These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 181: The Very Good Uses of a telepathic connection

Rating: explicit



Ren Xiyang’s eyes lowered, focusing on the psychic magic connection between him and Rian.

The connection was encased in a shielding layer of magic that protected the transferring messages and could provide a warning if someone tried to breach the link. Inside the shielding, there were two telepathic lines, one directing thoughts from Ren Xiyang to Rian, and one going the other way. At the two ends of the connection, there was a magical construct that encoded and decoded communications.

After Ren Xiyang did an initial study, he started recreating the connection using direct magic manipulation.

Rian dutifully copied, sending out his own connection.

When the two lines met, nothing happened. Ren Xiyang had expected this. He studied the spelled connection bit by bit, refining the direct link gradually.

Ren Xiyang needed to keep the spelled psychic connection up as reference. But that meant he could still hear Rian’s thoughts.

—Yangyang’s lips, Yangyang’s eyes…

Look how hardworking Yangyang is, I like his little frown. No, I love it!

I love it when his eyes are focused…Ren Xiyang, can you hear me? I love you!

Ren Xiyang frowned, unable to focus. He gave Rian a look.

Rian might appear cool, calm and collected on the outside. But on the inside, Rian was extremely shameless.

—Shameless? Why should I be ashamed of my love for you, dear?

Quiet, Ren Xiyang ruthlessly thought.

The thoughts from Rian diminished in volume for a few minutes.

—AWWWW Yangyang’s frustrated expression is so cute!!! I want to touch him~

Ren Xiyang was shown a visual of Rian leaning forward and groping him.

Ren Xiyang: “…”

Ren Xiyang gave up. “It’s getting late.”

Rian smirked. Images of them having sex in bed flashed into Ren Xiyang’s brain.

Ren Xiyang’s expression darkened. He could use his modern knowledge to full force, thinking of many scenes and kinks that Rian would never have dreamed of.

Rian’s eyes widened when he received a particular image of him with fluffy white ears and a fluffy white tail…a tail that turned out to be secured to an anal plug inside of him!

Then, fantasy-Ren Xiyang started thrusting into him with the plug still inside, stretching him wide, wider than ever before!! Was that even possible?

Perhaps not, but it was a fantasy and, in a fantasy, anything was possible.

Rian felt hot and bothered. His penis stiffened in his trousers, and his hole suddenly felt empty. He swallowed. “Yangyang. If you keep doing that…”

Another image flashed in Rian’s mind. There were two Ren Xiyangs, one thrusting into him from behind, the other thrusting into his mouth.

—Your Highness, aren’t you a good boy, taking both of our cocks?

Rian hardened further. He gritted his teeth. “Yangyang!” He pushed a visual image back with vengeance: the two of them having sex on the sofa, right now.

Ren Xiyang stood up. “Come on, Your Highness. Don’t have sex where other people might sit.” He pulled the impatient Rian into his bedroom.

Ren Xiyang striped Rian and pushed him onto the bed. He sent Rian several images—sex in front of a mirror, sex in the bath, sex in the shower, coming so deep inside of Rian, Rian calling him ‘gege’—

Rian’s cheeks flushed, his eyes dark with arousal, his lips bitten red. “Yangyang.” He was so hard he couldn’t bear it. Rian spread his legs by himself and urged Ren Xiyang to cast the protection spell post-haste.

Ren Xiyang discarded his clothes alongside Rian’s and climbed into bed. The temperature in the room rose.

When Ren Xiyang finally entered him, Rian felt an initial sense of relief—but not for long.

Ren Xiyang didn’t need any command. The room filled with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh and of panting and moans.

The fantasies faded away as Ren Xiyang focused hard on his task.

Yangyang, uggghhh—” So good, so good!

“Mnh.” Rian feels good, Rian looks attractive, endearing, heart-squeezing—

Rian’s heart thumped, feeling Ren Xiyang’s attraction to him deeply.

As the pleasure climbed, the words drifted away.

The way Ren Xiyang physically thrust into Rian wasn’t any different. But the psychic connection could transmit strong feelings too. Ren Xiyang could feel Rian’s pleasure, and Rian could feel Ren Xiyang’s, and that made them even more aroused, hard, wanting more and more and more.

The sensations spiralled together, higher and higher. They were completely in sync.

Pleasure reaching the utmost peak and they came at the same time. The world fading away, leaving only each other.



The psychic link was disconnected by the time Rian woke up the next morning. He tightened his arms around Ren Xiyang and didn’t allow him to leave.

Ren Xiyang wriggled around to face him and the two kissed. It felt good to luxuriate in each other’s company.

Alas, they couldn’t remain in bed forever.

