These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 166: The Early Autumn Ball

For tonight’s ball, Cassiopeia had a cream-coloured dress with fine white embroidery, ruffles, and fluffy skirts. She had two small braids on either side of her head, with white flower bows. The rest of her pink hair flowed down her back. Tiny beads in her hair and on her dress were spelled to subtly sparkle.

After she entered the hall with her family, she immediately said goodbye and went to meet up with her friends. “Alexandra, Ethel!”

“Cassiopeia!” Alexandra and Ethel greeted her back.

The three of them might have hugged in greeting, but they all restrained themselves this time. They exchanged compliments on their outfits, before accepting something sweet and colourful to drink from one of the wandering waiters.

“Beaufort is over there,” Alexandra whispered. “Do you think we match today?”

Cassiopeia looked around. The crowd parted coincidentally, and she spotted Beaufort Niveous, a slim handsome noble boy who was Alexandra’s current crush. Tonight, Beaufort was wearing pure white with hints of grey. Alexandra was wearing a pale blue-grey dress with hints of white. “In some ways, yes,” Cassiopeia said. “Why don’t we get closer to compare?”

Alexandra blushed. “No way,” she whispered.

“I would say Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood match,” Ethel said. “Prince Alexius too, for that matter.”

“Speaking of princes, Prince Pollux from Angio is here too,” Alexandra said. “But he’s with Earl Rosewood…”

Cassiopeia looked around. The crowd parted coincidentally, and she spotted Prince Rian afar, talking with other teenagers. Thankfully, he wasn’t nearby.

Cassiopeia turned her head a different way and spotted Prince Rian, Prince Pollux and Ayden Rosewood standing together. Ayden was too close for comfort but luckily, he didn’t look towards her.

Alexandra patted Cassiopeia on the arm. “What’s wrong? Did Ayden do something?”

Cassiopeia shook her head. “No.” She didn’t want to explain all her complex feelings towards Ayden. Ayden was also getting taller and more masculine, which made Cassiopeia confused, adding to her uncertainty about her entire life.

“Come on, where are our seats?” Cassiopeia said instead.

“Oh! Let’s take a look,” Ethel said.

“I hope we’re close to Beaufort,” Alexandra added in a whisper.

Ethel and Cassiopeia gave Alexandra a scandalous look. “Alexandra!”

“What? I’m just saying…”



Rian was in his element, walking around the hall with gazes and attention following him.

After the last-minute preparations had been completed, Rian had changed into his outfit for the night. His long blue cape shimmered as he walked, leaving behind faint sparkles in the air that slowly faded, leaving behind a hint of coolness.

He was one of the first in the hall, greeting the guests as they came. He was very satisfied when Ren Xiyang came and went straight to his side. Unfortunately, Ren Xiyang didn’t stay at his side.

This event was the new student commoner mages’ first introduction to noble society. So, once they arrived, Rian took them around to meet other selected guests.

He frequently took them to see Ren Xiyang (and not because he wanted to see Ren Xiyang himself, obviously!). Ren Xiyang was good with commoners, and Florence was also quite friendly. If other nobles came up to talk to him—and many did—he would introduce them too.

Those in the hall could interpret his favour to the commoner mages however they liked.

Once Rian had done enough, he took the new student commoner mages to his pre-assigned nobles from the association of future leaders to look after them. This freed him to talk to more nobles who approached him.

Greeting nobles, asking after their wellbeing, asking about the progress of something they mentioned weeks or months ago, asking them about their next plans, and subtly inserting titbits of information about his own plans…Oh, it was hard work being such a popular prince.

As guests became tired of standing up, they naturally gravitated to their seats for the banquet. Once King Edric and Queen Mira took a seat, everyone sat down. Rian had to put work above romance—Ren Xiyang was seated away from him, so that they could network with twice as many people.

Rian had chosen tonight’s culinary theme: ‘classical simplicity’.

On the menu were dishes such as tomato soup with crusty bread, salads with simple vinaigrettes, steak with roasted potatoes, roasted seasonal vegetables, roast chicken, lamb stew, apple pie, and strawberries and cream. The portions were small, but with so many dishes, fullness crept up on the guests.

The time right after eating was perfect for sitting, resting, and chatting.

It was the time when Rian held the association of future leaders meeting in an adjacent hall.

Tonight, there was more than just association members. Rian welcomed friends of members and all the students at the academy. Nearly a thousand young people came in, filling the meeting hall with noise and massively decreasing the noise back in the main banquet hall.

