These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 103: No, he’s my Earl Rosewood!

Rian ignored King Augustus in favour of quick medical action on Ren Xiyang. First, he had to quickly gather magical energy from around them. Then, he followed the visible burns on Ren Xiyang’s skin and cast a few focused healing spells for internal and external burns and lightning wounds.

He regretted a part of their plan. They had wanted to minimally injure King Augustus while winning at the same time. This way, they wouldn’t appear violent, whilst showing off their finesse and field control.

But now, Rian wanted to make King Augustus feel pain and crush his sense of self-esteem.

Ren Xiyang stirred slightly, drawing Rian’s attention back to the most important thing at hand. Rian drew more magic from the air and continued casting.


Rian lifted his head at the sound of King Augustus’s voice.

King Augustus had a murderous look on his face, and he was getting quite close.

Princess Aurelia and Duke Mauveine also approached from either side of the field.

Rian didn’t stand up. (He didn’t have the energy.)

“What did you do, Azure?!” King Augustus demanded.

Duke Mauveine had a foreboding feeling. He dashed the last few meters to intercept King Augustus before he could reach Prince Rian.

“Your Majesty, the duel is over,” Duke Mauveine said in Angian. “According to the contract—”

The damned contract! King Augustus realised. “Where is that damned contract?”

Princess Aurelia lowered her eyes. “I have it here, Your Majesty.”

King Augustus grabbed it and scanned over the conditions once more.

—If any of these terms are voided, the offending duellist would have their magic restricted til the end of this contract.

“Where did I void the contract?” King Augustus gritted his teeth.

Rian smiled slightly, but his eyes were cold. “Because the duel had ended yet you continued to fight. King Augustus, did you not read the contract fully before signing it?”

Duke Mauveine wanted to shake Prince Rian. At this critical juncture, why are you provoking him!

“What do you mean?” King Augustus demanded.

Princess Aurelia’s lips thinned. Her eyes were shadowed, her gaze sweeping between King Augustus and Prince Rian. Prince Rian had gambled on her father losing his temper, and Prince Rian had gambled correctly. Is the start of Sedaveria’s invasion? she thought sardonically.

Rian raised a hand and gestured towards his own cheek. He smiled innocently, yet in the context, it was mocking. “You may like to check.”

King Augustus narrowed his eyes. He glanced at Princess Aurelia. His daughter wouldn’t meet his eyes.

He reluctantly touched his cheek and felt a sting of pain. A droplet of blood touched his finger.

There was a cut on his cheek.

When did this happen?

In King Augustus’s hubris, he had never bothered to cast a general personal shield around himself. He dropped his lightning shield after the bombardment ended.

The tiny piece of metal had been so thin, so gentle. When it slid across King Augustus’s cheek, he hadn’t even noticed.

“First blood, as caused by Earl Rosewood,” Rian said, maintaining his smile.

King Augustus’s face became extremely bad. If he voided one condition, then he may as well void the rest. “Aurelia, give me my sword.”

Princess Aurelia’s chest tightened. “Yes, Your Majesty.” But she didn’t leave immediately. She couldn’t leave King Augustus standing here alone.

“Did you read the rest of the contract?” Rian asked mildly. “For each voided condition, your magic will be restricted for another three months.”

King Augustus crushed the contract in his hands, but he couldn’t turn it into electrified ash. The magical contract wouldn’t rip under physical force and he had no magic at his disposal (fuck these bastard Sedaverians!). And it wasn’t the only contract—Duke Mauveine held two other copies!

King Augustus’s face became even worse. Should he order Aurelia to execute them immediately? But if so, all those watching Sedaverians would immediately try to kill him. He wasn’t stupid, there were hundreds of Angians who wanted him dead, and those in the audience today might well try their luck in the chaos to assassinate him.

He hated this feeling of weakness. And it was all Rian Azure’s fault!

He clenched his fists. “Then leave! Leave immediately or I’ll have your entire convoy killed!”

“Don’t forget to pay the fines. One hundred thousand gold coins because you lost, and an additional ten thousand coins because you didn’t stop after the duel ended,” Rian said. “Let me remind you that these sums should be paid within a week. If you’re late, your magic will be restricted for an extra three months. And if you never pay it, the contract’s effects will never end.”

