The Yu Brothers’ Case Book

S2: Book 2: Chapter 9

She did not want to die.

No one truly ever wanted to die.

With her hand gripping the cold knife, she simply wanted to obtain her freedom, obtain silence from the other party.

There were many things in the world that could never get their justice, but at the very least, she wanted to quiet the other person.

Scarlet blood slowly dripped onto the clean floor. The man roared out furiously from the pain on his cheeks and wrists. The blade let out a soft flutter as it fell to the ground.

Then, a girl’s sharp scream followed.

They fought, they pushed each other and threw curses, they pulled her by her hair.

The world flipped upside down and everything swiftly crashed onto the ground below.

It was around six in the morning when Yu Yin was startled awake.

The cellphone he had placed next to his bed was vibrating non-stop. In the quiet space, even a sound as soft as this seemed a bit piercing to the ear.

Yu Yin quickly opened his cellphone and stood up to stride out from the ward. “Who is this…Huh?”

By the time he had hung up, Yu had already woken, sitting up on the bed with a yawn while rubbing his eyes as he looked at Yu Yin.

“Dong Feng called to say that Xu Zhi Gao woke up a moment ago, but he was not conscious for long. The officer at the hospital recorded some bits of a testimony.” Yu Yin shrugged, having no idea why that skeleton had appeared over at the hospital again. “Xu Zhi Gao basically said that he and Ye Yi had heard the sound of arguing when they were hiding in the building’s stairwell. He ran out to sneak a look out of curiosity, but Ye Yi had not dared to go and stayed behind. Xu Zhi Gao noticed that the home next to the stairwell entrance wasn’t closed and looked inside to see people fighting there. Then he seemed to have met eyes with someone inside, so he quickly grabbed Ye Yi and fled.” Xu Zhi Gao had only managed to say this much from the officer’s questioning before falling unconscious again.

Yu felt slightly relieved when he heard the child had woken up.

“In short, his condition seems to have stabilised more. We should also pack our stuff and get ready to leave the hospital soon.”


When they left, they found that the person that had arrived to pick them up was unexpectedly Yang De Cheng, which completely stunned Yu Yin. The former had then started complaining about how he had originally planned to retrieve ingredients when a bastard forensic investigator had called early in the morning to tell him something like, “Do you have the heart to let two suffering children take a cab back alone, with one being an injured person and one being haunted, and then let them cook for themselves? They’re so pitiful.”

Yu Yin joined Yang De Cheng’s cursing aimed at the bastard forensic investigator.

After safely bringing them back to their home, Yang De Cheng borrowed their kitchen to kindly help prepare some non-perishable and microwavable foods.

“Dong Feng? I know him. I’ve heard Ah Si mention him before, but we’ve never physically met.” Yang De Cheng covered the pot as he looked at the two children crouched at the doorway. “Apparently he’s an anorexic mummy. Ah Si always said that he should go live next-door to me so that he might end up blowing up like a balloon…but he also knows that anorexia isn’t that easy to cure.”

“So, Yan-dàgē doesn’t know how he became that way either then.” Yu Yin had thought he would be able to fish something out.

“Ah Si doesn’t know, and Xiao Li doesn’t seem to either. I asked in the past, but neither of them knew the reason. They just said that Dong Feng was like that even before he entered university.” Yang De Cheng paused for a moment before continuing, “Symptoms resulting from psychological illness cannot result in complete recovery if the causes are not understood and permanently controlled. If you two want to help him, you’ll have to start from his personal background. But Dong Feng is the type that would clearly realise his own issues; the extent of an outsider’s ability to help is very limited. Just like Lai Chang An. If he does not want help himself first, it won’t make a difference no matter what others say.”

“I know.” They still had a deep impression left behind from the incident with Lai Chang An and his junior sister’s ghost. Yu Yin and Yu exchanged a look with each other as they could only resolve to think of how to help later.

Yu Yin had this feeling that Dong Feng was not actually as unreasonable as he claimed to be. Otherwise, he would not have constantly run back to the building so many times, nor would he have followed a female stranger simply because she had showed ominous signs.

Perhaps Yu Yin really could help somehow.

“Ah, I heard Yan-dàgē say he drove his neighbor crazy once.” Yu Yin recalled something else amidst his thoughts.

“I know about that, but it’s a bit of a long story. You two can come to my shop and I’ll tell you the story slowly one day. Ah Si said that you guys had to go to sleep as soon as you got home and finished eating. Just be good and take care of yourselves first.”

