The youngest son of the chaebol family, Mo Hyun-min

Chapter 112

The angry Chen Yangji slapped Chen Dongji directly, and then stared at him and said angrily, "I'm afraid you forgot how you got the position of Shunyang Fire Insurance and Shunyang Chemical President!" Without me, do you think you can sit in this seat!

"Now that Shunyang Group is in trouble, we need you to work together to tide over the difficulties, instead of shirking your responsibilities here!" Chen Yangji stared at the three children in front of him with somewhat red eyes, and said in a somewhat hoarse voice.

In the face of Chen Yangji's reprimand, the three remained silent, although there were still many disapprovals in their hearts, but they did not raise any objections, after all, Chen Yangji under the anger, Baoqi will do something more severe, they may not be able to withstand it.


Seeing that he had "persuaded" his children to take out money to raise loans, Chen Yangji gradually calmed down, looking at his eldest son Chen Yongji, who looked numb on the side, he finally did not speak, just snorted coldly, and got up and went upstairs. In addition to the huge loans owed by

Hando Steel, the "hot potato", Shunyang Group itself has several large loans applied for with banks. I think that Chen Yangji relied on the government's loan support policy to develop and grow from a rice mill all the way, and created Shunyang Logistics, Shunyang Properties, Shunyang Department Store, Shunyang Fire Insurance... and a series of subsidiaries, which finally achieved such a behemoth as Shunyang Group.

Sooner or later the borrowed money will have to be repaid. He knew this, and he had been preparing a reserve in the dark. It's just that in order to expand the Shunyang Group over the years, a lot of reserve funds have been used one after another, and there are less than 800 million US dollars left. "It seems that it is impossible to pay off the original loan in full at once, and at most only part of it." Chen Yangji, who returned to the study, thought for a long time, sighed faintly, and finally made a decision: the money must be repaid, but there is not so much money, only a part of it can be repaid first, and there is no more!


The same scene, in Daying Group, Daewoo Group, Yuetian Group... It's just that not all the chaebols still have extra money to pay off their debts. For example, Daewoo Group, which has an amazing debt ratio, is extremely uncomfortable now.

In the president's office, President Kim Woo-jung has smoked two cigars in a row, but he still has not come up with a feasible solution. And several group executives who had been waiting for a long time on the side were also unsettled. They didn't expect that Jin Yongsan would suddenly let them repay their previous loan, and the repayment time given was extremely short.

How could they spit out what they had already eaten! And the most heartfelt thing is that all the assets of their current group may not be enough to repay all the loans! Yes, I heard it right, the multinational enterprises squeezed into the world's top 500, the pride of the stick country - Daewoo Group, is actually seriously insolvent! (Note: As mentioned earlier, Daewoo Group's

ultra-high debt ratio, Handao Steel's 4 trillion yuan, are all younger brothers in front of Daewoo Group)


"President, if not, go to the Blue House and talk to Mr. President again." It is simply impossible for us to repay so much debt now, and once we withdraw funds, our Daewoo Group is likely to collapse. You can't do that! The minister who manages the group's finance on the side said stiffly.

"Yes, most of our group's funds are invested in foreign trade, shipbuilding, heavy equipment, automobiles and other industries, and the profit cycle of many enterprises is relatively slow, and we need more time to earn funds to pay off debts." Several executives on the side nodded and said. If the Daewoo Group goes bankrupt, these people will not be able to benefit anything, and only if the Daewoo Group continues to be brilliant will it be in their interests.

“...... Do you think I don't want to? But the YS guy just forced us to pay us back! What if I go to the Blue House? Can he still open up and give us time? For the proposal of his subordinates, Kim Woo-jung does not agree, what kind of virtue this president has been in recent years, they have long known it, their hearts are ruthless, for those disobedient guys, but they will be ruthless!

“...... Give it a try, maybe it can be done? I don't think YS wants Daewoo Group to fall either, right? Big deal, our Daewoo Group went bankrupt and the assets were liquidated, but those debts still have to be repaid by the National Bank? What's the use of forcing us alone! "This minister is also ruthless, after all, there are too many debts, and if you owe tens of billions of dollars, you can't pay it back, and it's useless to collect debts!"

Hearing this minister's rogue remarks, Jin Yuzhong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then had a plan in his heart. Although this guy said it shamelessly, and even wanted to threaten the YS government, it has to be said that this is indeed a solution. As a super large group second only to Daying Group and Shunyang Group, once bankrupt, the economic impact on the country of Stick is no less than a heavy blow, you must know that they Daewoo Group has more than 200,000 employees alone, Daewoo Group fell, so many people are unemployed, do you guess the YS government can withstand it?


Kim Yong-san, who was originally still handling government affairs in the Blue House, heard that Kim Woo-jung, the chairman of the Daewoo Group, had come to discuss important matters, and did not think much about it, and soon agreed to receive him. It's just that in the next meeting, the horrific news he heard made his spine chill. In particular, Jin Yuzhong told him that the debt of Daewoo Group was as high as 70 trillion yuan, and Jin Yongsan was directly dumbfounded! You must know that before this, Hando Steel, which had the highest debt, was only more than 4 trillion in debt! That's 70 trillion won, tens of billions of dollars! The foreign exchange reserves of the entire stick country are not so much, how dare this bastard?!

Seeing that Kim Yong-san had not yet agreed, Jin Woozhong broke the jar and directly threatened, "Mr. President, now the Daewoo Group needs your help." Otherwise, once the funds are withdrawn, Daewoo Group will definitely not be able to survive, and by then 200,000 employees will be unemployed, and tens of billions of dollars of debt will still have to be repaid by the government!

Jin Yuzhong's words directly made Jin Yongsan break his defense, only to see him angrily say, "You are threatening me!" Jin Yongsan roared angrily, he never expected that the obedient chaebol in the past would dare to threaten him so much today! Seeing this, the henchman on the side quickly opened his mouth to persuade, "Chairman Jin, we can't help either!" It was the institutions in the Sun Country and the Beautiful Country that demanded that we repay the loan, and Mr. President was also pressured to ask for the loan.

"Hmph——! Anyway, now we Daewoo Group don't want money! If you are in a hurry, let Daewoo Group go bankrupt, anyway, in the end, it will be paid by the government of the intermediate guarantor! "Jinyu Center crossed, directly broke the jar and broke and began to play tricks.

Seeing this scene, Jin Yongsan was also angry, but there was no way, this bastard looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, he really couldn't take revenge! If it really bankrupts the Daewoo Group and causes turmoil, it will have too much impact on the current stick country! Maybe he, the president, is afraid that he will be impeached and step down early!

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