The Young Lion

Chapter 86 - Tactical restraint

Millwall played Arsenal’s London Derby at home. After the game started, it was not the players on the court but the fans in the stands that first set off the atmosphere.

The huge scroll on the south stand has been removed, the roar members all stood up, and Brady stood at the bottom edge of the stand. He raised his right hand and waved rhythmically.

one two Three!

“Sucker! Sucker! Arsenal!”

one two Three!

“Sucker! Sucker! Arsenal!”

From the South Stand, there was a mocking shout of shouts, and a uniform voice echoed across the court.

This is not a Millwall fan’s ingenuity. Arsenal has been infamous for many years, and all opponents in England will laugh at Arsenal’s football.

However, the roar still has an original part. The word “Arsenal” paused rhythmically when the entire stand fans shouted.

Mocking satire has a wonderful meaning!

Because in English, especially British English, the first half of arsenal’s pronunciation is very similar to the **** that is interpreted as stupid ass, stupid fool, and ass.

Arsenal’s players have not been laughed at, but today in the small stadium of the Lion’s Cave Stadium, the roar from the roar lingers on the ears for a long time, and they immediately feel humiliated.

Aldridge could not help laughing when he heard the weird “Arsenal” pronunciation on the sidelines.

That’s right, otherwise, where is Derby?

But after the opening, it was Arsenal who took the initiative on the court.

Rioch did not dare to easily change the defensive formation of the five-back, but he made the two full-backs boldly stepped forward to participate in the offense. When Winterbourne and Dickson went to the frontcourt, the number of Arsenal’s offense reversed the disadvantage.

Because it is a five-back with a defensive midfielder, Arsenal’s frontcourt offense can only rely on the fullback to go straight up and down, the center offense depends on the center-back and forward cooperation.

In the first round of the Premier League and Manchester United, Millwall cracked down today. Nedved retreated and Makelele formed a double midfielder, forming a barrier at the front of Millwall’s penalty area and directly cutting off the Arsenal frontline. Contact with the midfielder.

Ian Wright and Dennis Bergkamp in their thirties were unable to obtain the midfield delivery of the shells in the wall of Millwall, and Bergkamp’s active retreat will also be marked by Makklele. He pulled back deeper, and Makelele gave up, always maintaining security in the area.

Today Millwall voluntarily gave up the fight for the midfield with Arsenal, and instead compressed the offensive space of the opponent to achieve a stronger defense in the dangerous area. Whether Arsenal is a breakthrough by Bergkamp or Pratt plugs in to try to cooperate , Could not threaten Millwall’s goal.

Seeing Arsenal return several times without success, the offensive players were frozen, Aldridge was expressionless on the sidelines, but inadvertently aimed at the court box.

Professor, you came just today!

Millwall today is using the tactics of Arsenal’s rebirth two years later.

Vieira plus Petit, who was transformed into a lower back, compressed the opponent’s offensive space, inserted Vieira in the counterattack, relying on two wingers and forward Bogkamp’s retreat response, then attacking the gorgeous Assen Na, now Millwall can also play such an attack!

Position and role on the field, Makelele and Petit, Nedved and Vieira, Larson and Bergkamp are very similar.

Taking the initiative to give up near the middle circle to start a frantic rush, Aldridge is attracting snakes out of the hole.

Arsenal, who are used to playing defense, must give them space to attack, but they haven’t played for many years, playing the kind of 1:0 football, thinking that with Pratt and Bergkamp, ​​the team’s offense can be refreshed. Yet?

Ten minutes before the opening proved the weakness of Arsenal’s position battle!

The offensive cannot be played. Arsenal can only increase the number of offenses. Winterburn and Dixon from the side can enrich the offense, but Millwall does it very simple. Neil and Thuram go up and match up. Son, one for one!

In this way, Millwall has no disadvantages in terms of number of defensive lines.

In the box, David Dane, who was sitting in the position to watch the game, continuously introduced Wenger to the outstanding players in the Arsenal team, and also carried some contempt for Millwall, thinking that the last Millwall and In the game Manchester United played, half of them were Manchester United’s replacements. The teenager overshadowed the Red Devils. The other half was Millwall’s excellent play. Manchester United’s defense is not comparable to Arsenal.

Naturally, he is the wife of the king, and Arsenal can boast. In addition to the stars in the team, there is only defense.

Wenger, who was silent, did not respond. If he had a tactical book in hand, he would clearly explain to Dane the invisible situation on the field.

Arsenal seemed to be a fierce offensive, but it could not penetrate into Millwall’s offensive hinterland. Bogkamp couldn’t receive the ball near the penalty area and pulled it out to catch the ball. The pass could not form a tacit understanding with Wright. Unable to get rid of Makelele, the two full-backs approached the assists and Millwall’s full-backs formed a pair. In fact, for Arsenal, the situation is in jeopardy.

Arsenal’s defense is no longer stable after the full-back assists. However, the weakness of this line of defense is not known whether Aldridge can catch it.

Pratt took the ball in the midfield, and several ground attacks could not penetrate the dense defense in front of Millwall’s penalty area. He chose a high ball long pass. He wanted to try to find Wright directly to see the effect, but the ball was not unexpected. After being headed by Stam, the falling ball reached the foot of Nedved. Bogkamp only gave a symbolic press to Nedved after accelerating the breakthrough and gave up.

Pratt, Mason and Jensen lined up on the midfield defense line. After a short adjustment by Nedvide, he made a long pass and directly passed the midfield to pass the ball to the left. Pire was already waiting there. !

