The Yu Brothers’ Case Book

S2: Book 2: Chapter 5

Walking down the hospital corridor, Yu Xia spotted the person that had just come out from the brawl and was now getting bandaged.

“Mr. Cop, I was telling the truth. His daughter was clearly not some obedient little kid, and all that they’ve done has made it really hard for me to run my business.” Boss Luo – or Luo Qiang – took out a pack of cigarettes, but then ended up stowing it away once more when he realised he could get fined at the hospital. “Acting so brazenly yet denying it completely.”

“Why do you say that?” Yu Xia had requested for the two people to be put in separate rooms for receiving treatment in fear of them starting a fight in the ER. He had decided to come visit the owner’s ward first. “Do you have any evidence?”

“Ugh, I’m not lying! A while back when I was heading out early in the morning to restock supplies, I saw their daughter wrapped around a man nearby. They thought nobody would see them so early in the morning, kissing each other everywhere below the arcade and even touching each other underneath their clothes. How shameless can they be?” Luo Qiang clicked his tongue. “So you were actually a cop, huh? Why didn’t you say so last time you came over to eat at my shop…”

“Did you get a clear look at the man’s appearance?” Yu Xia cut straight to the question, not bothering to explain Yu Tong’s previous meal.

“Nope. Ah, I was rushed to get my things at the time, why would I watch them touch each other like that? For that matter, all I wanted to do was go back and wash my eyes.” Luo Qiang rubbed his nose then quickly said, “That girl would just always fool around with men everywhere. I personally think that her renting a place outside because of our arguments was just a nice excuse; the harsher truth is probably that she just found it easier to have her lovers that way.”

Yu Xia narrowed his eyes at the other person, sensing that the middle-aged man was not honestly saying everything. However, the man’s attitude and swift answer to clear himself of any involvement made it seem as if he was hiding something. As a result, Yu Xia bluntly warned, “You’d better not be spouting random lies.”

“Mr. Cop, I also know quite a few people in the legislative committee. Let’s not tear into each other. I will run my business, and you will do your job as a police officer. Today was because the people upstairs threatened me from continuing my business. You should get a good grasp on that sort of people instead of coming to pick trouble with me. Amiability makes people rich, after all.” Luo Qiang inwardly scorned the young officer. Even if this guy is an old hand, his attitude will have to change the instant I mention the legislation. Maybe I’ll squeeze in some money too. No matter how young or experienced he is, he’ll have to buy it.

“…I, Yu Xia, don’t run that way. You can bring out anyone, and I’ll teach them a lesson all the same. Right now, I’m bringing you back with me for causing danger to the public. If there’s anything else you’d like to say, you can take your time voicing it back at the station.” Yu Xia grabbed the other person’s hand that had pulled out a phone and leaned forward to coldly glare at the other person. “Trash like you that always bring out the legislative committee for common matters are the people I hate the most. You people are the ones that have corrupted the justice in this world. You’d better guarantee nothing will ever happen; after all, someone on the legislative committee can’t stay there forever. Just wait and see whether the police will save you when the time comes.”

“Fuck!” Luo Qiang cursed out as he withdrew his hand and angrily began to dial a number.

Yu Xia had no desire to continue wearing down on his patience, so he turned to leave the room. After ordering the officer outside to keep watch, he walked over to the other side.

The parents were in the opposite treatment room, as well as their son who had rushed over.

“We’ll sue him to hell!” The father furiously shouted, his emotions still tense. However, he restrained himself slightly when he saw Yu Xia enter. “Mr. Officer, I’ve already asked the doctor to check my injury as proof; that guy was attempting to murder me!”

“That’s right, he used a kitchen knife – a kitchen knife to attack my husband! Mr. Officer, you’re also a witness! We have to end him!” The wife stepped forward to grasp Yu Xia’s hands. “And he even sullied our daughter’s honour…My poor daughter is already dead yet is still being spoken about by that rotten man. Is there any justice left in this world?”

“Mom, don’t be like this.” The son pulled his mother away and nodded at Yu Xia.

This youth was the one that had previously met with Yu Tong. Yu Xia knew the boy’s name was Tan Qi Zheng, who worked at a foreign company and was rarely at home.

