The Yu Brothers’ Case Book

S2: Book 4: Chapter 7

The room had been opened for daily rental.

At first, the owner had been unwilling to cooperate. However, for some unknown reason afterwards, they had agreeably opened the door before the search warrant had even arrived.

It was a single room. According to the landlord in his forties or fifties, the tenant had paid an entire year’s worth of rent at once, so the landlord had not paid much attention to what the person was typically up to. In short, as long as the furniture in the residence weren’t damaged and the utilities were properly used, the person counted as a good tenant. The landlord pretty much only knew that the other person was a tall, subdued man that did not return and stay at the place everyday. Aside from that, the landlord did not know anything.

Seeing that they had even brought people who did not appear to be the police, the landlord curiously asked a few questions. Yu Xia muddled through a response along the lines of the others being related persons and that there was no need to pay them any mind.

“You guys wait outside,” Yu Xia commanded Yu Yin. Then he glanced at Yu and Dong Feng further back and lowered his voice to say, “Ah Yin, watch over the two younger ones properly.”

“Ah…okay.” Seeing that his uncle’s look was not a joking one, he knew that the fact they had been brought over was already quite amazing. Moreover, there were outsiders here, so they certainly could not do as they pleased. Yu Yin obediently pushed Yu and Dong Feng to wait together outside the door.

The room was approximately ten ping large, with a bed and a desk. There was also a wardrobe and TV attached to the walls, a small fridge, and some personal weight-lifting equipment.

The officers that had entered earlier to conduct a search gave way to them and greeted Yu Xia before retreating out.

The first thing Yu Xia spotted were the papers that covered the desk. A single glance was enough to know why the officers had reported for them to come—most of them were reports and photos, with the subject and main lead of the reports being the exact prosecutor that they had lost.

“Stalker.” Xiao Wu put on his gloves and picked up a camera to take photos of all the items. “It’s like some kind of fanatical idolater. This is my first time seeing someone pursue a prosecutor.”

“Inside here as well.” Jiu Shen opened the wardrobe to see that the inner planks were covered in pinned cut-outs and photos. Just looking at it made his skin crawl. He had felt this kind of horror during stalker cases in the past as well, but seeing that the main character of these cut-outs and photos was someone he knew made the level of horror increase significantly.

There were no clothes inside the wardrobe. He pulled open the bottom drawers which were filled with large, stuffed leather bags. Pouring them out revealed that they were also various information related to Li Zi Hong. The cut-out seemed to be from main covers, and organising them resulted in [seeing] several editions. What terrified Jiu Shen the most was that the man had also been looking at photos from [Li Zi Hong’s] university era, not necessarily just the new ones attached to public news.

“This isn’t where he usually lives. It’s just a place to store things and occasionally rest in.” Yu Xia scanned the room’s state of use and frowned as he flipped the bed covers away. As expected, there were quite a few similar materials crammed underneath there too. After a quick look, he found that a number of the clippings were from other counties. Some even had local advertisements on the back. A portion of them were already yellowed [with age] too. It appeared that this man’s residing was not anywhere close to fixed.

“Boss, I have goosebumps….” Jiu Shen crouched down to look at the large amount of cut-outs, feeling more and more creeped out.

“My girlfriend was also stalked before in the past. You guys should be grateful that you haven’t found any underwear or anything here. That would really give goosebumps.” Xiao Wu earnestly stated, “My girlfriend had her underwear and garbage stolen in university….”

Yu Xia whacked Xiao Wu on the back of the head to finally stop his subordinate’s blabber. “This person isn’t that kind of stalker.”

“But it’s still a terrifying kind. Look at this.” Jiu Shen pointed at a specific page. It happened to be a newer report from the case they had handled recently: Kang Zhe Chang’s incident. At the time, Li Zi Hong had a gash on his hand. The report contained images of some related personnel and the criminal suspect. The eerie part was that Kang Zhe Chang and the other associated suspects had gotten their faces completely scribbled out in red marker. Flipping back and forth a few pages, there were other cases where the faces of the criminal suspects had been scribbled out, either in black or red marker.

“Check this out too.” Xiao Wu pulled out a weekly publication from the bag. The topic had been shredded up. When Xiao Wu flipped it open, the contents inside were completely torn. “I remember this weekly. Four years ago, there was a case from another county that had been investigated on a low profile and was severely criticised…the matter was clarified afterwards, but for the first two months, everyone from the prosecutors to the police were attacked all over the place. This weekly had also written a ton of malicious things.”

