruyff’s football philosophy. , I admire this philosophy, because I think the development trend of football in the future is that the offense needs a whole, and the defense needs a whole Very appetizing to me, but in the Netherlands, there is a relatively obscure football genre, I also only accidentally listened to the conversation of my colleagues to know that the person who created that genre is called Guffren.”

Najib asked curiously: “Is there such a person?”

“Yes, just in the Netherlands, he is not tolerated by the mainstream. Dutch football is dominated by the tactical flow ideas of Michels and Cruyff. I think that tactics are supreme, and the player’s simple football is the best. My heart Deeply agrees, because the development trend of football is that players are getting faster and faster, whether it is offensive or defensive, it is fast and concise as the mainstream, slowly organize the offense, too many individuals sticking the ball, it will only be eliminated by the times. Fren created a training method called CM, which advocates the flow of technology. The core idea is that people control the ball and control the opponent, thus ruling the game, requiring players to only practice technology and not practice tactics. It seems that they want to prove Genius can be cultivated, not determined by talent.”

“Genius can be trained… Genius can be trained…”

Najib muttered to himself, constantly repeating this sentence, it sounded incredible.

How many football players are there in a century of football? It is difficult to count, but hundreds of millions should not be exaggerated, because the player replacement is within 15 to 20 years.

But how many geniuses are there in this century? According to the proportion of the football population, it is simply a percentage of zero percent after the decimal point. I don’t know how many zeros are added before there is a number.

If genius can be practiced, then it’s not all Maradona Belle Beckenbauer that players are sweating?

“At the time I heard a remark by Guffren, and then rejected his philosophy of football. In order to refute Michels’ tactical flow, he said that the success of the other party is to rely on Cruyff, Van Basten, a genius who has never been encountered for a hundred years, has such a genius, no matter what formation is used, it doesn’t matter. I think this is a ridiculous thing. Brazil, with its talents, has proved countless times to command 11 geniuses It will not be much easier to succeed than commanding 11 idiots. Because of this preconceived notion, I have no interest in the training mode that promotes the practice of ball skills but not tactics, but in retrospect, I think I committed it There is the same mistake as the Dutch Football Association. Between the tactical flow and the technical flow, there is no relationship between death and death, just as the barriers between the forces and the technology are getting weaker.”

Najib blinked, wondering: “I don’t think this kind of thing should be black and white. The tactical flow and the technical flow can coexist, but there should still be a major and minor distinction.”

Aldridge nodded deeply, “Yes, this is what I want to say, the tactical flow is the soul, and the technical flow is the flesh. The perfect combination of the two can achieve the best results. The famous super team in history At least, the tactics are not behind, and there are talented players in the team to perform. And I did have some contempt in the past.”

Najib asked in confusion: “Why didn’t anyone remind you? There are so many coaches here.”

Aldridge smiled bitterly: “Jenson, they all came from Ajax, advocating tactical flow, in the Netherlands, they are instilled in tactical ideas, technical characteristics are played according to talent, rather than deliberately trained, they It will allow players to spend more time on training and running awareness, rather than specializing on how to pass people. This can’t blame them. If you don’t ask these questions, I don’t notice anything wrong.”

Najib nodded understandingly, then asked: “So how to solve this problem?”

After thinking for a while, Aldridge said: “Soccer schools sometimes have too extreme ideals, which is not good, and the ideas and reality will always be disconnected. For example, the technical flow can develop players with good skills, but it is really impossible to practice genius. Maybe maybe 100,000 players regularly train their skills, and eventually no more than ten will become geniuses, and how many of these ten can be integrated into the team? We need players to improve their skills, which is based on their talented basis The first is to turn potential into ability, but not to take this kind of training as the mainstream. It is hoped that after day-to-day training, mediocre players will become the next Maradona. That is unrealistic. It is still a tactical concept, followed by targeted technical training to grow players, so that they have distinctive characteristics in the team, while complementing, they also maximize their advantages, which helps tactical flexibility.”

“But where are we going to find this kind of coach?”

“I remembered two people.”


“You don’t know what you said, I hope you can recruit them.”

Aldridge’s fingers tapped the table rhythmically.

Two figures appeared in my mind.

One was Mullenstein who later turned Ronaldo from flashy cyclist to Mr. Golden Ball.

The other is Ricardo Moniz who retired three years ago.

The former has not yet been dug to Manchester United by Ferguson, but Aldridge does not know where he is.

The latter can be found in the Netherlands. This person has historically tuned Van Persie. Even if Van Persie transferred to Arsenal, he will regularly return to Moniz for training. It can be said that Van Persie’s technical characteristics are specially trained.

What they both have in common is that they are admirers of Guflen. Mullensteen studied CM in depth. Aldrich had heard of CM before, but he only realized that Guflen started it six years ago, and suddenly realized that Mullensdin How to tune out Ronaldo. Moniz has even been taught by Gufran’s words and examples, and he has made it true.

The most important thing is that Aldridge hopes to dig these two people, not only to train the players, but also to train the coaches.

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