The youngest son of the chaebol family, Mo Hyun-min

Chapter 39

The next day, Minister Jin of Hanjin Group officially visited Miracle Investment Company on behalf of the group, asking Miracle Investment Company to stop negotiating with the bank and obtain proxy voting rights.

However, in the face of the other party's unreasonable demands, Wu Shixian said indifferently, "Our miracle investment company and the bank to negotiate cooperation, that is our business." Does this have anything to do with your Hanjin Group?

"Don't you have any other skills than threatening others?" It seems that I overestimated the Hanjin Group.

Minister Jin did not expect that the president of this miracle investment company, who was much younger than him, had such a tough attitude and did not give face to the Hanjin Group, which made him quite angry. You must know that before he came, he promised that he would be able to persuade Miracle Investment Company to quit.

"I advise you to think carefully. In the country of sticks, the strength of our Hanjin Group..." Without waiting for Minister Jin to finish speaking, Wu Shixian took the lead in interrupting him, "If you want to wrestle with me about the strength of the company, I'm sorry, I don't have time to listen to you brag!" I am not interested in the status and influence of your Hanjin Group in the country of sticks. And if you have an opinion about Miracle Investment Company, you can go to Wall Street in Beautiful Country, but it's hard to say whether you can meet my boss!

Wu Shixian's words made Minister Jin completely embarrassed, I thought that he could use the strength of Hanjin Group to scare the other party back, but I didn't expect that Wu Shixian actually moved Wall Street out, good guy, this is too much of a skin! This year, who dares to compete with the beautiful country Wall Street!

The last Sun Country, which dared to clamored to buy the whole of New York, was ruthlessly crushed by the "righteous iron fist" of the beautiful country in 1985, and has not yet risen. Although their Hanjin Group has a good strength, it is only in the country of sticks. Even the Toshiba Group, which was sanctioned by the beautiful country a few years ago, is much stronger than their Hanjin Group!

Minister Jin's silence further fueled Wu Shixian's self-confidence, "If Your Excellency has nothing else, then today's conversation will end here." I have other matters to deal with, so I won't accompany you. Then he got up dashingly and calmly left the conference room, leaving only Minister Jin and his entourage in the conference room in a daze.

...... When Zhao Zhongxun

heard the report of his subordinates that Miracle Investment Company had acquired 26% of the shares of the shipping company, and the newspapers that came out to slander their airlines before were also instructed by Miracle Investment Company, Zhao Zhongxun directly spewed out a mouthful of old blood and was so angry that he fell unconscious.

For a moment, the entire Zhao family and the high-level of the Hanjin Group fell into a panic. In the Hanjin Group, in addition to the chairman Zhao Zhongxun, his son Zhao Liang and daughters Zhao Xianru and Zhao Xiamin are mediocre, although ambitious, but their ability is limited, and they cannot provoke the group.

A group of people panicked and sent Zhao Zhongxun to the hospital for treatment, and the others were like ants on a hot pot rushing around, but there were no methods and measures.


The news of Miracle Investment's acquisition of the shipping company owned by the Hanjin Group soon became known to other chaebols in the country of Stick. Daying Group, Shunyang Group, Letian Group, SK Group and other high-level executives were shocked by this sudden news.

They didn't expect that a miracle investment company focusing on investment in the financial and real estate fields would actually open its blood basin at this moment, and directly bite the artery of Hanjin Group.

But none of them extended a helping hand to the Hanjin Group, and no one would rush to an investment firm with a Wall Street background for a chaebol with little interest.


After Wu Shixian got the news that Zhao Zhongxun vomited blood and was hospitalized, he accelerated the progress of negotiations with other banks, did not take the opportunity to fall into the rock, and completely took the stock decision-making power of the shipping company, which is really sorry for such a godsend opportunity!

The senior executives of the two banks of KB Bank and Hankin Holdings heard the news of Zhao Zhongxun's hospitalization, coupled with Wu Shixian's visit at a time, their position was obviously not as firm as before. When Wu Shixian showed proof of 26% of the shares of the shipping company, he directly defected.

In their opinion, Miracle Company, which holds 26% of the shares, and 8% of Eli Holdings, as long as it gets another 17% share authorization, Miracle Company can really obtain the operating right of Hanjin Shipping Company! The two banks hold exactly 18% of the shares, which meets this condition.

When the president of Hanjin Holding Bank asked Wu Shixian what benefits they could get, Wu Shixian smiled and smiled very happily!

"We at Miracle Investments are best known for our investments and strong cash flow. I can give you a promise that when your bank has financial problems, we at Miracle Investment are willing to help you. "

“...... Haha, are you sure you're not joking?

"Your Excellency must also know how terrifying is the debt ratio of the chaebols of the country now? In the event of a financial shock one day, do you think there will be a problem with their funds? Will they still be able to repay the huge loans they owe to the bank? If a large number of people come to the bank to withdraw money again, can you cope? Wu Shixian said with deep meaning.

As soon as this remark came out, the president of the Hanjin Holding Bank, who was originally arrogant, instantly broke out in a cold sweat, if it weren't for Wu Shixian suddenly mentioning this matter, he almost ignored that there are still such hidden dangers hidden under the crazy expansion of those big chaebols in the country of sticks, if once the thunder explodes, the consequences are simply unbearable...

—————— dividing line———————— A

week later, Miracle Investments, as a major shareholder, launched a general meeting of shareholders to propose the election of a new company president. When the news came, the executives of Hanjin Group were even more panicked, and Vice Chairman Zhao Liang was even more livid.

He could never have imagined that the presidents of the banks who had a good relationship with him in the past actually turned against them one after another and directly punished them. Looking at this situation, I am afraid that the operating right of the shipping company may not be able to be preserved this time. Fortunately, the

old guild leader Zhao Zhongxun recovered consciousness under the rescue of the doctor, and his state has recovered quite well in the past two days. It's just when his son Zhao Liang told him the bad news. Zhao Zhongxun's face became ugly, but he never said a word.

After a while, Zhao Zhongxun spoke, "You can contact the Shunyang Group and the Daying Group again to see if they can pull us." As long as we get enough money, we go to those banks and convince them to vote for us, and we still have a chance! Although the sophisticated

Zhao Zhongxun did not know how Miracle Investment Company persuaded several banks, he also used interests to induce the other party to agree to delegate voting rights to them. As long as the benefits given by the Hanjin Group are higher than theirs, I think those wall grasses will definitely choose to cooperate with them again!

“...... Father, will those guys really help our Hanjin Group? Zhao Liang asked a little suspiciously, in his opinion, the group of old foxes are more refined than one, such a big thing in the Hanjin Group, none of these guys are bubbling, it is estimated that they are waiting to see their Zhao family's jokes, right?

“...... Are there other ways we can do it? Their miracle investment company is menacing, and behind it is a beautiful country Wall Street, if we don't find those old guys to help, we can't keep Hanjin shipping. Zhao Zhongxun couldn't help sighing, after waking up, he carefully recalled the joy he got, and was surprised to find that this miracle investment company was not only clever in means, but also rich in funds, and was actually able to come up with so much money to acquire a large number of shares of Hanjin Shipping.

In the face of such a strong enemy, if we do not quickly find foreign aid to reverse the unfavorable situation, then at the shareholders' meeting, the defeat and loss of the right to operate are already certain.

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