The Yu Brothers’ Case Book

S2: Book 3: Chapter 7

After that, the matter took a turn.

Despite getting slightly wounded, it was still quite worth it, comparatively speaking.

As expected, it was impossible for man to go against their own will.

No matter how filthy, one would still want their existence saved. This was not related to anything in particular; rather, when the time came, one would automatically know that this should be done.

Everything would improve.

He could say these words with a smile.

As long as he could try again and again to find his own existence.

Everything would turn for the better.


“Yu Xia!”

Yu Xia, who had just retrieved the investigation report, turned his head and unexpectedly saw someone from a different unit.

Kai Lun waved at him with a candy in his mouth and jogged over. “My friend that was previously responsible for He Shi Jun said you were investigating him.”

He Shi Jun had a criminal record with drugs. Kai Lun was part of the drug enforcement unit, so there was nothing strange about him having dealings with those involved in He Shi Jun’s case. Yu Xia nodded and said, “He’s the deceased from our case, and he suffered an extremely tragic death. It was just recently concluded from the examination that he was executed after being interrogated via torture.” After he had received this information, he had immediately requested for the deceased’s files and dental records to confirm the body’s identity.

“Understood.” Kai Lun also understood the process flow. He crossed his arms and stated, “The complete case file will need some time to go through all the procedures before it’ll come to you. My friend wanted me to let you know that He Shi Jun was previously a seller with a supply of goods. He was a bit famous but withdrew after some of the higher levels were seized. A few years before that, he was a fixer and he’s used violence to demand for repayment too. He later started taking drugs himself. There was a long period of time where he would come in and out of the station for theft.”

“Sounds like the type of person who can only contribute to society by dying.” While Yu Xia had read through the case already, listening to this now made it seem likely that the reality was worse than what had been recorded in the files.

“He should have been that type a few years ago, but he suddenly stopped one day. You should also know that stopping drugs is extremely hard. Even if one wants to quit, the addiction is impossible to suppress once it’s set, even if they have to kill and tear out someone’s organs for it.” Kai Lun paused for a moment. Something like admiration showed on his face as he continued, “But he really did quit one day. My friend couldn’t figure out what had happened either. In short, he ended up being hospitalised after getting beaten to the point of nearly becoming crippled for some reason, and was stuck there for three months before recovering. He stopped drugs while at the hospital and really never touched them again.”

“You don’t know the reason at all?”

“Yeah, my friend has no idea. Anyways, He Shi Jun pulled back and my friend later met him several times. He really didn’t take any more drugs after that. Unfortunately, because he had too many criminal records, he could not find any good jobs. He entered the hospital several times due to excessive drinking. Although he ended up finding a girlfriend to live together with for a while, the pair ended up going to court for domestic violence, and they never contacted each other again.” Kai Lun looked at the pensive Yu Xia and shrugged. “I’m sure you get it. Since the other party stopped taking drugs, we didn’t particularly keep a close eye on him. Back then, my friend gave him a bit of money, hoping he could start life anew by setting up a small vendor stand for some cakes. However, the business didn’t do well and it didn’t attract many customers, so it ended up being nothing as well.”

“About how many years ago was this?”

“Almost three years.”

That meant He Shi Jun had already cut off from drugs three years ago, which was identical to the files that Yu Xia had retrieved. The later records were all of inflicting injury and causing trouble while drunk.

“My friend’s guess is that this likely has to do with He Shi Jun’s friend.”


“Although we don’t know their name, my friend mentioned that He Shi Jun had brought up several times in small-talk that he had a good friend. However, he felt quite ashamed in his actions during the years they had separated, so he never gathered the courage to look for his friend. Typically, when someone suddenly undergoes a positive change, they always either have a very important figure by their side, or a very important event occurred.”

Yu Xia sighed. “Important enough to force one to abstain from drugs and return to normal.”

“Yep, we’ve seen it happen multiple times. Those that resolve to abstain from drugs mostly have very critical figures around them, significant enough to endure the pain of quitting. However, there are also quite a few instances where that key person dies or a particularly treasured object is lost, resulting in enough pain and sorrow to cut off drugs…Regardless of whether it’s a person or an item, it seems like He Shi Jun found a motive.” The corners of Kai Lun’s lips tilted upwards in a sad smile and he helplessly sighed. “So then, you think these matters have a relation to He Shi Jun’s tragic death?”