“That trash! Your sister complained about him when she was alive, saying that the relentless pervert would always bother her every time she came back. Maybe your sister jumped off the building to kill herself because of him!” The mother shouted as snot and tears poured down her face. With her son’s support, she sat down on a chair nearby, but her rant did not cease. “In the past, Xiao Yun would say that she was always extremely uncomfortable passing by downstairs whenever she was home. That pervert even touched her butt once! Your dad was so mad that he charged down and started fighting that man…How could such a person exist…”

“Something like that happened?” Tan Qi Zheng furrowed his brows. “Why didn’t you and Dad ever mention it before? You could sue him for sexual harassment.”

“Your sister didn’t dare to speak about it, she said she didn’t want to kick up a fuss.” The mother accused with tears falling from her eyes, “It’s been several times now that Xiao Yun has secretly told me about it. She said that the owner downstairs was repulsive, always looking at her with lustful eyes, and asked if we had to live there. But that’s our home, how could we move out…”

“May I ask if you have any actual proof?” Yu Xia could not help but interrupt as he watched the family in front of him. “Could you tell me about this matter in more detail? In addition, I would like to request for you to allow us to look around Miss Tan’s room.”

“Is something wrong?” Tan Qi Zheng immediately asked, “My sister has already committed suicide. Don’t tell me that there’s something else…?”

“We suspect that the reason for her death may not be simple, but currently don’t have any concrete evidence. Although she may have already committed suicide, it seems that there may be other issues as well. Are you willing to allow our investigation to continue?”

“Yes!” Before the mother and son could reply, the father jumped up in fury, his red eyes wide and fierce. “You can search around our home however much you please. Go ahead and look through all of Xiao Yun’s room too! I refuse to believe Xiao Yun would jump off a building to kill herself! Even if she did, I also want to know the reason. To have raised my daughter for so long and suddenly lose her…You guys have to find the truth and tell me, or else I won’t be able to let go of this even after I die!”

“I also want to know. Xiao Yun even came home a few days ago to eat with us and joke around with us…” The mother wiped her tears as she spoke with a broken heart.

“Please.” Tan Qi Zheng directly bowed to Yu Xia. “We leave my sister’s matter to you. We will cooperate with anything you ask of us. Please let my sister rest peacefully at Buddha’s side.”

Yu Xia patted Tan Qi Zheng’s shoulder. “We will try our best.”

The siren of another ambulance suddenly rang outside the treatment room, interrupting their discussion.

“Hurry up and call a doctor!”

Yu Yin followed off the vehicle, entirely unable to control the fear inside him as his eyes never left the blood-soaked Yu lying atop the stretcher.

The sirens of the ambulance were surreal, as if echoing from a world away. The noisy chaos around him did not seem real either. He continued to run like this until someone pulled him away, saying not to interfere with the doctor’s emergency treatment. As a result, he was abandoned behind in an empty area.

The air around him instantly grew heavy.

Yu Yin stared down at his own hands covered in blood. The crimson fluid was a cursed colour that was even on his body too. The warm hands were now a bone-chilling cold.

In that moment, he had wanted to rescue the child. Yet he had been just one step too slow. He had clearly already bypassed the cars to charge out, but he had been just a moment late.

Undoubtedly, he should have been the one lying there.

He could not speak. The curtains to the ER room were drawn, the nurses pushing him outside and leaving him alone there.

The other patients in the ER area whispered amongst each other. There was still a trail of blood that had dripped down [from the stretcher] as it had been rolled in.

Yu Yin numbly slid down onto the ground in the hallway, his back against the ice-cold walls. Behind those walls, the doctor was currently rescuing Yu…He buried his face in his blood-stained hands.

How could he just watch Yu run out like that?

Something chilly stopped next to him, and he felt it seem to approach him. The low sobbing reached the edge of his ears as a searing pain shot through his shoulder.

“Go away.”

He did not care about anything else right now, did not want to even see anything. “Go away, all of you!”

Perhaps it sensed his extremely foul mood – the sobbing quickly vanished to be replaced by soft footsteps.

Yu Yin looked up to see a nurse standing in the light, bending down to pass him a clean towel. “Everything’s fine, the doctor said the injuries were all external. Here, wipe your hands and face. Once they’re done in a bit, you’ll be able to go in.”