Despite Yang De Cheng’s complaints about the forensic investigator randomly calling him, he still responsibly completed the task his friend had given him; he had already come this entire way after all. “Oh, right, apparently that ‘throat-slitting wolf’ appeared again this morning. You have to be careful.” After all, having one’s throat slit was not anything to be happy about.

“Why does these kinds of people appear periodically?” Yu Yin huffed. Ones that slit throats, ones that slice off legs, and even some that cut female’s hair.They’re seriously breeding like flies.

“Too much pressure in life, I guess.” Yang De Cheng shrugged with a smile.


“Help me grab that plate.” As Yang De Cheng directed the two youths, he contemplatively commented, “Those two kids are really pitiful to have encountered that kind of neighbour.”

“Ye Yi? That’s true…” Yu Yin sighed as he recalled the undeserved calamity that had befallen Ye Yi.

“No, I’m talking about both of them.” Yang De Cheng transferred the meat out from the pot. “Xu Zhi Gao as well. The neighbors clearly could have provided support together if they had been willing to help, but because they were all too afraid of getting involved in trouble and believed they couldn’t do too much about something that was unrelated to them, they had let the stepfather continue acting in such an unbridled manner. Even when the boy was practically beaten to death, nobody had thought to report to the police even if they sensed something was suspicious about it. People these days are seriously cold-hearted.”

“Can’t be helped, the other person had a patron.” Yu Yin recalled Wang Qiu Xue’s past words, convinced that everyone else had truly felt powerless. “After one, two, or three times, they would not be able to do anything even if they wanted to.”

“That’s true too. Society these days is just a clashing of wills.” Yang De Cheng turned his head to look at the two younger ones as he resolutely declared, “If you guys of the next generation have children in the future, make sure you don’t raise them to become such annoying adults.”

“…Yang-dàgē, aren’t you the same generation as us?” Only several years older yet talking as if it has nothing to do with him.

“Whatever, it’s all the same.”


“Mr. Cop, look, look!”

Yu Tong turned around to see Xiao Hai walking out with a somewhat loose white shirt. “I borrowed these clothes.” Xiao Hai had just used the locker room’s bathroom to wash up. She twirled around in the shirt she had borrowed from Jiu Shen. Honestly speaking, the shirt and pants were both a bit large, but the girl did not seem to mind, openly grabbing a rubber band to tie the pants hem together. At first glance, she had suddenly transformed into a fresh and petite appearance that gave off an indescribable clean ambiance.

“Thank you for your hard work. If you’re tired, you can go rest in the room first. It will be safer if you head home after you’ve woken up with restored energy.” Yu Tong patted Xiao Hai’s head. He had also washed up as soon as they had returned. He was pretty grateful for the girl’s help yesterday, as that had been the reason he had so quickly and smoothly found the items. In addition, although it may have just been his imagination, when Xiao Hai had jumped into the piles of trash and started flipping through it, the cockroaches and rats had run away crazy quickly, as if fleeing for their lives. As a result, the latter half of the search had not been disturbed by any creatures. Xiao Hai, who was completely unafraid of rats, had even occasionally dragged out large rats to toss away in an extremely bold and fierce manner.

“Don’t worry, I’m full of energy!” Xiao Hai flashed a thumbs-up. Rather than sleeping, she was much more interested in watching the other officers running around for work. She had previously gotten to know quite a few people while asking for information about Yu Tong, but she usually did not stay for long. And when she had come the station in the past, it had always been because of an issue at work or having to record a testimony after some people had started a fight or something. This was her first time staying here in leisure. “Mr. Cop, you don’t need to be concerned about me. I’ll go back home myself later. I can go to work whenever I want. You can just pretend I’m invisible.”

“Alright. Then you should eat first before heading back. Xiao Wu just ordered food for you, it’s on his desk.”


After Yu Tong left to handle some other tasks, Xiao Hai hummed a song to herself as she greeted Xiao Wu and sat down at his desk to eat the half-cold steamed dumplings. As she ate, she surveyed the others that were working.

She spotted an extremely furious middle-aged man that had been arrested and was under interrogation. The man was constantly shouting at the officer recording the testimony.

Who’s that…familiar-looking bastard? “Ah, that owner.” Xiao Hai clapped her hands together as she remembered that the bastard was called Luo Qiang, the owner of the snack bar that had just attacked Mr. Cop #2 yesterday.

