These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 118: Find out what Princess Aurelia discovered…!

Rian’s eyes curved as he chuckled. “Thank you, Earl Rosewood, for humouring me. Is there anything else on your agenda?”

“Not for today. There are other things we need to talk about, but we’ll do that in person.”

Rian raised an eyebrow. “That sounds ominous.”

“It is.”

Rian narrowed his eyes, examining Ren Xiyang’s deadpan face. Was he joking or telling the truth?

“Why can’t we talk about it now? I want to know,” Rian pouted.

“No, it’ll be better in person.”

“What about a hint?” Rian tried.

“Don’t worry, trust me.”

“Is there any way I can prepare for your questioning?”

“Just be yourself.” Ren Xiyang’s lips quirked up.

Rian: “…” He could hear the echo of his words being spoken back at him.

Rian could only give up (for now). “Well, allow me to report the success of my meeting yesterday. The contract variation and letter is being delivered by the Imperial messengers…”



The next day, Ren Xiyang went to work as usual, continuing his inspections of projects across the fief.

When he returned home, he was informed of two things:

Firstly, Prince Rian had sent him a small parcel.

And secondly, Marquis Terra’s first caravan of goods had just arrived at the Cedar fief and will be on its way to the Rosewood fief. The caravan was accompanied by Lord Hadrian Terra.

With a mage guarding the caravan, Ren Xiyang didn’t need to send any guards himself.

The small parcel was curious. Ren Xiyang took it back to his room to open.

Inside, there was a letter and some seeds wrapped in an embroidered handkerchief.

The letter wrote:

Dear Earl Rosewood,

I have attached seeds of scented flowers, I hope you will like them; their perfume scents this letter.

Kind regards,

Crown Prince Rian.

Ren Xiyang sniffed the letter. The floral scent mixed with the earthiness of the paper. It didn’t smell bad and seemed familiar. He didn’t know why Rian sent them to him to plant, though—was there a trick? Was the planting difficult?

That evening, when they talked, Rian looked smug.

“Did you receive my parcel?” he asked.

“I did. Do you want me to plant them for you? What kind of flowers are they?”

“They are Osiria and Novalis roses.”

“Okay. Do you know how to grow them?”

“No.” Rian had the expression of—how could you expect me to know?

“Right, I see. Is there any time you need them by?”

“Please grow them at your leisure.”


“What about the rest of the parcel?”

Ren Xiyang blinked. “There wasn’t anything else in the parcel.”

“The letter and the handkerchief!”


Rian was exasperated. “They’re meant to be the courting gift! The handkerchief’s embroidery—didn’t you notice its fire and ice motif? It symbolises us! And didn’t you smell the letter? It has one of my favourite perfumes that I use. You’re supposed to be reminded of me. The seeds were just a bonus!”

Ren Xiyang blinked, taking a moment to process the information. “Oh.”

Rian should have expected this, from a man who had given him and Florence and Adrienne roses as ordinary-friends gifts years ago.

Ren Xiyang picked up the letter and smelt it again. He looked up, red eyes framed with black lashes. “Hm, you’re right. It does smell of you.” His voice was low, his tone soft.

Ba-dump went Rian’s heart.

“But your complete scent is deeper than this,” Ren Xiyang continued, smelling the letter again. “Next time we meet, I can re-evaluate.”

Rian felt a little hot under the collar. “Yes, you can.”

Ren Xiyang put the letter away and examined the handkerchief next. He hadn’t noticed the embroidery before. “Did you do this yourself?”

“…No, I asked my tailors to do so.”

“Did you draw the pattern yourself?”

“…” Rian pressed his lips together. He didn’t want to answer.

Ren Xiyang snickered. “What’s with your expression? I’m just teasing you,” he said. “I learned from the best.”

Rian rolled his eyes, but his lips curled up anyway. “Can’t you come to the Capital early?”

“Well.” Ren Xiyang crossed his arms and leaned back. “Now that I know I need to attend the academy, I have more things to do.”

Rian’s face made a complex expression. Attending the Academy together was good for their future life, but it was negatively affecting their current life.

“Heh.” Ren Xiyang put the handkerchief down. “I do have news for you. Hadrian Terra is coming to my fief.”

Rian straightened, serious. “Explain.”

“He’s playing guard to Marquis Terra’s trade caravan. The message I received from my staff at the Cedar fief didn’t have much more information.”

Rian’s eyes lowered in thought. “How long is he planning to stay? What does he want…”

“Given the materials, I expect them to arrive after Alexius’s birthday.” Ren Xiyang shrugged. “Hadrian seems like an okay kid—and don’t get jealous, now. Florence will also be coming over here after Alexius’s birthday, so that we can talk about our agriculture book.”

