These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 173: What’s inside Ren Xiyang’s notebook?

Rian felt both gratified and charmed seeing Ren Xiyang blush like that.

“I see you can’t deny it. As we both know, your reputation in the Rosewood fief is unparalleled. But I want your reputation to be good outside the Rosewood fief as well. I don’t want people to just like me; I want them to like you too as a person, a noble, a mage. When our relationship becomes public, I want the people to think—of course. Of course, because you’re the best person they know. Of course they would defend your honour if someone else questioned it. The academy is a good physical location for us to connect with our peers and deepen our interactions beyond the infrequent social events and association meetings.”

Ren Xiyang lowered his gaze. “Hm.”

“—However, I had underestimated the negative consequences of attending. You’ve been working longer than me and attended school longer than me. In retrospect, I can see why you wouldn’t want to go back.”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that,” Ren Xiyang said. “If the teachers were good, then four hours a day could feel like they weren’t enough—I wouldn’t have minded learning more about lava magic and magic on the Hraun Islands in general. But the teachers we have aren’t engaging. History is boring to me because Lord Coquelicot, and even Count Aegean, don’t articulate why I should care. I rather attend meetings and work twice as long on things I care about.”

“Should I tell Count Aegean that?” Rian asked.

“Let him enjoy his holiday. To be fair, teaching isn’t easy. In my old world, designing and developing teaching methods was its own research field. And since I don’t have an inherent urge to study history, the job of motivating me is even harder.”

“What if I held your greenhouse hostage?” Rian asked.

Ren Xiyang gave him a look.

Rian blinked. “Why are you looking at me like that? I’m merely stating a hypothetical.”

“…Moving on, my school experience wasn’t great either. I also didn’t have any close friends. And back then, I hadn’t come out yet, I was still pretending to be a girl,” Ren Xiyang said, calm and matter-of-fact. “But university was better, and my PhD experience was even better, when I went overseas and came out and studied what I really wanted to study. So, in a way, I’ve already had the educational experience that I want. But since you’re my partner, I want to accompany you so that you can get the experience you want as well.”

Rian’s heart prickled.

“And this time, with you, I get to be one of the popular kids,” Ren Xiyang added.

“Conversely, I’m not a mere child anymore,” Rian said. “I can handle attending the academy without my dearest friend and lover.”

“But attending the academy can help lay groundwork for the future,” Ren Xiyang said. “And I’m deferring to you regarding politics. Since you think attending the academy is good for politics, then I’ll go.”

They looked at each other.

“Shouldn’t you be happy that I’d help you withdraw?” Rian said.

“Shouldn’t you be happy that I said I’d attend?” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian narrowed his eyes. “Do you really want to continue attending the academy? The truth, dear Xiyang.”

“Not particularly. The academy—or the teachers—need to change drastically before I intrinsically want to attend. But to attend for you, as part of your grand plans, is something I’m willing to do.”

Rian was conflicted.

“—I might still withdraw in the future. That’s up to the academy—and you—for making attendance sufficiently attractive,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian’s conflicted feelings were washed away by the stirrings of a challenge and a strong competitive drive. He raised his chin. “Am I not attractive enough?”

Ren Xiyang’s lips twitched. “I can’t just stare at you during class.” Then, he stopped talking and went back to eating.

Rian huffed, but he also stopped talking and ate.

How could the academy be interesting enough for Xiyang? Rian thought of the competitive team-duelling tournament that Alexius wanted to set up. But a competitive duelling tournament was something that Rian was interested in, rather than Ren Xiyang.

No, Xiyang liked farming, practical things, and research. He had also mentioned that he would prefer attending the university, and that his best educational experience was during his PhD.

But Rian couldn’t consider Xiyang’s preferences alone. It had to be something that the academy administration would be willing to accept, some kind of proposal that was attractive to them as well. It also had to be beneficial to the other students, rather than make them hate Rian and Ren Xiyang.

After they finished eating, Rian let Gary and one of the kitchen staff standing outside in to clean up.

“Your Highness, shall I also run a bath?” Gary asked.

“No need, Earl Rosewood can do it for me. Just prepare everything else,” Rian said.

Gary lowered his head. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Gary carried out his tasks neatly and left swiftly, closing the door behind him.

In the corridor, the Royal Guards looked at Gary. Gary inclined his head almost imperceptibly. The Royal Guards relaxed.

Inside the room, Rian turned to Ren Xiyang. “I know what you’re thinking,” he declared.