The Imperial servants had arranged the chairs in a horseshoe shape. Rian sat front and centre, while Ren Xiyang sat next to him, second-in-command.

Their executive assistants, Callum and Kel, sat off to the side behind a table.

Pollux was one of the people attending as a ‘friend of the members’, along with Hadrian. They sat near the front of the ‘horseshoe’ with Alexis and his friends, on the side closer to Ren Xiyang.

(Tch, Rian knew why.)

Once everyone sat down, Rian begun.

“Good evening, everyone, and welcome to a meeting of the association of future leaders. I hope you’re not too sleepy after the banquet.”

“Not sleepy!” Alexius shouted from the audience, shocking Pollux.

Rian smiled. “Good.”

The audience lightened up, with a few giggles across the room.

Rian continued, “While Earl Rosewood and I have been travelling, I found out that many association members have made some wonderful achievements. We also welcomed more members into the association, giving a total of 326 members. Across the association, we have over 100 unique projects and many more sub-projects. Altogether, association members have helped over twenty thousand people...”

Rian listed out several numbers and ended with, “So, thank you for your contributions to the kingdom. Please give everyone a round of applause.” He raised his hands and led the clapping.

When he lowered his hands, the hall quietened again. “With so many members, and with expertise and experience growing, we can expand our projects and our sphere of affect. Thus, in the next year, our key theme is ‘sustainable expansion’, and our three focus areas are expansion of healthcare access, expansion of agricultural production, and expansion of trade. Now, as you may know, Earl Rosewood and I are attending the Imperial Magical Academy and the association is also growing. This means we need to change the way the association operates. Earl Rosewood and I have agreed to set up a board of members for each of the focus areas. The boards will report to us, while other association members will report to the relevant board. The boards will be chosen half by application and half by vote. We will also develop new advisory roles for members with expertise in certain areas to whom other members can go for advice.”

Rian paused, letting the words settle, before he continued: “However, this doesn’t mean you’ll never get to talk to us. Over the next few months, however long it takes, Earl Rosewood and I will be meeting with every association member. You may choose to either meet with me or with Earl Rosewood. It is entirely your preference. I understand that Earl Rosewood is very popular, but please do think about me.”

There were giggles across the room; Rian’s smile to the audience showed his good humour.

“I’ll be available starting tomorrow, and Earl Rosewood will be available starting next week. The meetings will be 30 minutes long. My assistant Mr Callum Dinan and Earl Rosewood’s assistant Ms Kel Walker will be scheduling them. There’s no need to schedule a meeting now, but we will follow up every month or so. Any questions?”

With no questions, Rian moved on. “In that case, meeting adjourned. You may return to the main hall for the ball.”

The chatter started quietly and then ballooned into loudness.

“When are you going to meet?”

“Mm…in a month! In a month, my road project will be done.”

“Move aside, I need to go the front!

“I want to meet with Prince Rian, but I’m sure he’s very busy…What about you?”

“Tch, Ayden of course.”

Callum and Kel became busy scheduling meetings for the first set of energetic association members. The majority of people, though, slowly headed back to the main banquet hall.

Alexius didn’t go to Kel; he went straight to Ayden. His friends—Tierri, Günter and Adrienne—followed behind him.

“I want to meet with you, of course,” Alexius said. His brows pinched together, in a mixture of worry and distaste. “But isn’t this too many meetings?”

“I’ll be fine,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Hmm…” Alexius wasn’t convinced.

“Prince Rian will have even more meetings,” Ren Xiyang said.

Alexius made a dismissive wave. “Rian is Rian.”

“Shouldn’t you go and schedule your ideal time?” Ren Xiyang asked. “I’ll wait, and we can go back together.”

“Okay!” Alexius and his friends all lined up in the queue in front of Kel. The queue didn’t feel that long though, especially since Ayden Rosewood was there with them!

Cassiopeia, Alexandra, and Ethel were among those who headed to the front. Alexandra had spotted Beaufort going to Callum to schedule a meeting, so she wanted to go to.

Cassiopeia had a very strong conundrum. Who should she choose? Could she choose not to meet either of them? Prince Rian looked nicer, but he was in fact scarier, but maybe he had changed? Maybe Ayden was the scarier person now? Could she not choose right now? But both of her friends were heading towards Callum’s line.

In Alexandra’s eyes, they were within admiring distance of Beaufort.