Rian was reluctant when Ren Xiyang left for the Rosewood fief, but Rian also had work on the weekend.

Over that weekend, Rian checked on the floating carriage production, met with several members from the association of future leaders, and started scoping out possible locations for restaurants. He wrote lists, he sat in meetings, he daydreamed about Ren Xiyang. He also submitted the Imperial Palace gardens’ renovation plan to his Imperial Mother.

Queen Mira promised to look at it later. She still hadn’t finished reviewing at his marriage law proposal yet.

Rian couldn’t extract a firm date from his Imperial Mother regard when she’d be done. But Rian had all sorts of plans and contingencies. In the worse case, he’d go get married to Ren Xiyang in the Rosewood fief, and he won’t invite his Imperial Parents.

Queen Mira: “…”

However, to release the tiny amount of frustration he had, Rian met with Alexius and forced him to use up one of his two-hour duelling-practice-with-Rian cards.

“But Rian—” Alexius complained.

“If you don’t agree, I won’t let you meet Ayden anymore,” Rian said.

“What, you can’t do that! Ayden won’t agree and you can’t stop him!”

“Oh, but I can stop you.”

Alexius rolled his eyes. “Then Ayden will call you a meanie and maybe he’ll give me a practice duelling session as compensation!”

“You and your friends can’t even defeat me. Don’t even think of wasting Ayden’s time.”

“We can defeat you though!”

“Oh, then why did you lose the last time we had a team duel?”

“Because Ayden was there!”

“What proof do you have? I can defeat all four of you by myself,” Rian stretched to his full height, looking down on Alexius.

“You can’t!”

“Prove it.”

Alexius gritted his teeth. “Fine! One session! I’ll call my friends, just you wait!”


Rian’s and Alexius’s Royal Guards: We heard nothing, we heard nothing!

Later, in the duelling ‘practice’, Rian was clearly targeting Alexius. Every time Günter tried to help Alexius out, he would be ruthlessly attacked by Rian and knocked back several metres.

Tierri and Adrienne glanced at each other. This time, Prince Rian was even using lightning. However, as long as they didn’t do anything, Prince Rian didn’t attack them. Tierri and Adrienne joined forces to launch a sneak attack.

But, unfortunately, Prince Rian did not hold back. The four used up all their magical energy, yet Prince Rian seemed to have more.

Alexius eventually collapsed in defeat, his eyes wet with frustration and unwillingness. “Ugh! Wait till I tell Ayden!!”

Rian frowned. With Alexius’s reminder, Rian missed Ren Xiyang.



On Monday, the area around and within the Imperial University was very busy. It was the first day of the academic year at the University, and students flocked to the University for the opening day events, while academics lamented that the University campus was no longer calm and peaceful.

Next door, it was quieter in the academy. Dean Palatinate submitted the refined proposal of changes to the academy board. And then he helped create some change by meeting with the student council. He asked them to organise tutoring sessions for the second- and third-year students and assigned them rooms in which to hold those sessions.



When Ren Xiyang returned to the Capital on Monday evening, Rian was already at his field, watering the plants.

“Ayden!” Rian’s eyes were bright, so happy to see him.

Ren Xiyang quirked his lips up. “Hm.”

“Ayden, I think these are ready to eat,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang nodded. “Can you pick them for me?”

The Royal Guards listening immediately knew what to do. Some of them left first to set up a small dining table and a food preparation table in the shared quarters.

Gary professionally arranged two vases of red and pink roses onto the dining table and put down placemats, and cutlery etc. for them.

Ren Xiyang and Rian returned with a basket of fresh greens and ripe strawberries.

“So, what did you get for me this time?” Rian asked eagerly, eyes going to the luggage that had been left by Ren Xiyang’s door.

“Wash those for me,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian carried the basket of greens to the prep table, but his eyes were stuck to Ren Xiyang.

Ren Xiyang bent down and opened his luggage. He pulled out a wide, slim box.

“Oh, chocolates?” Rian abandoned his job to accept his gift.

Inside, there were beautiful chocolates, with swirls of white, milk and dark chocolate and sprinkles of freeze-dried berries. The chocolates themselves were in heart shapes, fire shapes, and snowflake shapes. Rian could sense Ren Xiyang’s magic on these—Ren Xiyang had made them himself!

Rian selected a heart-shaped piece and put it in his mouth. The chocolate was sweet and slightly fruity; as it melted, hints of Ren Xiyang’s magic touched his tongue, producing a unique flavour.

It was arousing.


Ren Xiyang gave him a flat look. “I’m hungry.”

Rian pushed aside his arousal and obediently went back to washing the greens.