Ren Xiyang raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“You want the academy to let students complete a research project in place of a subject.”

Ren Xiyang blinked. “Eh? How did you know?”

Rian quirked his lips up. “That way, you can turn one of your many projects into an academy project. It would be even better if you can undertake a project that requires you to be in a greenhouse.”

Ren Xiyang smiled sheepishly. “You’re right. Research projects are good, because even commoner mages could complete one, with suitable guidance.”

Rian moved his chair over to Ren Xiyang’s desk. “I agree that there are several benefits. Now, why don’t you guess what research project I would do. Hurry up, sit down.”

Ren Xiyang took a seat at his desk. He frowned for a moment regarding Rian’s question, and then he curled his lips up. “Given that you’ll have to do it in class, you could develop a stronger duelling field shield that can withstand more attacks.”

Rian inclined his head. “Not a bad idea. And if I didn’t have to do it in class?”

Ren Xiyang smirked. “Then you could make some new sex spells.”

Rian’s lips twitched in amusement. “Heh. Don’t tempt me.”

“Consider this, the telepathy spell, but also used during sex,” Ren Xiyang said.

Don’t tempt me.”

“When you want a bath?”

“I want to have a shower later.” Rian put on a serious expression and patted Ren Xiyang’s desk. “Take out your notebook.”

Ren Xiyang did so. “Now what?”

“Tell me about all your projects,” Rian said.


“So that I can understand your workload and see where I can help,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang blinked, his heart filling with sweet honey. “Then let me see your projects too.”

“We also need to have a new secret project, now that we’ve already assisted in over-throwing King Augustus and have eliminated the research progress into the plague-curse,” Rian said very seriously.

Ren Xiyang’s lips twitched. “Oh? Do you want to overthrow King Edric next?”

“No at all,” Rian said innocently, “Provided he allows us to marry.”

Ren Xiyang looked at his still-closed notebook. “I need some time to hide some things—”

Rian’s eyes immediately brightened. “Why? Did you write a lot about me? What are you planning? Is it a secret? Is it a gift for me?”


Rian stared at the notebook, but he hadn’t developed any special vision spells that would allow him to see inside. “Then…you can tell me your non-sensitive projects and I won’t look at your notebook,” he said reluctantly.

Ren Xiyang inclined his head. He took out a fresh sheet of paper. “Let’s go through the Rosewood projects first, then our joint projects, then my projects with other people, followed by personal projects.”

Rian nodded along as Ren Xiyang listed the Rosewood projects and their joint projects. These, he already knew.

Then, Ren Xiyang moved onto his projects with other people. There were the floating office chairs with Alexius and Prince Pollux, the structural glass development with Hadrian, and the plant growth optimisation development with Florence. Ren Xiyang was also involved in a more light-touch advisory role in some of the projects of the association members, as well as with Cassiopeia—

Wait, did you just say Cassiopeia?!”

“It feels like ages ago, but I met her just this afternoon,” Ren Xiyang said. “I can’t say anything about the original Saintess’s personality, but I believe our Cassiopeia could become a better healer with the right guidance."

“Guidance by you.”


Rian frowned.

Ren Xiyang poked him in the cheek. “Don’t be like that. Now, finally, personal projects. You know about the greenhouse and field here, and the greenhouses and fields back in the Rosewood fief. Everything else is classified.”

“There must be more,” Rian said.

“The tip of the iceberg,” Ren Xiyang said. Aside from the microgreens project and the mushroom trials, there was also the continued growth of his body, now with new added information regarding Hadrian’s body. Ren Xiyang wouldn’t copy Hadrian’s body, but he could use him as inspiration. Ren Xiyang had also decided to make a new secret project—a gift for Rian.

Rian narrowed his eyes. “You’ve changed.”

Ren Xiyang placed a hand over his heart. “Your influence, Your Highness.”

“I’m not that secretive—”

“On some matters, you’re more so,” Ren Xiyang said with a pointed look. “Who knows the extent of your spy network? No one but you.”

Rian couldn’t counter that.

“Now, it’s your turn.” Ren Xiyang stood up and nudged Rian. They went over to Rian’s desk to sit.

Rian’s projects and involvement in projects was different. He played a large managing and leading role in the two big initiatives, and with the association of future leaders. He also was involved in the small projects of several association members.

“—Aside from all those projects and our joint projects, what remains are my very secret projects,” Rian said with a pointed look.