“Why do you know this?” Yu Xia took the weekly. He did not care much about these things; at most, he would probably rip up the newspapers immediately and pretty much forget the matter once it passed. This field of work didn’t lack criticisms in the slightest anyways.

Upon being asked this, Xiao Wu replied in a depressed tone, “Of course I know. Back then, I was still at the police academy. When I saw this kind of report, I was so furious that I was nearly steaming from the head and I tossed the weekly against a wall. For the entire month following that, I would use that weekly to smash any cockroaches that appeared.” He had trained his aiming ability to be quick and fiercely accurate. Even the military instructor had praised the improvement in his target shooting.

“I get it, I get it! Sometimes I get super mad and crumple it up! Then drip oil on it! Then burn it!” Jiu Shen clenched his hands into fists and agreed in a resentful tone.

Yu Xia rolled up the weekly and knocked each of the idiots’ heads with a smack. “Do you usually have nothing better to do?!”

Xiao Wu and Jiu Shen cradled their heads, unable to stand back up from the ground in pain.

Yu Xia opened the weekly to re-examine it and discovered that only one had gotten a photo carefully cut out. The text portions had been destroyed like the others. After some thought, he decided that there was likely no need to go specially investigate this, as he could guess who the person was in the photo that had been cut out. “Once you’re done photographing, wrap up all of this to bring back.”

Yu Xia walked out of the room to see the landlord waiting there for them. “Mr. Officer, do you have any questions?”

“No, we will leave in a bit.” He turned to see the three children waiting there as expected. Seeing them actually listen for once made Yu Xia feel slightly comforted, though he quickly noticed that Dong Feng’s gaze seemed off, fixated unmovingly on the landlord. “What’s wrong?”

Dong Feng did not reply. Instead, he suddenly made some hand signals.

Yu Xia stared blankly for a few seconds before realising that the other person was using sign language at him. His sign language was not the best; although he had previously needed to learn the basis for cases, he was not proficient.

Then, his cellphone went off. When he picked it up, he discovered that it was a text from Yu that said: “He means to say that the landlord’s figure is very similar to one of the people in the surveillance footage.”

Yu Xia silently put his phone away. Rather than focusing on why Dong Feng had decided to use sign language that might not be understood rather than sending a text, he turned his head to look at the landlord next to him. “May I ask if you live nearby?”

“H-huh? I live n-near here. Is there an issue?” The landlord replied, stuttering slightly.

The other person’s expression and tone changed unnaturally. Yu Xia immediately grew suspicious. “May I see your certification?”

“Boss, we…”

It happened just as Xiao Wu walked out, that moment when the tense atmosphere was broken.

The landlord suddenly flared out, forcefully grasping the backpack of Yu Yin, who was closest to him. He then pushed Yu Yin forwards and bolted away out to the staircase.

Yu Xia caught Yu Yin and then tossed him backwards. “Look after them!” He then proceeded to race out after the landlord.

Having been a step late, Yu Xia only saw the landlord jump onto a car across from them. The car then sped down the street at high speeds, vanishing on the other end of the road.


A few seconds later, Xiao Wu also appeared behind him.

“Contact headquarters immediately.”


“The car is a stolen vehicle.”

Soon after returning to the station, Xiao Wu received the information. “Our comrades said they found the car a few streets away. It’s a car that was reported as missing two days ago.”

“What’s the situation with the landlord?” Yu Xia asked as he looked through the photocopies of the materials.

“Our colleagues in the administrative unit said they found the actual landlord. Apparently, someone had trespassed into his home and beaten him up, then forcibly questioned about the tenant’s circumstances before stealing the keys. He didn’t know what was going on either. The senior that first arrived at the scene originally had wanted to test his luck and see if he could question some of the nearby residents, and just happened to bump into the self-proclaimed landlord about to open the door. That was why he had quickly called us over.”

Yu Xia nodded to express his understanding.

“Alright.” Dong Feng turned his paper around to pass a finished sketch of the person over. “This should be usable.”

Xiao Wu looked at the lifelike sketch and immediately ran out with it to distribute for a search.

“You guys still haven’t found the remaining few locations?” Dong Feng pressed down on his slightly aching stomach and slowly let out a breath as he glanced towards the information spread out across the table.

When they returned to the station, Yu Yin had brought Yu back to Yu Xia’s office first, having heard about the prosecution people yet also worried about the situation. Yu Xia and the others had gone into the conference room to inspect the data and see if they could quickly find some clues. Jiu Shen had wormed back into his workstation. Yu Tong was currently dealing with the criminal suspect.

