These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 208: How wasteful to be a farmer!

“Direct magic healing,” Ren Xiyang said.

“I know that you’re using the reference-method you taught my daughter, and the method that Crown Prince Rian presented last year. But there are multiple reasons why that method hasn’t taken off,” Duke Schauss said pointedly.

“I understand that it’s quite complicated and requires a strong grasp of both direct healing magic and direct perception magic. But I do think it’ll be easier once the method is further refined and better ways to teach it and practice it are found.”

“I can use the reference-method too,” Duke Schauss said, face darkening slightly. “However, it’s unwieldy. Not every healer has so much time as to see the same patient several times a week for over a year.”

Ren Xiyang inclined his head. “And more. You’re right, Cassiopeia was expressing the same sentiment to me earlier. Sustainable operation is a big theme in my work, but the reference healing method is not very scalable.”

The mention of Cassiopeia made Duke Schauss’s expression become better, then worse again. “Is that so. What did she say?”

Ren Xiyang indulged this protective father. “There’s a healing process that she wants to conduct. My suggestion was to use the reference method, and so I taught her the method. But today, she raised the issue of time and resources. Her plan is to use the reference method as a first step, which would then inform the creation of a much faster, more standard healing method. She’ll be working on it, and it might even form her research topic when she starts at the academy next year.”

Duke Schauss nodded slightly, his expression better again.

“It would be good if I could turn what I’ve been doing to Prince Pollux into a more standard process too, so that more people can recover the ability to walk. However, my skills in developing traditional spells is limited, and I’m not familiar with standard healing methods. I suppose I could ask Prince Rian, but he’s not a professional healer either.”

Duke Schauss straightened. “How far has Prince Pollux’s treatment come?”

“Prince Pollux has only regained sensation in his upper legs, but he can’t walk yet.”

“And how did you get to that point?”

“First of all, I studied the composition of my own legs. I also studied Prince Pollux, Lord Hadrian Terra, and Crown Prince Rian to see what’s different and what’s similar. For Prince Pollux’s injury, I needed to focus on healing his spinal cord, nerves, bones, and muscles. I worked on applying healing magic each of these components in turn. Bones are the easiest to sense and differentiate, and there are a lot of known healing spells for bones, so I can also watch the effect of bone-healing spells. The spinal cord location is fairly obvious in relation to the spine, and muscles are pretty obvious too, once you study them in motion and consider how they contract and expand. Nerves are the hardest part. They have several components, can be very tiny, and while the main nerves are common, the minor nerves are uniquely arranged. I did my best to find Prince Pollux’s old nerve pathways and reinvigorate them.”

“One by one?”

“Yes. Or bit-by-bit, extending several nerves at time.”

Duke Schauss narrowed his eyes. “And how did you determine they were nerves? Do you understand the consequences if you did something wrong?”

“I did a lot of detailed examination. Nerves also send tiny electrical impulses, so a good sensitivity to electric magic also helps. Similar to how blood vessels contain blood, so a good sensitivity to water and metal magic also helps when it comes to them. But you’re right, especially at the beginning, I’m not certain that I’m right.”

“If that’s the case, how did you discover this method at all?”

“I needed to heal something complicated with no known spell,” Ren Xiyang said. “It made sense to me to compare with a healthy target reference.”

“And so, you, an untrained healer, just did it. Did you even consult a single healer?”

“I consulted some textbooks…”

“And unless you read an entire shelf of books at the University Library, does not replace a consultation with a trained healer.”

Ren Xiyang’s lips quirked to the side. “For my purposes, privacy was of upmost importance, and I was fairly sure there was no published method. Even if I consulted with a healer, it was very unlikely that a random healer would know. And that’s the strength of the direct healing method. It works when there’s no known process. It worked once, so I’m doing it again for Prince Pollux.”

“Confident,” Duke Schauss said, his voice very dry.

“There’s a reason why I go slowly. Yes, the body naturally makes gradual changes, but also by going slowly I can adjust.” Ren Xiyang looked at Duke Schauss. “I want to go faster, but ultimately, my lack of experience when it comes to healing and my lack of knowledge about how the human body works limits me. An experienced healer would be able to go much faster. Maybe I’m overly cautious, and it doesn’t have to be so gradual at all. Coming back to what Cassiopeia had mentioned, I had wondered if it would be better to traumatically change the body and heal afterwards. Do you have any thoughts on this?”

