There’s a Dragon Girl in the Desolate Sea

Chapter 38

Chapter 38:

The fourth piece Chapter 1: Seven

After saying this, Linglong suddenly saw Liang Zhao’s expression and her heart suddenly shook.

Oh…it seems to say something that shouldn’t be said…

She reacted quickly and showed a sweet smile: “What do you think those subjugated princesses in the storybook love to use this trick?”

Liang Zhao just let go of his heart and said that his wife is gentle and elegant, how could she say such a thing. He took Linglong into his arms and smiled softly: “Madam said that I think my father has his own plan. Madam doesn’t need to worry about it for the time being.”

Linglong didn’t want to worry that what she cared about was whether Liang Zhao would be unhappy. If he didn’t, then it wouldn’t be better.

The two of you, Nong, and Nong were about to roll out their sheets while they were confused and sentimental. Suddenly, someone came to report that it was an old friend of the Lord who had come and begged to see him outside.

What kind of old friends Liang Zhaoneng has is nothing more than the four poor, **** noses, ears, dead fish eyes, and the national character face. Forgive Linglong until now I still don’t remember their names. Four popular faces are really meaningless to Linglong. She has always Just remember that there are too many ordinary skins of good-looking people, which is not worth her attention.

As soon as he heard that an old friend came to the door, Liang Zhao instantly learned from his wife what it means to change face. A second ago, he was still tender and full of sweetness, and let him love him. The next second, his face became cold and he barely rolled his eyes. He was a little funny in his heart, but he didn’t get up from her, but said to the people through the door: “The officer has important things, tell them to wait.”


“My husband has something important,” Ling Long chuckled lightly, and circled Liang Zhao’s chest with her fingers. “I don’t know how important it is, so I don’t know how busy my husband is to meet old friends?”

He grabbed the restless finger, put it to his mouth and took a bite, “Madame may wish to guess.”

“I don’t guess.” Linglong refused him mercilessly. “People came to see my husband, but my husband is here to declare adultery with me day by day. It’s not great.” After speaking, I felt a little rude, so she smiled and changed her words, “My husband. It’s better to go and see them soon, in case there is something important, it won’t be good to delay.”

Liang Zhao smiled sullenly, and the original heavy mood was also because she felt the slightest joy. Don’t look at her being so generous, let him meet those four poor old friends. Liang Zhao dared to swear that if he really dared to leave her behind and turn around, he wouldn’t even want to touch her for the next month. What to do, his wife does not seem to be as gentle and virtuous as a mother as he imagined, but rather full of mysteries.

But he liked it very much, no matter what she looked like.

“Whatever they do.” Liang Zhao went to kiss her soft red lips, “Since I am asking to see me, I won’t wait for a while, how can I show off my arrogance? Anyway, I am also a ruin now. The upright Beijing officials are very different from their group of commoners.”

Linglong liked his answer, and was a little more pleasant to him: “Since this is the case, what the husband is still trying to do, you must know that a moment is worth a lot of money, how can it be wasted on such a person.” You don’t need to ask Linglong to know who these people are. What I did, I haven’t seen it for a few months. I guess it’s because of the money spent or it’s impossible to open the pot. The four of them have always gone to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. They are usually idiots and kind. For the sake of taking care of them, how did those four treat idiots? He killed him alive, how could Linglong easily spare them?

She is so simple, straightforward and enthusiastic, Liang Zhao likes it very much! He whispered: “Follow Madam’s orders.” He leaned down and went to bliss with her.

It was an hour after Liang Zhao was full and drunk. The wife in his arms is like a kitten, and he wants to accompany her more. Linglong pulled his sleeve lazily and asked, “I also want to go with my husband.”

Liang Zhao was a little helpless: “Madam can walk?” He said softly and his eyes were smiling, clearly making fun of her being tender and tender. At this moment, she was still soft as boneless in his arms, how could such a beauty be seen by those who are waiting for the next job.

Linglong glared at him, and then changed to yelling: “What the husband said is really insulting to gentleness. The concubine can’t walk, but isn’t it because he still has the arms of the husband. Isn’t it even a concubine?”

Liang Zhao laughed loudly, really picked her up, put on clothes and put on his arms, and went to see his “old friends”.

After months of absence, the old friends look even more ugly. It is said that the Buddha wants gold clothes and people want clothes. This is not false. Except for people who are naturally beautiful, ordinary people need foreign objects to embellish them. But these few people in front of them are dressed in shabby clothes and have not even a jade pendant on their waists. , Even all day long Zhihuzhe can’t eat anything in the wind and snow, there is still time to think about other things. Linglong has always disliked them. Although she said that their ugliness was one of the reasons, more importantly, she felt that these four people were like blood-sucking worms.