“There should still be three places. One of them is in a building that previously suffered a fire, so it’s pretty wasted. There are only a few residents left. There’s no way it can provide any clues, especially since there are quite a few empty homes on the upper levels, and each home would need to be investigated and contacted. We’re waiting on search warrants for the other two places.” Yu Xia suppressed his frustrated anger somewhat impatiently. He had actually had the strong urge to go in and kick the criminal suspect, then remove their fingernails and pull out their intestines to get them to speak up more quickly. The more he looked at this data, the more his fury grew.

“Protector.” After scanning through the clippings on the table, Dong Feng flatly stated, “He believes he is a protector.”

“Right, which is why he hid Prosecutor Li.” Yu Xia pushed some of the clippings aside. “He views all of Prosecutor Li’s opponents as enemies, from criminals to officials. There are even lawyers too.” They had carefully inspected the photos that had been removed. A lawyer appointed to one of the victims had been among the destroyed ranks. Moreover, the bigger the case, the more severe it was.

“Then he should be hidden in a place that is remote, where no one else would touch him.”

“Inside the building.”

Yu Xia exchanged a look with Dong Feng, then picked up his phone to dispatch personnel.

Dong Feng continued to rummage through the various data on the table. Just as he was about to deduce the time points, he suddenly heard the door opening. While thinking that Yu Xia had been truly fast, he instead spotted a person he had no desire to see.

“Oh? I heard that my old roommate has caught the eye of a stalker.” Yan Si closed the door and lazily walked over, flipping through the papers on the desk. “Don’t tell me that the next amazing revelation will be that my old roommate is actually a female that was just joining the forces on behalf of her father? At this rate, I’ll have to start considering whether I need to get my eyes checked.”

“Have you noticed that whenever your mood changes, your words gets more ridiculous than usual?” Dong Feng coldly asked as he shot the disruptor a sideways look.

“I don’t think it should change that much. But Xiao Dong-zai, do you pay attention to me that much? To think you’re actually so clear on how I normally am…Pfft, how unexpected.” Yan Si pulled a chair over to take a seat, then picked up a paper on the table. “Isn’t this the whatever student column where the Great Prosecutor was covered after doing something admirable back in his school days? How did the stalker get their hands on even this kind of photo?” His former roommate had been so young back then. At the very least, there were no white hairs visible yet, and the face looked like it would transition from the youthful appearance into the future rigid one.

“School columns can be taken from the library, a back-up [copy] from an association, or a borrowed photocopy.” Dong Feng paused for a moment before answering in slight annoyance. “But based on the age of the other clippings and the degree of yellowing, he has already noticed my senior for a while, even if he was not stalking him. At earliest, it might have actually been since the start of university days. He also kept going in and out of prison for a while; the timing of these clippings can be compared against his time stuck in jail.”

“But you guys still don’t have a motive, right? I really have no idea when and why this guy would have set his sights on the Great Prosecutor. That fellow was a standard homebody during his student days. He would hole up in the dorm all day to play video games way more than he does now. You know what a homebody is, right…Ah, excuse my rudeness, I forgot that you’re even more of a homebody than him, sigh.” To think that he was telling a carving homebody about a gaming homebody…Yan Si scratched his head as he revelled at how tied up his brain had been.

Dong Feng could not be bothered to respond, and he continued looking at the information he was holding.

“Tsk tsk, is there really a need to act so unfriendly? In any, there was once a period when I showed care for you too.”

“…You’d better not bring that up again.” The moment Dong Feng thought back to the last time this bastard had done something and forced him to move away overnight, he suddenly felt a murderous urge build up in his stomach. No, saying that it fills only my stomach is letting him off too lightly.

The two then fell into silence for another moment.

“You know that my old roommate is thinking of reopening your case, don’t you.”

Dong Feng’s head shot up. He narrowed his eyes coldly at the other person. “That is none of your business.”

“Of course it is. Anything that’s my old roommate’s business is my business too. I saw that back then….”

A bang rang out, the heavy strike on the table interrupting Yan Si’s words.

“Do not get mixed in.” Dong Feng stood up and looked at him expressionlessly. “You will die.”


Before Yan Si could say anything, the conference room door was suddenly opened. Yu Tong, who had just seen his person off, stuck his head in, ending the rigid and frozen atmosphere.

“Have you seen Ah Yin and Xiao Yu?”


