These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 158: The last days of summer

Meanwhile, Rian had been a good boy.

He hadn’t told his Imperial Father about his engagement yet, despite his threat to his Imperial Mother. He studied with Count Aegean and his other tutors. He managed his various initiatives and company productions as appropriate.

He was also a very good fiancé. He chatted every night with his Yangyang and never forgot to say I love you. A week before the academic year started, he went to the Imperial Magical Academy to arrange furniture and furnishings. This also included filling out his and Yangyang’s wardrobes with new sets of (matching) clothes. He had also been secretly preparing farming space for his Yangyang. This last point was super important, so important that he even asked Florence to come check if everything was set up correctly.

The Imperial Magical Academy, and the Imperial University next door, had some fields and greenhouses for the plant mages. Rian, Crown Prince Rian, domineeringly had a field with a small shed and a greenhouse assigned to him (he also gave a generous donation).

“Welcome, Lady Sage,” Rian said. He stood in front of the greenhouse, near its new plaque with the words “Earl A. Rosewood” upon it.

“Your Highness, it’s been a while,” Florence replied.

“Please come inside and see if everything has been prepared properly,” Rian said.

Florence restrained her suspicion and pretended that Prince Rian indeed wanted her to inspect the arrangements in the greenhouse. There were empty planters, an array of gardening equipment, storage furniture, spell-lighting and more.

“…It looks like everything is in order,” Florence said. “I’m sure Ayden would quite like this.”

Rian smirked. “I know. Before you leave, I want to ask you one more thing.”

Florence’s senses tingled. “Oh?” she said politely.

Rian’s chest puffed up. “Did you know that Ayden proposed to me?”

Florence: “…”

“He was so romantic, he told me that he loves me!”

Florence: “……” Did he forget that she was gay? “Congratulations, Your Highness,” she said. “I look forward to your wedding.”

“Thank you,” Rian said smugly. He walked Florence out the door. “I appreciate your time.”

“I was happy to help,” Florence said.

Florence headed back to the Sage house, still feeling exasperated over Rian’s operation. She predicted that once Rian’s relationship with Ayden became public, Rian would make sure that everyone knew about it. Then, she won’t be the only person that Rian postured in front of.



King Edric and Queen Mira kept a close eye on Rian’s actions these days. They knew that Rian was expertly managing matters, making money, and, in Queen Mira’s eyes, preparing a romantic home with Earl Rosewood.

One evening, Queen Mira couldn’t take it anymore, and said to her husband— “Your son—

Your son,” Edric countered.

“He’s going too far, he’s blatantly—” Mira cut herself off. She wasn’t going to tell Edric that Rian was engaged with Earl Rosewood. She wanted to see if Rian would dare to tell him.

“He’s blatantly engaging with his faction,” Edric said, thinking that he was filling in the rest of the sentence for his wife.

Mira’s expression worsened. That wasn’t the ‘engaging’ she was thinking of, but it was also true. “As for his legislation proposal—”

“—He’ll make those changes sooner or later,” Edric said. “If we don’t help him, then he might well start lobbying the other Imperial Councillors directly.”

“Many of them won’t agree.”

“However, he could offer them benefits for agreeing. Have you seen his account books lately? Almost every noble family, and many wealthy commoners, have floating carriages. Including us.” Edric made a wry expression. Ran had given them a hefty discount—but still insisted that they pay, in order to ‘balance the accounts.’

Mira reviewed the yearly taxes and kingdom’s account books. She also understood well. “And while the Obsidians are still behaving as usual, their income from those communication mirrors and magic crystal trade is sizeable.”

Mira and Edric looked at each other.

“Rian has exceeded what is expected for his age,” Mira said.

“He is, objectively, dangerous,” Edric said.

In that case, how should they manage him?

Edric had thought about duelling Rian himself or getting someone like Duke Storm to do so. If Rian suffered defeat, he would understand that he wasn’t as strong as he thought. But that had drawbacks and risks. Rian could become injured, and it could negatively affect his reputation once he became king. On the other hand, if Rian won, then either Edric or Duke Storm would lose standing and Rian would be even more outrageous.

“Rian has told me that he no longer a child. That King Rexius Red ascended the throne at 13,” Mira said. “He wants to be treated as an adult.”

Edric understood. “Then we will treat him as such.”

This meant increased responsibilities and introduction to the castle administration, practice managing a fief, and engagement with a suitable marriage candidate.

The busier they made him, the better.