“If we wanted something to heal gradually, then why employ healing magic at all?” Duke Schauss said. “Healing magic exists to do what is not naturally possible otherwise. There are no timid healers. It’s certainly possible for you to heal Prince Pollux’s legs in one go without adverse effects if you had the right spell. As it were, I’ve developed many novel healing spells.”

“I would appreciate any insight,” Ren Xiyang said humbly. “I was thinking that three spells targeting the nerves, bone, and muscle could be combined together to work in tandem. I know that bone-strengthening spells exist, and muscle-healing spells also exist. It’s the nerves that I’m unclear about…”

“As it turns out, there are indeed spells related to the nervous system. You should have asked a healer,” Duke Schauss said. “However, they cannot be used to heal extensive paralysis. I suspect we need to attach it to a mapping spell so that the healing spell understands the body structure across the leg, rather than only a localised position.”

“Mapping spell?”

“You don’t even know any healing mapping spells?”

“I’ve always explored using perception magic and guided healing magic directly. Do you have any reference for these mapping spells? Prince Rian can help me.”

Duke Schauss’s lips thinned. “Why wait? I’ll teach you the standard one that all healers should know right now…”



Unknowingly, Duke Schauss spent an hour talking with Earl Rosewood about healing magic theory. After he taught Earl Rosewood a basic mapping spell, they started brainstorming how to combine it other known spells. Earl Rosewood also magically demonstrated how he would heal nerves, which made Duke Schauss think about what spells were similar…

It was his daughter who came to them, and Earl Rosewood who noticed her approaching their room via whatever method he used.

“Cassiopeia is here. Thank you for your time, Your Grace,” Earl Rosewood said. “Would you like to both stay for dinner?”

“My wife is waiting for us,” Duke Schauss said.

They exited the drawing room, where Cassiopeia and Maria were waiting for them outside.

“Cassiopeia, let’s go home.” Duke Schauss pursed his lips. “Why are you covered in cat hair?” With a wave of a hand, he magically pulled off all the cat hair from Cassiopeia’s clothing.

Maria neatly stepped forward to accept the ball of cat hair. “Thank you, Your Grace.”

Duke Schauss led Cassiopeia out of the Rosewood house, and into their waiting carriage.

“Father, what were you talking with Ayden about for so long? It’s not about my research with Ayden, is it?” Cassiopeia asked.

“No, he had questions about healing theory,” Duke Schauss said. His lips thinned. He may dislike Earl Rosewood, but he still had professional standards. Earl Rosewood was wasted as a mere farmer. Rather than studying with Anya Rose, Duke Schauss could train Earl Rosewood to be so much more. Aside from his own daughter, Earl Rosewood was among the most promising young healer mages.

Maybe he could convince Earl Rosewood to become a healer… After all, wasn’t Earl Rosewood very interested in healing? He was healing Prince Pollux, and he was involved in the Royal Healers’ Assocation, and he was even talking to Cassiopeia about healing…

Cassiopeia looked at him, thinking that her father was annoyed. “Ayden isn’t a bad person,” she said. “I talked with him earlier. We’re ready to tell others about what we’re working on. Can I talk to you later?”

“Yes. I also need to talk to you,” Duke Schauss said. “Come to my office after dinner.”


The Schauss’s property in the Capital wasn’t too far from the Rosewood house. It didn’t take long for them to arrive.

As they exited the carriage, Cassiopeia asked, “While you were busy, I met Lord Terra’s new kitten. Father, Prince Pollux told me that Wolfgang Titian has a lot of other cats. Could we get a cat too?”

“If you want a cat, we’ll get you a cat,” Duke Schauss said indulgently. “However, you must learn how to remove fur from your clothes.”

Cassiopeia beamed. “Thank you, Father!"



Over dinner, Cassiopeia told her mother about her cat-acquirement plans, and her mother agreed, and even agreed to help find a reputable cat-breeder.

“Or I could ask Wolfgang? Princess Sasha used to be Wolfgang’s.”

“Darling, Young Lord Wolfgang may not be willing to part with any more cats,” Duchess Schauss said.

“Oh…that makes sense.”