He accepted the towel. The nurse gave him an encouraging mile, then left to appease the other people fussing in the ER area.

There were several people causing a commotion. While they might have been the same as any other average citizen outside, they were currently disturbing the place so loudly that it made everyone else look at them in disgust.

“Why won’t the doctor see me first! I’ve been here for over half an hour already. Does this hospital think that sick people deserve to die?” A middle-aged person with no obvious ailments charged forwards to roar at the nurse.

“I’m very sorry, the ER doctors are currently all occupied with a medical emergency…”

“Am I not a medical emergency? My head has been killing me for an entire day now, and I come here only to wait? How big-headed can your doctors be!”

“I apologise, but we already prescribed you medicine earlier. You simply have the common cold…”

“Fuck you, bitch! You think the doctors don’t need to come out because they gave me some kind of magic potion? My head’s about to explode, how is that a common cold?! Taking those kinds of meds won’t work at all! Hurry up and tell a doctor to come out immediately!”

He watched the person with very average features.

“Sorry, but the doctors really do all have patients in extreme danger at the moment…”

“Then, young miss, when can we get looked at?” An older woman sitting in waiting nearby also began to shout, “My daughter has been coughing this whole time. It’s been almost an hour now. When exactly will the doctors be able to come help us?”

“I can help you arrange an appointment with a normal outpatient service.” The nurse repeated her words from an hour ago, “This young miss also has the common cold. The doctor already suggested that you could transfer to…”

“The outpatient service has very long waits. When can your doctors come see us?!”

Yu Yin clutched his head. He really did not want to continue watching or listening to these people as his annoyance and loathing continued to grow. Those selfish people continued to shout as the nurse was pulled back and forth, unable to help others.

It was truly very loud.

A few seconds later, the nurse cried out, “Please don’t!”

The middle-aged man with a headache had yanked the nurse over with a palm raised.

Yu Yin stood, grabbing the hand in the air as quickly as he could. He then twisted the other’s joint, bending the arm backwards and using the momentum to throw the person on the ground just in time for the security guard to run over and restrain the man. “Don’t fight in the ER.” Yu Yin threw the other person’s hand down and stood. However, since his clothes, face, and hands were covered in blood, his appearance was so shocking that all the people that had been noisy just now instantly fell silent, none of them daring to say another word.

He turned to look at the older woman now cowering back. “Colds should just be treated at a normal outpatient service. The ER isn’t something for you people to play around with.” His mood was already foul enough; watching these kinds of people just made it turn even worse. Why are these people with such minor pains and illnesses able to scream and jump around like this when Yu is lying inside?

The woman hugged her child and glared back at Yu Yin with resentment and fear.

Yu Yin let out a hum as everything quieted down. His head no longer hurt as much as well. Just as he was about to walk back to the wall and continue waiting, another nurse ran out from the treatment room and told him in a low voice, “The doctor said you can go in now.”

He could smell the strong antiseptic.

The nurse pulled the curtain open. The doctor currently performing treatment on the patient saw them enter and waved Yu Yin over. “You are his…?”

“Family. I’m his older brother.” Yu Yin immediately went up to the bed to look at Yu lying there with a pale complexion, head already bound in gauze and bandages. There was also gauze on the arm. A bag of blood hung from the rack next to the bed, slowly infusing blood.

“You’ll have to do some paperwork for him to stay at the hospital. He might have a minor concussion and will need to be observed for two days. Also, the laceration on his arm is bit serious, so it will need to be taken care of properly to avoid infection.” The doctor noted out some critical points, then ripped off the receipt for Yu Yin to handle the paperwork later. “But fortunately, the injuries are all external. If there is nothing wrong with his head, he should be able to leave the hospital the day after tomorrow. Just be careful on the way home, and make sure the wounds don’t touch water for a few days. He shouldn’t eat any spicy foods either.”

Yu Yin finally felt a sense of relief upon hearing these words. “Thank you.”

After the doctor and nurse left, Yu Yin sat down next to the bed and lowered his head to discover that Yu had already woken, the violet eyes currently blinking up at him.

“Do you feel any pain?”