“Currently, it’s still unknown.” Yu Xia curled his fingers into a fist and lightly tapped the other person’s shoulder. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Hopefully when you reach a conclusion, you can reveal a bit to me so that I can let my friend know.”

Yu Xia suddenly smirked. “Compared to information from the police, you might as well just ask your friend to switch on a TV to watch. That’s probably faster.”

Kai Lun was momentarily stunned, but he soon chuckled as well. “That’s right, the media will fabricate things, and you can even watch storylines before they happen.”

“Of course the media will fabricate things.” The news of the serial killer had still been abuzz these days and had practically been portrayed as a supernatural god.

Yu Xia honestly thought the news was both annoying and hilarious. There had even been a program earnestly analyzing this “new case” from the serial killer. The police had clearly already announced it was a copycat, yet they assumed it was the police’s conspiracy to cover up the case.

Kai Lun couldn’t help but laugh. He patted Yu Xia’s shoulder, truly somewhat sympathetic for them. “I wish you guys good luck. I need to go back to work now too. Let’s grab a drink together once everything ends.”

“We’ll see.”

Yu Xia watched Kai Lun leave, his expression turning grave.

If, as they said, He Shi Jun had held something valuable that made him resolve to return to society, then why had his corpse been laid out in the central district, so far from where he had lived?

After that time, who did he offend?

And who wanted him to reveal a secret?

“I think you might be well-suited to be a private investigator.”

Yu Yin found it quite amusing as he looked at Yu through the light coloured shades he had previously given as a gift, a baseball hat pressed down low over his face.

Yu shot him a dirty look as they walked side by side.

In the evening, they had snuck out of the police station and wandered around idly with Fish Jerky on a crowded street.

After buying dinner from a street vendor, Yu Yin confirmed they had not been followed. It seemed like their method to escape the station had actually been effective. The police were likely still patrolling outside the station.

“But Uncle will probably be super furious when we go back later.” Yu Yin couldn’t help but shudder when he imagined how he might truly get skinned alive. He decided not to think about it for now; he had already done enough things today to grant him a three-day luxury vacation in Hell.

Yu finished eating the last pumpkin ball and crumpled up the paper bag as he looked at Yu Yin, waiting for the other to announce where they would head to next. “Don’t look at me, I don’t know either.” He just knew that the ghost had wanted them to leave the police station, even using extreme methods to harass him.

However, after coming outside and running around, the silhouette was nowhere to be seen…Yu Yin lifted up the chicken cutlets up high, then took out a strip of jerky he had just bought from the pet shop to give to Fish Jerky, who kept trying to take a bit of his dinner.

Yu sighed and simply found a spot to sit down next to the road to continue eating other foods.

Yu Yin pet the dog and sat down as well.

Usually, it was rare for them to sit by the road like this and watch people passing by. The streets filled with vendor stands were bustling with plenty of liveliness. Past afternoon, there were quite a few students from nearby in addition to tourists.

A glance across showed that there were many people like them that had brought their friends, chatting and laughing together as they strolled down the streets. A few would find spots to take a seat and chat about the delicacies from various vendors.

It was in places like these where Yu Yin would always feel how truly full of life humans were, how they were alive here.

Unlike those existences that had already died yet refused to leave, the people here were undoubtedly living and currently advancing through their lives.

The living people’s mirrored reflections in the glass showed flat, docile figures. There was no bloody flesh, just cold, pale faces that would shrink back only to leave behind silhouettes like a shadow play.

Sometimes, he really wanted to make this type of scene visible to those that casually ended lives.

Yu Yin was in a daze as he stared at the gradually fading shadows on a shop’s glass and tastelessly chewed on the chicken cutlet. Just then, Fish Jerky, who had been lying down on the ground next to him, abruptly shot up and jumped backwards several steps. The dog was so agitated that even Yu, who was on his phone, turned to look.

A mound of darkness with no owner had appeared without warning on the ground filled with various shadows from the people walking back and forth on the street. The mound was fixed to the ground, struggling to crawl forwards…though despite the struggling, it was moving quite quickly.

“He’s here.” Yu Yin grabbed Yu and hurriedly stuffed the food into his backpack. He called Fish Jerky to follow as they tailed the shadow leaving the road.

