These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 244: [Extra] Thank you for loving me

The wedding of the millennium was scheduled for autumn, eight years after Ren Xiyang and Rian met.

At this time in Rian’s first life, he had already died and turned into a ghost. In this life, he was lively and energetic, throwing himself into the final preparations for his wedding!

In the month leading up to the wedding, Rian was very busy. Despite his over five years of planning (two years of dedicated planning), there was a rush as the special date approached: making sure construction and furnishing was complete, putting in the final touches, and dealing with unexpected occurrences. Rings, half a dozen outfits for different situations, majestic horses, decorated royal floating carriages, special uniforms for friends and family and key staff and mysterious floating mirrors were among the many things to finalise.

Ren Xiyang was looking forward to the wedding. He appreciated Rian’s eye for detail and his hard work and did his best to cooperate with Rian in every way possible. Yes, yes, he’d give Rian some compensation in bed later.

As the wedding date approached, the Rosewood fief and the Capital received many distinguished guests. Marquis Terra, Countess Venenum, Baron Vitus Natrium and his siblings were among the people from Angio who arrived. Queen Aurelia from Angio didn’t come, but she sent Chief Executive Lady Iris Helios as her representative. Ren Xiyang and Queen Mira spent time with Lady Helios touring key locations in the Rosewood fief and Capital fief and discussing work.

Several royals from the Hraun Nation also arrived, as well as representatives from other surrounding kingdoms and nations. Nobles and citizens from around Sedaveria congregated in the Capital, making for lively dinners at the Imperial Palace.



The wedding was a multi-day affair. It started in two separate locations: the Rosewood manor in the Rosewood fief and the Imperial Palace in the Capital.

At mid-morning, a large procession left the Rosewood manor, with Ren Xiyang at the centre. Ren Xiyang was dressed in full Rosewood regalia and stood on top of a floating carriage. In the procession were the Rosewood staff, with his inner ring closest to him, including Florence, Kel, Maria, and Mrs Cooks. At the front of the procession were the knights and guards clearing the way and musicians with drums, trumpets, flutes and so forth playing lively music. Flag bearers carried Rosewood banners at the front and back of the procession.

Rosewood residents and visitors who were Marquis-Rosewood-fans flocked the streets to see the procession pass by.

“Marquis Rosewood!! AHH!!!”

“Congratulations my Lord!”

“Happy marriage!”

Ren Xiyang, feeling embarrassed, waved at the people who had gathered. “Thank you, thank you,” he said.

Even if those gathered couldn’t hear him, they understood his sentiment. The cheering grew louder.

For a whole day, with a break in the middle for lunch, the procession travelled from the Rosewood manor to the border of the Rosewood fief and the Capital fief, where the wedding ceremony would be held. With all the new buildings, this location was no longer a small mid-journey point, but a destination. As such, Rian had named this place Anxi.

Aside from the main venue, there was several large halls, huge kitchens, plenty of accommodation, and various facilities. Land had already been demarcated for the future railway track. The roads to Anxi had been renovated, and there was already a regular Rosewood Group transport service that went from Redmond to the Capital, passing through this area. Private individuals and families also built houses or shops around the area as they realised the future business opportunity. Anxi’s first use would be for the wedding, but in the future, other major events would also be hosted here, including academic and work conferences.

When Ren Xiyang and his procession arrived, they stopped on the western Rosewood side. By this point, it was evening. Ren Xiyang thanked everyone for coming with him on this procession. The procession disbanded and everyone, including Ren Xiyang, settled into their accommodation for the night. Ren Xiyang changed into outfit number two and gathered in one of the large halls to have dinner.

Rian’s day was the same as Ren Xiyang’s. His procession begun at the Imperial Palace in the Capital and included his parents and brother. They slowly travelled to Anxi and settled for the night on the Capital fief’s side.

It wasn’t a quiet night by any means. Although Ren Xiyang and Rian and their core groups stayed separated, following the tradition of not seeing each other the night before the wedding, others had no such restrictions. Merchants and peddlers had set up road-side stalls and the new shops at Anxi were open until late. Hotels and dormitories were full, and tents had been set up on the outskirts.