Yu met his eyes and shook his head.

“Why did you run out like that?” Since the other person’s head was bandaged, Yu Yin could not rub it as he continued to say, “Originally, I—” Originally, I was supposed to save that kid.

“You would’ve gone. Not allowed.” Yu looked at Yu Yin’s expression of regret as he firmly said, “Have to watch you.” Yu had promised Yu Xia.

“You really are…” Yu Yin was extremely upset and did not know what to say. He had never imagined Yu would get dragged in, and even end up getting injured like this in a car accident. Yu Yin refused to watch the people around him get hurt because of these kinds of things. “Don’t do this ever again.”

Yu furrowed his brows. “You too.”

“I just…”

Before Yu Yin could refute, he suddenly noticed someone outside the doorway. When he looked up, he spotted the little boy that Yu had rescued was standing there with the mother. Yu Yin nodded at them, and the mother led the child inside.

“Thank you very much for saving my child.” The mother bowed deeply at Yu lying on the bed, then pushed the boy with the bandaged arm forwards to have him say thanks as well. “Please allow us to help cover the medical expenses. It’s because my child did not look at the road that caused you to get injured. We’re truly very sorry.”

Since the other person was so sincere Yu Yin hurriedly replied that they did mind too much. “It’s all fine in the end; it’s most important that everyone is safe. My brother’s injuries aren’t that severe either; it’s good if this little one’s alright.”

The boy seemed hesitant to say something, which Yu Yin found suspicious. He pulled chairs over to let them sit down as he asked what was wrong.

“I was pushed.”

These were the boy’s words.

The mother’s name was Wang Qiu Xue and the son’s name was Ye Yi.

According to Ye Yi’s words, he had definitely stopped when Yu Yin had called out to him.

“But then I saw the light turn red, so I stopped and didn’t go forwards. I did check the road.” The boy emphasised that he was blameless, refuting the mother’s claim that he had crossed without paying attention. “I fell out because someone pushed me, not because I wasn’t looking.”

Yu Yin adjusted the pillow and propped Yu up into sitting position before looking at the boy. “Did you see who pushed you?”

“No.” Ye Yi immediately shook his head. “I didn’t see.”

“How could someone be so extreme? I wonder if it was caught on the surveillance cameras. It’s too excessive even if just a prank. It’s a good thing both our young ones are alright.” Wang Qiu Xue said in an upset tone, “Society has become more and more of a mess recently.”

“If you don’t mind, why not bring this little one to report the case? Fortunately the car braked, otherwise it would have been really bad.” Yu Yin remembered that he also needed to record a testimony later. After all, this was a car accident. The driver of the car had also been terrified out of his wits, but had been quite a good person, having repeatedly stated that there was no need to pay for damages and that it was best if everyone was safe.

“Oh right, could I ask why you called out to my child at that time?” The woman realized this question as they talked.

“Ah, it’s like this.” To clarify his purpose, Yu Yin asked about the building’s location and confirmed they did not live there. Then he asked the boy, “Did you go to that building that day with another student?”

Ye Yi shot a glance towards his mother, hesitant and not daring to speak. Wang Qiu Xue furrowed her brows and slapped her child on the shoulder. “You were running around again?! Did you run out with the Xue Xiao Gao next door again? Didn’t Mommy tell you not to play with Xiao Gao?! His family is complicated. How many times do I have to repeat myself for you to listen?!”

“But his dad hit him again…and nobody at school paid him any attention. Mommy, didn’t you say that I have to help other friends? Xiao Gao is really pitiful…” Ye Yi’s lips curled in a wronged frown as he lowered his head and wrung his fingers together. “Teacher also doesn’t dare to do anything. His dad is so bad…Mom, can Xiao Gao come live with us? Xiao Gao doesn’t eat much at all, I can just split my food with him?”