Yu Yin felt like he had gotten more than enough exercise after chasing around ghosts all day today. But compared to the previous times, this ghost was relatively easier to deal with. Song Hui Chun only wanted to find her baby. The ghost in front of them only wanted them to quickly follow it to a specific place, and it did not seem to desire revenge…For someone to have been murdered yet is not strongly attached to finding the perpetrator and getting revenge is quite remarkable, isn’t it?

They got onto a bus to continue tailing the shadow. When they arrived at the destination, Yu Yin was somewhat shocked.

This bus stop was actually near his university.

As soon as they got off the bus, the figure that had been crawling on the ground suddenly disappeared like the wind once more.

“No way…” There had just recently been a death near his school. If there was another one, that would be terrifying. Yu Yin deadpanned – the real estate agents around here were probably be crying.

While these random thoughts were running through his head, Fish Jerky suddenly ran around in a circle happily. A meow sounded out from above.

Yu Yin and Yu raised their heads at practically the same time, spotting Chicken Jerky standing on the fence and looking down at them. The angle and the cat’s head tilt really gave the feeling of it staring at them in disdain…Pretty sure it’s not my imagination. The cat’s actually staring at us in disdain.

The tail hanging down from the fence flicked lightly before Chicken Jerky suddenly turned around on the fence and began to walk away. Fish Jerky immediately ran after below. It appeared that this pattern was something the cat and dog were very used to.

Yu Yin scratched his face and exchanged a look with Yu. The two began to follow along as well. They could ignore where the ghost wanted to go for now, but they needed to pay attention to the whereabouts of the cat and dog. The dog had been left in their care by Ye Huan En after all – losing it would be difficult to explain.

They were not too fast or too slow. Under the spotlight from the streetlamps, Chicken Jerky walked atop the fence with an elegant type of attitude. It seemed to be quite familiar with the surrounding area. After a few more turns, it entered a more remote path, finally stopping outside a two-story house. It then turned its head to meow at them before abruptly jumping down on the other side of the house’s fence. Before Yu Yin could stop the cat from running, he spotted Fish Jerky bump into the bottom right corner of the entrance, flipping open a smaller door for the dog to smoothly make its way in – it was a flap door specifically designed for cats and dogs.

“Ah, could this be Ye-dàgē’s home?” Yu Yin remembered that he had indeed bumped into the other person at school previously. It was likely correct that this was the man’s residence considering he had been walking around campus. He glanced at the dark house; it was clear that the owner had not yet returned, and the cat had come home by itself as the owner had mentioned [before].

As he prepared to call Ye Huan En, he suddenly noticed a large lump atop the wall. He raised his head sharply and met those crimson eyes. His body turned so cold that he was unable to move, as if a bucket of ice cubes had been dumped on him.

He seemed to hear screams. It was a heartbreaking kind of mournful cry, the anguished wail of a person’s final struggles before dying. Then, cold dirt sprayed onto his face as something bound his throat, completely cutting off his breathing and his shout. The cellphone had at some point dropped onto the ground without him knowing. Yu Yin kept clawing at his neck in attempt to tear off whatever was coiled around it, but no matter how much he tried, his hands only grasped at empty air. There was no way to alleviate the pain from losing oxygen. The only thing he felt was an intense bout of dizziness.

Before he lost consciousness, the pressure on his neck abruptly vanished. He rushed to take in deep breaths and his surroundings cleared up. Yu was gripping him with concern written all over his face.

“…I’m fine.” Yu Yin rubbed his empty neck and coughed, wishing he could cough out the moment of misery. The pain had truly cut so deeply; although it had only lasted for a brief moment, that had already been enough to make anyone terrified. He really had no idea how that ghost had faced it alone.

Yu picked up the cellphone and returned it. His eyes narrowed, and he gripped Yu Yin to stop the latter from redialing the [owner’s] number.

A string of unfriendly dog growls came from inside the house along with a cat’s threatening hisses.

“There’s someone inside.” Upon hearing the abnormal activity inside the house, Yu Yin jumped slightly to partially crawl up the fence. He could see through the window that there were indeed suspicious figures shifting around inside. There was not only one, but three. Fish Jerky and Chicken Jerky were clearly attacking the invaders, but the large dog’s figure was shaken off. “Hey, what are you doing in there!”

Hearing Yu Yin’s loud shout at the house, Yu ran over to press the doorbell. At nearly the same time, Yu Yin spotted something black leap inside. The next second, every light inside the house instantly turned on at the same time, the bright day lights and the dim night lights both included, revealing the people inside.

