The youngest son of the chaebol family, Mo Hyun-min

Chapter 8

When Chen Daojun returned home, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening, Chen Daojun took out the phone number of the exclusive operator of Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, and did not call, "Good morning, Eric." Now I need you to buy all the $4 million in my account into put futures and use 10x leverage.

"Boss, are you sure, although the stock market is a little unsatisfactory these days, but looking at this situation, it should soon bottom out and rebound, you buy so many bearish futures in one breath, or add 10 times leverage, so that it is easy to burst the position!" The other party once thought that he had heard the wrong order behind his ear, and repeatedly confirmed.

"Just do as ordered, I have a hunch, in the next week, the US stock market will not be as good as we thought." Chen Daojun's tone was a little heavier, grandpa Chen Yangji's side had already made a move, then he would also follow.

"Got it, boss, help you get it all done in 10 minutes. Do you have any other orders?"

"For now, if there is a change, I will contact you as soon as possible." "

...... At 10

a.m. Xiangjiang time on October 19, the stock market opened on time, and the Hang Seng Index fell panic by 120 points as soon as it opened, falling 235 points at noon, and closing the day down a total of 420.81 points, closing at 3362.39 (more than 10%). Affected by the

collapse of Hong Kong, the Asia-Pacific stock market fell across the board, and the effect spread to European markets with the opening of various time zones like dominoes, and finally circled the globe back to New York: the Dow Jones index fell sharply by 508 points (more than 20%).

All financial institutions, investment institutions, and large capital have cashed out their stocks, wanting to escape this nightmare-like Black Monday, but securities companies that are still manually operating cannot process transactions in time. U.S. stock market, Toronto stock market, London stock market... Many places have been shut down one after another...

A large number of account funds were brutally hit, just one day, more than hundreds of billions of dollars in U.S. stocks alone evaporated out of thin air, it was too magical, they didn't understand that there was no heavy news, why would it cause the stock market to plummet? ...

The futures we bought have made a profit of $180 million!" Eric called Daoxi at 2 p.m. in Beautiful Country to tell Chen Daojun the exciting news.

"Hold still, wait until the market opens the morning after tomorrow, and cash out all the futures. Chen Daojun, who was woken up, was not annoyed, but said calmly.

"Okay, BOSS!" After seeing Chen Daojun's accurate prediction of the stock market, Eric had no objection to Chen Daojun's order.



Chen Yangji, who is 60 years old, did not go to rest, but stayed in the study, waiting for news. Unknowingly received the wee hours of the morning.

"Chairman, good news, it was really predicted by Young Master Daojun! The collapse of the beautiful national Dao Jones index caused panic in the global financial market. The $600 million we invested has now made a profit of $6 billion for us!" said Mr. Li excitedly.

You must know that this 6 billion US dollars is more than 7 trillion won, and the annual revenue of the entire Shunyang Group is less than 1 trillion won!

"Director Li, inform the beautiful country to sell the futures we have in batches to cash out. Chen Yangji sighed, he regretted a little in his heart, maybe he dared to listen to Chen Daojun a little more, and increase the leverage to 5 times or even 6 times, otherwise he could get more dollars this time!

The financial storm triggered by this sudden "Black Monday" hit the global financial market fiercely, and completely punctured the boom of the late 80s, and many countries fell into recession.


Chen Daojun is in a very good mood these days, in just a few days of hard work, his account has climbed from $4 million to $240 million, and the income has reached a terrifying 60 times.

With this initial capital of more than 100 million, Chen Daojun's investment scope gradually broadened, and he soon thought of those behemoths in later generations: Amazon, Microsoft, Pingguo, Tesla, Coca-Cola...

It's just that it's only 1987, and many companies may not be listed yet, and he can't buy them if he wants to.


"Eric, help me split the $150 million into 5 shares and buy the shares of Microsoft, Pinggo, DC Comics, Marvel Comics and Coca-Cola. Transfer another $50 million to my Seoul bank account!" Mr. Chen called again three days after Black Monday.

"Okay, BOSS!" Eric spent three days on Wall Street and finally waited for Chen Daojun's call. Other operators and traders managed accounts on behalf of other operators and traders have lost money to varying degrees, and only the account managed by Chen Runji on his behalf has obtained amazing profits in this stock market turmoil!

Everyone was asking him about the news in private, but he did not reveal Chen Daojun's information to the outside world. Only George, the lobby manager, vaguely knew some news, but did not say much.


On the weekend again, Chen Runji and his wife brought their two sons to Zhengxinzhai to participate in the dinner.

"Grandpa, I came to visit you. Chen Daojun came to the first floor to inquire, greeted several people respectfully, and then came to Chen Yangji's side with a smile.

"Oh, it's our Shunyang Thousand Mile Horse here! Hahaha!" Seeing this little grandson who earned him billions of dollars, Chen Yangji was so satisfied.

"Maxima?" Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong nearby felt uncomfortable listening to it, they had not been called by Chen Yangji, "Che, what's so great about that kid?

"I guess I guessed that Lu would be elected." Chen Dongji said with some dissatisfaction.

"If you two have any grievances, you can go and tell your father directly. One of the behind, "Chen Yongji was quite critical of these two younger siblings who have always been ambitious, but because of his father's majesty, he has never dared to make a move.

Chen Daojun has the ability, which is a good thing for him, and in the future, he and his son Xingjun inherit the Shunyang Group, and they also need capable people to help manage it. Like the Runji family has no ambition, just in line with his requirements.


"Dao Junna, go upstairs with grandpa, I want to ask you something." Chen Yangji said to Chen Daojun beside him, and without waiting for Chen Daojun's reaction, he got up and went upstairs. Seeing this, Chen Daojun also quickly got up and walked up.

This scene made the other Chen family members quite jealous in their hearts, but they did not dare to say anything, after all, Chen Yangji, the chairman of the Shunyang Group, was majestic, and they did not dare to provoke.

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