Luo Qiang had an extremely pompous person next to him wearing a displeased expression as they demanded for the officer to summon the higher-ups, claiming that they had clearly warned the police to mind their own business instead of stirring up trouble. The annoying person was also going on about how they could not be treated the same way as others.

“That’s a legislative representative, Luo Qiang’s good friend. Apparently during elections, Boss Luo helped his campaign for votes or something…That’s basically the whole story.” Xiao Wu was sitting next to her and marking documents as he said in a low voice, “There’s also two or three more similar acquaintances; a different one has been coming each day for the past few days. It’s been giving out director a massive headache recently.”

“If it gets really annoying, I can stick him in cement and bury him into a pillar.” Xiao Hai wore a dazzling grin as she patted Xiao Wu. “Don’t worry, I have tons of connections that can make him evaporate into thin air so that he’ll never be seen again.”

“Please do not do anything illegal.” Yu Tong just happened to walk by with some things in his arms, overhearing the whispered exchange. “One does not require amazing accomplishments as long as they show magnanimity.”

“Oh.” Xiao Hai scratched her face. She wanted to say that sticking that kind of person into a pillar was already quite magnanimous, and possibly even pleasurable enough to give her a sense of ease that could grant her relaxing sleep every day. However, considering Yu Tong’s personality, she decided not to say anything more.

After handing the items over to Xiao Wu to transfer elsewhere, Yu Tong finally walked towards the shouting Luo Qiang and friend to make a point that Luo Qiang was suspected to be a repeated offender of sexual assault and that he would have to trouble them to continue staying as guests for the time being until there was further clarification.

Boss Luo and his friend immediately flipped out once more, even kicking a nearby chair. This caused several people passing through the hallway to glance over.

Boss Luo lashed out that the police had charged into his home and taken away his things. That even if he had taken nude photos of that lowly bitch, what did it matter? It had been that woman who had begged him not to tell her parents when he had seen her messing with a man on the street, offering to bed with him in exchange, then doing it again for money. And none of this was the police’s goddamn business.

Yu Tong maintained his indifferent expression from beginning to end. After waiting for the other party to finish ranting, he retrieved a copy of the files he had retrieved from Jiu Shen. “We found additional recordings among the items in the deceased’s home this morning. We believe that you forcefully sexually assaulted Student Tan against her will while threatening her in various ways.” With this statement, he played a clip from a recording device that Jiu Shen had found in another pen.

The voices in the file were not very loud, but Xiao Hai could still clearly hear the angry shouts and pleading cries from where she sat not too far away.

“Bitch! Your old man and woman actually tried to sue me—”

“Don’t do this…”

“You’d better behave, or else I’ll post all those shameful photos of you for the entire internet. Just wait and see if your family will have the guts to go outside after they see that. I think I might as well just do everything in one go and send your parents to Heaven too. They’ve lived long enough; dying a bit sooner than later will eliminate a pain in the ass!”

“Please don’t hurt my family, don’t hurt my mom and my dad, I beg of you…”

“Scared? Perfect, then! Get down on your knees!”

“No, don’t…I’m begging you…”

“There are still many other files similar to these.”

Yu Tong turned off the recording and sternly looked at the ashen owner and friend. “I am sure the prosecutor will bring up the others in more detail.”

“That bitch actually dared to record—” Luo Qiang growled as he glared hatefully at Yu Tong. “Are you guys investigating because you have nothing better to do?! So what if that whore is dead? That whole family deserves to die! What did you have to stick your damn heads in for! Fuck you and your—Ahhh—”

The rest of the rant immediately melted into pained cries.

“If you dare continue acting so rude to Mr. Cop, I’ll rip out your tongue, kick your balls until they rot, and cut off your dick. Then I’ll stuff your tongue and the rest of your shit back up your damn ass.”

Xiao Hai yanked hard at the other person’s hair from behind, completely ignoring their anguished wail. “After all that, I’ll seal your anus shut with superglue.”

“The police is beating someone up!” The friend finally snapped out of his long stupor to immediately shout this.

“Who told you I’m the police? Are you blind?!” As Xiao Hai was pulled away by a few officers that belatedly reacted, she sneered at the other person. “You’ll run into ghosts when you walk around at night, just you wait.” If he was brazen enough to be this disrespectful to Mr. Cop, she would make sure he would truly experience the fears of walking alone at night.

“You police officers dared to let a violent citizen beat someone up at a station?! You’re all screwed. I want to see your captain…Fuck—” While being dragged off, Xiao Hai managed to kick the legislative representative on their butt, sending him crashing straight into a wall with a loud thud. “If you have the guts to come at me, I’ll be waiting to eat my fill with you!”