King Augustus stomped over, raising his feet to kick that smarmy face—

Duke Mauveine stopped him with a magic shield. “King Augustus, we request your grace. Earl Rosewood is injured and needs to see a healer,” he said politely.

King Augustus sneered. He looked between Duke Mauveine, Prince Rian, and Princess Aurelia. All of them were annoying in his eyes. “Tch. None of you are allowed in Angio again!” He turned on his heel. “Aurelia, with me.”

Princess Aurelia lowered her head. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Duke Mauveine also lowered his head. “We thank King Augustus for benevolence and hospitality,” he said.

King Augustus didn’t look back or acknowledge that he heard.

Duke Mauveine’s lips thinned. He turned back to Prince Rian. “Allow me to take Earl Rosewood.”

“Only I can carry Earl Rosewood,” Rian said firmly.

“…Can you stand?”

“I can.” After taking a deep breath, Rian strained and successfully stood up, Ren Xiyang still unconscious in his arms.

“Now lead the way.”

Duke Mauveine sighed. “Yes, Your Highness.” He pulled off his coat. “At least cover Earl Rosewood with this.” The clothes on Earl Rosewood’s body were either shredded or burned or both.

Rian accepted. “Thank you.”

Duke Mauveine arranged the coat over Earl Rosewood, trying not to give a sarcastic response. He’d be more thankful if Prince Rian hadn’t done this in the first place.



There was chaos in the aftermath.

The spectators in the seating area couldn’t hear what King Augustus and Prince Rian were talking about. They could only watch as Earl Rosewood fell into Prince Rian’s arms and as King Augustus stomped over and shouted.

However, it was clear that something had gone wrong. Soon, someone noticed that one of the floating balls had turned red…King Augustus’s one.

Shock. A falling-pit feeling in the stomach.

King Augustus lost?

What should they do now???

The moment Princess Aurelia de-activated the shields around the watching area, the Sedaverians rushed out to intercept Duke Mauveine and Prince Rian.

But the Angian audience hesitated. They really didn’t know what to do now!

Normally, King Augustus would be boasting and celebrating, while the unfortunate (dead) opponent was quietly taken away by the servants. The surviving Angian nobles would give their congratulations to the king, reconfirming their allegiance to him.

Instead, King Augustus and Princess Aurelia were walking swiftly away, the duelling contract scrunched up in King Augustus’s hand.

Should they follow? Should they leave? It was likely that either way, King Augustus would dislike it. But if they all did the same thing, he couldn’t punish all of them…but he might randomly punish a few as an example…

The Angian nobles started to slowly walk down from the viewing area—either way, they couldn’t stay right here.

Count Aegean was the fastest over to Prince Rian. “What happened?” he demanded. “Earl Rosewood, is he—”

“He’ll be fine,” Rian said firmly. “King Augustus lost before that final lightning strike, which meant he technically broke the terms of the contract. His magic has been restricted, for at least three months.”

Those in earshot suddenly paused.

Count Aegean knew what it meant because he had read the contract, but the rest of the audience did not.

Prince Marcus scowled and pushed to the front. “What do you mean?” he demanded.

Rian shifted Ren Xiyang in his arms, hugging him closer. (A shame he couldn’t enjoy it given the circumstances.) “King Augustus signed a contract. Upon breaking its terms, his magic has been restricted,” Rian repeated.

“You mean he can’t cast any magic?”

“Not until he fulfils the other terms of the contract and the contract ends.”

“And when will that be?”

“That would depend on King Augustus,” Rian said. “If you want to know more details, I suggest you ask Princess Aurelia and King Augustus.”

Prince Marcus snorted. “I do what I want.” With that, he turned on his heel and headed back to the castle, an echo of King Augustus’s manner.

The gathered Sedaverians and Angians were stunned.

King Augustus couldn’t use his magic right now! That means—that means—

“Let’s not delay,” Duke Mauveine said. “We must leave at once.” He nodded to the Angians. “My apologies for our sudden departure, King Augustus has ordered it so.”

A few of the Angio nobles thought with disdain, Of course, if they suddenly had no powers, they wouldn’t want to keep the enemy around either.

Some others felt a secret sense of schadenfreude. King Augustus does know fear, otherwise, why would he send away the Sedaverians who defeated him? Now he knows what it feels like.