Seeing this scene, Wenger raised his lips slightly: It seemed that Aldridge was already prepared.

That’s right, Aldridge made the full-backs and Arsenal’s full-backs form a pair, instead of letting the two full-backs retreat, the purpose is obvious.

After Pires took the ball and took the high-speed dribble to the bottom line, Arsenal only had three central defenders on the defensive line, and the back defense was also to closely follow the high-speed plug Nedved.

However, Millwall’s offense has a clear advantage.

Pire took the ball and the three teammates running forward with him were Trezeguet, Larson, Schneider.

Pire didn’t cut inwards. He went to the black ground and went to the bottom line. When he traversed the parallel position of the big penalty area line, he had a disguised inward movement. At this time, Arsenal’s defensive line had to divide its troops. To stop him.

The distance between the three central defenders in the penalty area was widened, and there was an empty goal in front of the goal. Piret crossed the front of the penalty area before Adams stepped forward to block him. Trezeguet and Bald faced each other. He cleverly chose to miss the ball. The ball rolled back from his and Bald’s feet. Larson had already prepared. He rushed to the goal and took two steps back. He had enough time to prepare for the ball. But a shooter like him didn’t need much time in the penalty area. He pushed lightly into the lower right corner of the goal. Seaman abandoned the goal and rushed towards him. He opened his arms and lowered the center of gravity. He could only watch the ball stretch from him. Rolled over the open feet, and then, the Lion’s Cave Stadium cheered!

“Larsen! Arsenal’s defense line surrendered completely. They couldn’t touch the ball. They didn’t even have the opportunity to fight against the foul. Millwall took the lead when the scene seemed to be not dominant. They used a textbook style. The counterattack penetrated through the gate guarded by Seaman. Larson, the shooter, was too calm in front of the door. Seeing his adjustment from running to ready to catch the ball, he confidently cast the shot. He definitely has the potential to become a top scorer!”

After Larson scored a goal, he ran to the grandstand with ease, and his teammates rushed over.

They love this wonderful feeling so much!

Is it more enjoyable to break through Arsenal’s gate, lead the opponent in the derby, and watch the fans cheering wildly for them?

Aldridge only applauded, and the game only started for more than ten minutes. There is no need to be complacent. Moreover, the opponent is not a strong player.

Whether it is Manchester United who faced a big change in the first battle and lacked the soul of Cantona, or now this Arsenal, which is in a confused stage of transformation, the two traditional giants have not reached the state of their heyday, Millwall also has great potential, Not only is the growth of players, but even the technical and tactical aspects are not fully formed, Aldridge will not be complacent, the road is still long.

Rioch stood on the sidelines just to encourage the players, and he couldn’t do much else.

Arthur celebrated happily in the box, and even danced, cheering Millwall’s name aloud. Compared with Arthur’s triumph, David Dane, who was in a suit and leather suit and had a haircut, was a bit ugly.

I was still boasting about Arsenal with Wenger and lost the ball in a blink of an eye. This slap is really loud! Still smoke it yourself!

An elegant smile appeared on Wenger’s face. He whispered: “Mr. Dane, do you know why Arsenal lost this ball?”

“Probably the players have not recovered from the state of the holiday, the pace of entering the game this season is relatively slow.”

Dane made an unreasonable reason, did not win Middlesbrough at home in the first round, and now he has lost the ball again as a guest at Millwall. It has really lost the face of traditional giants. How ugly is Arsenal when Graham coached, at least The results are guaranteed, but now, Arsenal is really on the edge of the cliff.

Wenger shook his head slightly: “If Arsenal can’t make a change, they will continue to lose the ball, because Millwall’s tactics are restraining Arsenal.”

Dane frowned and asked, “Huh? Why do you see it?”

“It’s very simple. When Arsenal removed the goalkeeper when defending, it was a three-back plus a defensive midfielder. When attacking, it was six people. Millwall also defended six people. Four defenders plus two midfielders. Because of the past tactics, Arsenal’s cooperation cannot match the number of players through the Millwall defense line. After being counterattacked, there are four people in Millwall’s attack and four in Arsenal defense. Yes, there are individuals in the Arsenal defense who are midfielders, and Millwall can be said to be lined up or dished out by four people, and they use the vertical width to form a four-and-three number advantage, unless Arsenal’s midfielder can Go back to the penalty area and become a defender, otherwise, Millwall’s similar chance of scoring just now will appear. Hold it and Millwall will score again.”

Dane thought and nodded, “Where is the crux of the matter?”

“Formation. Arsenal used to play 532. If it is 352, there may be a tacit understanding to defend such a counterattack. In fact, if Arsenal let go of the strong team posture in the past, be patient with 532, which in turn compresses Mill. Wall’s offensive space, then this game will have a high chance of winning on the basis of a draw, because Aldridge must want to win this game, but he caught Arsenal’s psychological weakness that he wants to win. , I admire his tactical attainments.”

“Is it a weakness to want to win the game?”

“Of course, strong confrontation, first of all to contain the opponent’s offense, unless you have the advantage of absolute control of the game, but this is difficult to see in the English league, because of the physical confrontation strength here and the referee scale plus rhythm changes. “

“Thank you, I get it. Mr. Wenger, I think you will make Arsenal brilliant again when you coach Arsenal. At least how to make this team change, you have a clear idea in your mind.”

“Now I have had a great time in Japan and I have no intention of returning to Europe to teach.”

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