These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 120: Rian is ready!!!




Prince Alexius’s birthday was fast approaching. Two days before his birthday, Baron Cordovan and his siblings came by to the Rosewood fief.

The Cordovans were going to go to the Capital for Prince Alexius’s birthday and to watch the team duel. They would need to pass through the Rosewood fief, so they came a day early to meet with Earl Rosewood to talk about  Cordovan fief.

Rian knew this. However, he didn’t expect to hear that, yes, Earl Rosewood had arrived safely, and oh, Baron Cordovan and his siblings had travelled together in the Rosewood carriage.

At least Baron Cordovan didn’t stay for dinner at the Rosewood house. It would have been highly unfair, given that Rian had to stay for dinner at the Imperial Palace.

Tonight, there were almost two dozen nobles attending dinner, as they had come to the Capital for Alexius’s birthday and the Imperial Council gathering. Dinner went for longer than usual: Rian liked to make an effort to speak to everyone. For many nobles, this was the first time they had spoken to him since he left for Angio, and some were openly curious about his experience there.

“—I’m quite looking forward to your duel with Prince Alexius later. Are we going to see some lightning?” one noble asked.

Rian smiled demurely. “You’ll have to wait and see. I’ll like to keep matters a surprise for Prince Alexius.”

The noble chuckled. “Indeed.”

Once Rian finished talking to everyone, the dinner service was over, and various nobles started leaving.

Rian rounded back to Alexius. He smiled. “Everyone is looking forward to our duel.”

Alexius put on a big wide-eyed innocent expression. “Rian, big brother, are you going to see Earl Rosewood tonight?”

Rian continued to smile. “Why yes, dear brother. However, don’t you need more practice? You’ll regret it if you lose on the day.”

Alexius’s smile dropped. “We’ve been practising! If Ayden was here, he’d tell us to take a rest!”

“That’s because he overestimates how strong everyone else is,” Rian replied.

Alexius struggled for a moment, before realising the hidden insult. His cheeks flushed red with annoyance.

“You’ll see him tomorrow for your birthday,” Rian continued. “I want to talk to him about work—”

Alexius wavered, but not as much as he used to. ‘Work’ was no longer scary to him, especially if it was with Earl Rosewood.

“—I have been looking at the Rosewood legislation lately, and I’ve been drafting some similar proposals to introduce across the kingdom. Do you want to listen? I’d gladly share my workload with you.”

Alexius made a face the moment he heard legislation. Dry, boring documents!

“Now, Alexius, don’t make such an expression.” Rian said ‘kindly’. “It’s important that you understand our kingdom’s laws and how regulations are made. I really believe that you should come—”

“I’m busy, thank you,” Alexius said politely. “Good night.” He removed himself from Rian’s presence.

Since he was still in public, Rian made a slightly disappointed expression.

That disappointment disappeared once he boarded his Imperial carriage. Heh, he didn’t even have to bribe Alexius to stay away. Because tonight, he had private plans with Ren Xiyang.

Ren Xiyang awaited him at the front door of the Rosewood house.

“Welcome back to the Capital, Earl Rosewood,” Rian greeted. His gaze swept over Ren Xiyang’s body, before returning to his face. Rian’s satisfaction deepened. Xiyang was wearing clothes that he had gifted him.

“Good evening, Your Highness.” Ren Xiyang glanced at the briefcase that Rian was carrying, but didn’t say anything.

The two walked up to Ren Xiyang’s suite.

Once the door closed and the privacy spells were in place, Rian turned to Ren Xiyang.

Unfortunately, Rian was carrying that briefcase, or else he would have tried something. Business, first. “We need to talk.”

“Hm.” Ren Xiyang sat down on the sofa.

Rian sat down next to him and plopped his briefcase on the coffee table. Then he turned his body and looked Ren Xiyang in the eyes.

“Before we start talking, aren’t you going to tell me why Baltasar was sitting in your carriage? Surely his own carriage is suitable. At the very least, he should have moved into his own carriage before you entered the Capital.”

“And why doesn’t this count as talking?” Ren Xiyang deadpanned.

Rian nudged him with his foot. “Just answer.”

Ren Xiyang shrugged. “Baltasar and I talked about this year’s farming season. I helped them with some magic practice too.”

“Is that all?”

“Felipe and Susana were also sitting in the carriage. What more could we talk about?”

“Are you saying you would have talked about something more if Felipe and Susana weren’t there?”

Ren Xiyang raised an eyebrow. “Baltasar is too young for me, if that’s what you’re implying.”

Rian boldly pressed a finger on Ren Xiyang’s lips. “No. The correct answer is that you already have me.”