After dinner, Cassiopeia followed her father to his office.

“Why don’t you go first,” Duke Schauss said.

“Have you read those booklets that I help create?” Cassiopeia asked.

“Of course,” Duke Schauss said.

“Did you read the parts on transgender people?”

Duke Schauss narrowed his eyes. “What do they have to do with your work?”

“Well, after Ayden told me about them, I wanted to try to use direct healing magic to change their bodies to match their gender. So that a man would have—cough—male parts, and vice versa for women.” Cassiopeia faltered, unable to say the word ‘sex [characteristics]’ in front of her father.

“You want to use the reference healing method to transform women into men and men into women,” Duke Schauss said.

Cassiopeia nodded.

“While I have personally met people who have atypical combinations of sex characteristics, I’ve never met a ‘transgender’ person,” Duke Schauss said.

“Oh, you mean intersex people? Then how did you heal them?”

“They come in for other ailments. There’s no way to alter their bodies, and nor do they request it.”

“Hmm,” Cassiopeia hummed, unconvinced. “Well. Anyway. Ayden and I have a solution! But we need some help, both on the healing method side, and on the everything-else side. Ayden says he wants to acquire some ‘co-funding’ to open a clinic dedicated to altering these characteristics. He plans to go and talk to the Capital Hospital.”

“Funding would hardly be necessary. The number of people who would need such services is vanishingly small.”

“Hmmmmm,” Cassiopeia hummed, unconvinced. “But Father… I still want to try! Look, Crown Prince Rian opened a centre for rare diseases. Why can’t I open a clinic for rare conditions too? I’ve been talking with Ayden about this for over a year now, and I really want to try. Please, Father?”

Cassiopeia did her best sad-pleading eyes.

Duke Schauss sighed. “Very well.”

Cassiopeia lit up. “Thank you, Father!!! I love you!”


“I’ll provide as much funding as the Capital Hospital will put in,” Duke Schauss said.

Cassiopeia continued to smile. “I trust Ayden. It might not a large percentage of people, but I think it will help improve the life quality of some people. And once I’m better at the reference healing method, then I could learn to do things like restoring the legs of people who can’t walk. Maybe we could even develop how to re-grow limbs, or at least make prosthetic limbs with magical nerves…! Will you support me, Father?”

“Of course.”

Cassiopeia’s eyes curved. “You’re the best Father ever.”

Duke Schauss raised his chin, pleased.

“I’ll talk with Ayden some more about the details before getting back to you. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?”


Cassiopeia looked at her father curiously.

Her father looked conflicted. “Cassiopeia…I want you to be honest with me. Do you like Earl Rosewood?”

Cassiopeia blushed. “Father! He’s just helping me. I don’t like him like that!”

“He’s similar to you in age, and he’s a promising healer. He has an acceptable personality and a good work ethic. And aside from his penchant for long black hair despite being a fire mage, he is handsome…”

Cassiopeia looked at her father in shock. “Are you trying to convince me to date Ayden?”

“Of course not! But do you want to? If you do then…I will try to support you,” Duke Schauss said.

“He’s not interested, and I’m not interested,” Cassiopeia said.


“If Ayden liked anyone, wouldn’t it be Florence? Otherwise, I think Ayden really likes his work.” Cassiopeia gave her father a look. “Really, I’m not interested. You don’t have to come with me every time. I know that you’re busy.”

“Not too busy for you.”

Cassiopeia gave him a quick smile. “Is there anything else?”

“No, that’s all.”

Cassiopeia stood up. “Thank you, Father. Good night!”

Duke Schauss stood up and walked with Cassiopeia to the door. “Sweet dreams, Cassiopeia.”

“Sweet dreams,” Cassiopeia replied. She returned to her bedroom. Only then did she shake her head in disbelief.





Duke Schauss: Heh, I learned about the method to heal paralysis from Earl Rosewood without having to pay a damn consultation fee.

Ren Xiyang: I was able to consult with Duke Schauss, premier healer in the kingdom, for free. Nice.

Wulfflæd Titian (Wolfgang’s sister): PLEASE take away another cat. Two, even!

Duke Schauss: Now that I think about it, Earl Rosewood is…a somewhat acceptable candidate.

Cassiopeia: Did my father really just ask me that???

Rian: (≖_≖ )




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