Going back to some time earlier.

After Yu Yin and Yu returned to the office once again, they each did their own things.

Yu Yin soon discovered that his backpack had been broken by that fake landlord, and he felt a bit pained for a moment as he would need to find time and money to spend on buying a new one…He had not used this bag for long, yet the main zipper had been pulled so hard that the opening was deformed now. It seemed as if he would have to change it, as leaving it open like this would make it easy to steal from.

After a while, Yu ran out to buy food, leaving Yu Yin shut inside alone to search the Internet for any news related to a detached finger.

He continued to wait, feeling slightly bored. Just as he was thinking about secretly rummaging through Yu Xia’s desk to see what was there, he suddenly glimpsed a figure in the darkness of a corner. It wasn’t a skeleton, nor the red-eyed little shadow. Rather, it was the extremely familiar girl that had already appeared multiple times.

“…Is today a ghost get-together party?” [They had been coming] one after another from morning up until now. Don’t tell me there’s some kind of ticket dispenser outside calling them by number?

Feeling somewhat disheartened, he sprawled across the desk as he glanced at the girl before him.

From the very beginning, he had never known what exactly this girl’s objective was, since she would not say her cause of death, nor bring him to find her body, let alone give any clear information related to herself.

However, this time, the girl seemed to look slightly different from previous times. She had become fainter, and a somewhat darker colour.

Yu Yin knew this type of condition. He had nearly been doomed last time when the two children had turned this way.

“What should I do?” He still did not know what she sought from him, but it was for certain that she needed some form of help.

He then heard a faint noise. Lowering his head, he spotted a small ash-grey thing roll out next to his feet that immediately made Yu Yin’s scalp turn numb. Without even thinking, he could tell with a glance what it was. He just was not sure if it had originally been in Yu Xia’s office, or if it had come with the girl.

Before he could raise his head back up, the black figure materialised next to him. Yu Yin could only steel himself and slowly reach out towards that thing. The instant his fingers touched it, he heard a shrill scream. The noise was extremely brief, practically only there for an instant before quickly dissipating.

The small object was even colder than he had expected, basically the same as an ice cube. When he gripped it against his palm, it felt as if a piercing cold air directly seeped through his skin. Before he could shift his thoughts, he abruptly realised that the girl had become a lot more distinct, and the black shadows had been significantly reduced. She had the same appearance as he had seen before.

The girl gazed at him and slowly lifted a hand to point in a direction.

“Sorry, I don’t want to leave this place right now. I’m waiting for news of Li-dàgē.” Yu Yin gripped that thing as he let out an exhale. At any rate, any breakable glass had already exploded last time. If this one wanted to go berserk, it couldn’t break anything again.

The girl’s blank face did not change at all. She simply tilted her head to the side.

The next second, various case files and documents on Yu Xia’s desk were swept off onto the floor, as if someone had pushed them off. The white papers spread all over the place. Before Yu Yin could cry out, he saw some photos that fell out of the papers. It was a magnified photo of Li Zi Hong, likely used during the search. The photo had fallen atop all the documents.

He automatically bent down to pick it up, but before he could touch it, the photo slid away from Yu Yin’s fingertips and landed in front of the door.

“You know where Li-dàgē is?” Yu Yin stared at the girl in shock. She was still pointing in some direction, her ashen eyes pointed at him.

Sometimes, when there was no alternative, he would rather believe something indefinite.

Yu Yin made his decision and immediately tidied everything up. When Yu pushed open the door with a large bag of sweets, he was immediately grabbed to run out of the station.

They only needed a chance.


He woke once more.

His surroundings were still completely black. This time, he could not even see a sliver of light. All he felt was an exceptional pain from his head, as if someone had used a knife to repeatedly slash it.

The darkness was extremely quiet, without any sounds. The person that had left still had not appeared. He could touch the water bottle that had fallen off to the side and could sense the burning pain in his throat. However, he did not have the strength to bring the bottle over and open it.

Something suddenly materialised next to him. It was very cold and did not have a large form, and it slowly touched his arm.

It was a tiny hand.

Upon touching his body, the small hand immediately retracted into the darkness, and the feeling mysteriously vaporised like an illusion.

He had to stay awake.

The exceptional pain coming from various parts of his body and a peculiar feeling made him vaguely realise that if he closed his eyes this time, he could very likely never have another chance to re-open them.

He had to maintain his train of thought.

As he tried hard to recall anything that could let him muster strength, he attempted to prop himself up and feel around his surroundings for an exit.

