These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 237: [Extra] Pollux x Hadrian

Over the academic year, Hadrian improved his industrial glass further. He wouldn’t construct a building out of it, but he could make quite large panes. Ayden seemed to have less worry and made a greenhouse in the Capital out of thin metal and big panes of glass.

Ayden put plants, a table and chairs inside the greenhouse and called it a ‘glass room’. By sitting inside, one could enjoy the plants inside and outside. It was especially pleasing to sit inside on those deceptively cold blue-sky days.

This sparked interest from other nobles and wealthy persons, and Hadrian received more orders. Architects were also becoming creative in thinking about how a building could incorporate large panes of glass.

Meanwhile, Pollux had been working on developing maglev trains.

Ayden gave ideas but wasn’t involved in the day-to-day development—even Prince Rian and Prince Alexius were more involved in development. Prince Rian reviewed the spells that Pollux and the other developers made, while Prince Alexius dreamed up ideas about the maglev train’s external and interior design, which were then drawn up by others.

Pollux and the others made some semi-working miniature prototypes. There were concerns about the magical expenditure on the big scale. The answer to this was to create a full-scale single-carriage maglev train. But this meant they needed more space and a lot more materials. The biggest warehouse in Sedaveria was being built right now in the outskirts of the Capital.

Both Hadrian and Pollux were busy. Everything was on track.

The lazy lives of Princess Sasha and Lady Artemis were much more relaxing in comparison. Coming home and hugging them was a big stress-reliever.

Although Hadrian and Pollux had wanted three houses in a row, even Prince Rian was unable to find suitable properties in the inner Capital. It was difficult to find any houses for sale in the inner Capital, as the nobility were entrenched and would only sell their family property under great duress.

In the end, Hadrian and Pollux purchased houses outside the core inner-nobility ring, in an area with a mixture of homes of wealthy commoners and some nobility.

Hadrian stayed at Pollux’s house on most days, on account of the Angian chefs there and so that Lady Artemis could have company. (Among other reasons.)

When summer came, they said goodbye to their friends in the Sedaverian capital and headed back to Angio.



Hadrian saw Prince Pollux’s convoy off for as long as he could. When he came back to the Terra castle, what he had been fearing was happening: his mother was standing at the door, waiting for him.

“Hello, Mother. Is there something urgent?” Hadrian asked.

“We need to talk,” Marchioness Terra said.

Hadrian hung his head. “Yes, Mother.”

He had kept in contact with his parents while in Sedaveria, but the distance made it easier to be vague about the state of his courtship with an ‘unknown person’.

His mother led him into his father’s office, where his father was also waiting.

“How was your trip?” Marquis Terra asked.

“It was smooth,” Hadrian said.

Marchioness Terra gave him a stern look. “You have been courting for over a year now. Why haven’t we heard anything? Why haven’t you proposed yet?”

Hadrian sweated. “That…”

“This kind of behaviour is very improper,” Marchioness Terra said. “You cannot lead someone for this long. Do you even have a chaperone when you meet?”

Hadrian blushed. “There are usually others around.”


“We’ve discussed it, and we’re ready to tell our families about the other person,” Hadrian said.

“Is it a man?” Marchioness Terra asked.

Hadrian jolted. “How did you know?”

Marquis Terra’s eyes widened. “What?!”

“Who is it?” Marchioness Terra asked.

“I have been courting His Highness Prince Pollux.”

Marchioness Terra blinked with some surprise. “I see.”

Marquis Terra’s mouth dropped open. “Pardon? Do you mean His Highness Prince Pollux Lūpiter?!”

“Yes, Father.”

“How? When? Aren’t you good friends?” Marquis Terra couldn’t understand it.

“Yes, Father.”

“You may leave, your father and I have things to discuss,” Marchioness Terra said.

Hadrian lowered his head. “Yes, Mother.”

After Hadrian left, Marquis Terra recovered from his shock.

His Highness Prince Pollux! There are dozens of young noblewomen yearning to marry him!” Marquis Terra said.

“Increased involvement with the Imperial family is risky,” Marchioness Terra said with a sigh. “I thought he liked that Baron Baltasar Cordovan…”

Marquis Terra looked at her in shock. “What?”

“After Lady Florence Sage announced her engagement with Lady Hespera Umber, I knew it couldn’t be them. Hadrian doesn’t spend much time with many others though. He had to be courting a man. Isn’t it obvious?”

Marquis Terra felt choked. “There are women in his research group! He could have been courting one of them.”

“But he doesn’t have dinner with them outside group functions,” Marchioness Terra said. She frowned. “Hadrian mentioned that they were ready to tell their families. That suggests that His Highness will tell Her Majesty soon. We will need to await her message, if any.” Marchioness Terra nodded to herself. “I’ll go and double check our accounts, it won’t do to have any mistake. And you should worry about heading to the capital and attending morning court in the future.”

With that, she left Marquis Terra’s office first.

Marquis Terra was left blinking and confused and bewildered. He still couldn’t fully comprehend the fact that Hadrian was courting Prince Pollux, let alone think about what to do next!