“See, your workload is no less than mine,” Ren Xiyang said, not taking the bait. “You shouldn’t stay up so late. You know that you need sleep to grow tall, right?”

Rian: “…”

Rian stood up. “Then, it’s time to get ready for bed. Help carry my bath items to your shower.” He reached out and grabbed Ren Xiyang’s hand.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Rian laced their fingers together and pulled him along.

The rest of that night’s activities could be imagined.



The next morning, Rian woke up in Ren Xiyang’s bed. Eyes still closed, he reflexively hugged Ren Xiyang.

“No duelling practice today,” Rian mumbled.

“Hm.” Ren Xiyang stopped trying to get up and instead magically picked up his notebook to have a look at his upcoming urgent tasks and important projects.

Eventually, once Rian deigned to arise, Ren Xiyang had breakfast delivered to their quarters. They sat next to each other on the sofa as they ate and went over each other’s schedule for the day.

“What we could do is develop something similar to the communication mirrors,” Ren Xiyang said, “but instead of the mirror, it’s a calendar, in which we can see each other’s schedules.”

“Add it to the list of things we need to develop,” Rian said.

“Or we could find someone else who could make it for us,” Ren Xiyang said. “Prince Pollux seems promising.”

Rian narrowed his eyes. “Are you trying to get another student?”

“What?” Ren Xiyang said innocently. “Technically Hadrian and Cassiopeia aren’t my students.”

Rian put on a stern expression. “My dear Xiyang, you seem to be denying many things lately. First, the matter of your glowing reputation, and now, the matter of your little and big students.”

“Prince Pollux is very good though, he’s fast and makes good spells. With a little bit more time, and he could start to rival you,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian’s expression turned grumpy. “Are you collecting princes?”

Ren Xiyang’s lips twitched in amusement. He reached over and ruffled Rian’s hair. “You’re a person, not a collectable object.”

Rian retaliated by messing up Ren Xiyang’s hair.



After eating and appropriate cleaning and neatening up, Rian went with Ren Xiyang to the front office.

The reception staff told them to please wait. It didn’t take long for Dean Palatinate and Vice Dean Blewitt to come.

“Good morning, Your Highness,” Dean Palatinate greeted. “How can I help you today?”

“Good morning, Dean Palatinate. Good morning, Vice Dean Blewitt. I’m merely accompanying Ayden to ask for leave this morning,” Rian said.

Dean Palatinate pursed his lips. “Is that so?”

Ren Xiyang nodded.

“I’ve spoken with Earl Rosewood and examined his schedule. He has already made several appointments that should not be cancelled,” Rian said.

Vice Dean Blewitt snorted lightly. “Your Highness, let’s not pretend that Earl Rosewood could have made those appointments for other times.”

Rian smiled pleasantly. “Earl Rosewood is currently in a unique situation, whose history, causes and effects I do not need to go into. Being the head of one’s family, estate and fief is not easy, and the work does not stop for the academy. The Rosewood fief is currently the fastest growing fief in our nation, and that comes with its workload. Thus, I implore that you grant Earl Rosewood leave.”

Dean Palatinate smiled wryly. He couldn’t counter such an argument. Indeed, he and Vice Dean Blewitt and all the other teachers at the academy weren’t heads of their fief. And at this moment, there were no other students who were also heads of their fief. The argument that Prince Rian used to obtain leave for Earl Rosewood could be used as a way to block other students from also requesting leave.

“Very well. Your leave is granted, Earl Rosewood.”

Ren Xiyang relaxed and bowed. “Thank you, Dean Palatinate.” He tilted his head, glancing at Rian, grateful for Rian’s help.

Rian smiled back at him. “Now, go.”

“See you later.”

If it weren’t for all the people around them, Rian might have held Ren Xiyang’s hand for a moment or two, but he had to resist. After Ren Xiyang walked off, Rian bid farewell to Dean Palatinate and Vice Dean Blewitt.

Dean Palatinate felt very tired suddenly. Oh, the relationship between Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood was even better than he had thought. Coming up with a long-term solution that satisfied everyone wasn’t going to be easy.




Dean Palatinate: They’re very good friends.

King Edric: Hehehehe




_(: 」∠)_

The night’s events are left to the reader to imagine ψ(`∇´)ψ

To be honest, I don't understand how Ren Xiyang can plan everything he needs in just one (?) notebook. But whatever his process and method is, I need it…



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