To hide him in here meant there should be an opening large enough for a grown adult to pass through. In addition, it might not be located very far from him.

Once he confirmed that the walls next to him and below him did not have any openings, he heard rustling noises come from below again. Someone was fiddling through something. Then, the noises grew louder, and some kind of furniture was pushed over, letting out a massive thud. A sound of something like sprinkling water seemed to pass in a small circle around the room.

“Oi, oi, are you really sure this is fine?”

It was one of the two people from before that spoke. He paused and quietly laid low in his original position. It was very evident that the two below had a master-servant relationship. The other person that had opened fire was definitely the more powerful leader.

“It’ll be too late once the police finds this place. The last place that guy went to was here, so we should just go through with it and get rid of everything all at once.”

“What if the other person really is still here…”

“Then that’s for the best, can be gotten rid of together. He might know about this stuff too. Do you want to wait for him to report to the police?!”


“Shut up! Who told you to raise the police’s suspicions!”

The voices left the room, but the sprinkling sounds did not stop, instead shifting further away with the people.

Soon afterwards, he sensed the temperature of his surroundings seem to rise significantly, and a bunch of noise popped up below him, like a large quantity of something was being burned. The smell of smoke spread through the darkness and gradually intensified.

He let out a weak cough. He knew he had to quickly leave this place, to fight for escaping as soon as possible before the heat started to rise more quickly.

This type of thing far surpassed his scope of understanding. Moreover, he was unable to shake it off even after a few moments of struggling. The cold sensation spread outwards, suppressing the heat rising from below. However, the sound of the flames did not stop, and the smoke coming up from the cracks increased as well.

In this moment, he abruptly felt a sense of discontentment as he thought of how he would die before a certain other person.

As he was pondering how to try and leave as much evidence, whatever was originally sprawled across his feet instantly felt very physical, and he could practically feel a body.

Before he could figure out what this signified, a sharp scream broke through the darkness, a child’s mournful cry seemingly coming from next to his feet. Then, his strength instantly disappeared in that same moment, and the surroundings were instantly engulfed in an intense heat. He could already faintly see the flames.

Amidst the blaze, he saw the blurred face of a young girl hurriedly sweep past and vanish in a flash.

Then, he heard prodding sounds come from a nearby wall. With a clatter, it was pulled open to the side. It turned out that it was a hidden door that looked extremely similar to the walls. As soon as it was opened, it let in a dim light and a familiar voice calling out.

Cough, cough, Li-dàgē…fuck, how did you end up in this haunted place. Only a ghost would seriously be able to find here…Xiao Yu, stay down there to take him. If the flames come in, hurry up and escape by yourself first.”

He lifted a hand out to be grasped by the other person that had the warmth only a human being possessed. Then, the other person yanked upwards, completely pulling him out from the darkness. He was immediately hit face-first with hot air.

“Good thing the hidden door was next to us…Why are you injured so severely? Li-dàgē, can you hear what I’m saying?” The other person did not wait for his response, hurriedly pushing and pulling him out from the hidden door.

After being dragged out, he discovered that there was a very narrow, small gap outside the hidden door that appeared to be used as a storeroom or depot. The frame of a vent had been tossed to the side, and he was being carefully supported by a youth with many odd-jobs to slowly get him down.

Right as he was about exit that place, he actually sensed something constantly pulling him back, preventing him from leaving. There was a furious roar like that of some wild beast. Then, a gust of wind blew past, pushing away the large body.

“Relax, it’s safe now.”


When Yu Yin realised that the place the girl wanted to bring them to was a bit far, he flagged a taxi without any hesitation and urged the driver to quickly bring them to the destination.

Seeing his panic, Yu did not question too much either, flipping through his wallet to pass all the large bills to the driver.

The driver had originally wanted to grumble a bit, but the moment he received the money, he immediately raced faster.

Fortunately, the location the girl was pointing towards was not actually too far. In addition, the driver had very cooperatively rushed through alleyways at top speed to hurry along the way, and they arrived before a half-abandoned building about ten minutes later.

Yu Yin knew this place. It had apparently broken out into a fire in the past, and quite a few of the residents had moved out afterwards. The building was near deserted now; there were only a few stubborn families that continued living there. He had heard that there were also some vagabonds residing in the empty homes. Not too long ago, some bored person on the internet had called up a kind of search party, spreading a bunch of trash ghost stories.