Pollux was welcomed back warmly by Aurelia, Marcia and Ariadne. It was a bitter-sweet feeling to see how Ariadne had grown while he was gone; same as that bitter-sweet feeling of seeing how Angio had changed in his absence.

This time, he rode on a horse alongside his sisters from the city gates to the castle. The feast that night was wonderful, aside from the numerous young noblewomen eyeing him.

The next day, Pollux went to Aurelia’s office. Marcia and Ariadne were also there. He had requested a meeting with them.

Lady Iris Helios served them refreshments and left.

“Go ahead, Pollux,” Aurelia said.

“There is something important that I want to tell all of you,” Pollux said. “I’m currently courting Lord Hadrian Terra.”

Aurelia, Marcia and Ariadne did well to suppress their shock.

“You wish for us to reach out to the Terra family and arrange the engagement,” Aurelia said.

Pollux nodded. He had thought about proposing to Hadrian in the way Prince Rian did, but he ultimately decided on following tradition. Courting itself was already an expression of interest and commitment to future marriage. To be proper, the marriage alliance should be coordinated by their family members, rather than between him and Hadrian directly.

And Pollux wanted to do this properly and show Hadrian how serious he was.

(Marriage between men had been legalised in Angio earlier by Aurelia, so that wouldn’t be problem.)

“Lord Hadrian Terra, Marquis Terra’s eldest son?” Marcia asked.

“Lord Hadrian Terra, the one who’s making that new glass?” Ariadne asked.

Aurelia glanced at them. “Has Lord Hadrian Terra ever come to the Capital?”

“The last time he came, he was accompanying Prince Rian and Ayden,” Pollux said.

Pollux faced several questions from his sisters about Hadrian’s personality, character, appearance, ability and wealth, and then questions about the Terra family, and then questions about children. For the last question, Pollux mentioned Ayden’s idea of turning sperm into eggs, combining sperm and eggs to create a fertilised embryo with their combined bloodline, and surrogacy.

Eventually, Pollux wanted children. He felt that Hadrian would be a good father.

Finally, Aurelia nodded. “Very well. You may marry Lord Terra. When do you want others to know?”

“You can tell whoever you wish. I trust the people that you trust,” Pollux said. “As for the formal announcement, this should be done once our families’ marriage agreements are complete.”

Aurelia nodded.

With no more questions, Pollux left first, a spring in his step. He was nervous but excited, and ready for the new phase in his life.

Now it was time for him to make Hadrian’s engagement ring.



Aurelia told Iris, because she fully trusted Iris and wanted Iris’s help in communicating with the Terra family. Within a few days, they sent a message to Marquis and Marchioness Terra requesting time to discuss the matter of the engagement between their families.

When the Terra parents told Hadrian, Hadrian was surprised.

“Why are you surprised?” Marquis Terra grumbled.

“I hadn’t expected His Highness to…” Hadrian said.

Marchioness Terra narrowed her eyes. “Do you not wish to marry?”

“I want to,” Hadrian said.

He excused himself (ran away) before his parents could ask him more. So, while his parents had some long-distance discussions with Queen Aurelia, he was locked up inside his workshop, making an engagement ring.



Several weeks later, Marquis Terra, Marchioness Terra and Hadrian went to the Capital, leaving the Terra fief under the management of Julia Terra, the eldest daughter.

Queen Aurelia didn’t make things difficult for them and discussions about the engagement had gone smoothly. These discussions had included writing down conditions of the marriage, legal rights during the marriage, any powers that Hadrian would acquire upon becoming the consort of a prince, and what would happen in the event of divorce or death.

Now, it was time for the final stages of agreement, the exchange of engagement rings, and the formal announcement.

Hadrian and his parents hadn’t expected Queen Aurelia herself to be waiting for them at the city gates.

Standing next to Queen Aurelia was Prince Pollux

Hadrian’s eyes brightened when he saw Prince Pollux.

Pollux smiled softly when he saw Hadrian.

Hadrian and his parents disembarked their carriage at the city gates in order to greet Queen Aurelia and Prince Pollux.

“Your Highness, that jacket looks very good,” Hadrian said shyly.

Pollux blushed. “I see that you also have a new jacket.”

Hadrian smoothed his jacket. “For the special occasion.”

Hadrian’s parents: “…”

Aurelia: “…”

They hadn’t realised their son/brother had this side to him!

“Let’s return to the castle,” Aurelia said.

“Hadrian,” Marquis Terra called.

Hadrian lowered his head. “See you soon, Your Highness.”

“Hm,” Pollux said.

They could see their son’s/brother’s reluctance when they had to part!



Queen Aurelia housed the Terra family in the guest quarters at the castle.

There was a lot of curiousity when they attended the dinner at the castle that evening. Other nobles attending the dinner asked Marquis Terra about their purpose for coming.

“There are some matters of collaboration to discuss with Her Majesty,” Marquis Terra said.

Marquis Terra didn’t offer more information, and it was impolite to push further, especially in the presence of Queen Aurelia.