Yu Tong requested for his colleagues to help move Xiao Hai into his office as he blocked the legislative representative that attempted to follow while shouting back, effectively separating the two sides.

He suddenly felt like his premonitions were way too accurate. Fortunately, he had asked Yu Xia to go to the building to find Song Jie Han, otherwise the one likely being dragged away right now would have been Yu Xia. Perhaps upon Xia’s return, Yu Tong would end up seeing his twin brother and Xiao Hai beating these two people up to a pulp, even ending up on a news.

“Call your leader here this instant!”


“May I ask how much longer you will be searching around for trouble?”

Song Jie Han stood in his doorway to look at the youthful officer, who he had belatedly understood was a different person that looked identical to the previous one. “I have already been extremely cooperative with you. Everything has been taken away by the other Officer Yu. Could I inquire what else you are here for?”

“I would like you to explain why you threw out possessions belonging to the Miss Tan next door.” Yu Xia surveyed the inside of the home, which appeared to have been organised as the items inside showed signs of having been moved. “I would also like to ask your wife to come back to the station with me. There are a few questions we request for Mrs. Song to help clarify.”

“Do you have any evidence that I discarded anything of hers?” Song Jie Han scoffed as he leaned against the door, allowing Yu Xia to scan the inside as much as he pleased. “May I also ask if you usually bother average civilians like this all the time? If so, how much longer until you are finished?”

“It will end once the fingerprint analysis results are out. When that time comes, I hope you will have the awareness to report to us yourself.” Yu Xia crossed his arms as he eyed the man wearing a smile with ill intent in his eyes. Yu Xia then shot back, “We have been searching this whole time for the items Miss Tan purchased before her suicide that day but were unable to locate them at all. Then we just happened to spot you throwing them out, with the surveillance footage catching those items you were tossing away…You don’t need to give an explanation now, you’re welcome to wait until the investigation results are out.”

“You’re talking about the bag of trash that was placed at my front door two days ago? Those did indeed seem to be new goods but society is so dangerous these days; who knew what exactly was inside? Since they weren’t mine and nobody seemed to claim them, I just treated it as trash and disposed it. I don’t think that’s a crime.” Song Jie Han’s expression did not change In the slightest as he said with a tone of sudden realisation, “So those belonged to the little miss next door? It’s no wonder no one claimed them then. But I don’t think those items need to be returned to their original owner in that case? If her family wants compensation, worst case I can just pay them back accordingly.”

“You are quite skilled at lying through your teeth. May I ask if your wife is home?”

“I’m only telling the truth. My wife is out on business and won’t be home for a period. If the police would like to find her, you might have to wait until she returns from her work.” Song Jie Han shrugged with a smile. “The police won’t go as far as to force someone to rush back from a business trip, will they?”

“From our knowledge, Mrs. Song already submitted a letter of resignation the day before yesterday. Since then, her company has been unable to contact her.” Yu Xia had already called the company to inquire about the circumstances beforehand. He snorted and added, “In addition, we have reviewed your call records. While there are no issues with your cellphone nor does it have incriminating files, your wife applied for two phones under her name. One of them frequently contacts your phone but has never called any other numbers, and it seemed to have been used mostly when your wife was at work.”

“A hotline between husband and wife isn’t anything strange, is it? My wife simply doesn’t like mixing her private calls with work calls…”

As Song Jie Han was still speaking, a dull thud suddenly rang out inside the previously quiet house, as if something had just bumped heavily against the wall.

“Is your wife at home?” Yu Xia furrowed his brows as he also heard the collision.

“No, there is no one at home.” Song Jie Han raised a brow, truly not knowing where the noise had come from. He turned and walked back inside. “If you don’t believe me, come in and take a look.”

Yu Xia only managed to take one step forwards before his cellphone rang. When he picked it up and saw it was Jiu Shen, he glanced at the owner of the residence going further in while answering the call.

“Boss, are you still in the building?”

“Yes, I’m at the front door of the neighbor named Song.”

“Ohhh, perfect then. Ah Liu and I checked his computer this morning and discovered that the computer he handed over wasn’t the one he usually used; it was using a back-up drive.”


“Yeah, not the kind for everyday use. Although it contained various files and system programs that made it look like a main hard drive, everything stored was installed at the same time rather than being saved at different times. There also was not much web browsing information, nor any records of saved passwords. I think it’s likely that a few web pages had been copied last minute…Simply put, that computer’s hard drive was a back-up and not the main one. He should still have another computer drive that he did not give to us.”


