These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 189: Rosewood notebooks, guaranteed to improve your productivity!

The next day, Ren Xiyang had several meetings with the Rosewood managers. In the afternoon, Cassiopeia came to the Rosewood house.

“Good afternoon, Ayden,” she greeted, taking a seat on the sofa in Ren Xiyang’s office.

Ren Xiyang closed the report he was looking through and came and sat down opposite her. “How have you been?”

“Well, thank you.” Cassiopeia’s lips curled up in a mischievous manner as she opened her bag and took out the notebook that Ren Xiyang had given her last time. “I wrote an agenda for today,” she said proudly.


Cassiopeia nodded happily. “Now, let me see…First up, I’ve written a few drafts with basic explanations about trans people.” She pulled these out from her bag and handed them to Ren Xiyang. “If there is anything wrong, please tell me…”

Ren Xiyang was pleasantly surprised. Cassiopeia had made folded booklets, with neatly written descriptions and some drawn diagrams and pictures. In the booklets, Cassiopeia had introduced the concepts of gender and sex and their spectrums; she had even provided basic information about nonbinary genders.

“These look good,” Ren Xiyang said. “I’ll take a closer look later and give you feedback in a week or so.”

Cassiopeia beamed. “Thank you! I was wondering how you planned to print and distribute these?”

“The Rosewood Group has a printing division and distribution channels,” Ren Xiyang said. “We’re familiar with disseminating news, information, and updates within the Rosewood fief. I’m going to talk with Prince Rian later and see whether these can be distributed further afield, perhaps through the Royal Healers’ Association’s network. If you have any connections or preferred printers or distributors though, we’ll go with them.”

Cassiopeia stiffened. “Prince Rian…”

“Don’t worry about him,” Ren Xiyang said. “He’s very supportive.”

Cassiopeia didn’t look convinced. “Alright…I’ll see if my family has any connections…”

Ren Xiyang nodded.

“The next item is about my progress with direct-healing so far. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been using perception magic and healing magic and I think I can tell the difference between my skin layers and blood vessels and muscles and bones…I also told my friends about the technique and looked at their arms too. I can really see how some things are similar yet different!”


“I’m going to keep on studying more,” Cassiopeia said. “And then, I can start working on gender transition magic!”

“Take your time, and study carefully,” Ren Xiyang said.

“I will.”

During the rest of the meeting, Ren Xiyang asked Cassiopeia to demonstrate what she had learned thus far, and asked her about how other parts of her life was going. At the conclusion of the meeting, he asked her what she wanted to achieve by the next meeting.

Ren Xiyang accompanied Cassiopeia downstairs.

Duke Schauss was waiting for them. “Earl Rosewood,” he said.

“Good afternoon, your Grace,” Ren Xiyang replied.

“Hello, Father,” Cassiopeia said, coming over to Duke Schauss’s side.

“Earl Rosewood, when will you next be free for a meeting?” Duke Schauss asked.

“I have an appointment with Prince Rian next, but I can delay that and speak with you now,” Ren Xiyang said.

“No need. I’ll send you possible times and dates later.”

Ren Xiyang nodded.

Duke Schauss placed a protective hand on Cassiopeia’s shoulder, nudging her out of the Rosewood house and into their carriage.

Ren Xiyang went back to his office to collect some things before going to the academy. Rian was waiting for him at his field and greenhouse, and they tended to both together.



After dinner, Ren Xiyang showed Rian the booklets that Cassiopeia had made.

Rian flipped through them. “Is this what you want?”

“Cassiopeia did a good job. But this is just for gender. I want to also release other booklets describing gay, bisexual, and asexual people too,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Leave it to me,” Rian said. “Leave everything to me.”


“I have a plan, a grand plan,” Rian said. He took out a Rosewood-branded notebook and gave Ren Xiyang a quick grin before acting serious. “Ah, yes, let me see what I’ve written here in my notebook…” He looked at Ren Xiyang. “Unfortunately, my Imperial Mother hasn’t returned any comments to me regarding the marriage laws. But there are many things we can do that don’t require kingdom-wide legislation. With the Rosewood fief as the leader and our network, we might even be able to cause someone else to present a marriage-law amendment to the Council.”

Ren Xiyang nodded.