This didn’t stop the other nobles from speculating in their minds. It was known that Marquis Terra preferred not to attract Imperial attention. Yet, what big collaboration was being planned that would make him come all the way to the Capital? How much money was Marquis Terra about to make—or lose?



The next day, while Marquis Terra and Queen Aurelia were attending morning court, Prince Pollux showed Hadrian around the castle.

Prince Pollux’s guards followed them silently.

When Hadrian saw the agricultural fields being worked by various noblemen, he was amazed. “How did this happen?”

“Lady Iris Helios corralled them,” Pollux said. “Before any nobleman could become a gentleman-in-waiting or join the Queen’s board, they have to past certain skills tests.”

“I see…” Hadrian was now more confused than amazed, but he didn’t question it.

Together, Pollux and Hadrian visited the gardens, the library, the potions laboratory, the mage tower, the training groups, and Prince Pollux’s quarters.

This place would become Hadrian’s home in the future.



After lunch, Hadrian, his parents, Prince Pollux, Queen Aurelia, and several lawyers convened in the meeting room near Queen Aurelia’s office.

They read through the agreements one more time. Pollux and Hadrian signed in triplicate, as did Queen Aurelia and Marquis Terra.

Pollux and Hadrian looked at each other. Their hearts skipped a beat.

“Now, for the exchange of rings,” Marchioness Terra said softly.

Pollux and Hadrian walked up to each other. Pollux pulled a ring box out of his pocket.

“Hadrian, please accept this ring.” Pollux took the magic-warm ring and threaded it through Hadrian’s ring finger.

“Thank you, Your Highness.” Hadrian admired his new ring, before kneeling down on one knee. “Your Highness.”

Pollux’s heart thumped. “Yes.”

Hadrian took out the ring he had prepared and placed it on Pollux’s ring finger. With the same hand, Pollux helped Hadrian stand up.

Hadrian pulled his hand back slightly, but Pollux held on. Hadrian’s ears went red. They were holding hands with their families present!

Pollux pretended to be unfazed. This was just the beginning.



With the formal agreements made and the engagement rings exchanged, it was time for the formal announcement.

With everyone’s consent, Queen Aurelia announced it at the end of morning court the next day.

Mouths dropped open, minds were blown, and gazes went to Marquis Terra!

Did Queen Aurelia hate Prince Pollux and Marquis Terra, thus forcing Prince Pollux to marry Marquis Terra’s eldest son?!

—Traditionally, the men and women who married into the Imperial family couldn’t hold duke/marquis/earl/viscount/baron positions.

Was Prince Pollux infected by Prince Rian of Sedaveria and thus went to find a man to marry?!

Did Queen Aurelia want something from Marquis Terra?

Was there blackmail involved? There had to be blackmail involved!

“That is all. Morning court is dismissed, unless you want to do more work,” Lady Iris Helios said sharply.

The nobles quickly rose to their feet, muttered a “All hail her Majesty,” and shuffled out of the court room, minds a-whirl.

The nobles who attended lunch that day couldn’t help but look at Prince Pollux, sitting with unknown young man who had to be Lord Hadrian Terra.

They couldn’t tell if Hadrian Terra was lucky or unlucky.

(Later, some smart (?) thinking noblewomen and parents of noblewomen would turn their attention from Prince Pollux to Princess Marcia. After all, what if Princess Marcia was amenable to women? As it would turn out, Marcia already had an eye on a noble gentleman, and her own engagement would be announced.)



After lunch, Pollux and Hadrian went for a walk around the castle gardens. Pollux’s guards followed them, working double duty as both protectors and chaperones.

Now that their engagement was announced, they could hold hands in public.

Pollux’s heart felt a warm flutter. Holding Hadrian’s hand made him feel safer than his guards.

Hadrian’s initial embarrassment and discomfort turned into a sense of love and loyalty and responsibility with Pollux gave him a small smile. It was his responsibility to make his prince happy and joyful.

In the future, they would hold a wedding ceremony in Angio. Princess Sasha and Lady Artemis would be special cat-guests.

The wedding ceremony would also a reason for Sedaverians such as Crown Prince Rian and Marquis Rosewood to visit.

(This diplomacy event would go better than the previous one.)

In the future, on the night of the wedding ceremony, Prince Pollux and Hadrian would consummate their marriage and find new ways to love each other.

In the future, Hadrian would complete his research degree, developing more and more varied glass, expanding the Terra family’s wealth.

In the future, Pollux would complete his role in the development of maglev trains and he would return to Angio with Hadrian. In Angio, Pollux would start up a local workshop to make their own maglev trains, according to the agreed specifications.

And in the future, Pollux and Hadrian would have two children, a boy and a girl. They would make sure that their children knew that their fathers loved them and protected them.

But for now, Pollux and Hadrian admired the castle gardens’ flowers. They had been here just yesterday, but somehow, holding hands made the colours so much more vivid and the day so much better.







Author: _(: 」∠)_

Prince Pollux’s guards 🤝 Prince Rian’s guards




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