Ren Xiyang glanced down and then looked up again. He grabbed Rian’s wrist and tugged. “Yes, yes, Your Highness. I prefer older men who are more hardworking.”

Rian didn’t fight with Ren Xiyang, letting him pull his arm away. He straightened, raising his chin. “Very good. Now that is cleared up, we can move on to my first agenda item.” He gave Ren Xiyang a look. “Relax, don’t fight me.”

He shifted Ren Xiyang’s hand which had just grabbed his wrist and pulled it off. Then, he took Ren Xiyang’s left hand with his right hand and manoeuvred it. Their fingers interlaced, with the back of Rian’s hand resting on his thigh, and the back of Ren Xiyang’s hand facing up.

“What next?” Ren Xiyang asked.

“The first agenda item is done,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang blinked. He looked down at their hands. “Ah.” He had anticipated hand-holding in his future, but he hadn’t expected it right now.

His chest felt tight, the more he contemplated his current reality. He had someone who would hold his hand. Someone whose hand he could hold.

Meanwhile, Rian felt a strong contentment as he too looked down at their hands. His skin was lighter than Ren Xiyang’s. His fingers were slimmer and longer than Ren Xiyang’s. However, due to their physical age, Ren Xiyang’s skin was soft and smooth. Heat transmitted through their joined palms, and Rian could feel the subtle pulsing of Ren Xiyang’s magic.

Ren Xiyang’s fingers tightened, fingers curling up more.

Rian’s fingers also tightened in response. Something in his chest settled now that they had this physical connection. Perhaps it was because he subconsciously knew that Ren Xiyang could no longer easily escape.

“Now, onto our second agenda item. I would like to remind you that I will be visiting you on your birthday, and staying before and after.”


“For my third agenda item…”

Rian reached for his briefcase. Using both his free hand and some levitation magic, he opened the briefcase and moved aside the decoy papers. Underneath were two green-green gloves.

“A traditional courtship gift”—emphasising that it was a courtship gift was necessary—“would be delicate white gloves. However, I know you well. So, I had some gardening gloves made for you instead.” Rian picked up the gloves and gave them to Ren Xiyang. “Now, before you say anything. I didn’t make them myself, but I based them off your measurements—”

Ren Xiyang paused his action of accepting the gloves. “How do you know my measurements?”

Rian scoffed. “Of course I know! Getting back to the point, I had them made to your measurements, and then I personally enchanted them. So, do you like them?”

Ren Xiyang accepted the gloves. “They seem useful, thanks. But I didn’t prepare anything for you.”

Rian gave a smug smile. “There’s no need—but I would, of course, accept any of your gifts.”

Ren Xiyang’s lips curled up slightly. “Hm.” He set the gloves aside. “Are you ready for my agenda?”

Rian’s heart skipped a beat—it was both anticipation and excitement. “Yes.”

Ren Xiyang shifted on the sofa so that he could meet Rian’s eyes better, while still holding hands. “How long have you liked me?”

Rian stiffened.

Ren Xiyang leaned in, his red eyes staring straight into Rian’s soul.

Rian casually looked down at their hands.

Ren Xiyang’s eyes narrowed. “One month? Six months?” His voice took on an incredulous tone. “One year? Two years? No way, two years, really?”

Rian’s cheeks felt hot. “No, no, definitely not.”

“I can’t believe you liked me for so long. Two years, that’s a long time for unrequited love.”

Rian’s eyes snapped up. “I beg your pardon, my love is requited, thank you. You have accepted to become my lover!”

Ren Xiyang blinked, and then nodded. “That’s true.” Then he shook his head in disbelief. “Still. Two years. I didn’t think you could hide it for so long. I had thought it was only a few months…”

Rian tugged Ren Xiyang’s hand, pulling Ren Xiyang closer while leaning forward at the same time and—

—He ended up with a hand in his face.

This felt very familiar.

“Xiyang!” he grumbled, voice muffled by Ren Xiyang’s hand.

Ren Xiyang lifted his hand away. “Sorry, unconscious reaction.”

“Are you going to do that every time I try to kiss you?”


“You don’t sound sorry.”

Ren Xiyang pursed his lips. “Maybe it’ll get better with time. You need to warn me.”

Rian also pursed his lips. He had suddenly realised the problem. Ren Xiyang couldn’t read his mind. Ren Xiyang didn’t want to kiss as much. Based on what Ren Xiyang had asked him before, Ren Xiyang hadn’t liked him for as long.

His hand holding Ren Xiyang’s unconsciously tightened.

Ren Xiyang sighed wryly. “Just give me some notice. You know you can’t defeat me in a fight.”

