These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 193: Back to school~

Ren Xiyang and Rian didn’t talk much as they flew; they needed to concentrate. They stopped at different surprised nobles on the trip back. As Rian said, “It’s only fair to spread the shock and stress around to a few more nobles.”

On the first night of return travel, after dinner with a stressed noble, Rian and Ren Xiyang retired to their separate assigned suites. Less than half an hour later, Rian knocked at Ren Xiyang’s door.

Ren Xiyang let him in.

Rian closed the door behind him and cast a privacy spell. “Don’t you give me that look, I wasn’t thinking of sleeping with you tonight just because my Imperial Mother isn’t here.”


Rian smiled happily. “No, I’m here because I have news from the Capital! The results of the alternative examinations at the Imperial Magical Academy have been released! Guess our results!”

Ren Xiyang put in extra effort to remain deadpan. “What could they be, I have no idea.”

Rian tackled him into a hug. “You passed! Barely on a few subjects, but you passed!” He lifted Ren Xiyang into the air and spun him around.

Ren Xiyang’s lips quirked up. He patted the excitable Rian on the head. “All thanks to you.”

Rian beamed. “I knew you were smart!”


“Luckily, we have more time to prepare for the next round of alternative stream exams, and we also have to prepare our case for joining the student council next year,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang: “…” Dammit, he didn’t consider the next round of exams. The alternative stream meant twice as much work! “Wait, student council?”

“Of course, my dear. It’s an imperative that we join. I’ll become the vice president next year, and the president the year after…”

“I suppose this is part of your romantic school life?”

“You read my mind!”

Ren Xiyang patted Rian on the shoulder. “I need to get some sleep before we leave tomorrow. As do you. It won’t be good if I run out of magic and everyone falls from the sky.”

Rian reluctantly put Ren Xiyang down. He leaned in and gave Ren Xiyang a kiss. “Sweet dreams, darling.”

Ren Xiyang kissed him back. “Good night.”



Thankfully, Rian behaved and the entire convoy of people made it safely back to the Capital, arriving on Sunday evening.

Kel and the knights helped organise places for the Lavender fief folk to stay, and they would also be escorting them to the Rosewood fief the next day at a more regular, normal pace. Ren Xiyang handed the matter over to them without worry.

Rian went to the Imperial Palace to dinner with his Imperial Father and Alexius, while Ren Xiyang went to the Rosewood house to have dinner with the people there. But afterwards, they both returned to the academy.

After two weeks of intense travel and work, Ren Xiyang and Rian had returned to their ‘shared home’.

“And we’re back,” Rian said with a sigh and a smile.

“Back to your romantic school life?” Ren Xiyang asked. He opened his suitcase and started unpacking.

Rian came up behind him. “Do you know what else would be romantic?”

Ren Xiyang yawned and turned around. “Hm?”

Rian’s seductive expression turned onto one of concern. “You can unpack in the morning, let’s go to bed right now.”

“I rather do it now and start tomorrow already organised,” Ren Xiyang said, before yawning again. “Don’t mind me.”

“I could get Gary to help you,” Rian said. Gary had unpacked for him already, placing things exactly where he liked it.

“Gary has left already, let him be,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian sighed. “Then, this prince must help you.”

Ren Xiyang was sceptical.

“Trust me,” Rian said, placing an earnest hand over his heart.

As it turned out, Rian really did know where Ren Xiyang liked to put most of his things.

How carefully had Rian been watching him? How carefully had Rian being noting and remembering all this?


Ren Xiyang’s eyes unconsciously softened. He couldn’t take Rian for granted.

“Done!” Rian turned around and faced him again.

“Thanks, Rian.” Ren Xiyang beckoned him over.


Chu~ Ren Xiyang dropped a light kiss on his lips.

Rian’s gaze deepened. He kissed him back, and then said, “Now, to bed. No more complaining.” He hugged and lifted Ren Xiyang up. “No need to walk at all while I’m around.”

“Oh? Do you plan to do this in public too?”

“On our wedding day, so be prepared,” Rian said with a smirk.

“In the future, once we have high-speed trains, I wouldn’t be so tired,” Ren Xiyang said.

