These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 31: Goodbye—for now

Unlike the adults, Cassiopeia hadn’t paid attention to the gossip about the Rosewood murders because she assumed that it was just like in the book.

However, something was wrong. Alyssa Rosewood was meant to be alive! Cassiopeia saw the coffin with Alyssa Rosewood’s name, but she didn’t believe it. She knew the novel inside and out. It wasn’t clear whether or not Alyssa had attended the funerals in the novel—since the novel would start in a few years. But she certainly shouldn’t be in that coffin!

Not to mention, there was no Ayden Rosewood in the novel!

Was this Ayden Rosewood a fake? He looked so cold, just like a villain too. He didn’t even seem sad about his “family’s” deaths!

Suddenly, Cassiopeia came to a realisation: Alyssa Rosewood must still be injured and under witness protection! This ‘Ayden Rosewood’ must be a person that the Capital Investigators and Imperial Council were using to (unsuccessfully) lure out the people who had murdered the rest of the Rosewood family. ‘Ayden Rosewood’ won’t last long, he would either disappear or become unimportant by the time the novel started when Cassiopeia entered the Imperial Magical Academy.

Everything that was happening now was only background scenes that the author didn’t mention because it wasn’t important.

Her older brother Perseus secretly nudged her, breaking Cassiopeia from her thoughts.

“Cassiopeia, do you like him or something?" he whispered, eyes sparkling mischievously as he glanced at Ayden Rosewood.

“No!” Cassiopeia shook her head, pouting at the teasing. Far from it!

But the words reminded her of where she was.

She put the non-issue about Alyssa away. It was just like how she had to attend many classes with various tutors—while it was briefly mentioned in the novel, it was not like the full detail of actually living through it.

Cassiopeia walked forward and respectfully gave her condolences to ‘Earl Ayden Rosewood’ before she and the rest of her family headed to the cluster of nobles around the Imperial Family.



The funerals were straightforward. After everyone had a chance to give their condolences and pay their respects, Solicitor Carmine handed proceedings over to the Priestess from the Church of the Saintess. The Priestess in turn invited King Edric to speak.

King Edric gave an eulogy about Roland Rosewood’s past achievements.

The Priestess then invited Earl Rosewood to speak.

Ren Xiyang said some prepared words about the goodness of each of his family members and how he would miss them. As long as he focused entirely on the innocent, naïve life of Alyssa Rosewood that now existed in his memories, he could infuse some sadness and emotion into his voice.

The Priestess then said her own words. She directed the servants to lower the coffins, cover the graves and move the stone headstones into place. Ren Xiyang stepped forward and placed bouquets of white roses by each grave.

With that, the proceedings ended.

Various nobles continued to mill about, looking as though they wanted to speak to Ayden Rosewood some more, but Ren Xiyang wanted to leave immediately.

Rian Azure looked over towards Ayden Rosewood.

“We have to go back to the Capital,” Queen Mira reminded him.

“Yes, Imperial Mother. However, it would be impolite for me to leave without speaking to Earl Rosewood first,” Rian said seriously.

“Very well,” Queen Mira gave the permission.

Rian turned to his younger brother. “Alexius, come, I’ll introduce you to someone who can beat you in a duel.”

Alexius pursed his lips. “…If you give me…” he started pointedly.

Rian laughed and took out one gold coin.

Alexius accepted it, dropping it into his coin purse with a clink! “Let’s go,” he said, eyes brightening. In fact, he had wanted to meet this Ayden Rosewood for a while too—Ayden was as strong as his brother!! All the other noble kids always lost against Rian!

As the two headed over to Ayden Rosewood, Rian leaned in and said, “You’re very cheap, little brother.”

Alexius turned his head in indignation, but before he could protest, Rian was already speaking to Ayden Rosewood.

“Earl Rosewood, I’ll be returning to the Capital now,” Rian said. His lips curved up. “Come to the Capital soon, I’ll personally show you around the Palace.”

“As a favour or as a friend?”

“As a friend,” Rian said firmly.

“Then I would not turn down something free,” Ren Xiyang said lightly.

Rian’s lips twitched. “I understand now.”

“Oh, you’ve perceived the secrets of the universe?”

“Won’t you say that I’m currently the person who knows you best?”

After thinking about it, Ren Xiyang shook his head. “No, that’s me. You’re second.”

The nobles-with-no-sense-of-existence listening in: “…” Did twelve-year-olds speak like this? Did the eldest prince speak like this? And it seemed that Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood had a very good relationship…

At that moment, Alexius elbowed him.

Rian patted Alexius. “Earl Rosewood, allow me to introduce my little brother, the second prince Alexius Azure.”

Ren Xiyang looked at the actually-innocent actual-child standing next to Rian. He lowered his head. “It’s my pleasure to meet your Highness, Prince Alexius.”

“Yes, good to meet you too, Earl Rosewood,” Alexius returned. He hesitated.

Ren Xiyang looked at him. “Is there something you wanted to ask me?”