“I’ll introduce him the castle administration,” Mira said. “You can determine the suitable marriage candidates. And it might be time to talk to him about…”

Edric nodded, not knowing the pit that Mira had semi-on-purpose had set up for him.

Now, Mira wanted to see how Rian would respond.



After dinner, Pollux and Ren Xiyang headed back towards their rooms together.

“Good night, Your Highness. Good night, my Lord.”

“Sleep well, Your Highness. Seep well, my Lord.”

As usual, all the Rosewood staff they passed bade them good night.

“Night,” Pollux and Ren Xiyang said at the same time.

Pollux glanced at Ayden and exchanged small amused looks.

Upon reaching their floor, they stopped at Pollux’s rooms first.

“Sleep well,” Ren Xiyang said. “We don’t have long before we leave, so if there’s anything else you want to do in the Rosewood fief, or anything you want to buy, you should do so very soon.”

Pollux nodded. “Good night, Ayden.”

“Night, Prince Pollux.”

Pollux headed into his quarters. After his servants helped him bathe and set up his communication mirror, they left.

Pollux exhaled, mentally reviewing what he wanted to say, and connected his communication mirror to Aurelia’s.

Aurelia soon appeared in the mirror. “Good evening, Pollux.”

“Good evening, Your Majesty.”

“Call me Aurelia, or sister,” Aurelia said.

“Good evening, sister.” There was a lightness in Pollux’s eyes. He didn’t feel jaded by Aurelia’s sisterly act; instead, he felt a little playful.

“How have you been?” Aurelia asked.

“Well. I’ve been in the Rosewood fief the last two weeks. I’ve also spoken with Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood.”

Aurelia listened silently.

“Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood have a direct-healing method that will work,” Pollux said.

“How much?”

“10 gold per session, several sessions a week, for between one year and a few years. The method requires direct healing magic and direct perception magic, as well as a reference person who is healthy.”

Aurelia’s gaze deepened. Healing magic was one of the most difficult elements to directly manipulate. “I’ll increase your stipend to cover those sessions.”

Pollux felt a bit more relaxed. He had expected Aurelia to say that, but he hadn’t been completely certain. “They had also offered to teach other healers, if you know anyone who is suitable.”

“In that case, I’ll see if there are any healers capable and willing to go to Sedaveria,” Aurelia said. She was sure that their Angio had capable healers. Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian weren’t even healing-element mages.

“Thank you, sister.”

Aurelia’s gaze softened. “I’m just doing as I should. How have you found Sedaveria?”

Pollux smiled wryly. “I can say that the Rosewood fief is very different from the rest of Sedaveria. Hadrian Terra is here too and he’s apparently studying under Earl Rosewood…”

Somehow, Pollux ended up talking candidly about his experiences in the Rosewood fief. Aurelia was clearly listening to everything he was saying, and she seemed interested too. Unconsciously, Pollux had a small smile by the end of their meeting.

“Maybe I should visit the Rosewood fief too,” Aurelia said.

“Yes, you should.” Pollux suppressed a yawn.

“I’ll have the embassy increase your stipend immediately, and I’ll send more gold shortly,” Aurelia said.

“Thank you, sister.”

“Have a good night, Pollux.”

“Good night, Aurelia.”

Pollux let out a sigh as the mirrors disconnected. He was tired, but he also had energy. He had come to a decision, and he was looking forward to the future.



The next morning at breakfast, Pollux said to Ren Xiyang, “Do you have a moment to talk today?”

Ren Xiyang blinked. “Sure. We can talk immediately after breakfast if it’s short.”

“It’s short.”


They finished their breakfast 15 minutes early and headed to a private meeting room.

“So?” Ren Xiyang asked.

“I’ve decided that I want you to heal me,” Pollux said. “Three sessions a week.”

Ren Xiyang nodded. “Do you have any reference people in mind? I could use myself as a reference or Rian for the initial stages, but someone more physically similar to you is better.”

“How similar do they have to be?”

“Well, technically, they don’t need to be very similar,” Ren Xiyang said. “After the process, those parts of your body will resemble theirs. If someone much older than you is picked, than your body may be as though it’s physically older.”

Pollux’s eyes lowered in thought. Picking a reference person was more important than he expected.

“—And if they are physically stronger, than you’ll become physically stronger too.”

Pollux’s lips twitched. “What are you trying to convince me of, Ayden?”

Ren Xiyang’s lips quirked. “I’m merely laying out the information so that you can make an informed decision. We can begin on the carriage ride to the Capital, or else if we can begin once we’re at the Capital.”

“On the ride,” Pollux said.