In Cassiopeia’s eyes, Prince Rian was too close. The more Prince Rian smiled, the colder Cassiopeia felt.

Ethel glanced back at Cassiopeia. “Cassiopeia?”

“I think…I’ll meet with Ayden instead,” Cassiopeia said.

Ethel shrugged. “Okay, go and sign up, we’ll be here.” The line in front of Callum was longer than the line in front of Kel.

Cassiopeia reluctantly went to secure a meeting. At that time, Ayden, Prince Alexius, Tierri, Günter and Adrienne were at the front of the line. Once done, they headed back, passing by Cassiopeia.

“Good evening, Cassiopeia,” Tierri greeted politely.

“Hi, Cassiopeia,” Prince Alexius, Günter and Adrienne greeted.

Ayden inclined his head. “Hello.”

“Hi!” Cassiopeia thankfully didn’t squeak.

“I do have something to talk to you about, so tell Kel to schedule an hour meeting,” Ayden said.

Cassiopeia swallowed. “Alright.”

Cassiopeia asked Kel to schedule an hour meeting as Ayden had directed, and Kel did so, scheduling a meeting for Cassiopeia next week.

Just get it over and done with, Cassiopeia thought, trying to be optimistic. She went back to her friends, standing on the side away from Prince Rian.

Not long after Ren Xiyang went back to the main hall, Rian also began walking over. Although many people had already gone back, many people had also stayed, half-hoping for an opportunity to speak to him.

Once Rian was back, the ‘ball’ part of the Early Autumn Ball could begin. The musicians started playing and King Edric and Queen Mira took the lead in stepping into the cleared space in the middle of the hall.

Rian took Florence to dance with him. He knew Florence wouldn’t take it the wrong way. And he also wanted to stamp out the lingering rumours regarding a Lady Sage and Earl Rosewood romance.

After the opening dance, Rian and Florence stepped out of the dancing area. Other nobles took their place.

Rian spoke to several dozen more people. Ren Xiyang departed first, going back to the Rosewood house.

It was late by the time Rian was finished, as he stayed back to farewell the last guest along with his Imperial Parents. Sigh, sleeping alone, Rian missed Ren Xiyang already.



On the weekends, many students at the academy would head to their family home in the Capital, if they had one and if they wanted to. For the students that remained at the academy, there were weekend club activities including chess, music, and duelling.

In the morning, Ren Xiyang went back to the Rosewood fief with Kel and Maria.

Rian woke up later than usual, both from the late night and because there was no Ren Xiyang to wake him up. His manservant helped him get ready for the day. One of his Royal Guards passed on the message that Queen Mira wanted to meet with him.

Queen Mira wasn’t seated behind her desk when he arrived. Instead, she was seated another table with a second chair pulled back, waiting for Rian.

“Good morning, Imperial Mother,” Rian greeted.

“Rian, take a seat.”

Rian sat down. Queen Mira pushed a stack of papers in front of him.

“Again, a successful ball last night. I believe that you’re ready for additional responsibilities. These are the specific regulations and requirements for the palace gardens, of which you’re now responsible for.”

“Thank you for your trust, Imperial Mother. I won’t let you down.”

Rian leaned forward, listening as Queen Mira explained the regulations, the requirements, the seasonal arrangements, the staffing, and the budget.

“Is there anything that is unclear?” Queen Mira said.

“The gardens are my responsibility starting now, correct?”

“Yes.” She gave him a look. “If you start planting vegetables in the palace gardens, you would have failed.”

“Understood, Imperial Mother.”

“Conversely, if you do a good job, then we’ll give you more responsibilities. We may consider giving you practice ruling part of a fief.”

A light grew in Rian’s eyes. “Imperial Mother, if I’m to manage a fief, will I be able to attend the Imperial Council as a voting member?”


“Would I manage a subdivision of the Azure fief? If so, can it be on the side bordering the Rosewood fief?”

Queen Mira: “…No.”

Rian’s shoulders dropped. “I understand.”

Queen Mira: what is it that you understand??

“Is there anything else?” Rian asked.

“That’s all. And oh, your Imperial Father wishes to speak with you after lunch.”

Rian nodded. “Yes, Imperial Mother.” He took all the documents and headed back to his room.

He might not be able to plant vegetables and win points from Ren Xiyang, but he could plant trees and bushes with beautiful flowers that would later become delicious fruit.





Thank you to Whoislikeaparadox for the name ‘Beaufort’!

I’m still accepting more names (and surnames too hahaha)




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