“I beg to differ, we have tied before.”

“Okay.” Ren Xiyang exhaled. His free hand reached up and rested against Rian’s cheek and chin.

Rian looked back at him but didn’t move. He suddenly wanted Ren Xiyang to take the initiative.

Ren Xiyang quickly realised what Rian wanted. He felt that it was…kind of cute. He put some weight on the hand that Rian was holding as he leaned forward some more.

A light kiss on Rian’s left cheek. Rian’s cheek was soft.

A light kiss on Rian’s right cheek. Very soft.

Rian stubbornly kept his eyes open.

A light kiss on the corner of Rian’s mouth, left side. How curious, the contrast between his lips and his skin.

A light kiss on the corner of Rian’s mouth, right side—

Rian’s impatience got the better of him. He turned his head, making Ren Xiyang’s lips land upon his. His focus narrowed from the heat of Ren Xiyang’s hands to the touch of Ren Xiyang’s lips.

Ren Xiyang tilted his head and deepened the kiss, his lips parting. Rian’s lips followed, and for the briefest moments, their tongues slid against each other.

The sensation sent a shiver from Rian’s mouth, through his body. He leaned forward, pressing harder, kissing harder, running his tongue across Ren Xiyang’s lips and tongue. Slick. Wet. Hot. A tingling feeling grew in his groin. His trousers were starting to feel tight.


They both parted, panting. Rian’s gaze travelled from Ren Xiyang’s lips, up to his eyes, and down again in a cycle. His pupils had widened, his tongue unconsciously darting out.

Ren Xiyang had to admit that he was affected too. He briefly closed his eyes and gathered his thoughts and determination. “Wait.”

Rian pursed his lips. “What is it?”

“There’s something important I wanted to talk to you about, before anything else continues.”

Rian tensed. Then, he forced himself to relax. He leaned back and straightened up, taking on his usual good-boy listening posture. “Yes?”

Ren Xiyang looked at him. “It’s about my physical transition. I assume you’re curious. If we’re going to be lovers”—oh, Ren Xiyang had a weird feeling saying that—“then I want you to know.”

Rian perked up. He had always been careful to not ask too much, and he was eager to learn more. He wanted to know everything, everything that he could get, everything that Ren Xiyang could tell him.

“You should also have the same information as me, to determine whether we will continue this, before we get too far along.”

Rian pursed his lips. His heart pinched at the idea of breaking up. He couldn’t even believe that Ren Xiyang could even think he would want to break up. “Xiyang. Ren Xiyang. We’re not going to break up, ever.”

Ren Xiyang’s lips quirked up. “Is that so? Well, what I’m about to tell you is for your ears only.”

Rian pulled their joined hands and pressed Ren Xiyang’s hand against his chest. “Strike me if I fail your trust. I want to learn everything about you, Xiyang. So when you’re reading, I’m listening.”

Ren Xiyang’s heart started to beat faster and faster. He hadn’t talked to Rian about his transition in detail for a long time. His eyes lowered as he gathered his thoughts.

All the meanwhile, Rian’s clear blue eyes were fixed upon him.

“First of all. I don’t want to give birth, and I’ve made myself unable to give birth.” He met Rian’s gaze. “Is that a problem?”

“I’m confident that it will not be a problem,” Rian said firmly, not particularly surprised. “I have many ideas, which we can talk about later.”

Ren Xiyang nodded. “Secondly, you can see my flat chest. But you might not know that I also have a penis.”

Rian glanced down pointedly, and then looked up again. “You must know that I can see its outline too, on occasion.”

Ren Xiyang: “…” Oh. He didn’t know how he felt about that. On the one hand, that was good. On the other hand, how closely had Rian been watching him, and where had Rian’s eyes been wandering?

“It wouldn’t have been possible without you,” Ren Xiyang said. “However. While it has some functions, it’s missing other functions.”

Rian tilted his head.

“In particular, it gets hard, but it doesn’t have ejaculate fluid.”

Rian’s eyes widened. “Oh?” The look in his eyes deepened.

“So, I was wondering if you could help me. If I could study you when you’re hard, and figure out where it comes from and how it releases.”

Rian felt a sudden thrill in his body. Dozens of images flashed in his mind. Of himself naked. Of himself hard while Ren Xiyang watched him. Of himself masturbating. Of himself coming under Ren Xiyang’s intense red eyes.

Rian’s erection, which had been slowly relaxing after their kiss, woke up again.






Thank you for the support from Trin, “Ko-fi Supporter”, and Ria!!!

This chapter was supposed to have the rest of the scene, but then Ren Xiyang and Rian chatted longer than expected 😆😆😆



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