The Young Lion

Chapter 25 - The roar of the blue lion!

The finals of the promotion play-offs last season were lost to Leicester City with a low level of hostility and missed the opportunity to advance to the Premier League. This is a big blow for Derbyshire without a well-known player. The shadow of defeat It continued until the beginning of this season. The opponents with one draw and one loss in the first two leagues were teams with poor strength, and the top teams in the standings showed a good state. It seems that Derby County has woke up.

On the afternoon of the match day, Aldridge came out of the locker room. When he passed the player channel, he paid special attention to the attitude of Derbyshire players and found that they were full of spirits. They must have mobilized before the game. .

This is great!

Aldridge is not afraid of meeting aggressive teams. The more aggressive the team, the more he can help his team grow quickly. At the same time, tactically, he can give his defensive counterattack room to play.

On the contrary, Aldridge is most afraid of encountering that kind of relatively conservative team, but that makes his team have little room to play on offense.

As soon as he walked out of the player’s channel, the noisy voice of the Lion’s Cave Stadium drifted into his ears. In this noisy voice, Aldridge calmly walked to the coach of the home team.

“Aldrich! Aldrich!”

The stand outside the passage was relatively close. Aldridge unexpectedly heard someone calling him, and he stopped and looked around.

I saw a young male fan waving at him with a poster in the nearest stand, yelling his name constantly. When he saw Aldridge looking over, he shouted more loudly: “Aldrich, hey! I’m Brady, have you forgotten me? Come and sign me, you dead boy!”

Aldridge smiled dumbly. Not far away, the young man of his age faced the show. If he didn’t look closely, it was hard to see the small freckles on his face. At this moment, his proper expression beckoned to Aldridge.

There were a few young people next to Brady. Aldridge recognized at a glance that they were all Aldridge childhood playmates like Brady.

Although Aldridge has been studying all over Europe all year round, he still returns to London for a period of time every year. In addition to the course of dealing with the training of English football coaches, he will gather with these little friends at other times.

Aldridge approached the stand, and Brady handed the poster and a pen in his hand.

The poster is Millwall’s promotional poster for this season. It is centered on the heroic Aldridge. The other first-team players are standing coolly behind him, with the green field as the background.

Aldridge signed his name on the lawn at the foot of “self” in the poster, then handed the poster back and chuckled: “How is it going?”

Brady looked down and took a look at the poster. He smiled and said, “I’m going to school at the University of East London. Okay.”

The little friends next to him saw Brady get the signature, and they all asked Aldrich to sign it, some of them signed directly on the jersey, and some were on the cap.

“Go for a drink after the game, see you in the old place.”

Aldrich said casually while signing, but he found that more and more fans asked him to sign, and many fans around him have learned something. According to this trend, Aldridge may be too busy to sign in the dark.

Brady grinned his white teeth and pretended to be fierce: “Aldridge, can we win today? Damn Derbyshire can be a real fucker!”

Aldridge returned the pen in his hand to Brady, did not answer his question, and made an apologetic gesture to the fans who were still asking for signatures. Then he shrugged at Brady and turned to the home team coach on the sidelines. Seats.

“Damn! Aldridge, if you lose the game, be careful of being beaten by us! Especially your pretty face will be beaten!”

Aldridge turned around and smiled, then raised his **** at Brady.


Many fans around saw Aldridge raise his **** towards the stands and gave a great exclamation.

But Brady’s group of guys burst into laughter, and then shouted to Audridge: “Audridge, if you dare to lose the game, we will kill you! Hahahaha.”

Fans around have reacted.

Dare to love Aldridge and these young people know, that **** is just a joke between peers.

After that, the laughter around him grew louder.

Millwall fans are all working class, they are not gentlemen, and their words and deeds are absolutely unrelated to gentlemen, rudeness and vulgarity are the most normal.

Aldrich, who would raise his **** when joking with friends, is like a rebellious big boy. This will not only dislike the fans, even the elderly fans will smile when they see it, as if they saw them when they were young. shadow.

If Aldridge behaves like a gentle and elegant person all the time, it will make them feel a sense of distance and strangeness, even if Aldridge leads the team towards a good momentum, but it may be difficult to accept in the heart He, because the people of the two worlds always have a gap, but instead Adrige, who has a working class color on his body, is more easily accepted and tolerated by them.

Because the game hasn’t started yet, the retransmission footage did not capture the scene where Aldridge raised his **** just now, otherwise it will definitely be preached.

Aldridge, as always, stood in front of the coach’s seat, quietly waiting for the game to begin with hands in his pockets.

Fans in the stands already had tit-for-tat signs before the game.

“5:1, 5:1, 5:1…”

Derbyshire fans can only repeatedly yell the **** score three months ago in the corner of the stadium to humiliate Millwall.

And Millwall fans can only shout sourly: “There was a coward at Wembley who lost to Leicester City!”

What if we win?

You still don’t **** stay in the League One!

And now we are at the top of the list, but you are in the relegation zone!

The two teams did not have much hostility, just a battle of pure revenge.

It’s like fighting a stranger.

Three months ago, Derbyshire beat Millwall to a drop of flowers. Today, Millwall wants to make Derbyshire a whistle. After the game is over, it will soon be forgotten. This lasts a long time between the enemy of Derby and has There is a fundamental difference between the endless inheritance of generations.

The war between the fans in the stands has begun, and the game kicked off after the referee whistled.

At the beginning of the game, Derby County really made a big attack, and there was a lot of anti-guest momentum.