Ren Xiyang made a note in his book. “Done. Anything else?”

“That’s all for now.”

Pollux floated out of that meeting room in his wheelchair, feeling lighter than ever.



The next day was Ren Xiyang’s last full day the Rosewood fief. On that day, aside from checking his plants, he had a big meeting with the Rosewood Council.

This wasn’t about going through the details of projects. This was about making sure that each project and team had leaders, and that they knew who to report to within the Rosewood Council.

Once Ren Xiyang headed to the Imperial Magical Academy, the amount of reporting to him would decrease drastically. Ren Xiyang had scheduled no meetings during the first week of the Academy, and only had some tentative meetings scheduled afterwards with key persons.

“—I trust you all,” Ren Xiyang said, looking at each person in the (large) Rosewood Council. “And I trust you to work well without me. If there are any problems that I can help with, then you can contact Kel or Maria and they’ll get to me.”

At this point in time, Ren Xiyang was honestly useless in most of the Rosewood projects. The people in the teams had the deep knowledge and skills to carry out what they were tasked with doing. Ren Xiyang merely offered some ideas and knowledge from his past world. It was them, the local people of his fief, who turned words into action.

“Any questions?” Ren Xiyang asked.

“My Lord…are you going to visit?” one of the staff asked.

“At least once every two weeks,” Ren Xiyang said.

There was some visible relief on some staff members, and some stress on others.

Ren Xiyang raised an eyebrow. “Should I visit more often, or less often?”

“More, of course,” Aaron said.

“You’ll be fine, I believe in you,” Ren Xiyang said. “And if you had any problems, you know that you can reach me. If I fly, I can reach the Rosewood fief within two hours.”

The staff nodded in understanding.

“Now, if there is nothing else, shouldn’t we break up and get ready for dinner? I’m cooking.”

The staff brightened. “Yes, my Lord!”



Pollux sat at his usual table for dinner in the Rosewood dining hall, dumbfounded.

Tonight, there was a feast to see Earl Rosewood off (and Pollux too, technically). But instead of having to cook his own meal, Ayden was cooking everyone’s dinner!

The kitchen staff had prepared lots of balls of dough, and a whole selection of ingredients. Pollux had thought this might be hot pot again, except the selection wasn’t quite the same as for hotpot. There were thinly sliced meats and vegetables, but there was also tomato sauce and a dozen types of cheeses.

Pollux watched as Ayden floated the balls of dough into the air and spun them around. The dough flattened out into discs, before landing back down on everyone’s plates.

“Thank you, Earl Rosewood!”

The staff quickly reached forward, grabbing toppings. Some scattered ingredients artfully, while some made a big pile.

Oh, Pollux had to make part of his dinner after all.

Pollux glanced at Hadrian. Ah, Hadrian seemed a little confused as well. That was good. At least he wasn’t alone.

Ren Xiyang turned to Pollux, and Hadrian too. “This is pizza,” he said. “You can add some tomato sauce first, like the others, and then some meat and some cheese. I like spice, so I’m going to add these spiced meats and these pickled peppers. You don’t need to add a lot. There are also toppings that you can add afterwards, like the very soft cheeses and the herbs. You can also make half-half, like what Kel’s doing.”

Pollux and Hadrian nodded. They watched as Ayden prepared his own pizza, and glanced at the others on their table, before making their own.

Ren Xiyang allowed time for everyone to finish making their pizza.

“My Lord, we’re ready!”

“We’re ready too!”

Ren Xiyang stood up and cast his gaze across the room. “Is everyone ready?”



Ren Xiyang’s lips quirked. He waited some more until everyone was ready. Then, he raised his hands. All the pizzas rose, floating towards the middle of the tables. “Hands back,” he warned. A moment later, the air around the pizzas became super hot.

Pollux’s eyes widened. In front of him, his pizza started to expand, with bubbles forming in the dough, and the toppings crisped up and the pizza overall acquired a golden colour.

In less than two minutes, all the pizzas were done. Ren Xiyang lowered them back down on everyone’s plates. In one final movement, the round pizzas were split into slices. “Enjoy.”

The staff clapped. “Amazing, my Lord!”

“Thank you, Earl Rosewood!”

“My Lord, you’re the best!”

“Thanks,” Ren Xiyang said drily. He sat back down to eat.

Pollux had complex feelings. It turned out difficult direct magic manipulation could be used like this…





Rian: Hotpot without me, pizza without me…Yangyang…🥺🥺🥺🥺




Did you know that your comments give me ideas XD Thank you for the recent pizza comments!



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