The nerd is good enough to them, and I have never seen them have any gratitude, and even the drunk nerd wants to come and abuse the nerd’s wife. It is simply a gratitude and revenge. There is no shame in it. The saints and sages have probably been read to the ancestral grave.

“Four brothers, haven’t seen each other for a long time, really rare guests.” Liang Zhao sat down on the chair with Linglong in his arms, looking at the four in his spare time, “I wonder if you can enlighten me at the door today?”

“That’s it, Brother Liang, I’ll wait”

Talking on the mouth, but the eyeballs can’t help but look at the delicate and moisturized face of the radiant face. They are jealous. Why are they poor students? Liang Zhao is so lucky? Not only did the high school champion enter Dali Temple, there is also such a peerless beauty as his wife! Everyone is the same, so why is Liang Zhao taller than them? But he is a lone person without a father and no mother, but good luck makes people angry.

“Let’s talk.” Linglong didn’t like to listen to their nonsense and interrupted bluntly. “Is it lack of rice and noodles, or is it money for food?”

Really, it’s an old routine, come to the autumn breeze every three chasing five, these scholars are really cheeky and amazing, they don’t have any face. What kind of sage books are there to read, and what imperial examinations are needed? Wow, the commoner is so greedy for petty and cheap, if he really wants to have power, wouldn’t it harm Fangxiang? This kind of person really deserves to fail the exam. They won’t pass the exam next year, and never want to pass the exam.

Blind Fisheye was a bit angry, but now the situation is not strong, and he is really asking for help, so he can only swallow his anger. Linglong was not polite, so he turned to talk to Liang Zhao, and gave Liang Zhao a reason that he could not refuse: “…The other day, there was a letter from my home that the old mother was in critical condition and asked me to go back just to buy the four treasures of the study. The silver two had been spent, so I had to look for Brother Liang with a cheeky, and wanted to borrow some silver to make a entanglement, and then I would go to Beijing to take the exam next year, and I would definitely return it twice.”

Whoever believes in foolishness.

In this high-sounding nonsense, I am afraid that only the four words “cheeky” are true. Linglong smiled and said, “This Xiongtai is really interesting. You used it once last year for the same reason. I borrowed my husband’s fifty taels of silver as a package. In fact, I also said at the time that when I return to my hometown from Beijing, I don’t need to pay for it. Twelve taels, but four of them insisted on quibbling that fifty taels were missing. Later, my husband, a lousy man, secretly borrowed money from me, but you did not return home. The fifty taels have not yet been returned.” This is I’m addicted to scamming money, and I feel that there are so few big characters written on Liang Zhao’s face.

Liang Zhao’s predecessor was a businessman. Of course, he knew what kind of tree fifty taels of silver was. If he was frugal, it would be enough for an ordinary family to live for several years. But the four of them borrowed the money but they went back to their hometown to visit the sick mother. They took the silver and went to drink wine together!

It is better to commit suicide if you want to participate in scientific examinations because of this virtue.

Refusing to work hard, I knew that complaining about other people’s luck is better than myself, and my heart is higher than the sky. Before I was named on the gold list, I began to fantasize about marrying a few wives and concubines. I can’t see that others are better than myself. , The wives they marry, they also want to be jealous, and they are also conspiring to give Liang Zhao a cuckold one by one, which is really exhausted.

I didn’t even return Liang Zhao’s fifty taels of silver. It’s really shameless and skinny to get home. In fact, the eldest princess should find such a man to be her husband. The husband and wife complain about each other and fight each other for a lifetime. That’s really exciting. Why bother innocent people.

Liang Zhao also had that memory in his heart. Linglong was in charge of her money at home, but she would regularly give him some pocket money. The fifty taels of silver she borrowed was collected by Liang Zhao herself, and she did not expect to lend it to these people. All hit the water. If you borrow money, it will be better to pay back later, but this “later” will last too long!

Liang Zhao ran out of money and didn’t dare to tell Linglong how did Linglong know? Liang Zhao glanced suspiciously at Linglong, her face was full of spring, but she treated everyone besides him without any excuses. It seemed that in the bottom of her heart, he was the most unique and important one.

If Linglong read Liang Zhao’s heart at this moment, she would tell him: Yes, you are of course the most unique and important to me, because no one else is as delicious as you! You are the most delicious one, of course I am toward you!

Liang Zhao bowed his hands to the four: “Everyone knows that I have just entered Dali Temple and need to do everything. Madam is working hard for my official career. There is really no surplus in the family, otherwise I have to lend it to a few people anyway.”

Hearing Liang Zhao said that he had no money, the faces of all four of them were disappointed, and they did not hide it. The greed that was exposed outside of the bones was so obvious that the idiot who had been blind could not see it before, and he thought it stupidly. People really want to befriend him.

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