These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 122: In which Rian is suspiciously happy

The next day dawned with beautiful weather.

The morning sky was blue with a few streaks of clouds. Flowers bloomed in pots and flowerbeds all around the Imperial Palace and Imperial gardens.

Alexius woke up feeling excited and energetic and full of the feeling that it was going to be a great day. It was his birthday!

His servant helped him into a new outfit, made just for his 13th birthday.

He walked with a skip in his step to breakfast.

“Good morning, Imperial Father! Good morning, Imperial Mother!”

“Happy birthday, darling,” Queen Mira said warmly.

“Happy birthday,” King Edric said with a measured nod.

Alexius’s eyes curved. “Thank you, Your Majesties.” He turned as Rian approached. “Good morning, big brother!”

Rian smiled back, slow and warm. “Happy birthday, little brother.”

Huh? Alexius thought. Was it just him, or did Rian seem more mellow this morning? ‘Happy birthday, little brother,’ and that was it? Shouldn’t Rian be making some comment or hidden insult?

“I thought I should be the first to give you a present today,” Rian said.

Alexius’s worries disappeared, replaced with suspicion and excitement. “Really?”

“Here you go.”

Rian plopped a stack of cards on Alexius’s hands.

Alexius frowned as he read the text on them. It said—This card grants Prince Alexius, and up to three guests, one duelling practice session with Crown Prince Rian for a duration of two hours.

Each of the cards—and there were 13 of them—said this.

Alexius had complex feelings.

“This isn’t the gift I originally planned for you. Don’t worry, that’s still coming. However, I felt that you were worth a second gift too,” Rian said with a smile. He reached out and patted Alexius on the head. “With more practice, you could become as strong as me.”

Hey!” Alexius batted Rian’s hands away. He took a cautious step back. Rian, being encouraging without sounding sarcastic? Something was off! The real Rian would say, No matter how much you practice, you’ll never become as strong as me—but you’re welcome to try.

“Rian, are you okay? Should I call I healer for you?” Alexius said.

Rian chuckled. “Nothing is wrong. Come now, let’s have breakfast.”

King Edric, who didn’t watch Rian and Alexius very much, didn’t think much of it. He thought his two sons were merely bickering as usual.

Queen Mira, however, had a better understanding of Rian and Alexius’s relationship. She could tell that Rian was happier than usual. And she also had a suspect: Earl Rosewood. Rian was usually elated whenever Earl Rosewood was in town. Rian had submitted his report, stating that the two of them had gone through his draft legislation. But the two of them had probably planned something extra in secret—though what, she and her agents couldn’t find out. She hoped it won’t cause her a headache in the future.



Alexius forgot about Rian’s weirdness when his birthday event started. From mid-morning, nobles started arriving at the Imperial Palace, bearing birthday wishes and gifts.

His eyes glowed and his lips were constantly curled up in a big grin. “Thank you!”

The biggest gift had to be from Rian. While his Imperial Father gave him an enchanted set of weapons, and his Imperial Mother gave him a grand white horse with a complete set of gear, Rian gave him a key and its flying carriage.

Alexius brightened further when Earl Rosewood stepped in front of him.

“Happy birthday, Prince Alexius,” Earl Rosewood said calmly. “I wish you a great year, filled with good luck and many riches. Today, I have prepared two gifts for you.”

Earl Rosewood presented two boxes. Both were flattish, though one was smaller than the other.

Alexius opened them immediately. The flat horizontal box was filled with snacks! Sweet snacks and salty snacks, all hand-made by Earl Rosewood. The box itself was enchanted with a food preservation spell. Alexius had to swallow his saliva: each item looks so tasty and enticing!

Meanwhile, the smaller box contained a sculpted rectangular piece of wood with four wheels. Alexius didn’t know what it was. Whatever it was though, it had to be cool.

“Let me introduce you to a prototype of what one of the teams in the Rosewood Group has been making: a skateboard.”

“A skateboard?”

“I’ll show you how to use it later.”


Earl Rosewood stepped aside, and the next person came up to give Alexius gifts.

Over the morning, Alexius received a great many items. Some people gave him enchanted jewellery, some gave him enchanted weapons and armour, some gave him magical books, and one other person, Lady Cassiopeia Schauss, gave him food.

Cassiopeia’s desserts were more pretty and delicate than Earl Rosewood’s…but who gave Alexius a gold filter around Earl Rosewood? Earl Rosewood was his role model and idol!