“I’m your lover, I’m not jealous,” Rian said primly.


Rian huffed and narrowed his eyes. “I understand why you rather talk in person.”

Ren Xiyang may have some hard-hitting questions for him once they meet in person again, but Rian would have some surprises prepared too.



Ren Xiyang’s days settled into a rhythm. In the morning, he would go for a run and conduct physical and magical training. He’d have breakfast with the Rosewood staff, before either having meetings on the property or travelling across the fief.

Work was over in the late afternoon, giving him time for his private projects. And on most nights (though not every night), he spoke with Rian.

Rian’s days also had a rhythm. In the morning, he would train with his training masters. Then, he’d have breakfast with his Imperial family and other select nobles. Then, he had classes with his tutors, followed by lunch with his Imperial family and today’s visiting nobles. After lunch, he would have some time to manage his initiatives, followed by afternoon tea with Alexius and a selection of young nobles from the association of future leaders.

He would then have class with Count Aegean, followed by dinner. In the evening, he worked on product development and new legislation proposals. After a long day, he always enjoyed his late-night chats with his beloved.

With a full schedule every day, Rian had to think about the next courting gift in little bits of free time. Whenever he remembered Ren Xiyang’s ‘teasing’, it made him more motivated to craft something with his own hands. He couldn’t give the ring yet, though, that was for his engagement proposal.

A few days later, before Rian could decide on what to send next, he unexpectedly received a parcel from Ren Xiyang. Inside, there was a scented letter, a folded handkerchief, and red rose petals. The letter smelt of roses, and the handkerchief was white with delicate black-brown embroidery. Upon closer look, Rian realised that the ‘black-brown embroidery’ was lines of burnt thread. Ren Xiyang had traced out these patterns by hand!

He touched the patterns with his fingertip. He felt as though he could feel the lingering traces of Ren Xiyang’s magic.

He liked it. It reminded him of Ren Xiyang.

Rian had to concede, he lost this round of gifts. But he’ll do better next time!



After a long day, Princess Aurelia’s guard shift was over.

As usual, Prince Marcus took her spot outside King Augustus’s door for the night shift.

Aurelia headed down the stairs, to where her ladies-in-waiting were waiting for her

“Your Highness, a sensitive letter has arrived, which we have placed in your study,” Lady Helios said.


“It’s from Prince Rian of Sedaveria.”

Aurelia’s lips thinned. She strode quickly to her study, her ladies-in-waiting following her.

Aurelia had to go through King Augustus’s official mail and documents, and that meant that the Sedaverian Imperial letter landed on her desk.

When she opened the envelope, she found multiple sheets of paper folded up inside. The top was a letter addressed to King Augustus. The rest of the papers was an unsigned amended contract.

Prince Rian was willing to waive the fines if King Augustus and Angio agreed to not attack, injure, or negatively impact Sedaveria for the next twenty years.

Aurelia’s eyes lowered. She folded up the papers and returned them to their envelope.

She had to pass this on to King Augustus.

She didn’t do it immediately though. She already suspected King Augustus’s response.

Aurelia completed the rest of the urgent tasks for the ‘day’ and went to sleep.

The next morning, she took the letter, tucked it into her clothes, and went up to King Augustus’s quarters.

“Good morning, Princess Aurelia,” Prince Marcus said with a yawn.

“Good morning, Prince Marcus.”

Prince Marcus left, while Aurelia knocked on King Augustus’s door.

“Your Majesty, it is I, Aurelia.”

“Come in.”

Aurelia slipped inside. Her glance was very quick, checking to see if anything had broken since last night. The room looked presentable.

“Your Majesty, please grant me permission to speak.”

“What?” King Augustus said. He was already fully dressed, standing in front of his collection of magic weapons.

Aurelia kept her head down as she spoke. “Your Majesty, it is about the contract—”

“This again? Whatever it is, no.”

“Prince Rian has sent you a letter.” Aurelia kept her head down as she offered the letter.

King Augustus strode over and grabbed it. “Just tell me what’s inside.”

“In essence, the contract fine will be replaced with the condition that Angio does not go to war with Sedaveria for the next twenty years.”

King Augustus’s lips curled up in disdain. “Tch, their true goal all along. And what if I agree? Do you think I should agree to be attacked by them instead?” He strode over to the fireplace and tossed it into the flames.