“No talking about more work,” Rian chided.

“And we need a group of lawyers who can support commoners and defend them against nobles like those Lavenders, perhaps something with a similar structure to the Royal Healers’ Association—”

Rian had carried Ren Xiyang to the bathroom at this point. “Wash up and go to sleep,” he said sternly. “We can talk more tomorrow.”

“Let me get my notebook to write this down before I forget.”

“How can you think about work when I’m carrying you in my arms?” Rian said. “I’ll remember for you.”

“Because you’re the crown prince and the future king and you’re responsible for the kingdom, and so now I’m trying to consciously care more about the kingdom too,” Ren Xiyang said. “Put me down.”

Rian’s lips curled downwards and reluctantly put him down. They both started brushing their teeth, and so switched to telepathic communication.

Rian: I’m happy you care about the kingdom but right now, can you think about me think about me think about me—

Ren Xiyang: Would you prefer I think about Florence instead?

Rian: No, Florence, again?!!! Is it because she has long hair too? Do you think I should put my hair in a braid? Would I look more attractive to you?

Ren Xiyang: I’ll still like you even if you had short hair. He sent Rian some mental images of Rian in short hair, with a braid, with wavy hair, with hair tied loosely over one shoulder. Handsome no matter what (envious).

Rian: Love you too!

They finished using the bathroom, changed into sleepwear, and climbed into bed.

Rian let out a satisfied sigh as he slung his leg and arm over Ren Xiyang. “Good night, Yangyang.”

“Good night.” Ren Xiyang closed his eyes. He sent out a heat scan, before following his magic back close. Rian’s body was warm and comforting.

It didn’t take long for them to fall asleep.



They had a restful sleep that night. When the sun rose, Rian opened the curtains so that Ren Xiyang could absorb more energy.

Since they had passed all their exams, they no longer had to attend their usual classes (except for the weekly class on ‘life skills’ every Monday afternoon).

Instead, that morning, they had a meeting with Dean Palatinate to discuss what would happen next.

Dean Palatinate and Vice Dean Blewitt awaited them in the meeting room.

“Prince Rian, Earl Rosewood. His Majesty King Edric have already requested leave for you over the last two weeks,” Dean Palatinate said.

Rian nodded. “I hope you understand that it was an unexpected occurrence.”

Dean Palatinate inclined his head.

“There are three things we want to talk to you about,” Vice Dean Blewitt said. “You should have received your results from your exams. You passed all of them. But that doesn’t mean you no longer have to attend class. You have your weekly skills class on Monday. You must also choose one of the joint research-study classes to attend with other alternative-stream students. Understand?”

She looked at Ren Xiyang in particular, so Ren Xiyang inclined his head. “Understood.”

That didn’t mean he’d stop skipping those weekly classes.

“Next, is your research topic. Your research must draw in elements from all the subjects that you have passed and are no longer attending,” Vice Dean Blewitt said, once again looking at Ren Xiyang.

Ren Xiyang hadn’t planned to conduct his usual staple-crop-improvement research on academy time, anyway. (Why would he when he could start a new research project and do more work?)

“You must form a research plan, with your research supervisor, and present that to the panel of supervisors. And thus, the third matter is the choice of supervisor. There have been several senior mages who have volunteered their time.” Vice Dean Blewitt pushed over a set of papers. On them were the names and specialities of the different research supervisors. “Once you pick a supervisor, you need to meet with them as soon as possible. You have until the end of the week to have everything organised.”

Ren Xiyang picked up the papers.

“Any other questions?” Dean Palatinate asked.

“This has been clear, we’ll complete everything we need,” Rian said.

Dean Palatinate smiled. “I, for one, look forward to what you both will do. Have a good day.”

Ren Xiyang and Rian bid Dean Palatinate and Vice Dean Palatinate farewell and walked out.

“I like Anya,” Ren Xiyang said, handing the supervisor-information sheets to Rian.

Rian really wanted to choose Anya too, and he also really wanted to do a joint project with Ren Xiyang. But he recognised that that wouldn’t be the best use of their time and skills.

“Are you going to work on mushroom farming with her?” Rian asked.

“I’m not sure how I can involve political science in that,” Ren Xiyang said drily.