“Education, culture, organisations, and expansion,” Rian said. He pressed up against Ren Xiyang to show him what he had written under the four columns. “For education, we produce a series of booklets, like Cassiopeia’s here. We can also produce general encyclopedias and print health and cultural textbooks and include information about gender and sexual minorities. For culture, we will fund fictional and non-fictional books on this content—don’t underestimate the reach of romance novels—as well as songs, plays, roadside storytellers, artists and even art gallery shows.”

Ren Xiyang tilted his head, the top of his head brushing against Rian’s face.

Rian briefly nuzzled him back before continuing.

“For organisations, we will fund organisations to bring together gender and sexual minorities and their supporters, to provide support and a place to make friends and connections. Once these organisations are developed, they can take over the education and cultural areas. And finally, for expansion, the Royal Healers’ Association will be formally educated on this. Baron Baltasar would introduce new marriage laws if you ask him. Florence can help us speak with Viscountess Sage, Cassiopeia could speak with Duke Schauss; you could also speak with Marquis Terra. After I tell Count Aegean about our relationship, I will make him introduce the new laws in the Aegean fief—”

Ren Xiyang quirked his lips. “You should leave poor Count Aegean alone.”

“But…” Rian gave Ren Xiyang a puppy-dog look. “Have you thought about having a beach-side honeymoon in the Aegean fief?”

“Or we could go to the Hraun Islands,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian’s lips thinned. “Too many rivals there.”

“We’ll be married,” Ren Xiyang said drily. He reached over and was about to flip over the next page in Rian’s notebook when Rian suddenly stopped him.

“Nothing more to see there,” Rian said, closing the notebook.

“Right,” Ren Xiyang said in a deadpan expression. “Alright, what can I help you with right now?”

I will do everything.”

“You’re not going to do everything.”


Ren Xiyang looked at Rian. “I love you.”

“Oh, thank you,” Rian said, flattered.

“Kel, Maria and Mrs Cooks won’t let you do everything, especially if it involves the Rosewood fief,” Ren Xiyang added. “Help me draft some feedback on Cassiopeia’s work and then we can draft the other introductory booklets. Then we can divide up the other tasks, including tasks I can delegate to Kel and the others.”

“Yes, my Lord,” Rian said.

Rian had already known that it would be impossible to do everything by himself. But if he had agreed to split the work from the beginning, Ren Xiyang would be doing more work! Working hard was important, but so was resting. And Rian had a large network of people, servants, and agents. Given that Rian now had pulled out half of the agents from Angio, they needed some new work to do. Why should over-worked people get more work when there are so many under-worked people in need of work?

Ren Xiyang pushed Cassiopeia’s draft booklets towards Rian.

Rian became serious as he analysed them. “Cassiopeia’s text is simple and straightforward, however, the design could be improved, depending on the target audience…”

They spent the rest of the working-time drafting and adjusting the booklets. Rian then had a Royal Guard take them to the Rosewood house for Maria to examine—and thus forcefully taking it out of Ren Xiyang’s hands.



The next day, Ren Xiyang couldn’t work on expanding LGBT+ knowledge materials even if he wanted to: during the day, he had to attend the Imperial Council Gathering, and in the afternoon, there was the association of future leaders meeting, followed by the late autumn social event: a masquerade.

Rian had prepared matching clothing and masks for them: Rian had white clothes and a black mask, while Ren Xiyang had black clothes and a white mask.

The Imperial Palace Hall was dimmer than usual, lit by floating candles and strings of floating light orbs. A band of musicians played music. There were dancers in the middle of the hall, many more attendees milling around, and servers walking around with trays of canapes and drinks. Some attendees were seated at the scattered tables, chatting and eating.

While all attendees wore masks, they were more decorative than functional. Even Ren Xiyang could identify familiar people without looking at their heat signature.

Rian leaned into Ren Xiyang. “Dance?” And telepathically, he added, No one will know who we are.

Ren Xiyang: “…” He merely gave Rian a look and then turned to pick some food from a Palace server who had come up to them. As he ate, he swept his gaze across the room.

Prince Pollux and Hadrian were side-by-side, speaking with the Angio healers.

Florence was among a group of university students.

Alexius was speaking enthusiastically with a group of younger mages, most likely about the team duelling tournament he was planning.

Various commoner mages were also in groups; none of them were alone.

“Ah, there is Dr Lady Rose,” Rian said. “Shall we?”

Ren Xiyang nodded and followed Rian over to where Anya Rose was seated with her husband and some other senior mages.

“Your Highness,” one of the other mages noticed first.

“Good evening, no need to stand, please,” Rian said.