Alexius immediately nodded. “Yes! Did you really beat my big brother? Can you teach me to beat him?”

“No, and no.”

Alexius blinked, stunned at the refusal. “Huh? But why?”

Rian sighed regretfully. “Count Aegean ended our duel before anyone was injured.”

“And I’m a fire mage. Fire and ice move in different ways. I’m not a suitable teacher for you,” Ren Xiyang followed up.

“Oh.” Alexius deflated.

“You just watch carefully the next time I duel Earl Rosewood,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang: “…” This was the first he had heard of another duel with Rian. “In that case, do me a favour first, and then I’ll duel with you again.”

Rian smirked. “Oh, what is it?”

“There are several employees who were killed whose families live in the Capital. I trust you to pay their bereavement entitlements for me. I’ll send you the list and the money.”

I trust you, he had said. Rian became a little more serious. “I can do that. And there’s no need to send me the money, you can simply become in-debt to me.”

Ren Xiyang gave him a deadpan look. “At an extortionate interest rate? No thank you.” Thinking about the time delay of letters in this era, he glanced to the side, spotting Solicitor Carmine. “Solicitor Carmine,” he called, beckoning.

Solicitor Carmine walked over. “Greeting, your Highnessess. Yes, Earl Rosewood?”

“When you return to the Capital, Prince Rian will distribute the bereavement entitlements to the families living in the Capital I’ve listed previously,” Ren Xiyang said. “Give him the list and take the money from the Rosewood accounts and note it accordingly.”

“Yes, I’ll be completing this task for Earl Rosewood,” Rian added.

Solicitor Carmine nodded. “I understand, Earl Rosewood. It will be done without delay upon returning to the Capital.” After staying at the Rosewood summer manor, he was very clear on the good friendship between Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood.

“It’s not urgent, but it should be done,” Ren Xiyang said. “Are there any other matters relating to the funerals that I need to attend to?”

Solicitor Carmine shook his head. “The formal proceedings are complete. The servants have prepared lunch at the manor for those not leaving immediately.”

“I’ll leave it to you then,” Ren Xiyang said. Meaning, he’d leave it to Solicitor Carmine to talk with people.

“Understood, my Lord.”

Solicitor Carmine farewelled and bowed to the two princes and his lord and walked over to the other nobles.

Alexius looked at the departing Solicitor Carmine. He looked at his big brother. He looked at Earl Rosewood. He looked back at his big brother.

Rian ignored his little brother. “When we duel again, I’ll be sure to have someone else as referee.”

The corner of Ren Xiyang’s lips went up. “Good.”

Rian gazed at Earl Rosewood a moment longer, noticing that tiniest smile. If only his parents weren’t forcing him to go back. He sighed, acting as though he wasn’t going to be contacting Ayden Rosewood frequently via crystal ball. “Sadly, we can’t stand here and talk for any longer. Farewell, Earl Rosewood. We’ll meet again in the Capital!”

“Farewell, Earl Rosewood,” Alexius echoed.

“Have a safe trip, your Highnesses,” Ren Xiyang replied.

Rian and Alexius went back to their parents, and all four climbed in the Imperial carriage. Magical lights along the edge of the ceiling of the carriage automatically glowed.

Rian’s servants had loaded the carriage Count Aegean had taken down with his belongings and would follow them, along with Count Aegean and all the Royal Guards.

Rian looked through the window as the Imperial carriage pulled away.

It would have been more straightforward if Ayden Rosewood didn’t exist, and there was Alyssa Rosewood instead like in his past life.

But Rian was glad that Ayden Rosewood made an appearance in this second life. He was a very amusing person to tease interesting person to talk to. And his existence and ability to capture those assassins meant Rian had an excuse to investigate the Angio Kingdom. With Ayden, the two had made plans. It was a direct peer-to-peer form of collaboration that Rian had never experienced in his previous life.

Rian didn’t look out the window for long. He pulled the curtains over the window, so that the Imperial family could have privacy from outsiders.



After the Imperial Family left, Ren Xiyang also left, heading back to the Rosewood summer manor. He ignored the nobles who were meaningfully looking at him for conversation. Now that he had learned water purifying spells from Rian, he wanted to check the manor’s water.

And if those nobles thought he was anti-social? Perfect, that was exactly what he was going for.

Ren Xiyang didn’t need to look to sense the different heat sources around him and their movements. Rian Azure’s familiar heat shape was moving away.

There was a hollow feeling in Ren Xiyang’s chest. He smiled sardonically to himself. It wasn’t as though Rian had died like his family and friends in the apocalypse; and he was going to speak with Rian soon via crystal ball. Yet, feelings were always irrational.

Ren Xiyang looked forward, focused forward.

He had made a lot of plans, and he and Rian had made a lot of joint plans. He had also noted down the thoughts of the Rosewood employees. The changes he had made so far were going to snowball into the future.

They might be inside a het romance fantasy novel, but his life was taking on a miniature farming and fief-building flare.






Long distance relationship time~!

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