Startled by the noise outside and the sudden lights, the people inside simultaneously stopped what they were doing and quickly dispersed.

Three strong-looking men appeared at the front entrance, each sporting an extremely hostile expression. After noticing Yu Yin and Yu, as well as some residents that had come over to check out the disturbance, they lowered their heads and roughly shoved aside the people blocking their way.

The last man to leave suddenly flashed a police ID and coldly warned Yu Yin, “This is a case from the police. Don’t stick your nose in.”

After this declaration, he hurriedly jumped onto the car he and his companions had driven and swiftly left.

Yu Yin watched the car speed away in a stunned daze. When he finally shifted his gaze, he sensed something rubbing the side of his legs. Fish Jerky, now covered in blood, stared up at him with wide, round eyes. Even Chicken Jerky was on the fence, having jumped on it at some point.

Yu crouched down to separate the fur that had stuck together on Fish Jerky’s body, revealing a knife wound about five centimetres long on its side.

“Did something happen?”

They turned their heads to see the owner of house dressed in all black.

Ye Huan En stared at them in astonishment.


“Jiu Shen, where did you get the dog fur sample on your desk from?”

After sending out the freshly printed report, Jiu Shen had crawled back to sleep for two hours. Upon returning, Jiu Shen was asked some very familiar lines by Ah Liu, who was sitting in the labs.

“What dog fur?” The dog fur retrieved from the deceased’s body had gotten analytical results ages ago that had already been sent over. Jiu Shen was momentarily unable to comprehend his friend’s question.

“When I came in during the afternoon, I saw a glass slide with some strands of dog fur on your desk…Don’t you feel like our conversation sounds familiar?” Ah Liu replied with a somewhat defeated look in his eyes.

“Ah…I remember now. The dog fur on the desk was from Boss. When he came to grab the report, I saw that he had some dog fur stuck on him, so I simply helped remove it then randomly put in on a slide.” Since the deceased’s body had also contained a golden retriever’s fur on it, Jiu Shen had originally gathered it for fun, thinking he could analyse it later when he was free to see what the differences were between fur of the same dog breed.

“Are you sure this dog fur was on Boss?”

“Yeah, they’ve been keeping a dog at their place recently, so there was a bit stuck on Boss,” Jiu Shen nodded as he replied. He had no idea why his colleague looked so shocked. Jiu Shen actually hoped that he could go over to the Yu household sometime when it was less busy, hopefully getting a chance to play with the dog.

“The dog fur on Boss’s body and the dog fur on the deceased’s body are from the same dog.”

There was a three-second moment of silence.

“Ah Liu, my ears might not be functioning completely since I just woke up. Could you repeat that again?” Jiu Shen asked with a dead expression.

“…Since you had a dog fur sample on your desk, I thought it was another urgent item. When I tested it, I discovered that it was identical to the dog fur found on the deceased. Those strands of fur are from the same exact dog.” For some reason, Ah Liu suddenly felt that it was best if he stopped randomly checking Jiu Shen’s samples. Why is there something wrong with them every time?

He then saw a look of horror spread across Jiu Shen’s face.

“I’m going to go borrow the dog!” Yu Xia had informed them earlier in the afternoon that the children and dog were staying in the break room. He immediately raced out but halted in his tracks as soon as he stepped out of the labs.

Yu Tong just happened to be walking over. He stared at Jiu Shen in slight surprise and asked, “Hm…Are Ah Yin and the others over here?’

“Huh? No, I was just going to look for him.” Jiu Shen shook his head with a puzzled expression. “Didn’t Boss say they were in the break room on your side?”

“Xia said that to me as well, but when I came back from buying dinner, I found the break room was empty, so I thought they had come running here to search for you.” Yu Tong helplessly sighed. “Ah Yin’s cellphone won’t connect, Xiao Yu won’t pick up. Xia just ran out, and nobody from Ah Si’s side saw them either.”

“Then…the dog is also missing?” Jiu Shen asked, holding onto a sincere hope that the dog might still possibly be there.

“Mhm. Speaking of which, I’ve never actually gotten a good look at the dog.” Yu Tong had been so busy recently that he only knew that the golden retriever had arrived at their home and had been sent back after they had located the owner. “Is there something wrong with the dog?”