In the opening thirty seconds, he shot a long shot outside the penalty area. Although it was more outrageous, it was also a shock.

On the contrary, Millwall was calm and did not seem to be able to adapt to the opponent’s fierce attack in the frontcourt. Thuram kicked the ball back to the opponent player in a hurried clearance, forcing Makelele to make a foul to contain Derby County’s offense.

In the opening three minutes, Derbyshire’s high pressure forced Millwall to breathless.

The fans in the stands are very anxious.

What are you doing?

What is the rhythm to lose? !

Standing on the sidelines, Aldridge was very calm, his hands still in his trousers pockets.

In fact, he was not worried and happy.

Derbyshire’s high-pressure **** was mentioned by Aldridge at the preparatory meeting. The players must remember it, but the rhythm of the first two leagues is obviously slow, even if Xiu’an United bombs It’s just a highball, and compared to Derbyshire, which has matured almost last season and has almost advanced to the Premier League, Xiu’an United or Sunderland is still a grade.

Millwall players just haven’t gotten used to it. As long as they are mentally stable and self-adjusting, everything will be on track.

For the high-scoring Premier League, positioning ball is one of the important goal-breaking tactics, so when Derby County got the frontcourt positioning ball, most of their players rushed up.

The ball dangled into the penalty area. In a group of people struggling to jump for the header, Stam blocked the Derbyshire players around him. After the jump, the ball was pushed out of the penalty area and the ball was consciously taken home. The left side of the backcourt.

The ball bounced on the turf. Before the Derbyshire player rushed up to grab the ball, Piley gently lifted the ball forward with his right foot. The ball crossed the top of the Derbyshire player’s head in a beautiful arc in the air. Then, Piray sprinted with all his strength, and there was a large empty space in front of him.

At this moment, Aldridge’s right hand was pulled out of his pocket, and he waved fiercely towards the goal of Derbyshire. He shouted in a terrible manner: “Give me! Don’t slow down!”

In fact, without him, after the first two games and training, the Millwall frontcourt offensive four has long known what to do at this time.

Pires rushed with the ball.

Larson and Trezeguet sprinted forward with a distance apart.

Schneider on the right side also quickly plugged along the side road.

The fans in the stands also roared loudly, and it was an exciting picture.

In the second second, Derbyshire’s frontcourt positioning ball still threatened Millwall’s door. Just after the blink of an eye, the four Millwall players sprinted forward on their respective tracks like track and field players.

The two players behind Derbyshire followed Larsson and Trezeguet. Pires, who took the ball, also had Derbyshire players back at full speed.

When Piley brought the ball close to the center line, he made a long pass and the ball jumped across the half and flew diagonally towards the right.

The unmarked Schneider is on the landing point of the ball trajectory.

But such a long pass in high-speed running is a great test of the player’s technical ability.

It would be a pity if such a good opportunity was wasted.

Millwall fans prayed that Schneider must take the long pass.

Aldridge standing on the sidelines thundered.

The scene in front of him is the perfect embodiment of his counterattack tactics.

The player plugs in at a high speed in the counterattack, the team member does not stick the ball, and quickly advances the ball to the opponent’s half through the air, not only to let the opponent have no time to lay defense, even to make the opponent unable to catch up!

He has confidence in Schneider!

If the ball is not in position, Pire has nothing to say, but the trajectory of the ball is just right. Schneider, as the leading player in this generation of German players, stopping the ball during high-speed running cannot be said to be a breeze, but it plays well. It will never disappoint.

Sure enough, Schneider inserted in the right corridor at a high speed with only a soft pad with the right foot arch, perfectly draining the ball. The kind of joke “stop the ball two meters away” did not happen to him. .

It’s just that the technique and movement of stopping the ball are pleasing to the eye.

After the ball was stopped, Schneider did not take the ball forward. His speed is not special. If he takes the ball forward, his speed will give Derby County more defensive time. Therefore, he passed a half-height ball to fly diagonally. To the left, to the left of the frontier of the penalty area in Derbyshire.

The ball crossed another arc in midair.

Millwall’s two forwards and two opposing defenders were all running towards the Derby County goal. Schneider’s pass was in front of them. The Derby County defender at the previous point tried to fly out and shovel out, but I was unable to use my toes to stop the ball from passing in front of me.

Trezeguet’s guard who was intercepted by the shovel shook and missed the point, but he was still running forward.

While Larson, who was already in place on the left, faced the ball that fell in front of him, he gently knocked with his left foot, chasing his Derby County guard unbelievably, and even did a good job of pulling down Lar outside the penalty area. Sen’s preparation, but did not expect that in the high-speed operation of the ball, Larsen clearly had the opportunity to form a single-pole, but gave this opportunity to break the goal to his teammates!

The ball was knocked back into the middle, and Trezeguet, who had been unmarked, made a little adjustment after catching the ball and pulled his feet out to shoot!

Seeing the ball hit the goal, the opponent’s goalkeeper didn’t respond. On the sidelines, Audridge raised his fist and raised his arm, turned and laughed: “This is amazing!”

From the defense to the goal to the goal, the statistic of 11 seconds of quick counterattack to break the goal saw Millwall fans’ blood, and the Lion’s Cave Stadium instantly turned into a sea of ​​carnival!

The Millwall players who made this classic goal in full-speed running are like blue lions on the club’s emblem in the eyes of fans!

The lion’s cave stadium in Millwall seemed to send out a roar of tremors in the world!

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