“Also, your group’s Xiao Wu wanted me to tell you that the conclusion from reviewing the elementary school’s camera footage are out. Although it did not capture who pushed Ye Yi out, it did catch Song Jie Han appearing there. He also left the scene in a rush after Xiao Yu’s car accident. We will retrieve Ye Yi’s clothing from that day to analyse later. If he was really pushed, there might be traces left behind.”

“Okay, thanks for working overtime.”

Yu Xia hung up and began to wonder if it was worth wasting time with this kind of shady bastard or whether he should just knock him out from behind and drag him back instead. It wasn’t like anyone could testify if the person had been forcefully knocked out or if it had been a result of an accidental slip.

Just as he shook the idea away, Yu Xia once again heard another thud, extremely clearly this time. It came from the wall bordering the home next door, as if someone was hammering at it. However, it was too powerful, both heavy and loud, making it unlikely to be a normal human that was pounding it.

Seeing as the owner of the house had already said Yu Xia could enter, he naturally did not hold back. The inside was pretty standard, similar to next door, with three rooms, a living room, and a kitchen. Song Jie Han, who had entered first, was standing in front of the kitchen wall where the thud had seemed to come from.

Song Jie Han shrugged as he spotted Yu Xia enter. “Seems to be the other girl next door doing something. People have no social morality these days, not even notifying their neighbor before doing work this disruptive. What a nuisance.”

Just then, another hammering sound came from the wall. “I’ll just go ask for them to quiet down a bit.”

Yu Xia opened his mouth to tell them that this kind of force was not something a normal girl would possibly make, but then he heard a faint noise come from the window. As he eyed the owner walking out, Yu Xia automatically went over to the balcony.

There was a flower terrace just like the place next door where one could plant small flowers and hang clothes out on. Song Jie Han and his wife had hung up a clothing line above and there were a few potted plants below. But compared to the [deceased] neighbor, there were fewer pots. Moreover, they had all been pushed to one side. The sound from earlier seemed to have come from this side.

Yu Xia aimlessly turned around and spotted one of the pots in the corner sported a new crack. He subconsciously reached out to touch the pot, but the crack suddenly widened unexpectedly when he touched it. It was extremely fragile, like a broken eggshell; a few seconds later, the pot abruptly split in half down the middle, the dirt inside scattering everywhere.

The instant the earth spilled out, Yu Xia discovered that it was fresh soil, too loose to plant anything with. The grass on top was already half dried up. Before he could think about this more closely, he caught sight of a small plastic bag in the corner that was sticking out from the dirt. When he pulled it out, he found that it was a hard disk.

Yu Xia stuck his upper body out to carefully retrieve the drive from the pot, which had seemingly just been buried, still undamaged. Pulling it out, he was just about to turn around and make a call when he suddenly noticed a pale hand in the corner of the flower bed pressed down from the outer edge. It then slowly slid away, as if someone outside retracted it backwards.


He had only just opened his mouth when an enormous force abruptly slammed down on him from behind. Yu Xia, who had not paid any attention to behind, completely lost his center of gravity and fell out from the terrace.

“I am truly sorry, but who asked you policemen to come looking for trouble with nothing better to do?”

Song Jie Han stood before the window, staring down at the empty air outside the balcony as he chuckled, “The police officer accidentally mis-stepped and fell out from the window during a search. How unfortunate for us homeowners; I wonder if our residence will turn into a cursed house?”

He turned and picked up the house phone to call the police before he finallly wondered why he had not heard the sound of the body’s impact below. When he looked back, he saw a single hand clinging onto the terrace, and the person that should have fallen down pulled himself up in one swoop, the bag with the hard drive in his mouth.

A few seconds later, the officer that should have crashed to death jumped back outside his window unharmed.

Yu Xia put the disk down and patted his hands as he glanced at the shocked homeowner. “Do you bastards only know this move…I’m sorry, but ever since I was pushed down once before, I’ve sworn to myself there would never be a second time.” After recovering from his last fall off a building, he had taken special care to retrain his muscles; who would have thought it would come into use so quickly?

Compared with the drive of unknown contents and the enigma of a murdered girl, Yu Xia now had an even better reason to detain this man.

“I am arresting you on attempted murder.”

“Yu Xia smoothly detained Luo Qiang and Song Jie Han.”