“That dog might have appeared at the place where He Shi Jun died. Or perhaps the dog was with He Shi Jun before he died,” Ah Liu spoke up as he walked out to them. “We analysed the dog fur on Boss and discovered it was the same as the one from the deceased, so we wanted to confirm it.”

“Wait a moment, I’ll call Xia.”

Yu Tong followed them to check the test results as he dialled Yu Xia’s number and told him about the current situation.

The other end of the line was silent for a brief moment before there was a response regarding some other circumstances.

After a long discussion, Yu Tong hung up and Jiu Shen asked suspiciously, “Did something happen on Boss’s end?”

“They received a report last night. There is an officer from the administrative unit that seems to often privately buy boxed lunches for the homeless in the area he’s responsible for. He went to deliver some as usual after work today, but while chatting with them, one suddenly stated without any prompting that they had seen someone very similar to He Shi Jun. As a result, Xia rushed over to get a better understanding of the situation.” Yu Tong paused before continuing, “Apparently the man had been hauled away after leaving a bus stop. At the time, the dropped luggage had been picked up by another homeless person, who tossed it after taking the cash and clothing. The bag was thrown away at a remote location. However, the item has already been found, and the ID was still inside, which was verified to indeed belong to He Shi Jun. In addition, there was a bus ticket from the northern district to here that was from exactly two months ago.”

“So he was already targeted while in the northern district, and was immediately seized as soon as he arrived in Taichung. Looks like he’s a pretty unlucky fellow.” Ah Liu suddenly felt a great pity for the victim as he began to prepare their things. When Yu Xia came back later, he would definitely bring another item here with him.

“True, but what exactly was he running away from…to get captured and still die such a horrible death?” Jiu Shen added more to the statement, “This type of method isn’t one that a typical person would use. If there are connections with a gang, things will get troublesome…”

For some reason, Yu Tong started to feel a bit worried. “I’ll try to contact Xiao Yu again.” Yu Yin and Xiao Yu wouldn’t run away for no reason – at the very least, Yu wouldn’t. So something must have happened for them to sneak out.

“Oh right, Tong, did you hear everyone talk about what happened in the afternoon—”

“Wait! Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait-wait!” Jiu Shen cut off Ah Liu and covered his eyes as he dashed out of the labs. “I don’t want to hear something unscientific again—”

“Remember to grab a midnight snack before you come back.” Ah Liu waved at the figure racing off into the distance. He seriously felt like their conversations had just been repeating over and over again recently. We really need to change up the current situation.

Ah Liu turned his head to see Yu Tong still waiting for him.

“This afternoon…”


“I’m truly grateful for your help.”

It was late at night by the time Ye Huan En brought the two guests back into his house after spending a long, stressful time at the pet hospital. He sincerely thanked them and said, “I hadn’t imagined I would be unlucky enough to encounter thieves…”

He scratched his head as he surveyed the inside of the room that had been turned upside down.

Fish Jerky, who now had its wound properly bandaged, was still quite energetic as it walked into the room and sat down to gaze at everyone else.

“Do you want to report it to the police?” Yu Yin took out his cellphone, only to discover that the screen was completely black. When he had dropped it on the ground earlier, the shell had popped open, and the battery had loosened itself without him noticing.

“No, there’s no need. I don’t have anything valuable here and it doesn’t seem like they succeeded. Going to the police station is too much trouble.” Yu Huan En tidied things up a bit before inspecting the desktop computer and confirming that it hadn’t been unlocked with the password. He then said, “It’s not very convenient for me to move around, so it’s fine considering I didn’t lose anything. As for you two, I’m sure you’re both exhausted after such a busy day. Would you like to spend a night here before going home?”

“That’s…” Yu Yin had forgotten about this issue during the earlier rush to bring the dog to the vet. They had originally been supposed to spend the night at the police station today instead of at home, but they had slipped out. With how things were now, he wasn’t sure if they should return to the station asking for a beating or what.

“You’re welcome [to stay], the guest room is open and rarely ever used.” Ye Huan En gave them a friendly smile as he caught Chicken Jerky jumping up. “Why don’t you two call your family first to let them know you’re safe? I’ll go prepare some late-night snacks and we can eat together before heading to bed early. I’ll go back with you guys tomorrow to explain the situation.”

Yu Yin exchanged a look with Yu. After some thought, Yu Yin felt like this might be a solution. Kang Zheng Chang wouldn’t go as far as to chase them all the way here. “Then we’ll let Dad know first.”