Wang Qiu Xie sighed and helplessly patted her son on the head. “Xiao Yi, there are a lot of adult matters that are very complicated. Xiao Gao coming to live with us wouldn’t change anything. And his mom definitely wouldn’t agree.” She then turned to look at Yu Yin and explained, “The other child you asked about is my son’s schoolmate, as well as our neighbour. His name is Xue Xiao Gao. His mother is undergoing enforced abstinence from drugs right now, and she was previously jailed for a period of time because of her involvement with a robbery. Right now, the boy lives with his mother and a stepfather. When his mother was in jail, the child was left with the second husband to raise, leaving a large amount of money to cover the child’s living costs. But the second husband is not a good person. His expenditure and income are a mess, and he often brings home different women. Whenever he is in a bad mood, he beats the child. All the neighbours are unwilling to get involved.”

“Huh? It wasn’t reported to the police?” Yu Yin’s heart instantly sank when he heard that it was another case of domestic violence.

“It was, but the people next door seem to have a close relationship with some representative that suppressed the issue every time. The social workers were all chased away. Last time, soon after the case was reported to the police, he used a rod to smash our neighbour’s doors and windows, declaring that if the police came again, he would murder all the meddlesome families. So nobody dares to interfere anymore.” Wang Qiu Xue paused, her expression troubled as she said, “We really hope he moves away soon. After all, buying a house isn’t easy; we aren’t able to move just because we want to…sigh. Anyways, I already told Xiao Yi not to play with the child next-door, or else I’m afraid that one day something will happen to him when that stepfather goes crazy again for no reason. But Xiao Yu never listens and often runs around together with Xiao Gao after class. I’ve already scolded him multiple times. Because he’s too close to Xiao Gao, that stepfather even broke our door a few days ago to warn us to mind our own business. He smashed our flowerpots and the glass on our windows and doors…Ah, did they do something bad in that building?”

“That’s not…”

“As if!” Ye Yi interrupted the adults and resentfully said, “Xiao Gao said his dad’s mood wasn’t good that day because he lost his money and blamed it on Xiao Gao, threatening to beat him to death. So Xiao Gao was scared to go home and asked me if I would hide with him. After afternoon class, I hid in that building with him. We even bought lunch.”

“Did you two see anything at the time?” Yu Yin hurriedly asked. “Where were you hiding? Did you notice anything weird?”

Ye Yi suddenly fell silent, his expression somewhat abnormal. “N-no…We just hid in the staircase, there was nothing weird…”

“Xiao Yi, don’t lie.” Wang Qiu Xue naturally noticed something was wrong. Her expression turned severe as she said, “Mommy told you before that children shouldn’t lie. Did you and Xiao Gao do something bad that day?”

“As if, we didn’t do anything! I didn’t see anything, it’s Xiao Gao that saw it. I don’t know anything else!” Ye Yi then leapt off the chair and tugged at his mother’s arm. “Let’s go home, I really didn’t see anything.”

Despite asking several times, the little boy refused to speak. Even though Yu Yin knew there was something wrong, he could not get an answer. At some point, even Wang Qiu Xue had reprimanded the boy several times, but Ye Yi still stubbornly replied that he did not know or see anything. Moreover, he grew more and more anxious, constantly shouting that he wanted to go home.

Wang Qiu Xue was powerless as well. She left an address with Yu Yin, saying that Xiao Gao had seemingly not gone to school the last two days either. She had heard a fierce beating next-door the day before yesterday, but there had been no signs of activity since then. She told Yu Yin that if he really needed to, he could search for the boy directly. It would be best if he brought several people, and if possible, to ask the police to get involved as well. However, she stressed that Yu Yin could not, under any circumstances. let the next-door neighbour know that he had any relation to their family. Then, she led the frantic boy away.

Yu Yin glanced at the address and exchanged a look with Yu. Then he sighed and helped Yu lie back down, pulling the blankets up.

Yu Yin sat next to the bed and after a moment’s thought, pulled out his cellphone to text Yu Xia and Dong Feng. After all, the information had been supplied by Dong Feng, which meant he should know of this.

“You should sleep some more.” Yu Yin touched Yu’s forehead and coaxed, “I’ll go complete the hospital paperwork. Be good, I’ll buy some yoghurt and pudding on my way back.”

“You have to.” Yu struggled to stay awake despite feeling exhausted and sleepy. “I’m watching you.”

“Alright, hurry up and sleep.”

Yu finally obeyed and closed his eyes.

When Yu Yin received a call, he had just finished the paperwork and was choosing snacks at the hospital convenience store.