Li Zi Hong hung up the phone and looked at his junior brother curled up in the front seat chewing a piece of bread. “Currently waiting to finish the procedures.”

“One has a powerful backer…the other one might too.” Dong Feng ate the second 50%-off bread he had bought from the convenience today as he listened to the car’s radio. It was the news channel reporting on the deceased’s family that had publicly broadcasted about the police investigation and the media surrounding the station in attempt to ask them about the truth, refusing to retreat even after being told “no comment”. “How many cases have you lost in the past due to this type of circumstance?”

“Hm? The media?” Li Zi Hong returned onto the street, heading towards the bus stop. Earlier, he had already contacted his secretary to meet outside the station. He would drop off Dong Feng onto the bus first before heading directly to the station to retrieve some pieces of evidence and reports that needed to be checked.


“Quite a few. Sometimes they leak out information about the suspect without permission, other times they go interrogate the suspect’s relatives, causing the suspect to change their minds about cooperating.” Li Zi Hong helplessly shook his head as he said, “Xiao Yu’s case counted as fortunate. Since it was extremely important, the higher-ups had all focused on suppressing it, only providing basic reports. Otherwise, the incident with Wang Zhao Tang might have been overlooked.” If Xiao Yu’s family homicide had been all over the news rather than being tightly monitored, Wang Zhao Tang would undoubtedly have raised his guard and transferred his base and business more quickly. That would have made it much more difficult to break the crime.

If the scenario had been just the slightest bit worse, there would not only have been the possibility of Yu being killed, but the entire Yu household could have fallen into great danger. Back then, Li Zi Hong had been worried about this, which was why he had followed the Yu family through various means in order to keep hold of the situation and assess its safety as much as he could. After all, he had understood more about Wang Zhao Tang’s case than Yu Xia had and had also known that man would attack viciously. Having know his friend’s thought process, Yan Si had also followed and gotten familiar with the team. Luckily, Wang Zhao Tang’s matter had been resolved in the end, finally letting them breathe easy.

A single sacrificial victim was enough.

“Senior, your expression right now looks like you’re paying homage to someone you mistakenly harmed.” Dong Feng crumpled a plastic bag as he stared out at the buildings passing backwards outside the window.

“If we had not investigated immediately back then and signed a warrant first, perhaps we might not have lost an officer.” Even now, whenever Li Zi Hong occasionally thought of Wang Kai Lun, he still felt a twinge of guilt inside him. Despite the fact that the other person had not held any bit of blame towards him, he still could not help but blame himself. “It is a pity that time cannot be rewound.”

“So that’s why Senior always has to personally run to the crime scenes in order to be at ease?”

Li Zi Hong was speechless for a moment. He then smiled bitterly without giving a concrete reply.

The car continued forwards in silence until it stopped at the bus stop.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to bring you back?” Li Zi Hong asked as he eyed his junior brother that had run around with him the entire night.

“I’ll pass. I’m really tired, you’re really busy. I can take the public bus. Go rush to your case.” Dong Feng released the seatbelt and slowly opened the door to get off the car while raising a bag in his hands. “Thanks for the food.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll come find you again in a few days.”

After seeing Dong Feng off, Li Zi Hong changed direction to head straight towards his target destination.

It was not long before he spotted the doors of the sub-bureau surrounded by broadcast vans.

To avoid unnecessary trouble, Li Zi Hong decided to close the car windows and circle around the back to drive into the parking lot. The security guard recognized his car and immediately opened the gate for him to enter.

Everything seemed to progress smoothly afterwards. It was a fact that Song Jie Han had attacked Yu Xia, so they had instantly taken him into custody along with Boss Luo.

The investigation group had retrieved all kinds of data from the hard drive Yu Xia had brought back, including nude photos like those from Luo Qiang, edited videos, as well as Song Jie Han’s social network. He had many friends online that were mutual friends with the deceased, even including her brother. He had changed his name online to hide his identity, assimilating with the deceased’s friends circle. Every one of the people on the friends list had Song Jie Han’s account, making it so that the deceased would not dare to plead a single one for help, unable to speak out since she had no idea who would truly help her.

They still had not found the identity of the mysterious online chat friend.

After they had compiled all the preliminary evidence, the district prosecutor and the deceased’s family had brought the case to the court to press charges.

However, they still did not have proof that that deceased had been murdered. At the moment, they could only bring up charges against the deceased having suffered from various incidents of sexual assault and abuse in the recent past.

In reality, the matter that seemed to advance without a problem was not yet closed.

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