There was a police car outside the building. He had no idea what that was about, but he did see a few familiar faces.

In order to not disturb the officers, he and Yu rushed in by circling around another route, spotting two people running out from the other side. Since they were tight on time, Yu Yin and Yu did not pay much attention, assuming that they were likely residents, and headed straight up the stairs in the girl’s directions.

Finally, the girl brought them to the seventh floor. The instant Yu Yin arrived at the level, he sensed something wrong. There was a very strong smell of gasoline coming from the home next to him, and there was a raging fire burning behind the open door. The flames quickly spread out to the living room, moving in a straight line along the gasoline to somewhere near the staircase. There were also some small clumps of flames burning all over the place.


The girl turned and vanished into a small junk room off to the side.

Yu Yin shoved the door of the junk room open. The space inside was truly very little. When he glanced up, he spotted pale fingers stretching out from the vent above. That vent was honestly unnaturally large, so he did not hesitate to plant his feet firmly on the ground before directly dismantling the frame. He then immediately noticed that it was quite loose. Not only was it not sealed tightly, but it had been too easy to pull off. Finally, a hidden door appeared in front of him.

He did not have the time to admire the fact that someone in this day and age had installed this kind of hidden door in an apartment. Pulling open the door, the first thing that leaked out was smoke. A breeze blew past, dispersing the smoke clouds. Then he saw a small, black figure roaring furiously at him from inside, its crimson eyes filled with intense malice like before.

The girl pushed that black thing away, and he then caught sight of a familiar face completely engulfed by darkness in the adjacent space and he immediately reached in.

From behind Yu Yin, Yu also stretched a long arm in to help pull Li Zi Hong down from the adjacent space above.

Li Zi Hong was heavily injured. Aside from the largest injury on the upper left side of his head that was split apart from being hit by something, his limbs were covered in cuts and bruises of various sizes. His clothes had been changed, different from his usual style. Rather, it was a bit similar to that of the suspect that had been captured. The thing that drew Yu’s attention the most were the new wounds on his shoulders that had clearly been inflicted after changing clothes.

“What’s with this injury?” Yu Yin opened his palm to see it covered in blood.

“Gun,” Yu immediately confirm when he fiddled with the clothes to see the wound.

“A gun wound? How could he have a gun wound…Forget it, let’s just hurry up and leave this place, or else the fire will get too big.” Yu Yin glanced at the large fire that had already spread close to the junk room. Choking on the thick smoke, he carried the other person on his back with Yu’s help, kicking open the door to this home and going down the stairs before the flames completely swallowed the level.

By the time they descended down to the fifth floor, a commotion had arisen outside. He could hear a mass of shouts and the sirens of the fire brigade off into the distance.

When they went down the stairs, they saw two of three people that were likely residents hurriedly run out. One idiot actually tried to go press for the elevator. Before they could stop him, that person saw the thin flames lick out from the cracks between the elevator door and immediately turned towards the stairs to escape with the others.

Yu Yin vaguely guessed that the arsonist must have tossed the remaining gasoline into the elevator, which was why the intensity of the fire was rising so rapidly.

When they charged out of the building, several members of the fire brigade raced forward to help quickly pull them out. Then, two people took Li Zi Hong and carried him into the ambulance. He and Yu were soon pushed on as well. Likely seeing that he looked older, the rescue personnel pulled him aside to start asking him all kinds of questions.

He recalled that amidst the mess, he had answered that Yu could not speak and requested for them to rescue [Li Zi Hong] first. He had then called the police station to report the situation to Yu Xia. Then he had tossed his cellphone towards the rescue personnel to ask their questions.

Before the ambulance drove away, Yu Yin caught a glimpse of two familiar yet also unfamiliar figures at the very back of the crowd that belonged to the two they had seen before entering the building. However, since they were too far away, he could not get a clear vision of them aside from getting a sense that they were slightly old.

The ambulance then drove away.

Most of the time, he was usually the one lying down in the ambulance. Yet now he was the one sitting…Yu Yin slapped himself to clear his mind when this inexplicable thought crossed his mind.

Upon arriving at the nearest hospital, Li Zi Hong was immediately sent to the ER.

Yu Yin had Yu wait outside while he walked out of the ER with his cellphone. Right when he was about to write some news and make another call to report the current situation, he was shocked to discover the girl standing in the hallway. There was a child still wearing patient garments circling around her.

She smiled, disappearing into thin air.

Then, he heard bitter crying from a family that had lost their child.

He truly did not like hospitals.

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