Rian’s accommodation for the night was on the other side of Anxi, separated several kilometres from Ren Xiyang. He approached the window, looking out into the dark night.

I miss you so much, Rian sent, his thoughts laced with longing.

Ren Xiyang was getting ready for bed. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, he sent back calmly.

Ren Xiyang didn’t need to see him to know that Rian was making a sad face. Exasperated fondness grew in Ren Xiyang’s chest. Oh, Rian…Do you regret anything?

I don’t regret holding the wedding tomorrow, Rian returned. I regret that we didn’t organise to see each other from the distance this afternoon.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow, Ren Xiyang replied. I want to see everything that you’ve prepared. I know that I’ll love it.

Rian responded with a pulse of warm feelings. I won’t delay our beauty sleep!



Ren Xiyang wore outfit number three for breakfast the next day, before changing into outfit number four around mid-morning.

Outfit number four was what he’d be wearing for the ceremony itself. It was black and red and white, and full of intricate detail and tailored exquisitely. When Ren Xiyang stood in front of the mirror, he felt handsome and good.

Ren Xiyang’s heart thumped. He was excited, nervous, and full of sweetness, his emotions unexpectedly strong. The bright smiles of everyone around him made him feel a bit shy.

The processions re-formed and went from their accommodation to the main venue, approaching on opposite sides. There were many people who watched them, cheering.

Those who had invites had already taken their seats in the main venue—an outdoor amphitheatre. It was the largest outdoor amphitheatre on the continent. There was a raised stage, with a backdrop of trees and flowers and flowering vines curling around large arches. The area was full of magic, including the ability to cast a shield over the amphitheatre in case of rain. There were also magical lighting and several very large mirrors suspended in the air and many small mirrors located facing the stage.

Those who didn’t have invites had to stay outside, directed to various large squares with very large suspended mirrors.

The musicians of both processions detached and entered the venue first. Then, the majority of the individuals in the processions took their seats, while Ren Xiyang and Rian waited outside.

King Edric and the head of the church of the Saintess went on stage. At noon precisely, the ceremony begun.

Warm, triumphant music played and the suspended mirrors in the amphitheatre, outside the amphitheatre, and all around the kingdom stopped reflecting and instead showed images of the stage, of Marquis Rosewood, and of Crown Prince Rian!

Rian set up thousands of large mirrors in the squares of major cities and towns across all the fiefs in the kingdom. Initially, they only showed the weather. The people secretly thought that Crown Prince Rian was wasting his money. When the news was released that citizens from across the kingdom could witness the royal wedding using this mirrors can out, the people were a bit sceptical. Many common people had no contact with magical communication mirrors.

Unexpectedly, the image quality was really good, and there was even sound transmission!

On these mirrors, everyone could see Marquis Rosewood and Crown Prince Rian. And they could see just how their outfits matched.

The style of clothes was the same and the colours of their clothes were alternating. Where Marquis Rosewood had white, Crown Prince Rian had black and vice versa; where Marquis Rosewood had red, Crown Prince Rian had blue. They had long capes that trailed behind them.

The music swelled when Ren Xiyang and Rian entered the venue from opposite sides of the front stage.

Their eyes met. Rian’s lips curled up and Ren Xiyang’s eyes softened.

Warmth, love, fondness, excitement. They could feel each other’s emotions, making them feel twice as happy, twice as excited, twice as warm.

The music changed, becoming more solemn.

Step by step, they approached each other, before stopping in the middle in front of King Edric and the head of the church.

Mrs Cooks and Florence stood to the side by Ren Xiyang, while Queen Mira and Alexius stood to the side by Rian.

“Welcome all,” King Edric said. His gaze swept across the audience; those watching via the mirrors felt as though he was also looking at them.

“Long live His Majesty,” everyone said.

“Today, we are gathered here to witness the marriage of Crown Prince Rian and Marquis Ayden Rosewood. This is not the beginning of a new relationship, but the start of a new stage of their lives. Over the years, we have seen these two young men’s strong friendship. We have seen them work together for the benefit of the kingdom. It is my pleasure to preside over their wedding today.”