Because of the floating carriage given by Rian, the volume of his gifts was even greater than what Rian received on his birthday a few months ago.

Once the gift-giving phase was completed, they all moved out to the Imperial gardens for lunch. With summer approaching, it was pleasantly warm.

As the birthday boy, Alexius put his favourite people on his table. That meant Ayden, Tierri, and Adrienne.

He reluctantly put Rian and Günter at his table too, or else they’d complain.

After lunch, Ayden showed him how to use the ‘skateboard’. He showed him how to use it on the ground, and then he showed him how to use it in the air.

Alexius’s eyes shone. He knew it’ll be amazing!

“Now, use it responsibly,” Ayden said seriously. “There is no mechanism that keeps your feet stuck on the platform. You could fall at off any time, including while on the ground, if you’re not careful. Be sure to wear protective clothing or cast protective spells before using it. Use it while supervised, understood?”

Alexius nodded earnestly. “Yes, Ayden! Can I try now, can I?”

“Go ahead.”

Alexius started practising, much to the envy of many of the noble children gathered there. Alexius was smart, a quick learner, and unafraid. He quickly grasped how to use the skateboard, and smugly showed off.

Normally, Rian would be counted among the envious and jealous. But today, he wasn’t. He had analysed the skateboard in a glance. It wasn’t that difficult to manufacture—much easier than the floating carriages. Instead, he felt that his little brother was innocent, to be so happy with such a simple thing. Ah, indeed, his little brother was still just a child.

This was followed by an association of future leaders meeting, and afternoon tea. Alexius’s birthday dinner occurred in the main hall, filled with many of his favourite dishes.

Alexius loved his birthday, and he went to sleep exhausted but brimming with happiness and anticipation for the next day.



King Augustus paced back and forth in his room, glancing out through the window at the castle and lands below. It was night, so there wasn’t much to see.

He couldn’t simply call down lightning to brighten up the castle grounds.

He let out a growl of frustration.

Unacceptable, unacceptable, unacceptable! How long has it been already? Those mages, they’re dragging their feet! They don’t want my magic to return at all!

All the people in the castle wanted him to become weak and die!

These kinds of people wouldn’t get anything done if their own lives weren’t at stake. If their magic was sealed, they’d be working a lot harder!

If their magic was sealed…

A dark light grew in King Augustus’s eyes.

He strode to the door and pulled it open.

“Where is Princess Aurelia?” he demanded. Why wasn’t she standing outside his door obediently?!

“I’ve returned,” Princess Aurelia replied, appearing at the other end of the corridor. She had briefly gone to the restroom. She came to a stop in front of King Augustus and lowered her head. “Your Majesty needs me?”

“Accompany me!”

King Augustus shoved Aurelia as he walked passed her.

They went down the stairs, then up more stairs in the mages’ tower. The mages’ tower was where various academic mages lived and worked for King Augustus.

King Augustus opened the door to their main office with a bang.

“Your Majesty!” The head mage, an old man with white hair and a white beard, hurried out of his office. He quickly bowed. “Your Majesty, we are at your service.”

King Augustus looked down on these people. “If so, why haven’t you broken the contract yet? What is your progress? Should I have you all executed and replaced? No? No?”

He swept numerous papers, pens, and ink to the floor.

More than one mage glanced at the mess and already determined the magic spell that would fix that.

“Your Majesty, we can give you a report right away,” the head mage said. “We are making progress. We have a team analysing the magical contract paper and believe we have all the elements. Meanwhile, another team researching how similar contracts have been broken in the past—”

King Augustus scoffed. “Theoretical research? Pah! I have a great idea.” He smirked. “Be practical. Recreate the contract between yourselves and test out your contract-breaking methods directly.”

Everyone else in the room—including Aurelia—was taken aback.

King Augustus was pleased with their shock.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the head mage agreed.

“I expect you to make a lot of progress.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”



After that, Aurelia escorted King Augustus back to his quarters, and not long after, swapped guard duty with Marcus.

Lady Helios gave her tonight’s agenda. There were no court hearings to attend, but there were multiple scheduled meetings with nobles who wanted something.

One of those meetings was to mediate a dispute between two nobles, Viscount Gelum and Viscount Stannum, regarding water usage and pollution of a river that passed through their fiefs.

It had looked odd to Aurelia—the two nobles weren’t enemies. Their fiefs were placed next to each other and their families were allied.

