These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do


Ren Xiyang received no communication back from the main house, but he didn’t mind. It wouldn’t be surprising if the admin was slow here too. In fact, the delay was good, because that gave Ren Xiyang time to work on other items.

After a day of deliberating on potential plague-curse prevention methods, Ren Xiyang shifted gears once again.

The next morning, he went for another run. When he returned to his rooms, he opened the many books he had gathered. He didn’t know enough about the world—the novel was a romance, not an exercise in tedious world building, and Alyssa’s past experiences were very limited in scope.

At breakfast time, Kel knocked on the door.

“Young Master Rosewood, this morning, the cooks have prepared sausages and eggs, fresh bread, sliced fruit, and a glass of milk,” she introduced.

“Thank you.”

Kel remained in the room as Ren Xiyang ate. He glanced at her, noting her maid-style long black dress with white frilly apron.

He frowned slightly. “Kel, what are the uniform rules for the Rosewood employees like yourself?”

Kel straightened. “For maids, we must wear a long black wool dress with a white apron in winter, and a long black cotton dress with a white apron in summer. For manservants, they must wear a black waistcoat, grey trousers, and white shirt. In the winter, they must also wear a black tuxedo coat.”

“Change the rules, any combination of black, grey and white clothing is sufficient,” Ren Xiyang said. He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. “Clothing of any style is acceptable as long as it facilitates the completion of your work. If anyone wishes to wear short sleeves and short trousers, then do so. All servants are allowed to wear any colour-and-movement appropriate dresses, shirts, coats, and so forth. It can be as elaborate or austere as one wishes. I hope that all Rosewood employees will have some room to display their uniqueness and wear comfortable clothing.”

Ren Xiyang’s mouth went dry from so much talking, so he drank some milk.

Kel struggled not to frown. Young Master’s words felt instinctively wrong in a way she couldn’t articulate. Maids were meant to wear their maid uniforms, and manservants were meant to wear their manservant uniforms. That was just the way things were.

“Can you convey that to the others? If that’s too informal, I’ll write it down.”

Kel lowered her head silently without answering.

“Your current uniforms also fall within the guidelines, so nothing needs to change if you wish.”

Ren Xiyang decided to write it down. He moved the tray of food aside and quickly wrote up the new relaxed uniform code and signed it off with a flourish of Ayden Rosewood.

“Here, you can read this out to the others.”

Kel shook her head. “Young Master, I can’t read.” Her forehead creased a little. “I believe that Aaron can read.”

“You can’t read?”

Kel tensed when she saw Ayden Rosewood frowning.

“If Aaron can read, then his new job is to teach all the workers in the Rosewood manor to read,” Ren Xiyang said. “If not, organise for a teacher to come to the manor. I’ll deal with the expenses.”

Kel’s eyes widened slightly. “Really? You want us to learn to read?”

“Yes. Studying every day is everyone’s new task.”

“Understood, Young Master!”

Ren Xiyang nodded. He finished up his breakfast and drank the last of the milk. Kel quickly stepped forward to take the tray. Ren Xiyang slipped the uniform rules on the empty corner of the tray.

“Is there anything else this morning, Young Master Rosewood?”

“Yes. Have someone go and buy a handful of chillies, and a large bag of these soybeans. If possible, also buy a small portion of any spices that the kitchen currently doesn’t have.” Ren Xiyang patted the pockets of his clothes and pulled out a few coins, also putting them on the tray. “After you buy the ingredients, take them to the kitchen. The dried soybeans should be soaked in fresh water.”

Kel bobbed her head. “Yes, Young Master Rosewood. I will find the servants who previously visited the markets.”

“That’s all for now, thank you, Kel.” Ren Xiyang’s eyes curved slightly. It was nice to have competent people to delegate tasks to.

Kel bowed once more and left the Young Master’s suite. Then she hurried back to the kitchens to spread the news!

At this point, the other servants were starting to feel numb to surprise.

First was the death of their original masters, then came the sudden appearance of an unknown powerful Rosewood child who liked farming, dyed his hair black and didn’t follow any nobility protocols and rules and liked saying ‘thank you’ to the servants. In retrospect, proverbially ripping up centuries old uniform codes and ordering the servants to learn how to read didn’t seem that out of character for Ayden Rosewood.

“—And he still has that black hair?” a servant asked.

“Yes,” Kel confirmed. “And it’s very straight, too.”