Aurelia’s jaw tightened. It took effort to keep her voice steady. “Your Majesty, I do not believe Prince Rian is preparing for an attack. This seems to be a defensive move—”

King Augustus picked up the steel poker. It clanged as it scraped the fireplace, causing the flames to rise in a whoosh. The letter turned to ash. “How naïve have you become, Aurelia? They have a way to break the contract. They lose nothing and we would lose everything!”

“In that case, Your Majesty, I could ask Prince Rian to cancel the contract. This letter shows that they were flexible. It is in Prince Rian’s diplomatic interest to agree to cancel it—”

“Why would he do that after making the contract?” King Augustus sneered. If Prince Rian had lost his magic and came to him to plead, King Augustus would never agree to cancel the contract. Ergo, it was impossible for him to believe that Prince Rian would agree to his pleas.

And he, King Augustus, the strongest lightning mage in the world, would never lower himself to plead.

“Who do you think I am, Aurelia? Don’t forget your place! You know what will happen otherwise…”

Aurelia’s head lowered even more, which hid how her eyes grew cold. “Yes, Your Majesty. Forgive my insolence, Your Majesty.”

King Augustus stared down at her, letting the silence stretch. When he found her posture suitably subservient, he scoffed. “Let’s go.”

Aurelia kept quiet for the rest of the day as she followed around behind King Augustus.

Why was she doing this?

It had been a month since King Augustus lost his magic. The big shock had faded and everyone was starting to settle into the ‘new normal’. The nobles at morning court were no longer as cautious, and the commoners out in the cities and towns were returning to their usual lives.

At the end of another long day, Aurelia swapped guard with Marcus and headed downstairs. She and her ladies-in-waiting attended a court hearing, read received documents, and checked the finances of the castle and nation.

Much too late at night, Aurelia dismissed her ladies-in-waiting. However, when she looked up again from the papers, she realised one lady-in-waiting had stayed behind.

“Why are you still here, Lady Fortunae?”

Lady Fortunae was a daughter of a side branch of the Fortunae family, headed by Earl Fortunae. Among her ladies-in-waiting, she was the youngest and her position was the lowest.

“I…maybe I could help you sleep?” Lady Fortunae said weakly. She was a psychic-light mage, with some healing skills.

The magical skills of Aurelia’s ladies-in-waiting were rarely used, though. Administration was their main task.

Aurelia’s eyes sharpened. She put down her papers and stood up. “Speak clearly, Lady Fortunae,” she said sharply.

Lady Fortunae’s face collapsed. She fell to her knees and lowered her head. “Your Highness, please let me confess!”

Aurelia strode over. “Lift your head and tell me.”

Lady Fortunae obediently raised her head. “I received a bribe and instructions, your Highness. I’m to help you sleep deeply at night.”

Aurelia’s expression didn’t change. “Is that all?”

Lady Fortunae quickly nodded her head. “That’s all, your Highness!”

“Then, you may sit there and wait.”

Lady Fortunae’s eyes flashed with confusion but she sat down on the sofa.

Aurelia returned to her papers. Then, she ordered Lady Fortunae to help her get ready for bed and turned off most of the lights.

“You may now leave. You will pretend that you have done your job. You may keep your bribe money.”

Lady Fortunae blinked in surprise. “Yes, Your Highness.” She walked carefully in the near darkness and quietly left.

Aurelia checked that everything was locked.

Helping her sleep deeper?

Ideally, she would stay up, just in case. But her exhaustion the next day would be a sign that Lady Fortunae didn’t do her job.

Aurelia suddenly thought of Prince Rian’s gifts. In particular, the enchanted jewellery.

Was Prince Rian to be trusted? Or, was the jewellery to be trusted?

Aurelia suspected so. If she wore that jewellery and wasn’t protected, then the culprit was too obvious.

Grimacing at herself, Aurelia put on the enchanted jewellery before going to bed.

She set up multiple detection spells around her bed and her room too, just in case.

In the end, nothing happened that night.

Aurelia had one of her servants secretly investigate the Fortunae family.

A day later, her servant returned with information: Earl Fortunae had been seen meeting with Prince Marcus, among other nobles.

With all her busy work, she hadn’t been keeping an eye on her siblings. And while she wasn’t looking, it seemed that Prince Marcus was plotting.

And with his character…he either wanted to do something to her, or something to their father.

Aurelia’s expression became dark.

Did Prince Marcus dare plan a coup?

Yes, yes, he would dare.





Rian: *gritted teeth* I really liked your gift! Don’t worry, my next one will be even better!

Ren Xiyang: It’s not a competition.

Rian: That’s what you said.

Ren Xiyang: … Heh.

Rian: I heard your ‘heh’!




P.S. The Osiria and Novalis roses were two of lazy cat Kohaku’s ship name suggestions 😆



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