Ye Huan En patted Chicken Jerky before letting the cat go and heading into the kitchen to prepare food.

Yu Yin placed the battery back in place and restarted his cellphone only to see that there was no signal indicated on the screen. “Weird…Xiao Yu, you make the call.” He checked his phone and discovered that Yu Tong had called him before. Since the phone had not been on at the time, he had not noticed. There were a few missed calls from Yu Xia afterwards.

For a moment, he felt like his uncle’s number really was like a call from Hell…

Yu took out his phone and also saw many missed calls. However, he similarly had no signal. It was the same even when he lifted the phone up and down; there was no way to send out a call.

Yu Yin had no clue what kind of situation this was and let out a sigh. Just as he was about to ask Ye Huan En to borrow a phone, the living room light suddenly flickered and a decorative shelf abruptly fell over, blocking the living room entrance diagonally.

Chicken Jerky let out a hissing cry, while Fish Jerky stiffened and stood guard.

Yu Yin stood in front of Yu and quickly scanned the living room, but there was nothing to be seen.

“Is something the matter?” Ye Huan En came out carrying microwaved late-night snacks and saw the people and animals tensed up.

“No, it just seems like there are some issues with our cellphones. Could we borrow your phone?” Yu Yin asked as he glanced down at his phone that still had no signal.

“Sure.” Ye Huan En pulled out his cellphone and hummed in surprise when he saw that it had no signal as well. “That’s really odd. You guys can go use the house phone then, it’s next to the computer.”

Yu walked over and picked up the receiver, but there was no sound.

“How strange. Why don’t we eat first? I’ll go check to see if there’s an issue with the landlines,” Ye Huan En informed before leaving the living room, also not sure what was going on.

After an extremely busy night, Yu Yin and Yu were indeed slightly hungry. As a result, they did not reject the owner’s goodwill and sat down.

The foods Ye Huan En had prepared were quite simple, just some microwave instant food, such as spaghetti and soups that one could buy at a convenience store. Just dumping these into a microwave would result in a rich meal.

Fish Jerky smelled the aroma and stared at them. Yu took out a jerky strip from Yu Yin’s backpack to feed the dog.

“You know, I feel like there was something really weird about that officer’s ID from earlier.”

Yu Yin broke the silence, eating while contemplating the invader’s ID that had been shown.

Yu looked up at him.

“It’s a bit different from the one that Dad and Uncle have.” Having grown up constantly seeing their IDs, Yu Yin could more or less discern any differences. “It should be fake.”

After some thought, Yu pulled out a pen and paper to write down a string of Roman letters and numbers.

“Ah, you remember the license plate!” Yu Yin took the license plate number and instinctively whipped out his phone to send it to Jiu Shen before he remembered that his phone did not connect. However, he quickly discovered that there was now signal.

The odd part was that the screen would flicker with rainbow-coloured rectangles, as if it was crashing. He wasn’t sure if it was a defect or something else. However, after smoothly finding signal, new missed calls had appeared. Aside from Yu Tong and Yu Xia, there were also calls from Jiu Shen and Yan Si.

Yu Yin told Yu to continue eating as he grabbed his phone and the license plate number, walking out to the porch to call Yu Tong back.

The line quickly connected.

Before he could speak, Yu Tong cut in first from the receiving end to ask where they were in an extremely anxious tone.

“Xiao Yu and I are at the dog’s owner’s home.” Yu Yin yawned and rubbed his eyes. For some reason, he suddenly felt a bit sleepy. “Some things happened, but everything’s fine now…” He shook his head. The strange sleepiness did not fade at all, even growing stronger instead. The voice coming from the opposite end immediately began to grow fuzzy.

Yu Yin leaned against the wall, struggling to support his body. Although he wanted to tell Yu Tong the address of this place, he could not speak. His entire head was blank, making it difficult to think.

Instinctively knowing that this condition was abnormal, he looked sideways as he fell onto his knees and saw that Yu had already sprawled across the table, clearly unresponsive.

As he collapsed, he seemed to glimpse Ye Huan En’s figure appear at the living room entrance.

The darkness gradually corroded his vision, swallowing the last remains of his consciousness. The sound from the cellphone echoed through the air.

“Leave there immediately, do you hear me? Ah Yin…Ah Yin?”

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