A few servants looked at Kel with some envy. They wanted to sneak a peek at what the Young Master looked like now.



Those servants had their wish granted that afternoon when Ayden Rosewood suddenly came down to the kitchens.

The group of servants hanging around quickly lined up against the wall, exclaiming silently in their hearts. Kel was right! Ayden Rosewood looked so different with straight black hair, though his cold red eyes were exactly the same.

“Where are the soybeans?” Ren Xiyang asked.

Mrs. Cooks hurried forward. “Good afternoon, Young Master Rosewood! We have soaked these beans as you requested, here.” She showed him a big pot with the soaking beans.

Ren Xiyang saw the plump soybeans. “Good, thanks. Where do you wash your hands?”

“Here, Young Master Rosewood.” Mrs. Cooks showed him the tap and sink.

“There’s no soap?”

Mrs. Cooks shook her head. “Young Master, the hand soap is reserved for your use.” And the other Rosewoods never went to the kitchen!

“Soap is required to remove germs,” Ren Xiyang said. He glanced at the gathered servants. “I’m unfamiliar with what you know. Have you heard of germs, bacteria, and viruses?”

Mrs. Cooks glanced at the other servants and shook her head. “I’m sorry, Young Master Rosewood, we have not heard of those things.”

Ren Xiyang had expected this. He started to explain briefly, “Germs is a term for pathogenic microorganisms…”

What the servants heard next made their skin crawl and itch.

Germs were all around them?? Germs caused diseases?!! Germs were tiny and everywhere and they couldn’t see them and they were the cause of all those plagues in history…!!

“…And washing your hands with soap is able to rid most of the germs.” He looked at the other servants. “For now, someone can divide the soap available in the manor to all hand-washing locations.”

“I’ll do it, Young Master Rosewood!” a manservant quickly volunteered.

Ren Xiyang nodded. “Thank you.”

“I’ll bring some soap here first,” the manservant added.


Ren Xiyang turned to the head cook. “Can you get something to grind these beans with?”

“Yes, of course,” Mrs. Cooks said. She turned her back for a moment, only to find that the Young Master was lifting the pot of beans and draining most of the water out by himself!

“Young Master Rosewood! Let us work in the kitchens!” Mrs. Cooks implored, hurrying over with a very large mortar and pestle. She placed it down on the nearest table with a heavy thud.

Ren Xiyang put the pot on the table and stepped back. “Okay,” he said, not bothering to argue.

Mrs. Cooks called over some of the servants to get another large mortar and pestle. By that time, the manservant finding soap returned with some. Mrs. Cooks and the few other cooks carefully washed their hands before beginning to grind the soybeans.

“It’s best to get it as smooth as possible. After that, it needs to be strained through a cloth,” Ren Xiyang directed. “The liquid is soy milk, which needs to be cooked for about a quarter of an hour, skimming the bubbles from the surface.”

“Yes, Young Master Rosewood.” Mrs. Cooks expertly followed the instructions. “Young Master, you can tell us the rest of the steps.” —And so you can leave and not hover around us, please!

Ren Xiyang told them the rest of the instructions. In total, it could take up to two hours. Then he tested the array of spices and sauces that were available in the kitchen and told them how to make a type of chilli sauce.

“It’s best to serve this with rice if possible, but something similar in shape and texture can also work,” he finally added. “Please make it for my dinner tonight. It can be eaten in place of meat, or with other sweet or savoury sauces.”

Mrs. Cooks nodded. “Of course, Young Master.”

Once the Young Master left, the servants looked at each other, sighing in relief and relaxing. The kitchen had been very quiet aside from the sound of utensils and food preparation, and Ayden Rosewood briefly speaking and Mrs. Cooks answering.

“Master Rosewood doesn’t want to eat meat for dinner?” a servant questioned, confused.

“I believe so,” Mrs. Cooks replied, also a bit confused.

“Perhaps this ‘tofu’ is delicious?”

“We’ll have to wait and see.”

“@#$#%! This ‘chilli’ is burning my mouth!”

Laughter burst out. “Go drink some water!”

“Did Master Rosewood say that drinking milk can help if the chilli sauce is too hot? Go drink some milk!”

Glug glug glug! I’m drinking but it burns the moment I stopppp!!!!”





A transmigration novel wouldn’t be complete without the introduction of a new food XD

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