The mediation went unusually quickly. Viscount Gelum agreed to use less water, and Viscount Stannum agreed to reduce pollution entering the water.

“Your Highness, your assistance is greatly appreciated,” Viscount Stannum said.

“We are lucky to have Your Highness,” Viscount Gelum said.

“It is my duty,” Aurelia said blandly. “Is there anything else I can help you with, gentlemen?”

“There is, if Your Highness is willing to indulge us,” Viscount Stannum said.

“We understand that Your Highness appreciates directness and efficiency. So do we,” Viscount Gelum said.

Aurelia looked at Viscount Gelum, and then at Viscount Stannum. Both men maintained serious, sombre expressions.

Her suspicion was correct. Their dispute was a cover to announce their apparent support.

And they weren’t simply speaking for themselves. They also represented their faction.

Aurelia turned to Lady Helios, who was standing quietly behind her. “Escort these lords out, and arrange for these lords a copy of the water systems management section along with the crop fertilisation section, with our appended notes.”

Lady Helios nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Viscount Gelum and Viscount Stannum must have been confused, but they didn’t show it. They bowed. “We thank Your Highness for your gift.”

“Use it wisely,” Aurelia said. “Have a good evening.”

With the dismissal, Lady Helios opened the door and ushered the two Viscounts out.

Aurelia was left alone in the study to prepare for the next meeting.

Viscount Gelum and Viscount Stannum were not part of a big faction, but it was not a very small faction either. Aside from Aurelia’s ladies-in-waiting and their direct sphere of influence, Viscount Gelum and Stannum’s faction were the first to state their support for Aurelia.

Her faction was only going to keep growing.



Very late in the night, Princess Ariadne tentatively poked her head into Princess Aurelia’s study. “Hello? Did Princess Aurelia want to see me?”

The ladies-in-waiting and Aurelia were discussing some content from a thick book, mentioning words like Angio, different climate, and spring wheat crops.

“Please come in, Your Highness,” one of the ladies-in-waiting said.

Princess Aurelia rose to her feet. “In here with me.”

Ariadne walked lightly over and entered Princess Aurelia’s bedroom. She looked around, wide-eyed. So this was what her big sister’s bedroom looked like. It was more normal than expected.

She thought there would be either piles of papers or piles of weapons. Instead, there was a bed, a vanity and chair, a bookshelf with a few books, two sofas with a coffee table between them, and miscellaneous decorations that were similar in style to those in her room.

“Take a seat.”

Ariadne plopped down on the sofa and placed her hands on her knees. “You wanted to talk to me? Is this about sister Marcia? She told me she was thinking of leaving and asked me if I wanted to come along.”

Ariadne was closest to Marcia, out of all her big sisters and brothers. Princess Aurelia was always too busy. Prince Marcus was unnerving and Prince Pollux rarely talked to anyone. Only Marcia spent time with her and played with her.

Princess Aurelia inclined her head a fraction. “Yes. What else did Marcia tell you?”

“To wear Prince Rian’s enchanted jewellery, and to pack.”

“Good. You should follow her.”

“Yes, big sister.”

“Has there been any attempt on your life?”

Ariadne’s brows furrowed together. “I don’t think so.”

“That’s good. Is there anything you’ll like to ask me or request of me?”

Ariadne internally thought, not when you have that kind of cold, perfunctory attitude! Outwardly she smiled faintly and shook her head. “No, there’s nothing.”

With that, Princess Aurelia dismissed her. Ariadne said goodbye to everyone and returned to her quarters.

Aurelia may mean well, but she was too busy and cold and distant. Ariadne didn’t feel a strong connection at all.

Ariadne trusted Marcia in her heart; she didn’t trust Aurelia. This meeting with Aurelia was useless in her eyes.

In reality, Marcia had told her a lot of things. Marcia had spoken about her worries, and asked her for her opinion on where they should go, what they should pack, and when they should leave.

Ariadne looked around her opulent quarters and smiled wryly. Why did their father have to be such a horrible man? She was envious of the Sedaverians—Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood were fun and interesting, which meant their lives must be very carefree. If only she could have asked them to teach her to fly. If only…






Rian: *is genuinely nice to Alexius*

Alexius: …. Something feels not quite right.

Cassiopeia: I was mentioned only once????



This author realised that while I know (vaguely) where countries and places are, you dear readers may not! Here is a rough map, not to scale, but relative directions are correct:

rough map of Sedaveria and surrounds





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