“Good evening, Anya,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Ayden,” Anya smiled. “I received your letter. Since you’re here, let me introduce you to my colleagues.”

One by one, she introduced the senior academics and their broad research fields. One researched magical herbs for use in energy concoctions; another researched healing for respiratory diseases, while another looked at developing potions to replace specific healing spells.

Ren Xiyang inclined his head. “Nice to meet you, I’m Ayden Rosewood. My research interests include plant breeding for increased crop yield and improving nutrition, while minimising impact to the environment.”

“However, Ayden also does a lot of other research,” Rian said. “Ayden has developed several magical technologies. He was also the person who developed the direct healing method of reference and mechanistic healing.”

“I’ve heard of this,” one of the researchers said. “From my recollection, Your Highness, you gave a presentation to some healers from the Capital Hospital.”

Rian nodded. “I did. I believe it would be fruitful if Ayden came and spoke at the university.”

“Perhaps,” came the polite reply.

“I’m a little busy this coming week,” Anya said to Ren Xiyang. “However, I’m fairly free the week after. I’ll send you a specific date and location to meet. How does that sound?”

Ren Xiyang nodded. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Ren Xiyang and Rian walked away. Ren Xiyang gave Rian a look.

Rian blinked innocently. “Wouldn’t it be interesting if you, an academy student, gave invited talk at the University?”

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian patted him on the back. “You’re very welcome.”

The two went around to greet and meet different people together. Sometime during the night though, they split up when Ren Xiyang talked to a group of commoner mage students, and some other nobles wanted to speak with Rian.

At this time, Ren Xiyang was talking to the commoner mage students about working for him on existing projects or the Rosewood Group, either now or during the summer break.

“Can we think about it?” one asked.

“Of course,” Ren Xiyang said. “When you’re free, I can also take you on a tour of the different projects in the Rosewood fief.”

“Thank you, Ayden.”

“And if you or anyone else you know wants to work with me, just come and meet with me,” Ren Xiyang said.

The students nodded. They asked a bit more about what work would entail. After Ren Xiyang explained briefly, he bade them farewell and went to find someone else to talk to, leaving the students to discuss among themselves.

Ren Xiyang decided to go over and say hello to Prince Pollux and Hadrian. At this point, Wolfgang Titian was also there—they were discussing cat ownership and cat toys.

Unsurprisingly, Wolfgang had a mask with cat ears, which he had pushed up over his forehead.

“Wolfgang,” Ren Xiyang greeted. “Have you reconsidered that cat-café idea?”

“I don’t want to,” Wolfgang said. “But I won’t stop you if you want to open such an establishment.”

Ren Xiyang shook his head. He had enough work on his plate, and enough money too. While he found cats cute, he also had a big cute baby called Rian. “If you dislike the idea of receiving money, then you don’t have to. I’m sure there are many people who would like to come and play or simply look at your cats.”

Wolfgang made a face. “But that sounds like work…No offence.”

“No offence taken,” Ren Xiyang said.

Prince Pollux’s lips twitched, suppressing his amusement.

Ren Xiyang frowned for a moment when he remembered something. “Have you ever heard of ‘animal therapy’? Some individuals may benefit from interactions with cats, for comfort, or to reduce stress. Pets, such as cats, can improve mental wellbeing. I noticed that several students became quite stressed before the alternative exams. They might have benefited from an hour or two with your cats.”

Wolfgang wavered. “They would benefit from some cat-playtime, and some of my cats are quite outgoing…”

“Think about it. If you can find or know someone else who can collaborate and do all the work, then all you need to do is supply the cats,” Ren Xiyang said.

“I could ask my sister, Wulfflæd,” Wolfgang said. “If I can get her to make a big and comfortable place so I can also play there with the cats…”

“Think about it,” Ren Xiyang said.

Wolfgang grinned. “Okay!”





Cassiopeia: Let me look at my notebook…

Rian: Let me look at my notebook…

Ren Xiyang: … (He was about to say “let me look at my notebook”)

Wulfflæd: I suddenly have a bad feeling about Wolfgang again!!!




Thank you to The_other_Abe for reminding me about cat therapy >w<

(If you want a story with cat therapy, you can check out my other novel, Dao of the Salted Fish)

If Dao of the Salted Fish hypothetically had merch, it would be plushies and soft toys of the characters and the cats. If this novel ever had merch, it would be notebooks and stationery for productivity 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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