Prince Pollux had his servant push him forward. “We understand. Have safe travels.” He glanced at Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood, wondering if Earl Rosewood would become like him. But if that occurred, Earl Rosewood wouldn’t even need to walk, he could just fly everywhere. “I never thanked you for the gift.”

Rian nodded and smiled. “It was my pleasure to meet you, and I’m sure Earl Rosewood felt the same way. I hope the gift is useful, and I hope we can meet again. If you wish to visit Sedaveria, do not hesitate to contact my office.”

Prince Pollux didn’t nod but he didn’t shake his head either. He watched quietly as Prince Rian and the Sedaverians started walking away. Then he and his servants headed back towards the castle.



“We need to leave immediately,” Duke Mauveine. “I need all our belongings in the castle retrieved, and for someone to fetch the servants and guards lodging in the city.”

“Take some guards to accompany the servants, just in case,” Rian ordered. “Lord Celeste, if you could accompany them too.”

Lord Celeste nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Healer Mage Meliora hurried forward. “Your Highness, let me see to Earl Rosewood.”

Rian shook his head slightly. “No need, I’ve already done so. He just needs sleep.”

Count Aegean’s face twisted in annoyance. “Your Highness, now is not the time to play around with Earl Rosewood’s life!”

Rian gave a reassuring smile that didn’t reassure Count Aegean. (His smiles had never assured Count Aegean!) “I wouldn’t dare,” Rian said. “If someone can bring the Imperial carriage over, then I can let Earl Rosewood lie down inside.”

One of Rian’s Royal Guards immediately saluted. “I will do so immediately, Your Highness!”

Count Aegean gave Prince Rian a long look. Seeing the way Prince Rian gently held Earl Rosewood in his arms, and his possessiveness to the point of being the only one to heal Earl Rosewood, Count Aegean had a sudden feeling that something wasn’t right. There had always been something not quite right about the close friendship between the two, but now, Count Aegean had a different feeling.

The way Prince Rian was holding Earl Rosewood was closer than it should be.

Count Aegean pursed his lips. “You and Earl Rosewood, rest right here. We’ll handle the rest. And please do consult us before doing anything.”

“Yes, Count Aegean,” Rian said dutifully.

The group split up, each on their own tasks. There was no time for delay.



King Augustus was seething and extremely short-tempered. Some of the Angian nobles had returned to the castle, while others had quickly left the castle grounds.

The ones who came must secretly want to assassinate him! The ones who left were disloyal to him!

No, he could only surround himself with his personal guards and with his children. He climbed up to his rooms at the top of his castle tower, shut everyone outside, and brooded.

No amount of trying would create even a tiny electric spark.

How was this possible? How could he have lost? He couldn’t have lost! There must be some trick!

Damn those bastards!

In a fit of anger, he picked up the items in the room and smashed them.


Princess Aurelia, Prince Marcus, Princess Marcia, Prince Pollux, and Princess Ariadne were standing right outside his door. Each of them had their own thoughts while they stood there in silence—they weren’t stupid enough to chatter.

Prince Marcus’s upper lip curled up in disdain. To think that his father would throw a tantrum like a child. Look how weak his father was now, acting like a cornered de-clawed beast.

Princess Marcia felt numb. Their father was taking his anger out on inanimate objects first. He’ll take his anger out on people next.

Princess Ariadne didn’t want to be here. Everything felt suffocating, she wanted to leave. She also wondered exactly how Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood had done all that.

Prince Pollux had his head bowed. Combined with his seated posture in his wheelchair, no one could see his cold expression. He had already ordered his servants to modify the floating chair from Prince Rian. He wondered whether he should take this opportunity to let his father feel his pain.

And Princess Aurelia was thinking about all the consequences. She was not optimistic about breaking the contract—blood contracts were notorious, and she believed Prince Rian would have done everything he could to ensure that the contract was unbreakable.

This meant King Augustus would be without magical power for at least three months. The political situation will rapidly become unstable. There could be conspiracies, rebellions, and coups.

And she would become King Augustus’s weapon.

That thought invoked a deep sense of rejection.






Count Aegean: Let someone heal Earl Rosewood—

Rian: No! My Earl Rosewood!

Count Aegean: ….



Rian’s Earl Rosewood during duelling:

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