He glanced at the screen and saw that it was from Dong Feng.

The instant the line connected, the other person cut straight to the point without a greeting. “That mother said there was a fierce beating two days ago and there’s been no disturbance since?”

Yu Yin was stunned for two seconds before realising that the person was asking about the contents of the text he had just sent. “Ah, yeah. The child hasn’t seemed to have gone to school these past few days either. I was just about to call my uncle…”

“Come out here right now! Quickly! I’m at…” Dong Feng reported a location near the building of the incident.

“What’s wrong?” Yu Yin noticed the other person’s impatient tone but had no idea what was going on.

“We need to save him, hurry!”

Then the call was cut.

Yu Yin was completely baffled, not understanding what the other person was going on about. However, in these few days he had gotten to know Dong Feng, he had never heard such an urgent tone before. If he was saying they needing to rescue someone, there was definitely something wrong.

And then, Yu Yin instantly understood. The child had been beaten fiercely, and there had been no activity since, nor had he gone to class. Ye Yi had not seen the boy in those days either.

Every case of domestic violence shared one possible conclusion.

However, he couldn’t just abandon Yu alone in the hospital. Both Li Zi Hong and Yan Si were definitely unable to free themselves at this time. Yu Yin could only think of one other person that might be able to help and could only make a bet that their sixth sense really was that accurate.

“Hello? Yi Tai, where are you!”

A few minutes later, the person that arrived was not Yi Tai, but rather Ah Fang.

Ah Fang had a bewildered expression, having no clue as to why he was getting involved. He had been buying something for Xiao Hai nearby, and had unexpectedly received a call from Yi Tai. “I just happened to be around…”

Yu Yin shoved the bag in his hands at the other person. “My brother is in 7001, please help me watch him for a bit. If he wakes, tell him that I’ll bring pudding cake back!” He immediately raced out, ignoring the fact that Ah Fang had not yet replied.

Without caring about the possibility of getting a ticket, Yu Yin steered his motorcycle as quickly as possible.

As the raging winds cut through his helmet, he could hear the low sobbing sound, the crying rough and cutting as he felt a tight grip around his wrists. After running through two red lights, Yu Yin stopped before a shop where Dong Feng had been standing for a while to wait for him. Dong Feng accepted the offered helmet and then automatically jumped onto the back seat without a greeting.

Less than ten minutes later, they arrived at the address Wang Qiu Xue had given.

It was a row of villa-style residences, around ten in total.

Yu Yin immediately called Yu Xia as soon as he got off his bike, asking for him to quickly dispatch people over. When Yu Yin turned back around, he was shocked to find that Dong Feng had already gone up to ring the doorbell, pressing it madly multiple times.

A few seconds later, someone inside slammed the inner door open and a string of curses blocked their ears. “Are you trying to die? Fucking piece of shit!”

Yu Yin heard a crashing sound from behind the metal [outer] door. He hurriedly pulled Dong Feng away from the doorbell that he was still ringing, and the metal door opened to reveal a sturdy-looking middle-aged man. His arms were covered in needle bruises, and his expression was stormy and merciless, looking nothing like the typical kind-hearted person.

“What the fuck are you doing!” The man viciously cursed at the sight of them. “Are you tired of living?”

“We’re looking for Xu Zhi Gao.” Dong Feng was not at all taken aback by the other person’s maliciousness. He coldly sized up the home’s owner and said, “The one that’s in elementary school. Yesterday he threw a rock at my window and broke it. Hurry up and call him out to apologise. Are you his dad? How do you plan to pay for the glass?”

“Like hell I’ll pay!” The man suddenly grabbed Dong Feng by the collar and angrily roared, “What are you fucking going on about! Fuck you, did you see a damn ghost? There’s no way Xu Zhi Gao broke your damn glass. Hurry up and scram!”

Seeing how unbridled the other person’s actions were, Yu Yin hurriedly stepped forwards to help by raising a hand to grab the grip lifting Dong Feng. “…I saw him breaking it.”

“Fuck! I said there’s no way, so there’s no way! You’d better get out of my sight right now while I’m still in a good mood!” He snarled at Dong Feng, completely ignoring the neighbours that were now sticking their heads out to see what the commotion was. He forcefully tossed Dong Feng aside and screamed at the neighbours, “What are you fucking looking at! Keep looking and I’ll kill your whole family!”