Queen Mira stepped forward. She gave a reading from a text, provided by Rian. “Dear love of my heart, I miss you terribly when we’re apart, and I long for you deeply when we’re together. Love is found in the small things, from the smile on your lips and the strength in your hands…” The words were full of love; they made couples remember each other, and it made single individuals yearn for a partner.

Queen Mira ended the reading and smiled at the two young men. “Rian and Ayden have known each other for over eight years. Today, we celebrate their love and bear witness to their bond.”

King Edric looked at the two young men. “Do you, Rian Azure, consent to enter this marriage with Ayden Rosewood?”

“I do,” Rian said.

“Do you, Ayden Rosewood, consent to enter this marriage with Rian Azure?”

“I do,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian looked at Ren Xiyang. “I vow to love you the most, for all eternity, till death and beyond, no matter what forms we may take. I promise to be by your side and to never wrong you and to never let anyone else wrong you. You are my best friend, my best partner, my dear lover. You have my heart, and I hope I have yours; with every beat, I love you more. I wish to spend today and every following day with you.”

“I vow to love you the most, for all time,” Ren Xiyang said. At that moment, he felt the deep truthfulness of his words. “I promise to walk by your side, to stand by your side, to support you as you have supported me. I will hold your heart carefully in my hands and keep it warm and loved. I promise that we will always be together.”

Then, Alexius and Florence both stepped over, each holding a small ring box.

Rian took the ring from Alexius first. “I made this ring for you, as a symbol of my enduring love. As I place this ring on you, I gift my heart and soul to you.”

Rian’s gaze was deep and solemn as he gently threaded the ring onto Ren Xiyang’s ring finger.

“Thank you.” Ren Xiyang took the second ring from Florence. “I made this ring for you, as a symbol of my enduring love. As I place this ring on you, I gift my heart and soul to you.” Ren Xiyang held Rian’s hand and put the ring on his finger.

“As the king of Sedaveria, I now pronounce you husband and husband,” King Edric said.

“As the representative of the Saintess, I give my blessing to this union,” the head of the church of the Saintess said.

“Friends, family, Sedaveria and beyond, allow me to present the newly married Crown Prince Rian Azure and his new husband consort, Marquis Ayden Rosewood,” King Edric said.

A roaring cheer rose up from the audience while Ren Xiyang and Rian took one final step closer. Flowers and petals rained gently on the stage as fireworks burst into the sky behind them.

The loud sounds faded as Ren Xiyang and Rian held each other, tilting their head for a soft kiss.

When they parted, Rian smiled at everyone. “Thank you all for gathering today to witness my marriage with my dear consort eternal, Marquis Rosewood.” He gave a little anecdote about their relationship that made the audience laugh; as he spoke, his gaze drifted from the audience to Ren Xiyang.

Ren Xiyang looked back at him, holding his hand tightly.

They were married. It hadn’t quite settled in yet, but he could feel Rian’s overflowing joy overlapping with his own feelings.

“My dear, I look forward to many wonderful days ahead of us,” Rian said.

“I do too. Thank you, Rian. Thank you for everything. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for allowing me to love you.” Ren Xiyang pulled Rian into a hug.

It was clear to everyone watching that Crown Prince Rian and Marquis Rosewood had only each other in their eyes.

Mrs Cooks cried. She was so happy that Ayden had someone who could put him first in his heart. “Congratulations, Ayden. I wish you the best, and I’m so proud of how far you’ve come…” She cried even more when Ren Xiyang and Rian came over to hug her.

Queen Mira was also pulled into the hug. She didn’t cry, but her eyes grew wet as her heart was deeply touched.






Rian: Husband, husband, husband!!! Thousands of people saw our kiss, they know you’re mine ^_^

Ren Xiyang: hmm (indulgent)

Ms Cooks: They grow up so quick o(╥﹏╥)o

King Edric: What about my hug?





Writing this was harder than expected…

Remember the ship name suggestions? I chose the ship name “Anxi” suggested by lamou25 to name the location of the wedding~

Thank you to Nitsuga and Mndless for the idea of nationally broadcasting the wedding, and for Mndless for reminding me to have floating flowers and fireworks when they kiss! Also, the phrase “my dear consort eternal” comes from lazy cat Kohaku!




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