For dinner that evening, Ren Xiyang made a fresh green pesto and pasta dish. Dessert was strawberries and chocolates hand-fed by Rian.

Afterwards, they shared their calendars and did some work. Rian gave Ren Xiyang a list of the commoner students attending the academy and flagged the ones that liked Ren Xiyang.

Ren Xiyang: “… How do you know they like me? I don’t even know most of them.”

“No reason,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang looked at him.

Rian huffed. “They’re obviously potential rivals.”

Ren Xiyang reached out for Rian’s head; Rian, sensing danger, moved his head away.

Finally, they ‘practised’ linking telepathically again.

This time, Ren Xiyang was ready, but the sudden blast of emotion, I LOVE YANGYANG, and mental images of Rian kissing him was more than he expected.

Ren Xiyang suppressed all his feelings. “Can let me focus?” he asked.

Rian placed his hands on his legs obediently. “Go ahead.”

Under his innocent smile were his blatant thoughts—I want to watch Yangyang focusing, with that little frown on his face and the thoughtfulness in his beautiful red eyes…

Ren Xiyang tried to ignore him. He even made some progress.

However, because Rian was so intent on sabotaging practice with sexual fantasies, they weren’t able to successfully link up via direct magic manipulation.

Ren Xiyang had to give up again and take the naughty, lustful prince to bed.



Ren Xiyang met with Florence the next day. Together, they laid out their plan for the microgreens business.

Microgreens themselves didn’t take long to grow naturally—only between one and three weeks. Assuming that the restaurant would take a few months to set up, including location acquirement and outfitting, there was no need to actually start growing microgreens yet.

However, there were preparations to be made: first of all, they needed enough seeds. Second of all, they needed enough space to grow microgreens and continuously provide the restaurant.

To obtain more seeds initially, they could simply buy them from the market. This would likely be enough for the restaurant, but not if they wanted to expand, which Ren Xiyang did.

With the future in mind, Ren Xiyang wanted to set up their own seed production.

Producing their own seeds had other benefits too: it gave them the option to sell seeds, and it meant they could distribute these vegetable seeds across the kingdom through the food security project, supplementing the diets of the rural population and encouraging town and city dwellers to grow their own greens.

After some discussion, Ren Xiyang took charge of the microgreens growing side, including the initial sourcing of seeds, while Florence was in charge of seed production. And now that Florence was going to be in the Capital on a regular basis for her part-time university course, the two settled on a regular date to meet, chat, and have dinner together.



After Ren Xiyang’s meeting and dinner with Florence, Rian suddenly became more cooperative.

With more focus, with more familiarity with how the telepathy link felt, and with Rian no longer sabotaging practice, Ren Xiyang was able to connect directly with Rian.

They dropped the spelled link and tested the new link.

I love you. “Yangyang, what did I just think?” Rian asked.

Ren Xiyang: “…I love you.”

Rian grinned. “I love you too!”

Now that he had direct control over the telepathy link, Ren Xiyang could decrease the sensitivity at will on his side.

“Yangyang, what did I just think?”


Rian pouted. “You can’t hear what I’m thinking, can you?”


“We need something to alert when the other has something to say to us,” Rian said. “A pulse of magic should work.” He immediately sent a pulse of magic down.

Ren Xiyang reluctantly widened the connection. What?

I like it when you’re like that, mwah!

Ren Xiyang: “…” His hand reached out, meaning to flick Rian’s forehead.

Rian dodged with indignation. “Hey, I know what you’re thinking!”

Ren Xiyang narrowed the connection.

Rian sent a pulse of magic.

Ren Xiyang opened the connection again.

Sexual fantasies appeared.

Ren Xiyang ruthlessly closed the connection altogether. “Come on, we haven’t slept as much as we should recently. I want to be well rested before we practice duelling together with the telepathy link tomorrow morning.”

“Not even a little bit of sex?”

“Fine, a little bit.”

Rian lunged forward and pushed Ren Xiyang down onto the sofa. He kissed Ren Xiyang eagerly, and then pulled down Ren Xiyang’s trousers, freeing his penis and exposing it to the cool air.

Rian parted his lips.

Ren Xiyang’s penis wasn’t cold for long.





Rian: Why don’t we practice keeping the telepathic link open during class? Why don’t we keep it open while you go to the Rosewood house for work? That way, we can talk whenever we want!

Ren Xiyang (ruthless): No. Too distracting.

Rian (sly): I’m distracting, am I~

Ren Xiyang: I’m saving you from coming untouched in class.

Rian: …




Question: should I just stop ‘warning’ when the rating rises? 🤭🤭🤭🤭



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