Yu Yin quickly helped Dong Feng up. Dong Feng pressed his now hurting bones from the collision and shook his head to clear the dizziness as he focused on the explosive man. “Did you just take a shot?”

The man’s expression radically changed upon hearing Dong Feng’s words. Although he had already retreated back inside and slammed the metal door shut, he instantly charged back out and grabbed an iron rod next to the door to swing it down on the visiting stranger without warning.

Yu Yin instantly intercepted. Having undergone Yu Xia’s training for a while now, he was already quite practiced in the basics. In the past, this was one of those instances where he would end up getting beaten until his head was bleeding rivers, but now he could shift his body to dodge. He then grabbed the man’s wrist and twisted it backwards, forcing the iron rod to drop out of the grip before it could strike Dong Feng standing behind.

“Please try your best to hang in there.” This was all Dong Feng said before he directly dashed into the wide-open front entrance, having no intentions of combining forces to defeat the opponent together.

“Hang in…what the hell!” Yu Yin couldn’t hold back the angry retort upon seeing Dong Feng’s lack of loyalty. In a lapse of concentration, the other person punched him in the chest. Fortunately, the amount of force was not as great as Yu Yin had expected.

…Or he had just gotten used to being beaten by Yu Xia, so other people’s blows did not seem as painful. His uncle’s punches always nearly broke his bones, and that was after holding back because it was practice.

Yu Yin suddenly felt a bit depressed. Had his skin really gotten thicker?

Without giving Yu Yin much time to feel down, the man charged forwards without a weapon, raising his fists to fight.

Yu Yin noticed the other person’s unusually stimulated and violent mental state. After just barely dodging, he heard the sound of sirens blare out from the street. Likely as a result of receiving Yu Xia’s announcement, several local officers raced over from their cars to help restrain the sturdy man now raving in anger. However, the person’s strength was abnormally high, even injuring several of the officers.

Perhaps as a result of being irritated by the man, the last few officers jumped in together and managed to firmly hold him down on the ground.

“What happened here?” One of the officers that had rushed over after hearing the information stood up with bruises on his cheeks and asked Yu Yin next to him.

“Hold on, just wait here for a moment.” Yu Yin realised he could potentially get reported for trespassing and anxiously glanced into the house to spot Dong Feng gasping for breath while running out with a bundle of blankets in his arms.

“Quickly call an ambulance,” Dong Feng shouted at a nearby officer while putting the bundle on the ground.

When the man being constrained saw the blankets, he suddenly let out a furious roar and began to fight back even more ferociously. With brute force from out of nowhere, he roughly shook off several officers and shoved aside the police trying to block his way, then ran away.

A few officers chased after him while another requested for support on the wireless communication.

Yu Yin couldn’t care less about whether they captured him or not. He knelt down and urgently unwrapped the bloodstained blanket. When the thick cloth was pulled away, he saw a small face deformed from swollen bruising. A petite body lay swathed in the darkened blanket, the limbs covered in bruises and marking left from being beaten by clothes hangers and leather belts. The arms were also covered in small, round burn wounds. The blood from the corner of the child’s mouth had turned black, and the left foot was twisted in an unnatural position.

The officer still at the scene instantly requested for emergency aid upon seeing the situation.

“Not dead yet.” Dong Feng checked the boy’s breathing and his pulse, then looked at Yu Yin and said, “It’s very weak…”

Yu Yin let out a bated breath. He immediately wanted to try to help somehow, but the boy’s injuries were too severe with basically no uninjured flesh, so he had no idea where to start helping from. On the other hand, Dong Feng’s movements were practiced. He borrowed a small blade from the officer to cut the blanket into strips and use them to set the twisted bones into place.

The ambulance soon arrived.

As Yu Yin followed onto the car, he heard a faint crying sound. When he carelessly lifted his head to look, he saw a boy suddenly appear at the doorway of the home. The pale face was pointed towards his direction. It was a very familiar face that he had just parted with earlier.

The face had no expression.


The rear doors of the car closed shut.

Then, the child vanished.

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