“Perhaps so,” Rian said out loud. But there was a twinkle in his eye, and by via telepathy, he added, That simply requires some creative thinking, and I’m super intelligent.

I know, I know. “What about you?”

Rian smirked. They certainly won’t agree if I make new sex spells like you suggested previously…

Ren Xiyang gave him a look. That just requires some creative thinking.

Rian laughed, and Ren Xiyang’s lips curled up.

“How about this,” Rian said. You’re going to the Rosewood house next, right? I saw on your schedule.


“This evening, we can tell each other our research ideas and we’ll help each other make sure they cover all the requirements.”

Ren Xiyang nodded. Dinner alone together?

Gasp! You want to have dinner alone together? Rian’s eyes shone. I had planned for us to have dinner in the dining hall, so that the students can see that we’re back, but if you want to have dinner alone—

No, that’s a good idea. After dinner then, Ren Xiyang responded.

The Royal Guards following behind them pretended not to notice the odd silences between the two.



Ren Xiyang and Rian said goodbye to each other and split up.

Rian had matters to attend to at the Imperial Palace, while Ren Xiyang had work to catch up at the Rosewood house. In the afternoon, Rian returned to the academy to attend that compulsory weekly class.

Ren Xiyang couldn’t go, because oh, ‘woops’, he had scheduled an important healing session with Prince Pollux and Hadrian.

“Sorry again about the sudden break in your healing,” Ren Xiyang said, as Hadrian helped Prince Pollux onto the bed.

There was a slight frown in Prince Pollux’s lips. “Will that have a negative effect?”

“No,” Ren Xiyang said firmly. “It may even be beneficial for your body to take a break from all the changes.”

Prince Pollux’s face eased. “Hm.”

“Have you thought about whether you’ll like someone else to heal you?” Ren Xiyang asked. “My student, Cassiopeia Schauss, has great promise. And I hear the Capital hospital healers and your Angio healers have been learning the method well.”

Prince Pollux frowned again. “You’re not thinking of stopping, are you? You’re already familiar with everything.”

Hadrian nodded in agreement.

“Hm, continuity of care is important,” Ren Xiyang acknowledged. “I just wanted to be sure. So, has there been any noticeable changes, especially pain?”

“No out-of-the-ordinary pain…” Prince Pollux said.

“Okay. I hope I can reduce your pain today,” Ren Xiyang said. He sunk his magic into Prince Pollux and Hadrian and begun.



Rian detoured from the Imperial Palace and picked Ren Xiyang up from the Rosewood house. They went to the dining hall together.

“Good evening, your Highness!”

“Good evening, Ayden!”

“Good evening,” Rian replied. He took Ren Xiyang to sit down at a table with other first year students.

“Good evening,” Josephine said.

“It’s good to be back. We had an impromptu trip north,” Rian said.

The faces of the students eased up, now that they knew they could mention the topic. “How was it?”

“Quite interesting.” Rian glanced at Ren Xiyang and smiled “We should tour the kingdom more often.”

“You weren’t in class today. I assume Your Highness and Ayden both passed all your exams?” Josephine asked.

“Yes,” Rian said. “We both studied hard and it paid off.”

Another student at the table sighed in disappointment. Then, he suddenly realised and said sheepishly, “Congratulations! I was merely thinking that you’ll no longer be attending our duelling practice classes anymore.”

Rian nudged Ren Xiyang. “I believe Ayden can still free his schedule to come with me.”

“We can alternate between class A and class B,” Ren Xiyang said.

“A wonderful idea, Ayden,” Rian said.

The students brightened up.

“Alright, Thursday afternoon, we’ll be ready!”

“Hm, hm, it’s been very boring without you, Prince Rian!”

“Did anything interesting happen at the academy while we were gone?” Rian asked, leaning forward in attentiveness.

“We’ve fully resumed the study sessions,” Josephine said.

“We think Lord Coquelicot and Lord Zaffre had a falling out!”

“Prince Alexius came by and told us the date of the planning team tournament. We have a few months to practice—”


The conversation became lively and the students all relaxed back to their usual selves.





Rian: Up next, private time with Yangyang!




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